
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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322 Chs

Chapter 113

Lin Bei here, got the hint.

[Due to your unobtrusive crying, everyone present has only been loyal to you for 1 week.] < p idx="2">Gee, and how good his crying scene is.

he is not a descendant of Uncle Liu, saying that if he can cry, he can really cry.

is it possible to find a child to fall now?

No, this ability is unstable, but he wants to build his own company in this place.

if there is only such a short period of allegiance, when he goes to sea, when the time comes, he will not fall into civil strife again.

unless the task can be completed and the ability solidified.

but the task of this ability, to be honest, is a bit difficult.

[Today's Mission: Make Klockdar listen to you without using today's superpowers.] < p idx="10">hehe, this is someone who fought with Whitebeard.

Whitebeard failed to interrupt his ambitions, and he relied on Mo Zibao?


Lin Bei suddenly thought that the mission was just to get Klockdar to listen to him.

is it possible to say that just talk to Klockdar and let him listen to him and get the job done?

you can do it!

anyway, if it really doesn't work, there is no loss, after all, it has become an enemy with Klockdar, so it should be a cruel word in advance.

And what would Klockdar's face be if he knew that his loyal men had become his people?

Lin Bei would like to see it!

thinking about it, Lin Bei waved his hand, signaled all the Baroque studio members in front of him to put down their guns, and then asked people to incorporate these members.

then took out the phone worm of the person who contacted Klockdar before, although Lin Bei did not know that this was the phone worm that could contact Klockdar directly.

but what is certain is that the person behind this phone bug must be able to contact Klockdar.

"don't tickle, don't tickle, kacha ~"


> Klockdar was a little surprised at first how the phone bug rang again.

it soon occurred to him that it was possible that his two thousand men had solved the rebels in that stronghold.

this phone worm is a trophy.

Klockdar's personality is like this, very arrogant, thinking that everything is still under his control.

"Hey, which billionaire are you, is the battle over?"

"Moses Moses ~ Please help me find your boss, Mr.0."

Klockdar was silent, this is definitely not his own subordinate.

if it is, then he is definitely looking for death.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I forgot to report home, sorry."

I am the first minister of Princess Weiwei, the living Buddha of the desert, the savior of the country, and the great sage, Lin Bei. "

Klockdar gritted his teeth and said the true identity

of the caller "Pirate Lin Bei on the Straw Hat Regiment!?"

"... Which one are you? "

"I am Mr. 0 of Baroque Work Society!"

< p idx="38">oh~

Lin Bei also said without hesitation the identity of

the person on the other side of the phone "Klockdar!"

Klockdar's face turned dark

"Anyone who knows my identity will die a terrible death, you should know."

it's too late to ask me for mercy! < p idx="44"> Klockdar thought that it was because the two thousand people were about to break through the stronghold, so Lin Bei would call him and ask for mercy.

but did not think that Lin Bei's next sentence was

"Don't talk, you listen to me first."

Klockdar: ???

"The two thousand people you sent feel that your salary is too low, the overtime is endless, and the promotion channels are not obvious, so they have decided to join me."

Klockdar: !!!

"How is it possible!"

phone worm, Lin Bei sighed.

after Klockdar listened to him, the task was not completed.

it seems that this bug cannot be stuck, so forget it, use this ability to do as much as possible.

for example, Khlokdar called all his men, as many as there were, and then he used his ability to collect them all.

so that Klockdar is just a light pole commander.

the threat on the Baroque studio side, has been reduced a lot.

even if Klockdar came by himself, maybe even he would become his subordinate because of this ability.

even more interesting if that's the case.

Lin Beinian was here, so he decided to do it!

"Nothing impossible." Lin Beibian said, and then beckoned a few Baroque studio members who loyally submitted to Lin Bei because of their superpowers.

"Listen to the true voice of your men yourself."

Lin Bei said and handed the phone bug to the Baroque studio members who came over, and the members were very excited

"Can I swear?"

Lin Bei said, of course~

the members of the baroque immediately smeared honey on their small

mouths "Mr.0, I *** you **, who is enough for the forced salary you opened?

even if Lao Tzu does not join you, go and be a free pirate hunter, and you can drink and meat every day.

After joining the Baroque, good guy, forget about low salary, directly call me as a donkey.

Do you know the pain of getting up in the middle of the night to go to work? "

Klockdar clenched his fists

"Who are you talking to!"

"You shut up your pit for me!"

you have no idea how broken it is for someone who has to work in the middle of the night, don't you have a partner?

Oh yes, you definitely have no object, you are an old, psychopathic big shabi, you deserve to be alone all your life.

I ****, you ****, ****! "

Klockdar on the other side of the phone worm became short of breath, he never expected to be broken by his subordinates.

Lin Bei took the phone worm over at this time

"Hear your employees' accusations against you, the black-hearted boss who squeezes employees like you has only one end, that is, being hung on a street lamp!"

"Phew! Call! Call!

You, dead!

Although I don't know how you managed to rebel against them, you completely annoyed me, and I will show you the most terrifying power of the Baroque Work Society.

wash and die! "

Lin Bei is not flustered at all, and continues to mock Klockdar.

he wished Klockdar would send all his men today.

< p idx="85">"yo yo~

how many people do you have left?

there are only a few powerful people left, I all know, that is, a few Devil Fruit ability.

if you have the ability, you will shoot them all over and see if they turn their backs on you. "


Klockdar hung up the phone worm fiercely, he didn't want to talk to this bastard named Lin Bei, his blood pressure was high.

Klockdar directly gave the remaining high-level agents a hunting order for Lin Bei, by the way, he wanted them to find out why they went to a wave of people and were countered by a wave, he wanted to know the truth of the matter!