
Orcs and Conquests

Warning! R-18!!!! Orcs take what they want right? Why would anyone desire to be born again into the ridiculously complicated society of humans when other options present themselves? This is the story of a person reborn into an Orc society where he learns the simple pleasure of conquest. Both in the bedroom and on the battlefield. Warning R-18 Themes.

NamelessPersona · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Kashna and Jurza carried me away back toward the hut I spent the first few days of my life.

"Balraav is out on patrol I assume?" Jurza asked Kashna

"Yes, he had a few days off but he had to head out early this morning." Kashna replied

"The fiends have been more aggressive lately, We may be called out to join subjugations if it gets too dangerous. You need to take the opportunity to grow stronger, you are not too far away from your third evolution.

If you are on the same path I walk then Orc Exemplar will be your next evolution. It will unlock much of your latent potential." Jurza instructed Kashna in a motherly tone as we finally reached the hut and I was placed on the ground between the two orc women who sat down.

My mom lifted my upper body and I was placed on my feet for the first time. They felt like jelly and my balance was all over the place but I put all my focus on steadying my legs. Small steps like this would eventually cut back on all the learning curves I was going to have to jump through to grow up.

I finally looked up at my Grandmother and decided to use my analyze skill.


Jurza FreeOrc - So named for her extreme fits of rebelliousness in her youth which led to her traveling far afield from the BloodMoon Tribe.

Race - Orc Exemplar (3rd Evolution)

Class - Sage

Level - 101


Well, guess you can't judge a book by its cover. My grandma must have one hell of a past.

I had just been subjected to an inside look at my current circumstances and I'm not quite sure how to process the meeting between the chieftain and the tribe's elites.

Then I remembered that I was a baby and no matter how hard I processed anything I could literally do nothing about it.

So I decided to sit back and grow up a little.

And with that declaration I did just that. My childhood started to fly by in a haze as I focused purely on developing my mind and body. I slowly adjusted to tribal life and I was correct in my assumption that orcs mature faster than humans.

Not that much faster, but by the time I was four years old I was already being subjected to physical training. My body seemed to developing already and gaining muscle.

I started running and training using physical exercises from my previous life in my free time. The rest of my time I spent being taught and instructed by members of the tribe on useful skills and abilities that would benefit the tribe.

These hours of instruction included other orc children around my age but I struggled to engage with them. I mostly just humored them while secretly sighing on the inside when they wanted to play. Eventually these relationships would be important when they finally grew up and quickly bridge the intellectual maturity gap between us. Until then however I focus on absorbing as much knowledge as possible.

As I grew up I tried to gather as much information on the events and portends of that first tribe meeting I attended.

As the years passed the tribal hunting grounds slowly shrunk as dangers began to appear. Fiends became more emboldened and conflict between them and the tribe intensified. Finally, foreigners were spotted occasionally in the Greenoak forest by the orcs. No contact was made but sightings became more and more frequent. While we remained protected for now, word had spread that the Lakeborn elves had experienced violent altercations with a few groups that had entered their territory.

Some elves had even been killed.

More time passed and I quickly obtained the skills and strength needed to become a participating member of the tribe. I cooked, made clothing, maintained equipment, skinned animals, and did many other things that were expected of those not participating in the hunts or patrols.

All the members of my family were busy most days and so I spent a lot of time honing my skills and learning from the chieftain.

He took me under his wing and began to impart plenty of knowledge about the outside world beyond the tribe and some of the history of the world.

I was reborn into a world called Umbra. We lived on a massive continent that was also the only known landmass . Instead of ocean though the land just stopped and a never ending drop into a deep abyss began. Thankfully the way it is described to me is that the continent is big and wide beyond measure.

All manner of intelligent life litters the landscape. From orcs and humans to dragons and vampire.

Long ago orcs had been used as soldiers in a variety of wars that plagued the world. Hordes of demons launched assault after assault against anyone that stood in their way. to escape, our ancestors had to make many bitter sacrifices and flee to a land that few know about and even fewer care for. From then on out the BloodMoon tribe had lived in relative seclusion unaware of the current affairs of the world.

I was honestly surprised that I even managed to obtain this much information. Most members of the tribe were more concerned with the day to day process of living than what state of the world was.

It seemed that the chieftain was not someone with a small mind.

I continued my day to day activities in this way for another year.

I am now six years old and my body seems far more mature than that. I look like a strong, fit, youthful orc. My body has been honed through countless exercises. I wondered if I would take after my father with his domineering physique but it seemed like I was actually developing into more of a toned, cut, Olympian, relative to orcs. Keep in mind that I'm much thicker than a human anyways.

