
Chapter Five

"What…what's happening…what happened?"

Li Jie tried recalling what happened before he and Wang Wei plummeted down the sky. Using their strongest martial arts, the two of them went ahead to stall for time, however when he saw the princess raise her hand and pointed at them, the energy in their bodied instantly went berserk! He tried gaining control but could barely manage it.

This kind of feeling where the energy from the body went berserk only happens when you fail to execute a skill stronger than what your body can handle. The energy without guidance will wreak havoc in your body and turned everything into meat paste if you can't control it in time.

Struggling to concentrate, Li Jie and Wang Wei did their best into going to meditative state to calm the berserk energy while popping medicinal pills at the same time. While their spiritual sense was activated at its full potential in response to the Princesses' attacks.

Li Jie and Wang Wei also noticed elder Song heading towards the Princess, while covered with dark green flames. "His igniting his soul!!" shocked, Li Jie and Wang Wei saw the determination elder Song was showing them.

A cultivators soul is mysterious and fickle thing, this unknown entity helps them connect and absorb the energy of Heaven and Earth to turn them into their own strength and become a powerful expert! In the soul lies the energy being absorbed that was slowly being purified for the user to be used.

When executing martial arts, using the guidance depicted in martial art scrolls, the chaotic energy of heaven and earth now purified via souls is released and circulate without harm in the meridians as tunnels and acupoints as the exit, so when igniting the soul, means slowly burning all those chaotic energy and provides temporary strength on the price being crippled, destroying its foundation.

Seeing how elder Song was no longer thinking about his future and safety, Li Jie and Wang Wei also understands that by not going all out, they won't be going home!

Igniting their souls, golden flame covered Wang Wei's whole body adding his martial arts; he expanded twice his size and turned his skin gold in color! Due to the effect of igniting the soul, all their martial arts mastery went another level!

Gold Kong Transformation technique!

On contrast to Wang Wei's war like appearance, Li Jie's flame covered body was azure in color and making him look like a god of the sky! One hand after another appeared on his back until it reach thirty six hands and each holding a sword!

Mirage Hands Asura technique!

After preparing, Li Jie who was faster compared to Wang Wei went ahead and supports Song Hai in their clash of desperation…

By distancing herself from the humans, the disgusting energy coming out from their bodies was lessened a bit, but when she saw them approaching her, she sealed that energy inside their bodies by blocking the space where that energy came out from.

However she suddenly noticed another disgusting energy bursting out suddenly, assaulting her from behind, in response out of being startled and angry, she killed him mercilessly without breaking a sweat.

After killing Chen Gui, Princess Narisa observe the humans again, watching their every reaction and response, at the distance she saw the only female cultivator who's supplying a golden sphere in her hands with energy, symbols unknown to her was circulating around it. But since she felt no danger coming from the sphere she ignored her instead.

Seeing Song Hai coming at her with bloodlust, she couldn't help but feel annoyed again "Why is that disgusting energy even inside their bodies?" she thought. Snorting coldly she sent twenty percent speed and power tail attack towards Song Hai.

Noticing the Princess moved slightly, he tried ignoring it but soon sensing extreme danger coming from somewhere, out of instinct, Song Hai moved his sword slightly towards his lower abdomen and saw the armored tail came smashing on him!

BAM! Gritting his teeth, he tried parrying the tail to another direction but failed to do so, and he was sent flying into the distance! After the effort of stabilizing himself he saw Li Jie and Wang Wei doing exactly what his doing!

Sighing helplessly, since there's no point worrying about it anymore, he could only do his best and try on stalling this nightmare in front of them.

Using a movement speed martial arts, Song Hai's speed increased and blurred towards the Princess! With a swing of his sword the place turned scorching hot and smashed it in front of her!

Burning Sword Mountain Slash!

Using vibration that makes the sword looked stationary a flame spark suddenly appeared and ignited the sword. The burning sword with the power of the mountain by increasing its weight came crashing down towards the Princess!

Observing coldly, Princess Narisa extends her right hand and blocked the incoming attack! BOOM! Upon contact, flame exploded and ravaged the surrounding areas turning the muddy ground into dry land instantly and burned the trees down.

