
Paladin VS Pantheon

Prophecy speaks of a human who will end the reign of god's over the world. Join Victor on his journey of revenge and turmoil to eliminate the gods.

GreyWolf_98 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

6. Journey to a New Land

"I'm definitely going to kill him. No matter when where or how I swear on my life I will kill him."

George is gritting his teeth as he looks towards Victor who has learned his life path is that of a Paladin. He storms off in a fit of anger followed by his companions. Victor is standing in shock, the words can't escape his mouth as he slowly realizes what has been shown before him.

"Now you are ready to fulfill the destiny you were born for."

He hears the voice again but can't find where it's coming from. He steps back from the ball and frantically searches for his parents in the crowd seeing them make their way to the exit and he follows at a quick pace, making his way through the ever growing crowd.

Pure anarchy unfolds as Victor exits the arena, he sees his parents standing on the outside and calling to him. He uses his magic and is able to reach his parents. They all make off for the city gate to escape the body of jealousy that's chasing them, when they reach the gate his mom chants a spell and blows a hole in it, allowing them to escape.

"That was close. I never expected people would be in such an uproar about someone never mind our son being chosen as a Paladin."

"They've decended into madness, can they really call themselves people after acting like that?"

As they catch their breath, a dagger comes flying towards them and misses them by a hair. The three immediately find cover looking for where those daggers came from.

"Who do you think is trying to kill us now darling?"

"Don't know love, but whoever it is really wants us dead. Shall we show them what a big mistake they've made?"

Rebekah and Riventer jump out from cover, Riventer rushes ahead looking for the assassin while Rebekah prepares to cast her spell. Another dagger co.es flying towards her and blocks it with ease, Riventer spots the assassin and prepares to attack when a sword comes thrusting towards him from the shadows and cuts his arm slightly.


"I'm alright son, don't worry about a scratch. Just be sure to keep your guard up."

Riventer thrusts his sword into the shadow but strikes nothing. As he continues to move forward another blade thrusts towards him, but this time he's ready for it. He deflects it and locks on to the shadow.

"Fly true sword of the just and strike down all who are impure. LUCENS IMPULSUS!!!"

A bright light emits from his sword as he throws it towards the shadow, hitting it with such power it causes a shockwave throughout the forest taking trees along with it. A deafening scream can be heard from the shadow before it disappears into nothingness.

Rebekah is busy chanting a spell while Victor is defending her with his shields.

"Spirit's of the world, hear my plea and grant me your power to vanquish the evil which means to harm us. CONTRITA TERRA!!!"

An octagon appears on her hands as she builds up the energy and releases it into the ground. Everything is silent as if everything in the forest disappeared. The ground shakes violently distorting the very earth they stand on, even the mountains begin to collapse as the circular wave moves outward destroying everything in their wake, nothing is spared as it tears through the forest at immense speed not even the animal's can escape it.

When the dust settles all that is left is a vast expanse of broken earth where a forest once stood. The three of them look around at the destruction hoping their attacker's have been killed.

"What kind of magic was that mom?"

"It's eighth tier magic, as you can see it destroys everything. It also uses a vast amount of the castors magic force and can lead to death if you overextend your limit."

"Do you think I'll be able to use high tier magic someday?"

"Definitely, with your path being that of a Paladin you might even be able to achieve the divine tier magic. But that will only happen when you are ready."

"I thought you promised me you wouldn't use that level of magic again. You know how dangerous it isat your age?"

"It was to protect out son, I couldn't handle anything happening to him."

He embraces her in a tight hug, not letting go.

"Let's head for another country and start a fresh life there. We'll even change our identities and Victor might just be able to attend am academy."

She closes her eye's

"That sounds like a great idea."

Riventer looks at Victor and nods at him to get ready. After they've recovered their strength they prepare for another journey, this time to a new land, the land of Fryden. As Victor packs the horses his parents remove every trace of their existence from the forest which they called home, then proceed to mount their horses and head off into the forest.

After weeks of travel, they arrive at the checkpoint to Fryden. The guards ask for their pass and examine the horses befor letting them through. When they reach the other side, they are greeted by the warmth of the sun rising from the horizon. Mixed emotions fill them as they venture into lands unknown with new identities and a fresh outlook to the future.