

Deku, Bakugo, and Y/n were childhood best friends even though Bakugo bullied Deku Y/n would scold him for being so rude to Deku but one day that all change. What will happen? Will Y/n still be friends with Deku and Bakugo or will she only be friends with one of them? Read to find out! This is copied and pasted from Wattpad! Wattpad: nevaek09

Taeleftpinkietoe · Anime & Comics
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It was a nice beautiful sunny day Y/n and Midoriya were walking together to the middle school they went to.

Midoriya was one of your best friends he was like a brother to you and also Katsuki was your best friend too though Katsuki would pick on Izuku for not having a quirk but it wasn't like he woke up one day a decided he wanted to be quirkless.

No, he wouldn't want that he wanted to be a hero, we all wanted to be a hero even though Izuku didn't have a quirk he was still determined to become a hero.

Even if he knew that he probably couldn't become a hero he would still try he would persevere because that's the person he is he doesn't give up if he falls he will get back up.

Katsuki on the other hand was a different story, Katsuki was blessed with a wonderful quirk what most kids would want, what most kids would die for.

Yeah he was a cocky little bastard but that's what you loved about him that he was also a determined and head-on person even though some would think he's mean only from his appearance but he's a softy at heart he would never show it of course because he thinks that's 'weak' or 'a hero shouldn't show that type of emotions'.

But you think a hero should show emotions from time to time when necessary but you understood that heroes are human beings from a young age some people wouldn't even consider hero feelings they would just use them like they're a tool and if they ranked at the bottom they are forgotten.

Katsuki was a weird kid well that's what you would say because he always talked about what he wants in life or he wants to be a hero and that's his goal he had it all planned out and you admired that but you're the type of person that just says 'i will go where the wind takes me'.

Izuku was a shy kid he was so loveable he wouldn't even hurt a fly sometimes he would just follow you like a lost puppy.

You, Izuku, and Bakugo was great friend y'all use to laugh and cry together get into trouble together, y'all were 4lifers until Bakugo had gotten his quirk when he had gotten his quirk everything changed.

When he had gotten his quirk he thought he was superior to everybody but not you only because you had gotten your quirk at a young age you had gotten your quirk when you were 3 years old it's rare for kids to have their quirk as early as you had.

When you had gotten your quirk Bakugo looked up to you like you were his idol other than All Might of course but other than that he would always hang around you and play with you, you two were literally stuck together y'all didn't even want to leave each other.

It sucks that Bakugo had to turn out that way but you always wonder why was Izuku picked on instead of you.

Yeah you had a quirk but it wasn't anything impressive it was actually a common quirk nothing special but when Izuku was being bullied for not having a quirk.

You jumped in as soon someone tried to hit, punch, slap, or trip the poor boy Izuku was a sweet kid he didn't need to get bullied for something he couldn't control.

You would always scold Bakugo for being so rude to him for no reason, yeah you were still friends with Bakugo but sometimes he needs to know his place and shut the fuck up.

Bakugo thought Izuku was weak while you thought Izuku was strong, not weak he never showed any weakness he only showed how strong he is and how he wants to be like his idol All Might.

Sometimes it hurts you to see Izuku upset when Bakugo teased or bullied him and the other kids but you knew that he would become a hero one day quirk or not he will become one.

You probably were the only one that believed in him and you were fine with that.

When me and Midoriya arrived at the middle school we saw Katsuki or Kacchan as Midoriya would still call him by his childhood nickname.

When Katsuki saw us he was about to say something until I gave him a glare that said 'say something you're dead'.

After he just 'tch' I gave him a friendly wave after, me and Midoriya were still walking to class when we found our homeroom we sat at our desk.

Me and Izuku desks were at the back of the classroom I only liked it back there was because I wouldn't have to answer most of the questions the teacher asked us.

After we sat down Katsuki walked through the door he looked at me and Midoriya and just smacked his teeth he started to walk over to his desk.

His desk was more towards the front of the class he was at the end of the second row when he sat down he put his feet up I guess to make himself more comfortable(?)

When the rest of the kids arrived our teacher came into the classroom he had a look on his face that told us 'i don't want to be here'.

"Good morning class," the teacher said not even looking at his students you could tell he wanted to go back home.

"Good morning sir," our class said in unison.

Our teacher started to do roll call, everybody said "here" that was actually here but when Izuku named was called everybody started to laugh and call him mean names.

And the teacher didn't do shit what was the teacher doing? He was just looking at his students while they were picking on Midoriya.

I was tired of it I stood up out of my chair which made a little creek sound "what the fuck!? Y'all need to leave Midoriya alone what did he do to you? Nothing so shut the fuck up and pay attention to the fucking teacher" when I was done yelling at my 'classmates' I sat back down.

