
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Videojogos
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Cauda 20 - Torndown

"You will all face judgement."

Now Playing...

Artist: Steven Halpern

Song: Cosmic Blues (Part I)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlyTca6uhMc

You took a few minutes just to catch your breath while the others began the next stage of the plan. Tricky writhed, the chains already creaking under his strength. You could feel the energy emanating from him. He was trying to break out and the longer everyone waited to seal him the sooner he would escape.

S, Selever and Nikusa agreed to 'sacrifice' themselves to seal Tricky. That's how you understood it. While not permanent it would have solved the problem long enough that it wouldn't matter. You heard Updike mention something about a recording, that he apparently recorded some message to the other world's inhabitants with proper instructions on how to beat Tricky. You got the feeling Updike didn't agree with the plan but couldn't argue against it. Other than dying there wasn't a way out of the void. He had no way of warning TGG or even getting the right weaponry right now.

He just hoped that the other world would be able to win.

Despite their apparent 'sacrifice' it was believed they could get out. Selever had to be 'born' (you still not fully understanding that either), S made a deal with...someone that he would be freed and Nikusa you weren't sure. You wondered if S could've just taken Nikusa or something. Regardless of everyone's chances of survival it still felt like goodbye.

It finally was time to end this.

"Is this really it?" Pompom asked S. She, Botan, Nikku, Kapi and Theo were all together, the four of them seeing the eldritch monster off.

"For me, yeah. But ehn, who knows. After I fix Mobius maybe I'll come back to visit. You stay in school now." S said as he shook Pompom's hand.

"Hey, S? Is this gonna be a problem?" Botan asked, pointing to her eyes. They were blackened, eldritch energy flowing through her.

"Yeah, it'll wear off. Just infected you to counteract that troll thing. Enjoy the powers while you have them."

Botan nodded.

Theo gave a bow. "S, it was a downright pleasure working with you. I may not fully understand what or who you are, but building your mechanical suit was the most fun I've had in decades. Should you ever need more tech; you know where to find me."

S nodded. "Y'know what yeah. I could always use a new Eggman. I'll be in touch old man."

"You really sure you're gonna be okay?" Nikku asked, concerned. S nodded. "I'll be fine. Can't wait to see what I can do when I'M in charge."

Nikku nodded. "I'll wait for you." She knelt down and hugged S. He was a little surprised at first, but hugged back, the blood from his eyes staining Nikku. "Y-you too." S stammered.

"S! Thank you. For everything-"

"Pft. Cut the crap...Sally. I'll be back out before you know it. AND when I do get back out, first thing we're doin' is goin' straight to Mobius. You got that?"

Nikku nodded. "We'll show' em true hell!" She said cheerily.

"That's my girl!" S shouted. "See ya soon!"

S looked to you. "And you."

"It's, uh, been fun." You say. Now facing S head-on you found yourself kind of intimidated. Even in the VR world it felt as if he was fake. With him standing in front of you, it finally felt real.

"Fun? Fine. I'll give you that. I've seen your ideals through. You're a murderer you know. Killed the chief. Practically killed the mayor. You feel like a villain yet? You've become the very evil you once sought to protect." S grinned widely.

You shook your head. "We did what he had to do."

"Ehn. It was worth a shot to see if you got corrupted. Thanks for getting me out of the VR world, I guess."

You nod and extend a hand out.

"Good luck man. Have fun on Mobius."

"Oh I will. I'm so done with this planet. You know what though? Yeah, this has been fun." S grabbed your hand as a sharp pain coursed your through body. Like pins and needles you seize up, recoiling from S' grasp. When he let go the pain instantly stopped.


Seeing smoke on your hand you looked. On the back of your hand was a very simple design of a hedgehog, darker skin forming the outline.

"Just something for you to remember me by." S grinned. "I wasn't bound to you; you were bound TO ME. MUAHAAHAHAHHAA!"

A portal opened behind S, depicting the same twisted Mobian landscape you'd seen before. It glitched in the portal's view.

The chains cracked. "Yo Selly! It's time."

Selever nodded, casting the illusion of Hank in the fake Mobius. "See Trickster! Right there. There he is!" Selever said.

Tricky screamed, his attention on the red-goggled illusion. You heard Legion shout too, the trollge being unable to defuse, pulled along for the ride. With a kick of his shoes, S walked in the portal pulling Tricky with him.

Instinctively, you looked down, noticing that doll of Tails was gone. You wondered what S meant by those words but whatever the case, he was free now.

