
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

7. Academy of Warriors

10 year's later....

Victor Bloodgrave now sixteen years old is hunting for wild game in the forest using the skills his parents taught him. He moves through the trees not making a sound and finds a wilder buck grazing below. A line appears on his hand as he uses a magic spell.


The ground beneath the buck becomes deep and muddy, making escape impossible. Victor falls towards the buck, drawing his sword as he prepares for the kill.

"Celeri Ferrum."

A silent wind passes through the buck decapitating it where is stands. With the buck dead, Victor prepares the meat for transport and heads back home.

On his way home the wind catches his shoulder length golden brown hair which accentuates his firey grey eye's.

"I can't believe it's already been ten years since the day we left our old home and moved to this new country. My powers have also increased drastically, it's like my magic and strength keep on growing and the more I train the better my control over spells becomes."

"That is to be expected of one chosen as a Paladin son."

His dad appears next to him.

"Well done on killing the buck, your control over magic and the sword has come a long way. I'm very proud of you and I know she is too."

They both look up to the sky as they reminisce about the days before Rebekah passed on. Victor was only 13 when his mother passed away due to the effects of the spell she used back in the forest. He was by her side until the last breath watching her suffer and not being able to help in any way. Victor was left emotionally and mentally scarred after she passed on causing him to become unpredictable at times. But she left him a book about magic and it's origins that he studied religiously, practicing and experimenting with new spells.

"You do know next month you'll have to go an academy right? Will you be able to control yourself and your powers, especially when others start mocking you?"

"Don't worry too much dad, thanks to your help and support I was able to make it through those harsh year's after mom died. So I promise not to let you down."

"I did a bit of research and the only academy that offers both magic and sword training is the most difficult one to enroll in. The Academy of Warriors, their requirements are of a level equal to that of royalty and they don't allow anyone who can't at a minimum use tier three magic or intermediate level sword arts."

"I don't think that will be a problem for me though. I have just scratched the surface of tier seven magic and am beyond intermediate in the sword arts thanks to your teaching. So I'm not too worried about it."

"Hmph. Just promise me you won't do anything that will give away who you are, because the gods are watching everything now."

"But why?"

"We never told you this because you were still young, but those people who attacked us were spies for the god of deception, Randerbeg. Since then he has sent his spies all over looking for us to stop your growth and journey as a Paladin before you become a danger to them."

Victor sits there in deep thought, processing all of what he has heard. Both of them continue moving through the forest towards their home to prepare the buck for future meals. As night falls and they have finished supper Victor goes to his room to continue studying magic and it's origins, while his dad is lying in bed looking at pictures of Rebekah and tearing up as he remembers their time together.

The following week, Riventer and Victor prepare to depart for the new academy he will be attending soon, but first all students need to do a verification test to show which class is best suited to their skill and level. This is to make sure nobody cheats their way through the process and is assigned the right class for their skill level. Without a word they journey towards the city of Frygendon, their spirits high with anticipation for what's to come.

After a few day's travel they arrive at the city gates and proceed to the entrance where guards stop them asking for their identification. When they hand their cards over the guards examine them carefully before handing them back.

"Welcome to Frygendon, Mr. Fellowing. Have a pleasant stay."

They walk through without incident and proceed to the academy where hundreds of students await the verification test.

"This brings back great memories."

Victor rolls his eye's.

"Haha, I don't think it will be as bad as before. Remember you're older and stronger now so no need to worry my boy. Remember your new identity, it's now Benjamine Fellowing. Keep your real one a secret for the time being."

"But what if there's a situation where I have to use my full power?"

"I pray that never happens but if it does, I don't want you holding back. Give it everything you've got."

They are greeted by the guards at the school gate who let them into the academy. This is a new experience in Victor's life and he can't wait to see what's in store for him.