Bakugo didn't say anything which wasn't as surprising because when it comes to me he knows to not say anything or I will most likely kill him.

Yeah, I am overprotective over Izuku but I also can be overprotective over Katsuki I just don't act like I do but when it comes to it I will kill for them.

People usually didn't mess with me because they knew that the number 3 hero Hawks was my older brother well we're not related but we act like we are.

My parents and him were great friends both of my parents died from a tragic car accident after that hawks took me in and adopted me.

We always act like we're siblings we argue, fight and laugh together he was a fun person to be around even though he eats chicken all the time which I think is a little like cannibalism but he's a hawk so I kinda understand.

The teacher didn't say anything all he did was take out a piece of paper and started to read it.

"Bakugo you want to go to UA?" the teacher asked.

"Yeah when I get out of this sorry ass school I'm gonna go and I am going to pass the entrance exam," he said with a smug look on his face.

I looked over Midoriya he had his head down like he was trying to hide I was a little confused until I realized he wanted to go to UA as well.

"Also Midoriya and Y/n too?" the teacher asked.

The kids started to laugh why the fuck is people so disrespectful Midoriya never said a peep to no one but as soon as he wants to do something they have to comment.

"Stupid Deku you will never get into UA you are quirkless, a quirkless loser like you will never get into UA," Bakugo said as he was standing up.

"Katsuki Bakugo I swear to All Might I will spoon out your tongue if you don't shut the fuck up," I said as I glared at Katsuki.

He glared back at me as we made eye contact when we made eye contact he looked away and 'tched'.

I know I will get in only because Keigo recommended me he is the number 3 hero after all.

He sat back down then the teacher started teaching.


When the lessons were over me and Midoriya was getting our stuff to leave before we left I had to grab some paper from the other classroom for homework so I told Izuku he can wait outside the school so we can walk together.

He just said a small 'ok' and I was headed off.

When I left Katsuki went up to Midoriya "Hey! Loser Deku what you have there?" he asked the green-haired boy.

Midoriya had his hero notebook in his hand about to put the book in his bag "ah-ah-ah lemme see this..." Bakugo said as he picked up his notebook.

"Hey! Give it back Kacchan!" he said trying to get his notebook back in his hands.

"Ugh stop calling me that stupid ass nickname" Katsuki started to open and flip through the pages of Izuku's notebook until he stopped on a page that read 'Katsuki Bakugo quirk: Explosion' it shows that he can create explosions by nitroglycerin that's in his sweat so when he sweats he creates nitroglycerin which makes his explosions.

"What the fuck is this Deku?" Bakugo asked the shaking boy.

"U-um it's my hero notebook where I write down p-people's quirks and how it works," Midoriya said fidgeting with his fingers.

Bakugo gave him a disgusting gaze which made Izuku back up a little Katsuki used his quirk to burn the notebook after he burned the notebook he threw it out the window.

Bakugo walked back to him to get into his face "You should take a swan dive off the roof and maybe you'll get a quirk in the next life" he said laughing at his own psychotic joke.

Midoriya was all teary-eyed but it didn't look close enough that he was going to cry Bakugo walked out the door.

When Bakugo left Midoriya tooked off his bag and opened the window he was on the ledge of the window.

I walked into the classroom with papers of my homework in my arms because I forgot my bag in the classroom.

When I walked in I could see a figure that was on the window ledge about to jump "he-hey! Hey sir, ma'am whoever you are, please don't jump" I said as I quickly walked over to them.

I took a look at the person on the window seal the person was Midoriya...

What was Izuku doing on the window seal? Was he going to jump? Did he drop something? What happened when I was gone?

"I-Izuku? Is that you?" I asked the male.

I thought my eyes were deceiving me that boy couldn't be Izuku right?

"Y-Y/n? I thought you were gonna wait for me" he said as he turned around his eyes were all teary-eyed looking like he was about to cry.

"What happened? Why are you on the ledge?" I asked the almost crying boy.

"Kacchan h-he said I should take an s-swan dive off the building" Midoriya was now crying "a-and maybe I will get a quirk in the next life," he said now sitting on the window ledge.

Izuku was about to fall backward off the ledge until I sprinted to him I grabbed his hand and I tried to pull him back in.

When I finally pulled him in I hugged him "Izu why would you listen to him?" now it was my turn to cry "I-I wouldn't know what to do if y-you weren't here" I buried my face into Izuku's neck "don't you understand I-if you die—you'd would be killing me too!?" I said tightening my grip on Izuku.

Izuku started to caress my hair he hugged me back "I'm sorry Y/n" he said tightening the hug "I'm so sorry, it won't happen again."


A/n: hey y'all how y'all been hehe💕 also I decided to publish this because it's Izuku's birthday💚

*2097 words*

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