Selever hovered in front of Ruv. He'd already said it a few times though it didn't make it any less embarrassing. "You guys just gotta get together so me and sis can be born alright? Sick of always seeing you guys just holding hands. Be a man, dad!"

Ruv shook his head, cheeks burning. "B-but will you be the same?" Sarv asked.

"I'll keep the same memories, and hell if I don't you guys tell me, got that? I can't wait till I grow up. The four of us, we're gonna conquer the world. Lightbringers!"

Ruv and Sarv nodded, the two holding each other in a mix of shame and proudness at their 'eventual' son. The image on the portal changed to a pitch black void, screens floating in it. Selever fluttered into the portal, vanishing into it as well.

Around Nikusa were Tabi, Solazar, the Andromedas and Updike. You joined them, seeing her off.

She had a huge smile on her face, despite the apparent sombre tone he others had. She looked free, a perplexing expression given her predicament.

"Are you going to be okay?" Tabi asked again.

"Why, concerned are we?"

"Yes I am." Tabi blurted out. "He is a monster."

Nikusa laughed. Reaching up she took off her tiara and put it upon Tabi's hat. Despite the imbalance it stood still. "Oh, Tabi you softie. Don't worry about me. Just live a good life."

"Nikusa, thank you. Seriously. You're one of us, one of the Androm-" Aldryx started to say but she shushed him.

"Ugh. I don't like the sentimental crap. Shut up."

The portal's view changed slightly, now depicting a white void, patterns of floating islands depicting infinitely inside.

Solazar smirked. "I'll see you again, Nikusa." She bowed to him. "I wouldn't count on it~"

Nikusa started walk into it. With the turn of her head she gave one last look to you and Tabi.

"Take care of him for me, alright? Maybe I'll see you all another day...maybe not." She said to you with a wide smile on her face.

Image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/1063451777

(attribution: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/1063451777 (art by Rawrmoona))

Tabi stood next to you, and for the second time this night you saw some smoke fizz from his eyes. He was crying.

The Andromedas too, though not crying were definitely depressed.

As soon as she stepped into the portal it slowly faded. Tabi clutched your arm as if he was trying to stop himself from running into it.

With a sigh, you watched as the red dirt, skies and haze lifts, replaced with a cool damp air. Everything grows dark as the night settles in. Taking a deep breath you could tell you were on Earth.

There were a few 'oohs' and 'ahs' as everyone looked around. This was the Compound. The fog had thinned and just on the horizon you could see the first vestiges of the sun. Morning was an hour away.

All the buildings of the compound were reduced to smouldering ash and rubble, nothing but a faint smoke and charred ground where they once stood. But as you look around, you notice no sounds present. It was silent.

Other noticed it first but you saw it on the smoke. It wasn't moving. You turn around. Like clockwork, the whole of IRIS and TGG's armies were there. Police too, no doubt. But still, no sound or movement. Judging by Tabi's sniffles you knew you weren't deaf. Something was still wrong.

Eyes adjusting to the moonlight and spotlights from cars and army you see another group present.

"YOU BASTARDS!" A voice screamed from the side. It grabbed everyone's attention. They all knew who it was.

Daddy Dearest.

You see him from afar, rolling up his sleeves as he ran towards you.

"YOU DID THIS DIDN'T YOU? YOU'RE DEAD! YOUR FAMILIES DEAD! EVERYONE YOU'VE EVER KNOWN. DEAD!!!!!" Mommy Mearest was right beside him with the surviving demons and hellhounds. She looked pissed as well.

Drawing Rosie's pistol you got ready for a fight. It was clear that even though they were heavily outnumbered they still would try to kill you.

Before Daddy could get close enough a red pillar of light shot from the ground, temporarily blinding everyone. In it you see one figure.

Image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/Torndown-1063624815

A second thereafter, another pillar, though not as bright. A second figure entered. Judging by the cane on one of them, the second person was Blackjack. You didn't immediately recognize the woman next to him.

As they warped into existence the light faded, allowing you to better see. Back turned to you, Blackjack and her were facing the Family.

Something about the woman seemed familiar, as if you'd seen her before. Hearing Tabi gasp quietly it hits you who she is, her identity scaring you on a spiritual level.

She had long flowing white hair that glowed under the moonlight. Atop her head were two white horns that poked out of the hair, a black crown in-between them.

Dressed like Blackjack she wore a black suit over a bright red dress shirt. Black dress pants as well, everything about her exuded class. Hanging out the back of her pants, a black tail, pointed that swayed as she looked at the Family, frozen and eyes wide at her appearance.

