
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

8. Status and Lineage

Inside the academy Victor and his dad head over to the reception desk to inquire about the validation process. The lady at the desk gives Victor a judgmental look before handing a paper with all the steps and requirements for the process. As he reads through everything, the other students begin whispering among themselves, some already looking down on him and others intrigued by his somewhat cold personality.

"I can't believe it's already started, at least wait for me to enroll first before you start passing judgment."

"There, there son don't let it get to you. With your power and strength, you might just change their minds after a while."

"Yeah, by the time I'm old and grey like you, dad."

They both laugh as they walk towards the first process. This one involves the students ability to wield magic in a battle simulation where getting hit causes you pain and drains your power with every hit you take. Victor observes the other's attempt the process but are taken out before it even begins.

"They really don't want the riff raff to be let into this academy. Is it really only for royals and those with a high aptitude?"

"You're half right there boy, this academy has strict rules and requirements because status and lineage mean everything here."

Victor turns around and sees a tall slender lady with long jet black hair and eyes as blue as the sky standing next to him with a gentlebut stern voice.

"So are you saying it's impossible to enroll because I don't have status or lineage?"

"No I'm not, this academy takes status and lineage into account but the high leaders will overlook that if you show extraordinary skills and use of your powers. That's why only a select few enroll here every year. Will you be one of them I wonder."

She turns around and leaves without another word leaving Victor flustered and deep in thought. He soon makes his way down to the crowd and waits for his name to be called. He carefully observes the battle simulation looking at the movements and reactions of the participants and the simulator.

"Benjamine Fellowing. Benjamine Fellowing. Do I have a Benjamine Fellowing here?"

Victor remembers his name has changed and stands up immediately feeling embarrassed.

"I'm Benjamine Fellowing, sir."

"Why did you not answer when I first called your name? Forget it come stand at the start gate and await further instructions."

He stands in front of the start gate and closes his eye's to ready himself for the simulation.


"Mobilitas Magna"

Victor runs through the gate with incredible speed and the enemies start attacking him. He dodges each attack using his agility and blasts some enemies with magic spells before they can react. He soon finds himself in the center and surrounded on all fronts with no escape. Everyone starts laughing and mocking him for being surrounded.


A wall of flames travels outward engulfing every enemy in its path and melting parts of the simulator. The assessor looks on in disbelief as he notices the square on the students hands but cannot utter a word.

Victor continues moving on, he eventually makes it to the end only to face off against the leader. He draws his sword and they prepare to attack. Clashing swords ring out across the arena, all the onlookers can see is just one dust wave after another being thrown up. Victor calls upon the teachings of both his parents.

"Ignus Ferrum. Ieni Aura."

Brilliant yellow flames emerge from his sword and double in size. When the dummy attacks, Victor gracefully sidesteps and brings the flaming sword down on the dummy with such force that the simulator cracks in half. All the students are left speechless at the aftermath of his attack, struggling to process what they have just witnessed.

"How where you able to use sword art and magic together? That should be nearly impossible for someone of your age, never mind the power you demonstrated. "

"Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it."

Victor walks briskly towards the next area without saying another word. He enters the classroom where they will be tested on their theory of magic and it's origins. Once all the students are seated, the examiner enters with a stride of confidence in his step as he walks towards the desk.

"Welcome young hopefuls, today I will be testing your knowledge on magical theory and it's origins. Be warned that if you fail in this class, you will be expelled immediately withouta second chance."

Everyone shares concerned looks as the instructor hands out a burnt paper to each student. As they examine their pages with confusion, Victor remembers a passage in the book he got from his mom where it described a method to restore burnt paper and the writing on it. The instructor explains that the students must try and restore the burnt paper using a method he vaguely describes on the board.

"Now if anyone is able to restore it in the given time frame, they will be given a free pass to the final test. Those who don't must complete all the tests in the curriculum and if you can't restore the paper you will be asked to leave. Your time limit is ten minutes starting now."