

Deku, Bakugo, and Y/n were childhood best friends even though Bakugo bullied Deku Y/n would scold him for being so rude to Deku but one day that all change. What will happen? Will Y/n still be friends with Deku and Bakugo or will she only be friends with one of them? Read to find out! This is copied and pasted from Wattpad! Wattpad: nevaek09

Taeleftpinkietoe · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


A/n: there are spoilers about Hawks/Keigo past

"I'm so sorry, It won't happen again"

When me and Izuku we're done hugging each other we grabbed our stuff and walked home together I asked him if he could come over but he said that his mother wanted him to be home.

When I got home it was quiet which probably means Keigo isn't here "Hello?! Keigo! Are you here?" I yelled to see if he was in the house.

I heard nothing in response so I went upstairs to my room and plopped on my bed today was a day.

I looked over to grab my phone I was scrolling through my contracts to see who I could call and I saw a name...


I pressed on the name I put my phone to my ear it was ringing, it rang for a bit until I heard a deep voice on the other end.

"What you want Flare?" he said using my nickname.

"Why did you tell Izuku to commit suicide?" I said trying to have a calm voice.

"Because maybe in the next life he might get a quirk hehe" he explained laughing.

"Y'know you would be better if you were a villain instead of trying to become a hero"

"WHAT YOU SAY!?" he yelled into the phone.

"You heard me if I hear you ever being rude to Izuku or anything just expect yourself going 6ft under," I said tightening my grip around my phone.

There was silence.

"Is that understood?" I asked.

"Yeah whatever"

"And I mean it!" I hung up the phone.

I aggressively lay down on my bed phone in hand I left out a loud sigh as I look into contacts and clicked.


The phone rang but it went straight to voicemail 'weird he should be home by now' I said in thought.

I laid down on my bed in silence until I heard my front door open and close "I'm back!" Keigo shouted.

I opened my door "did you bring food?" I asked now coming down the stairs.

"Yes now come eat," he said as he sat down the food on the dinner table already eating his food.

When I saw Keigo I rolled my eyes 'he didn't even wait until I came down' I saw that he was brought home some KFC.

"You know I don't like chicken," I said crossing my arms in disappointment.

"Yomemur foub iees in the misacrmowbvae" (your food is in the microwave) he said with his mouth full of his chicken leg.

I looked at him with a disgusted face "stop talking with your mouth full it's gross" I said walking over to the microwave.

When I opened the microwave I saw a cheeseburger from Five Guys and some fries I heated my food.

"So how was work?" I asked looking over at him.

"Same old, same old nothing really just some people robbed the bank and that's about it," he said now going over to get a biscuit.

"Could you turn on the tv for a sec?" I asked and he did as I asked.

When the tv turned on the news came on "Breaking news a sludge monster have attacked a child the pros are on the situation now" the news reporter announced the camera turned over to a kid trying to get out of the sludge monster.

The kid was screaming and shouting I could see some of his face 'is that-'

"Is that Katsu?" I asked Keigo turning my head towards him "Keigo you have to go and save him go, go!" I said trying to pull him off of his chair.

"I can't Y/n the pros can handle it," he said looking generally concerned.

"What you mean you 'can't' your the number 3 hero yes you can Keigo," I said crossing my arms.

"I just can't Y/n if I could I would," he said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Just in a green-haired kid ran into the scene to try to help the child that is captured by the sludge monster" I looked back to look at the tv.

The kid had green hair kind of looked like-"Izu!?" I said shooting my head towards Keigo "Keigo that's Izu" I said now sitting down.

A hero came down he said "I AM HERE" the all-mighty All Might said punching the villain and he took it down with one punch.

I let out a breath, a breath that I didn't know that I was holding in "thank God there alright" I said now putting my hands in a praying position.

"You okay kiddo?" Keigo asked rubbing my back.

"Yeah just stressed," I said looking up at him.

"Come on you need to eat," he said patting me on the back.

I got up and walked to the microwave to grab my dinner and I sat at the dinner table and I started eating.

"Can I have some of your fries?" Keigo asked about to grab one of my fries.

I slapped his hand out of the bag "you have your own food birdman" I said glaring at him.