She held a glass of red wine with white gloves, the tint of the glass glowing as well.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." She spoke.

With a snap of her fingers, an aura enveloped Mommy, Daddy, the demons and the hellhounds.

Psychic stood next to you. Though starring forward you heard him step forward. Looking, you saw a large hand on his shoulder stop him. Updike thought of something and Psychic read. Whatever the case he stopped, not intervening.

Updike knew exactly the woman standing there and couldn't believe it himself. He ordered Blackjack to inform hell. He wasn't expecting Blackjack bring her here.

Carol's eyes went wide too, recognizing the figure. A holy terror gripped her as she leaned into Whitty for support. Retro too, though more in joy. Though he knew better than to speak unsolicited in her presence, he really wanted to cheer.

"You two have a lot to answer for." The woman spoke. With command in her voice she sounded stern. Whether or not the Family wished to respond or simply couldn't from the magic you weren't sure.

They remained motionless.

"Kidnapping archdemons, destroying the TCF, unscheduled resurrections, unleashing untold horrors upon Earth and most of all, breaking out Tricky. Not to mention wasting my time dealing with you all."

Judging by the silence you realize that whatever this woman did, froze time. While the Carnival could move, everything outside this 'bubble' remained motionless.

The woman turned around, revealing glowing red eyes and a smug smile, pin of a sigil upon her chest. "I'm impressed a bunch of mortals could do something like that. What a show!" She took a sip of her wine.

Glancing at Carol and Retro she snickered. "Well, mostly mortals. Let's pretend I didn't see you alright?"

Carol nodded worryingly and Retro kneeled to her.

"Now then. We have a trial to go to. You will all face judgement." She said as she looked back at the Family. "Blackjack, stay and clean up, will you dear?"

"As you wish."

With a bright flash she and the Family vanished, leaving no indication they were ever here. Sounds flooded in as time resumed, people shouting, the sounds of sirens, helicopters and cars.

Blackjack walked up to the Carnival.

"D-Did we win?" Pompom asked.

"We did. Congratulations all." Blackjack said.


Now Playing...

Artist: Gochar

Song: Chaire Rabi Bhai

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b2hfZRq0LU

It was a long, hard fought night. You lost count of the amount of battles, violence and energy put into it. It was finally over and the Carnival came out victorious. Despite the end of the operation there was still work to do.

With IRIS, TGG forces and police all demanding to know what down it was chaos. Updike and Displo took charge commanding, ordering cleanups, research and more. In the chaos, Displo also protected Hex, several IRIS soldiers identifying him.

"He was a valuable member of this operation. Anyone can attest to it." Displo commanded. "Stand down!" Updike ordered.

They did so, several apologizing that they were not aware. Suffice to say, the city had a long night too. You heard it before you left as Sterling, one of the TGG trio, explaining that after Updike and co vanished, an earthquake rocked the city, taking out large parts of the power grid. When the Laughing Plan was initiated the Compound exploded rocking nearby buildings as well.

While previous operations were met with celebration and rapport, everyone was just tired and wanted to rest.

Before everyone left, Displo made it sure everyone was treated for both shock and physical wounds. Suffice to say, a lot of people didn't realize the injuries they sustained, you especially, having forgotten the slashes and gashes from the Daddy fight.

It was agreed to disperse for the night and meet at Rosie's during lunchtime where the money could be divvied up. You thought someone would've brought up that the money should be split first, but thinking back on it, nobody joined for the money. It was all for revenge, or to be helpful, or because they were roped into it.

Regardless of the outcome, you and Tabi went home and crashed instantly, sleeping in each other's embraces till the late hours of the morning. Even getting up at 10AM you still felt beat. You could only imagine how the others were feeling.

But, at smack 1:00PM, everyone was at Rosie's. She closed down the restaurant today, throwing a party for the group's success. Amelia and Tess helped the cooking as did Rosie and her Donnas. They pulled all the stops from pastries to cake to a full-course meal. It was a grande celebration, everyone still in awe they were not only able to pull it off but do it without any 'major' repercussions.

Only three of the members were in dire straits. Displo, while proud of the operation called it sloppy mentioning how underprepared everyone was, that Psychic caught everyone off guard, that Legion wrecked the data centre and so on. Most complaints were ignored. The Carnival had won. That's all anyone cared about.

The second was Smiler. Like the other trollge still around he was captured, everyone unsure of what to do with him. Just confused Updike ordered the guards to give him a spacious cell until they could figure out what to do with him, Displo noting that he should like to speak with the traumatized man later.