But what Song Hai felt was not metal hitting flesh but was instead felt a numbing sensation in his right arm like he hit iron instead, and almost lose his grip on his sword! Due to the scattering scorching flame, he couldn't clearly see what stopped his sword attack, but upon closer look, he saw the princess blocking it with a single hand!

Cold sweat came flowing from his forehead but was evaporated due to the heat, realization dawned on him that maybe the princess was just playing with them? And maybe all this effort was for nothing? Shaking all this confusing thoughts, suddenly Li Jie tried to sneak attack the Princess and ignited his will to battle once again!

With her hand holding the sword she tried using force to turn the sword into pieces. But was disrupted by a sneak attack coming from behind, a giant green sword came crashing into Princess Narisa's back!

"Humph!" Snorting coldly, Princess Narisa turned her feathery white wings into silver and like a spinning wheel she spun faster and faster bringing the sword with her! Silvery wind blades that glittered menacingly were released in the Princesses' every direction and sliced into half everything it hits!

The giant green sword that was heading towards Princess Narisa's back was destroyed instantly and the power was not diminished in the least but continue heading towards Li jie! Sensing the wind blades, a sense of deadly crisis bloomed within his soul and used everything he had in barely avoiding it and head upwards.

Song Hai who was the closest had no choice but to let go of his sword and instead used it as foothold to leap upwards. Panting heavily, Song Hai and Li Jie wipe the sweats from their foreheads. "That was close" whispered Li Jie, but the Princess clearly heard it.

"Oh? I won't celebrate just yet if I were you" chuckling softly Princess Narisa nodded her head towards the stationary Zhang Min!

Looking towards Zhang Min, Song Hai and Li Jie went crazy mad and used everything their speed to increased just a little bit in trying to reach her before the wind blade does. But clearly they were already too late and could only wait for Zhang Min to be hacked in two!

Gold Kong Stronghold!

Wang Wei who was slower than Li Jie, upon noticing the wind blade headed for Zhang Min, change course instead and tried blocking the wind blades!

PENG! The sound of metal hitting metal echoed in the surroundings, Wang Wei using his golden body as shield was being pushed slowly and the wind blade shockingly slowed down but was sinking into his flesh and a thin line of blood was expanding at a slow pace from his body vertically!

WENG! Using every ounce of strength he had, the wind blades was sent to his right and sliced the surrounding trees in two. A clean slice wound coming from his shoulder running towards his waist can clearly be seen, it was so thin like it was just a surface wound but was actually deep.

Panting heavily, blood trickled down his mouth, but the determination and courage he showed even impressed Princess Narisa. Seeing Zhang Min safe and sound, Song Hai and Li Jie can't help sigh in relief.

clap* clap* clap*

Clapping sounds echoed out and looking towards the source, Princess Narisa already removed her armors was clapping her hands like an audience watching the performance of clowns. "You humans are not so bad, however sadly you'll forfeit your lives here…but not by my hands though, hahah! Good luck!" with that, Princess Narisa disappeared from their view, while her enchanting voice echoed in the surrounding trees.

When the sound of her laughter reaches Song Hai and his team, they only felt fear and dread no matter how beautiful her voice was. Seeing that the Princess already left them, they all sighed in relief.

"What an annoying little snake she was…" said Wang Wei who was on the verge of collapse and pop some medicinal pills into his mouth.

Hurrying towards Wang Wei and Zhang Min, the team were readying themselves from returning to the spatial door fifty yards away. However they notice Zhang Min was completely standing still, ignoring Elder Song and the others.

"Zhang Min, let's move and get back to the spatial door now, forget about the sealing array!" said Song Hai urgently.

"Help me make the sealing array stronger instead! someone else is coming and from the voice the Princess's make, it seems she doesn't want to deal with whoevers coming to face us next!" reminded Zhang Min about the final words Princess Narisa just said to them.

Hearing Zhang Min's pleading voice, they couldn't help but nodded their heads instead. "But is it much better just to run directly towards the door?" said Wang Wei.

"It's already too late, according to the Princess words and her sudden leave, that someone already sensed us and is now heading here" said Zhang Min, she already made the sealing formation array and it can be use anytime, but since they still had time before that person appears, they might as well strengthen the sealing formation array.

Nodding their heads, Wang Wei stopped talking and proceeds in strengthening the sealing formation array…