
Oracle of Possibilities

The Hidden Oracle of Possibilities" is tale that follows the journey of a priest who possesses extraordinary abilities over the domain of fate. This priest, named Noah, discovers that he has the unique power to travel across various universes, exploring the vast multiverse. The story delves into the inner conflicts and personal growth of our protagonist as he grapples with the immense responsibility and consequences that come with his newfound abilities. The priest's unwavering belief in fate guides his actions, leading him to encounter different civilizations, cultures, and beings across the multiverse. As he explores these diverse universes, the priest encounters a multitude of challenges and obstacles that test his faith and understanding of the nature of fate itself. Along the way, he interacts with a variety of captivating characters, each with their own stories, beliefs, and perspectives on the concept of destiny. Throughout the book, the priest's relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth intertwines with his personal journey, as he seeks to uncover the secrets of the multiverse and the hidden forces that govern it. The story explores themes of identity, purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things in the grand tapestry of existence ______________________________________ This is my first book and I was not very positive about this but a kind reader gave me some advice(May god bless him) and I am going try my best even if it does not become popular. Edit:Please ignore the cover it is the only fanart in my gallery which met the webnovels requirements it is not mine if you want me to take it down I will gladly do so.

Law_of_fortune · Filmes
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23 Chs


Noah stared at the other him who has been talking to Phil about what he need

While they are discussing there is another agent who is silently tagging along behind phil

He has a dull look in his eyes as if he is bored

He didn't do anything but silently tag behind Phil like an attendant and occasionally look at him curiously

Noah observed him for some time and was amazed at his skill. It was not the only time he was around him

He went deeper into his own memories to find that the hawk-eyed man was always around him

Even when he was talking to fury. He was silently standing guard in the corner.

That one time he even greeted him!

But his aura and clothes always mask him from attention even though his face is clearly handsome and not easily forgettable

With respect to his skill Noah has reached the conclusion that he must also be a main character or superhero as they call it

He is not mad about being spyed on but rather impressed that even though other agents most likely know the hawk-eyed man

They didn't display any unusual reaction and cooperated silently even without discussing the plans

'As expected of a world spanning secret organization!'.

Even though Noah has spend hours observing the man in his memories only a few minutes have passed in reality

Noah looked ahead and saw that Phil has taken notice of him and is coming towards him with the hawk-eyed man

Noah smiled,"Good morning Agent Phil". Then he looked towards the man and smiled casually."Good morning Agent"

Phil smiled gently,"Good morning Oracle it is good that I found you here Director fury wanted me to tell you that your probation period was over".Noah smile became even wider,"That's wonderful"

"That's right now you are the first member and head of a special unit that will oversee supernatural cases". Phil pointed behind him."This is agent Barton and he will be the vice captain of the unit"

Noah was genuinely surprised this time,"isn't it a too big of promotion". Phil chuckled uncomfortably,"haha...well we don't know much about supernatural forces and deities and Director was hoping we had a team of..."

Noah understood what Phil was implying.

He had been in shield and naturally heard about Avengers initiative.

The team of superheroes that were made to fight other world invasions no matter how crazy it sound.

Fury was hoping that there is also another unit who protect this world from mystical forces

Noah had told Fury about different beyonder powers

Most likely Fury understood that no matter how strong their defense and fire power is beyonder powers like curses of witchs and howls of werewolfs can defeat them effortlessly

So,his train of thought went in a different direction and what better way to protect oneself from mystical forces other than having beyonders and Noah,even though he told Fury that he was not a beyonder,was his only hope

With the appending apocalypse he most likely believed that there also will be mystical calamities

Thinking this Noah's smile hardened knowing that most calamities will be physical and even if there were magical superheroes they will be pretty straight forward as this world is a superhero comic and complicated powers will only confuse the readers.

'I will give him a beyonder team before finding a way home if it was possible'.Noah thought to himself guilty,"Don't worry,God will surely bless us in our endeavors".

Phil relaxed,"Then when do we start the ritual".Noah looked at Agent Barton,"Whenever you're ready"

He looked confused,"What do you mean sir".Noah smiled kindly and looked at Barton like a father looking at his son,"You are now going to be among the believers of the Great Lord and it is only proper to do rituals with atleast 5 believers it was an emergency before that's why I have to do rituals alone but now that we have two members it is our duty to do the ritual together".

Clint's smile turned ugly of course,no one wanted be in the middle of a space swallowing circle and entrust their safety in the hand of an unknown entity

Phil noticed his companions difficulty and spoke hurriedly,"Oracle,it is an emergency and he is not properly trained in mysticism I am sure The Lord will understand"

Noah turned towards him and smiled kindly,"Don't worry The Lord is benevolent and won't mind these small things"

Phil tryed to argue but Noah cut him off,"More ever it can be his convert ritual with the ritual this Grand the Lord may even grant him a status of a beyonder". Of course he is speaking non sense Noah just want to test what happens if another prays to him.

Phil paused clearly hesitating,"It doesn't have any side effects does it?". He asked seeking final conformation

Noah reassured him,"Lord is benevolent he wouldn't do anything unless he break his vow and pray to another".

"What happens if I break my vow". Clint asked hesitantly. Noah kept his usual smile."you will become very unlucky"

"Just that?" He looked at Noah suspiciously,"Don't underestimate bad luck child remember that if luck crosses a certain threshold it may even be considered a miracle".Noah spoke like he was talking to child

Despite his words Clint and Phil didn't seem to believe his words. He smiled unconcerned and started walking. Phil and Clint followed behind him,"There is a special story in our church."