The other one in problems was Annie. Between the trollge energy overtaking her, S' eldritch injection, Smiler's attempt at redemption and Boyfriend's gamble of saving, her body took a beating. She had not woken up since the battle, currently being treated in a TGG infirmary. Though doctors predicted she should get better, many were worried she had slipped into a coma. For now, her future looked uncertain.

Despite the sheer amount of chaos that rocked the compound last night, IRIS and TGG managed to weave the story to their liking. While at the cafe, you had turned on the television, showing off the 'official story'.

Illegally, the Family had been researching eldritch, nuclear and alien technology. Using such power they planned to assassinate the mayor and police chief, ultimately taking over the city. Through their research they had resurrected Tricky, a violent being who rocked the city decades prior.

Ultimately the Family was thwarted by a coalition of agents from IRIS, TGG and a mercenary group known only as the Carnival. Though parts of the Family's plan were started, the 'resurrection' of Tricky was halted.

The coalition apparently knew of these events prior and spent months planning for "Operation Teardown", a simple surgical operation to enter the compound and destroy that technology.

In the ensuing chaos, The Family was successful in killing both the mayor and police chief of the city. Part of the plan was activated incorrectly, destroying the compound and causing massive electrical damage all over the city.

For fear of retaliation from 'Family-aligned' groups, identities of the Carnival were kept secret. The report also claimed they did not make the NCPD aware of this due to a belief they were working closely with the Family.

Mommy and Daddy were the only ones explicitly named in the report, stating that their children were not aware of the plan nor were they involved.

As a result, the prime minister of the country launched an official inquiry into the NCPD and issued a statement thanking the groups that worked together to stop this plan. The Family's remaining assets were seized and now subject for lawyers to distribute amongst the remaining children and determine what went to the City for damages.

As for the Mommy and Daddy's whereabouts, the report stated that they were killed in the fighting.

When all was said and done the deputy mayor of the city sent a bonus to all members of the Carnival, done so through TGG, thanking them for saving the city.

With Mommy and Daddy eliminated it allowed for people wronged by them to come out of the woodwork, the fallout from Teardown occupying the news cycle for the next few weeks.

Turning the TV off you look at the Carnival, everyone hanging out in the cafe, enjoying each other's company.

You still couldn't believe it. The amount of planning, coordination, determination and execution put into this group. There was so much that happened you didn't know where to even begin. Just starting at the beginning, everyone had their own story of how they were roped into the Carnival.

You did it all from entering VR to face an eldritch god to joining an anti-paranormal organization to falling in love with a Russian terrorist to joining your mortal enemy to battling Japanese idols in an arcade to facing down the scourge of the city himself.

You sigh.

It has been an intense few months.

You think back on what S first said.

"To see your ideals through."

Well they were seen through, and despite all you did, you still felt it was the right thing. Or maybe it wasn't. You shrug. Whatever the case, it was fun and the city was now a safer place. You got a partner and made a lot of friends too.

"You gonna join us or keep watching like a babushka?" Tabi asked as he walked up. Smile on his face, he was enjoying himself, holding a cup of what you assumed was beer.

"Hey, you ever think of changing your appearance back?" You ask out of the blue.

Tabi's eyes blinked for a second. "Geez, always with the hard questions. Let's just celebrate."

"Well I think you're pretty cool like that."

Tabi nodded. "You know what? I do to. Now get off your butt and join me and the others."

You nod, following Tabi.

Distribution of the money was the final part. The official story didn't indicate that anything was stolen from the Family. Nobody knew of the heist and those that did knew not to say anything.

You thought it would be challenging to launder the cash but there were more than a few people who could do that. Between Blackjack's arcade, Rosie's cafe to unlisted payrolls and rounding errors for IRIS/TGG it was trivial to distribute it.

All in all, from the gold bars and stolen objects from the vault plus the deputy's bonus every member of the Carnival netted a little under 100K each, any extra cash distributed to those that helped, such as Hex (though he stated he didn't need the money).

You rationalized it as your salary for taking down the Family, plus some hazard and overtime. Though not sending you to the riches the Family had, it was more than enough to cover your work.

And even then, the true payoff was revenge and you certainly got your share.

Though spirits were high most people knew the Carnival to be a one-off thing. Some, like Theo were a little saddened it was over but everyone understood it.

There wasn't anyone left to target. Newgrounds City had its fair share of power brokers and villains but none were as corrupt and violent as The Family. None that needed the kind of takedown the Carnival could hit and none that wronged as many people as they did. At the party you heard a few people discussing continuing it, though at a much smaller scale, with fewer members.

