
Paradise Pokeball System

[WARNING: This contains smut with humans and Pokemon, but in humanoid forms. There will also be all sorts of other kinks and strange things! You have been warned!] {Also check out my OC: 500th Time Reborn!} Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6 Landon was born forty years before the events in Sun and Moon in a slightly alternate timeline that takes place in the Alola region on the island of Melemele. His parents were both scientists studying the native Pokemon of the islands. When Landon was five, his parents took him on a trip to Aether Paradise, where he met Cosmog and bonded with it immediately. From then on, he always wanted to become a Pokemon trainer like his idol, Professor Kukui. When he turned ten, Landon finally got his chance to become a trainer, but in a freak accident, Landon was caught in a rock fall. For the next 10 years, Landon would be trapped inside a coma, but there was more to the story then that. The location that Landon had been in turned out to be a top secret base for a special organization that has no name. The rock fall was caused by a tremor caused by temporal Gate being force shut after a strange metallic Pokemon tried to crawl though, but was pushed back. Before it was, it had scanned the area, and found Landon about to be killed, and sent a Nano Drone to deliver a special AI that what merge with the boy, and heal his body. This would take time, and it had taken ten years of Landon laying in bed, but the Pokemon knew that this Trainer would one day be able to find it and free it. The AI would also give him special powers called a System that would be good for this boy because he was special, and he would be able to travel wormholes. And so, when Landon woke up from his coma, he had no idea what had happened, but he knew that he was changed. Extra chapters @ Patreon.com/magic_ Discord: https://discord.gg/jyFRGudWZ6

Magic_ · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Wiser Than His Age

Both the women looked terrific, and it made me kind of feel special as we walked down the massive staircase into Mesagoza. Again, even with the two beautiful women at my side, my eyes were drawn to look over the city as the sun was slowly going down. This place was so amazing, and yet, this was just the tip of the iceberg; even with knowing everything I did about the place, I had yet to experience any of it.

Back on Melemele, The island was small and limited, but even with the three other islands and the Aether Paradise Facility, we were a long way from the mainland. According to what I knew now about the world here, thanks to Cryo, I knew that there was more land to the northeast called Kalos, and even further reached up to Galar. I wanted to explore it all and see what new and amazing Pokémon I could find, but I was getting distracted.

"So, where do you think we should eat?" I asked Miriam once we got down into the city, and she put a finger to her lips thoughtfully.

"Well, The Go-For-Broke Grill has some nice dishes, and the opposite of it on the other side is Seafood Fresco. Both places are fairly affordable. If you wanted to go somewhere more special, we would have to head to a different town. While Mesagoza is a big city, it carries mostly basic-level things, but there are always new things coming in for clothing and accessories. The only thing that doesn't really change is the food unless it is a new stand," Miriam explained, and I nodded and then looked at Joy.

"Do you have something that you want more?" I asked her, but Joy shrugged and then smiled.

"I don't really mind. The food selection at Aether wasn't very good, and I have been eating the food bars for the past couple of days, but they are surprisingly good. Whatever you pick will be good," Joy said but then paused. "Do you think that we should ask if Lusamine would like to join us?"

Suddenly, Lusamine flashed into existence, and I flinched as I looked around, and some of the people were staring at her, but then they walked away. I let out a sigh as I heard someone complain about technology moving too fast.

"Yes, I would like to have something other than these stupid food bars! It would have been nice if you had invited me before coming out, but here we are," Lusamine growled at me, and I sighed.

"I am sorry, but you can't just pop out like that all the time in the middle of people. I am fine if you want to come out or even stay out here with me, but you are going to make all of our lives harder if people start asking questions!" I whispered as we started to walk.

Lusamine turned up her nose at me but stayed quiet, making me shake my head. She was right, and I should have offered, but this popping out of the Pokeball whenever she felt like it was going to have to stop.

[If you want her to stop acting like a child, you are going to have to give her more attention. Lusamine was raised to become what she is and is not used to being ignored or pushed off to the side. She has grown up as the center of attention. While breaking this will be important, you need to get close to her to be able to help her see reason before that is going to be possible. Interactions like this are good for you both in a group setting.] Cryo said before I nodded.

'You are right. I should be more attentive to Lusamine and what she wants,' I thought back to Cryo and then looked at her. "So, do you want to join us in getting some food? We can all pick something that we like and then go eat in the park over there."

Lusamine smirked before nodding and then followed us into the Go-For-Broke Grill. We all got different foods and then went to the park to eat. Lusamine seemed to actually enjoy being out with us, and it was nice to relax and chat with the three of them as we ate.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Miriam asked after we finished eating, and I laid back down in the grass.

"Tomorrow, Joy and Lusamine are spending the day with Tallia's mother, Jolene. I am going to head out with Tallia and Nemona, most likely. What about you?" I asked, and Miriam looked away, letting out a cute sigh.

"I have to teach Health Class tomorrow morning, but it is always so nerve-wracking! I wanted to do this job so bad, and I worked really hard to get here, but now I just feel anxious when I get to class! I want to do a good job, but I am so nervous!" Miriam said, and I smiled before reaching out and grabbing her hand.

"You will do fine. Just remember that you know more than the students do, and it is your job to just give them the information that they need. They are here to listen to you, and you are the teacher. Don't be too hard on yourself. You can do it," I said, and Miriam smiled before nodding.

"Thank you. That really helps," Miriam said, and I smiled before looking up at the stars that were just starting to appear as the sun went down.

"Landon is much wiser than his age, but there are still times when I can see the child-like amazement and wonder in him," Joy said, and I smiled at that comment.

"I guess I can't help it. This world is full of so many amazing things that it's easy to get lost in the wonder of it all," I said, and Joy and Miriam both looked at me before smiling.

"You should be trying to explore the land rather than wasting your time at the school. You are clearly smarter than any of the teachers there, and your going is more of a mockery than you actually learning anything, is it not?" Lusamine asked, and I looked at her.

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