He just looked at me and pouted sometimes he would act like a huge baby he huffed crossed his arms and walked back to his seat he was sitting before.

I started eating my burger Keigo started the conversation "how was school?" he asked taking a bite of his drum stick.

'How was it? Oh, I don't know? My best friend almost committed suicide because my other best friend told him he should do and he listened!?'

"Ok, I guess," I said taking another bite of my delicious burger.

"That's good so you told me you want to go to UA correct?" He asked drinking some water.

"Yes I do," I said with a determined face.

"Okay, I'm going to try to get you in UA by the recommendations hopefully you will get in, well because I am the number 3 hero," he said with a cocky smile.

"I bet I can get a higher rank than you," I said smirking.

I ate a piece of my fries "ah-ha sure you can" he said sarcastically "but in all seriousness, you need to start training if you want to get into shape I can ask Endeavour to train you" he said with a smile.

"No thank you that guy creeps me out," I said crossing my arms.

"Come on he's not creepy plus y'all basically have the same quirk so...this would be a great opportunity for you to train with him and get better at your quirk," he said in a matter of fact.

"Ugh okay I will think about it," I said throwing away the rest of my food.

"Thank you," Keigo said with a smile.

"And don't get your hopes up because the only reason why you want me to train with him is that you can see him more often," I said crossing my arms.

Keigo was always an Endeavour fan he told me stories about when he was a child he used to watch him take down villains.

In my opinion, Endeavour is a creepy man that just looks mean all the time I don't even know how he even got the number 2 spot, the number 2 spot should've been Keigo but Keigo did but at the same time didn't care about the rankings.

Keigo told me about his childhood and how he became a hero.

when Keigo was a child his father committed a murder Keigo's mother Tomie helped harbor his father.

Keigo experienced a traumatic and abusive childhood he was forced to stay home at all times because his father was afraid if he left the house he would rat him out.

He grew up watching heroes on tv he believed they were only fictional characters...

One day Keigo felt his feathers tingling and went into the city suspecting something was happening in the city, but he came back home when he discovered nothing. When returning his father yelled at him for leaving the house and suspected that Keigo ratted him out, and despite saying he didn't Keigo's father ordered him never to leave the house or interact with anyone.

When Keigo went into a corner his father kicked him telling him to never turn his back on him while muttering how he'd be free if his son had never been born.

Keigo endured all of this abuse from his parents, suppressing his emotions and hoping to avoid becoming broken like they were.

Shortly afterwards, his father was caught and arrested by Endeavour. When Keigo saw him actually in person instead of on the tv he was shocked since he'd always believed that heroes were fictional, being more impactful since the hero who'd arrested his father and saved him from the life of abuse was none other than the man whose plushie he carried.

Keigo and his mother were forced to flee their home out of fear of being arrested for harboring a fugitive.

Since Tomie didn't have any proper skills to make a living the two were forced to live on the streets.

Keigo told his mother they should go to the police, Tomie replied that she will get them some money, however, it took asking why she had Keigo in the first place and what his wings were used for.

This statement made Keigo angered and determined to be useful, so he went out and saved the lives of many people from a high-speed car accident.

The public was shocked to discover that the savior was a young boy, and Keigo was approached by the Hero Public Safety Commission.

After being informed of the situation by Keigo, the commission approached Tomie offering both of them compensation and protection so as long they abandoned the "Takami" name.

Soon later he was separated from his mother from the HPSC and they decided to train him as a hero.

The commission drilled interpersonal skills into him from a young age so he could master the art of deception and infiltration.

The commission forced him to abandon his real name and made him undergo years of hard training which he accepted to be a hero like his idol Endeavour.

That's when I realized that becoming a hero isn't all candy and rainbows I spent thinking long and hard about becoming a hero after he told me his story 2 years ago when I was 13.

I was sure I wanted to become a hero the reason why I want to become a hero is to make sure that what happened to Keigo wouldn't happen to anyone else.

I walked over to the couch and turned the channel to Nickelodeon "you know me so well little nugget" I cringed at that nickname.

I glared at him "don't call me nugget ever again it's weird."

"Nope I like making you aggravated," he said with a chuckle.

I just put up my middle finger at him.


*1845 words*