"So copper." Rosie said as she came up to you. "Gonna go back to beating innocent people?" She asked playfully.

You shook your head. "I think I'm done with police work, at least for the foreseeable future."

"You gonna stay workin' here?"

You smirk. "Probably not. It's been a blast but I don't see myself doing this for much longer either."

"Ehn. Figured as much. You clash horribly with the decoration. Well if you ever want a job doin' security or even helping my Donnas, the offer is there. But you're gonna wear pink, alright?"


"Oh, and give me back my gun. That wasn't yours to keep."

No doubt the Family's disappearance would cause a power vacuum but you just couldn't see one single group taking it all over. They were too decentralized, too deep into specific industries. There was nobody who could fill that void as well as the Family did.

With a round of thank you's and everyone exchanging information, the Carnival was deemed complete. While it was officially disbanded you knew you'd see the others occasionally. You even heard a few discussing the prospects of other heists or even becoming some sort of elite taskforce dealing with that. You caught Theo and Radi giggling with each other about it, the two apparently wanting more.

There was still a bit of sadness going around regarding those that were lost. Annie, Nikusa, Selever and S.

Nikusa's sacrifice perplexed you the most. Nikusa did a heroic thing. That was fine. But she kept playing at she knew something you all didn't. It made Tabi emotional so you avoided asking.

At the party you asked Solazar who just grinned.

"You think she's really, you know...gone?"

"I suspect Nikusa will be fine, though I presume that may be the last you, Tabi and my boys will ever see of her. She's always been a prickly one. Perhaps she realized how "entrenched" she was getting in the Carnival and saw a way out. Let me put it this way. If you invited her to a party she would vanish in the midst of it. That's just who she is. Secretive. Holds all the cards." Solazar said.

"Take her last words to heart. Take care of that man." Solazar said, pointing to Tabi.

You weren't sure what you could do now. You were free...at least until that very night.

Since dinner, Tabi had been kind of quiet. It was as if he wanted to ask you something but couldn't. Even at dinner he kept trying to dodge the topic, as if you were making any attempt to get it out of him. He was cute when he was like this. Even after all this time spent together, he still acted as if you would leave on a whim.

Your first guess was the bloodlust. He beat the Family but wanted more. He thirsted for violence. But then Agoti shot you a text, straight up asking you what Tabi had on his mind. Figuring Tabi was working up the courage you ignored his text, waiting for Tabi to make the move, waiting for-

"(Y/N). Can I ask you something?" He asked.

You and he were seated on the couch watching some movie play. It had become a daily thing, just cuddling and hanging out, even if you weren't paying that much attention to the movie.

"What's up?"

Even though it was well into summer, it was still cool at night, Tabi taking it as an excuse to sit closely to you.

"It's about the future."

There it is.

"Why are you smirking like that?" Tabi asked, figuring you knew something.

"Nothing. Just what's up?"

"Alright." Tabi cleared his throat. "The Andromedas and I. We're going on tour in a week. It's gonna last months and well, we uh-"

"Go on~"

"We need, I need, we could use, uh, Can you come with me? As my bodyguard, or in charge of security. Or I could train you in pyro-Gah! You know what I mean. You coming or not?"

It was the same thing Agoti spoiled. You didn't want to piss Tabi off so you kept that detail secret.

"Of course I would. We'll pack our bags first thing tomorrow."

Tabi grabbed you, pulling into a hug. He held tight. Even though his bones were visible, his skin was still there, and even in the fluff his hoodie it felt nice.

"Bro, what did you think I was gonna say no? Me and you man, unstoppable."

"Thanks for everything, (Y/N)."

"Hey don't get all sentimental on me. We got time for that later~"

The next chapter will be called Loose Ends.

I wasn't sure at first which "Lucifer" to use. After discussing with my brother and some friends we boiled it down to this.

Hazbin Hotel - When I wrote this the show wasn't out yet, otherwise I would have considered him.

Cuphead - Honestly, it would have worked. What, the Family just attacked these demons, somehow resurrected Tricky and the devil didn't notice?! This devil would be the kind of guy who has just no clue what's going on in hell.

FAITH - While it would have been thematically badass to have Satan appear it would have been out of place. This one is also far too...let's say realistic to appear. It would have clashed with the story.

Satina - I just thought of this one way too late. It would have been really cool though. She could have risen over the cliff, scaring everyone.

So I went with Helltaker. Made by an animator and kind of related to all this stuff it fits best. Plus she spends a lot of time on earth in that dude's harem. It's not surprising she didn't notice Tricky was gone.

odaocercreators' thoughts