
Paradise Pokeball System

[WARNING: This contains smut with humans and Pokemon, but in humanoid forms. There will also be all sorts of other kinks and strange things! You have been warned!] {Also check out my OC: 500th Time Reborn!} Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6 Landon was born forty years before the events in Sun and Moon in a slightly alternate timeline that takes place in the Alola region on the island of Melemele. His parents were both scientists studying the native Pokemon of the islands. When Landon was five, his parents took him on a trip to Aether Paradise, where he met Cosmog and bonded with it immediately. From then on, he always wanted to become a Pokemon trainer like his idol, Professor Kukui. When he turned ten, Landon finally got his chance to become a trainer, but in a freak accident, Landon was caught in a rock fall. For the next 10 years, Landon would be trapped inside a coma, but there was more to the story then that. The location that Landon had been in turned out to be a top secret base for a special organization that has no name. The rock fall was caused by a tremor caused by temporal Gate being force shut after a strange metallic Pokemon tried to crawl though, but was pushed back. Before it was, it had scanned the area, and found Landon about to be killed, and sent a Nano Drone to deliver a special AI that what merge with the boy, and heal his body. This would take time, and it had taken ten years of Landon laying in bed, but the Pokemon knew that this Trainer would one day be able to find it and free it. The AI would also give him special powers called a System that would be good for this boy because he was special, and he would be able to travel wormholes. And so, when Landon woke up from his coma, he had no idea what had happened, but he knew that he was changed. Extra chapters @ Patreon.com/magic_ Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

Magic_ · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

A D-Date?!

"So, you are not a Joy?" Joy asked, and Miriam sat with a blank look on her face.

"Where did you just come from?" Miriam asked plainly, and Joy smiled as I sat down. Both Ralts and Hatenna came over into my lap, and I started to pet the two of them.

"From inside a Pokeball," Joy said.

"What?! How did you get in there? What were you doing?" Miriam asked, and Joy just chuckled before looking at the two Pokémon on my lap.

"That is a long story, but if you want to know more, you could come by Landon's room later, and I could tell you about it. I am sure that it is fine since you are both consenting adults, right?" Joy asked, and Miriam suddenly blushed and threw up her hands in front of her face in embarrassment.

"W-What?! You want me to come into the student's room?! A-Alone?! That is against the rules!" Miriam said in a shocked voice, and I just laughed as I petted the Pokémon and then tilted my head back to look at Miriam upside down.

"What if we all go for a meal?" I asked, and Miriam seemed to be taken aback by the offer.

"Y-You mean, like a date?" She asked nervously, but I just smiled as I looked back up at her.

"Maybe," I said with a wink, and Miriam's face went from pink to nearly red.

"I-I guess that might not be bad," she finally said, and Joy clapped her hands in joy before pointing out of the room.

"Excellent! Now, why don't you two go, and I will stay with the Pokémon!" "Joy explained, but Miriam got flustered.

"N-no! We both have to get changed out of our school attire! This is all happening so fast! I have n-never even b-been on a d-date! I d-don't know what to do!" Miriam stammered out, and Joy went over to Miriam and sat down beside her, wrapping her in a hug.

"You are adorable! Come, and I will help you get ready, and we can all go out together, so it isn't so awkward!" Joy laughed and then looked back at me. "Catch the Pokémon, and then go get changed into something nice! I will go with my fellow Nurse, and we can talk about things while we both get ready! It's been so long since I was really out anywhere!"

We all laughed, and then Miriam and Joy left to get ready, but I stayed in the room with both Ralts and Hatenna curled up onto my lap. I pulled up a Paradise Ball, and Both Pokémon jumped out of my lap as soon as they saw it.

"Calm down. I would like to make both of you part of my team if you want to, or you can go back into the wild. I would like for you both to stay with me, but I need you to choose." I said, and the two Pokémon looked at each other as if having a conversation between themselves before they both nodded and came close to me.

I smiled and took the two Pokeballs, and waited for them to approach and basically catch themselves. Once the process was done, I put away the Pokeballs and got up.

Joy had scored me a date with the cute nurse. It was kind of cool all on its own, but now I had to get back to my room and get changed. The pressure was on, so I hurried out the door and back to my room.

Once there, I quickly picked an outfit out of my closet and got changed. I had a nice dress shirt and some black pants, as well as a pair of shoes. I then pasted on a little cologne and ran a brush through my hair before finally looking into the mirror. I looked splendid, and it felt good to have something nice to wear, but the clothing that I had found was a bit loose on me. I left my room and went to meet Joy and Miriam, but realized I didn't really know how to find them.

[I will track Nurse Joy for you. Any time that one of your Pokémon or humans is outside of Prisma, you will be able to track them on the map in your system that I will pull up for you.] Cryo said, and I paused before nodding.

"Alright then. Let's have a look," I said before Cryo pulled up a map on the screen. Sure enough, Joy was over on the girls' dorm side.

I smiled and quickly walked over to them, and when I arrived, both looked stunning! Miriam had chosen a nice green dress and had her violet hair down around her shoulders, while Joy was wearing a black dress that had a few details on it, making it look very fancy.

"Miriam lent me some clothes, but you're going to have to work on getting me and the other girls more new clothing," Joy said, and I nodded.

"All with time. I am going to have to start working on getting stronger and battling people so we can earn some money to get more things," I said, and Miriam looked at me thoughtfully.

"You really have to worry about all of your Pokémon and the humans that you have with you. How do you keep up with it all?" Miriam asked, and I just shook my head and laughed. There was so much more that I had to learn about, so I didn't really think that I was doing that great yet.

"I wouldn't really say that I keep up with it, but I am trying my best. This is all really new to me, so I am just trying to figure things out as I go," I said, scratching the back of my head, and Miriam nodded.

"Well, you seem to be doing a good job so far. Now come, let's go get something to eat," Miriam said, and the three of us headed out into the city for some food.