Noah has nostalgic look on his face,"It is about a beyonder of death pathway under our lord. He was a devout believer and everybody loved him even Lord was satisfied by him and he quickly became a demigod with the help of his blessings"

Clint looked confused."What is a demigod oracle?".Noah explained patiently."The sequence 4 or higher beyonders have a touch of divinity granted to them by the Gods. That's why we call S.4 and S.3 demigods and sequence 2 and 1 angels".

"But from what I know The Ivory God doesn't have death among his authorities". Phil asked sharply.

"Good question Phil".Noah praised."Every demigod and angel or even normal beyonders will have touch of divinity in them and that will manifest after there owners death. This is called a beyonder's characteristics. Because it is a Orthodox churchs duty to stop heratics of evil gods we have piled up quite a number of different characteristics that can be granted to normal people."

Noah looked at them and asked if they understand. Clint and Phil both nodded.

Noah continued,"After becoming a S.4 Undying the beyonder became proud and broke his vow and started forcing people to worship him."

"Then why didn't the churches and people fight back even if he was a demigod he shouldn't be able to fight the world on his own". Phil was from modern society and firmly believes in the power of numbers and based on beyonders Noah described he felt that demigods shouldn't be that special

"I understand what you are trying to say and believe me". Noah looked at them seriously,"if we ever encounter an undying or any other demigod our all means will be pointless in front of them"

"That terrifying?". Clint asked looking horrified

"Even though beyonders from 9-5 are within human limits demigods are a whole different story". Noah stopped walking and turned towards them,"Take the undying for an example they can connect with the underworld and summon an army of thousands and teleport anywhere they want they are like a walking army that can't be blocked".

Phil and Clint had serious looks on their faces,"then what if we nuked him before he could teleport". Phil suggested an idea even though he know that it is almost impossible to catch a person who can teleport anywhere in the world but what if! what if!

Noah smiled unconcerned,"it is impossible did you forget what the title of the Sequence is".

"Undying?". Clint asked hesitantly

Noah's smile widened,"yes they have unbelievable resistance to cold and physical attacks they are like dead people and nothing can kill a dead person even if his head is removed."

"Then how can you kill him?".Phil was now feeling scared.

"You have to obliterate his soul and that we can't do without spiritual means".Noah explained,"there are specific pathways that can target the spirit body but you have to be very stupid to suffer a spirit attack and don't teleport away immediately".

"Then how did the church handled him".Phil asked curious. Noah face became cold,"We were leaning towards the idea that we should ask for a demigod to come from the The Saint Ouraborus Cathedral but he was too foolish and tried to rape a sister at the church of the lord to demonstrate his power".

Noah looked at Clint seriously,"Remember even if you're the pope or an angel. Love is a sacred domain in our church that cannot be broken especially for the ones bond by the lord himself. I have seen many married couples who choose to separate after vowing to lord that they will love each other for eternity dying painfully. Even if the both parties agreed and were happy to separate"

Phil and Clint were flabbergasted,'What kind of spartan marriage is this?!'

Noah looked at them and instantly understood what they are thinking."it is not that you cannot be married but love is a heavy word in our church"

"So what happened to that demigod?".Noah looked like he was sharing some funny gossip as he came close and whispered."it was the most funny death I have heard in my

life. You know how an Undying that cannot be killed even if his head is severed died?"

Both came close and asked curiously,"How?"

"He choked on his own breath".Noah chuckled

"That's impossible!!". Both simultaneously shouted

Clint also losed his composer and nobody can blame him

A demigod that he was fearing and feeling hopeless against just died like that!,"How can it be! I am sure that a dead person doesn't even need to breath!"

Noah looked at Clint with sympathy,"I know what you are trying to ask but like I said if luck pass a certain thershold it may even be considered a miracle".At this Clint was even more horrified. First time he heard about Gods he like every other modern person has limited his powers to reasonability

But he doesn't need to be a genius to figure out that for an entity that can kill a dead person by choking him it shouldn't be too difficult for him to tweak a meteorite and end this whole world!

'And what about me! I am going to be in the middle of the storm what happens if I accidentally break the vow!'. He can already imagine himself dying by misfiring his arrow backwards!

'NO!!If that happened I will be a laughing stock for decades!'.Phil also reliased this and looked at him sympatheticly,'NO Don't look at me like that!!'

Noah spoke to him in a comforting voice," don't worry Gods doesn't intervene in human matters until someone break taboos they set that demigod was too foolish till today all the demigods and even normal beyonders refer to him as an example of foolishness and pride"

Clint was somewhat comforted

Phil ignored his companion and asked a question that was bothering him for some time,"then what will happen if a demigod came due to the apocalypse"

"Don't worry apocalypse is a test from fate and it wouldn't send someone that the favored can't defeat".He thought for a moment,"And even if demigods appear in apocalypses they don't exceed the population of 2500 it may look that they are many but in the vast omniverse this universe is like a drop of sand in a desert we have to be first prize winners in 100 out of 100 games to encounter one".

Phil was relieved but he still made up his mind to tell everything Noah told him and push for the formation of 'Cathedral' as soon as possible!

They cannot take any chances even if the odds are 0.01 or hundredth of that.

Noah looked at Phil and know that his plan has worked he made up this long story just to demonstrate his importance

He looked at Clint,"if you're okay then we can start the ritual tonight"

Clint awoke from his thoughts,"yes I am ready whenever sir is".He has already surrendered himself to his fate