Another thing I found interesting is that I look slightly different from the others, I take after my mother and grandmother in that my bloodline seems to follow a different path than the Orc Brave that is the dominating evolution among the others. My skin is a flawless emerald, clear and almost radiant at times. Like my skin is showing off the pride of my species. Orc Braves have ruddier complexions and have more earthy tones in their skin. They are specially suited for hunting prey across the plains and forests.

My looks are more refined and sharp which has earned me more than my fair share of interested looks from the women of the tribe, both young and older.

The one thing that hasn't changed from birth however is revealed whenever I analyze myself.


Mar - The name his mother gave him

Race - Orc (Unevolved)

Class - Tribesman

Level - 1


The only thing that has risen since my birth is my power level, which makes sense I guess because even without evolution I can increase my base stats. Level must be related to combat then and evolution only comes when your level has risen to a certain point.

Still confusing but whatever, not like anyone else has to go through the trouble of worrying about this, as far as I can tell nobody else can analyze others, they all just evolve and level up without fastidiously worrying about it.

My new fantasy life is more realistic than I was led to believe when I was a human. I always thought things would be clearly defined and structured like a video game but the more I try to understand the world the more I realize that this analyze skill blows and is less than helpful.

Anyway I woke up hopeful this morning because I had heard from my parents that I was probably going to start accompanyine members of the tribe on certain hunts and patrols. I would finally get to see some action for a change instead of being cooped up in the tribe.

My orcish blood seemed to run especially hot because I was always filled with a sense of excitement at the thought of hunting or fighting. We really were a species with violent tendencies.

Perhaps today I would finally get to see some real action...

"Son, come with me you have been called to the chieftain's tent to attend a meeting." my dad beckoned me with his hand as he held the hut's flap open for me to step through. My dad was rarely inside the tribe, he was one of the more active braves who scouted the furthest borders of our lands. This kept him away for most of the time but whenever he was around he never failed to do two things. Mentor me on my training, and fuck mom....

I actually admired him quite a bit. A man of simple yet unparalleled taste. He would constantly remind me that nothing in this world beat family, fighting, and fucking.

Each time he said it I would once again rejoice that I was born an orc.

If I built my life around those standards then what could possibly go wrong?

I moved toward the chieftain's tent and Balraav followed me in tow. When we entered I saw that only a few people were gathered. Just my parents, my grandma, the chieftain, and also Lukshu.

They all seemed to have a tense heavy air around them.

"It's good you are here Mar" the chieftain said simply. "Now Lukshu, tell them what you told me."

"Last month an especially violent incursion in the Greenoak forest left the Lakeborn elves quite vulnerable. it wasn't foreigners though, it was a particularly powerful fiend who caused a number of problems for the elves.

Over the years we have solidified our relationship and even became quite friendly with one another. Trade has increased which has brought benefit to the tribe. Now however, with the increasing unrest I was approached by Tunidril and asked if I could facilitate a meeting between high ranking tribesman and the leaders of the Lakeborn so that the possibility of an alliance could be broached.

This would help us secure our borders and protect the tribe should some troublesome enemy befall us as well."

Lukshu explained all this in a calm yet excited manner. It seems after years of hard work he was able to show some results with the elves.

Honestly he was probably one of the few who had cared previously, most of the tribe was content with the minimum amount of contact we had experienced previously.

"When and where is this meeting taking place?" Balraav asked

"In three days they would like to hold a meeting. The fiend attack has limited their options and they apologized but they need to keep all their leaders near their village. Therefore we would be heading there.

Balraav frowned but no one else seemed to perturbed.

The chieftain looked at the assembled family. "Jurza, you must go without a doubt, your word is as good as mine in this situation. Kashna and Balraav will also escort you with Lukshu." he then looked straight at me.

"Mar you have not experienced the world outside the tribe. In the coming days I fear a more worldly view will be needed to ensure the tribe's survival. As such I would like you to accompany them and experience all the meeting has to offer, learn and also meet the elves. They are different from us and you will gain much from the experience."

I bowed my head. "Yes chieftain" I replied. The others looked toward me with pride as I took on my first real responsibility for the tribe's benefit.

I took my leave with my parents as we needed to prepare for the trip.

Guess I'm going to see the elves...

Whew! lots of worldbuilding and plot development. I hope you enjoyed my hackneyed fantasy history as well. Just want to remind everyone that I am trying to include anything and everything I could possibly want in this story so nothing is off the table. Hopefull we can take it back to its smutty roots soon as well. Let me know what you think! Also leave a review because the fact that I have no stars bothers me. I feel like one star is better than no reviews at all, maybe I'm crazy though. I am going to reqork the leveling system so that it doesn't reset with every evolution. That is less confusing to me and I may just slowly phase out the power level as well. Didn't realize how hard it is to work with until I tried it.

NamelessPersonacreators' thoughts