
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

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Cauda 19 - Ultimate Showdown

Final Movements: https://x.com/odaocer/status/1799884994233463093

Now Playing...

Artist: Retromob [Melo Flamez]

Song: Level 99

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb0y8VeoGE4

While the horde may have been deadly, this was the true final test. You needed a team to bind Tricky. 4 people, Displo said. Looking at the Carnival you already knew who your picks would be.

Tabi was an instant choice. After all he'd been through with you he had to come.

"Even if we die, it will be among friends. I couldn't ask for anything less." Tabi said, shaking your hand.

You think on it. From a purely strength-based rapport, and one of the few still going hard you knew he needed to join. You didn't speak to him much but from Updike's own opinion of him, the guy wielded power.


Whitty landed nearby. The X's in his eyes vanished as his sanity returned. Wiping bloodied hands on his pants he smirked. "Heh, recognizing my talent over weatherboy?"

Updike rolled his eyes. "If you perish it will make my job easier."

Whitty nudged Updike. "Hehe, you don't really mean that."

Updike shook his head and gave Whitty a huge pat on the back, nearly toppling him over. "...Give them hell, Whitmore. This is what you are built for after all."

You look to Tabi for the next person. "We need speed and accuracy." Tabi said. "Botan."

A sniper shot rang nearby as Botan got up. She fired one last shot before joining you and the others. She drew her sniper rifle, vanilla-coloured with sandy-camoflauge all over. Her eyes were still black, whatever S did to her still prevalent.

"Had a feeling I'd be helping you in the end. I don't really know this Tricky guy but from what I've seen he needs to be stopped."

"Pft. You just picked her cause you're a fan." Agoti said through the link. Tabi didn't respond, though was not fully wrong.

Botan chambered a bullet in the gun. "Let's do what we need to do."

You needed one last person. And you needed someone durable who would have no fears facing Legion. "I want that Smiler guy."

Something warped him over, the creature appearing in front of you. Covered in blood it added red to his black and grey personage. "I'll help. For my girl and store. Tell me what needs to be done." He said solemnly, axe still glowing from Retro's acid.

"We're gonna stop Tricky and Legion."

"Hmm? Aren't you forgetting someone?" An eldritch voice asked. It rung in your ears, like he was speaking within you.

"Aren't you sealing though?"

"I mean yeah, but..." S appeared above you. "Hell if I'm not gonna be front and centre for this last fight. I want another go at him. In fact, you solari's, let me do this." S looked up.

You hand the chains to the final party. Looking around, you still find it unbelievable this was just supposed to be a heist. A lot could've been improved but you felt proud you, nay, everyone made it this far.

"Hey, hold on a sec bozo!" Rosie said. "You're gonna need this." Rosie tossed a pistol at you. A bright pink colour, it had marbles etches of white flowers all over the weapon. It was her personal one.

"Thanks, Rosie."

She gave thumbs up before returning to her post.

There was a cheer from the Carnival as the group jumped over. It was just you, Botan, Tabi, Whitty, Smiler and S now.

For the first time since the battle begun, the Carnival entered the battlefield. Tricky saw this as a direct threat and came down, warping to you all.

He was different, Legion either attempting to overtake the clown or fusing with him. Suffice to say it got him distracted. Parts of his body appeared blackened, unknown if by stain or Legion. Most of all, his fire flickered between a red and black gradient. His lower jaw was gone and his eyes and hair glowed a bright red. Lacking the lower jaw, he appeared sad but still focused. He had a red halo atop his head now.

It was just your team and Tricky/Legion now.

Being closer to the centre you see the Family's state. Slaughtered hordes, demons and hellhounds all around. Daddy and Mommy looked tired but still able. Seeing you didn't mend their confusion, instead using your distraction as a way to flee. They ran to the side, going off somewhere behind the centre.

Now Playing...

Artist: Manabu Namiki

Song: Alien Class A - MEFE / MZMA

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqlbbSBnfPQ

Tricky stopped, as did your team, S hovering above you. Tricky looked to still be confused, his mind awash from Pompom's spell and fending off Legion's apparent attempts at fusion.

As Tricky stood dripping in black his eyes settled on you. He snapped his fingers, an earthquake hitting the battlefield. Though your eyes were locked on Tricky's, Tabi looked back to see a re-energized horde show up, an unholy combination of madness dolls and trollge creatures attacking. They had a face now. What were previously dead bodies came back to life to, new energies powering them. Tabi also saw something leap forth into your team's battlefield.

A roar echoed across. At first you thought it was Tricky, the roar's owner making themselves known instantaneously instead.

Somehow making it past the Carnival leapt a monstrous quadruped creature. It stood on all fours like a panther. Covered in an inky black material you couldn't make out any specific details as it landed between you and Tricky. As large as a bear, she stood like a grizzly against the team.

A smile appeared on the creature's face, impossibly large under two soulless white eyes.

"Oh come on!" S shouted. "Can't we just end this?!"

A black forcefield emerged from the ground, cutting off your contact with the Carnival. Though visible behind the black sheen they were far too busy to help now. It was just you, S, Smiler, Botan, Whitty and Tabi.

Botan's first instinct was that Legion had returned though upon seeing red material on the beast's 'paws', realized who it belonged to.


She roared, mind no longer her own.

"I already got one of you. Let's do the rest~" Tricky/Legion's voice echoed in your head.

It looked as if the fight would held off.

"S!" Botan shouted. "Yeah, on it." S vanished, warping into Annie. A second later he re-appeared. "Yeah, no can do. She's too far gone. You guys fix Annie or whatever. I'll hold off Legion." S blinked, instantly appearing in front of Tricky/Legion. He took a deep breath, the eldritch god going for round 2.

"Crap." You realized the creature's origin's too, wide-eyed and cursing yourself that something hadn't been done about her infection earlier. With no time to spare, you command.

Annie looked at everyone conspicuously. There was hesitation in her actions, that while mauling was seconds away she recognized you all enough to stop.

You look to the others. "We can't kill her."

"I-I have seen this before!" Smiler said, trembling. "I think I can save her-"

Annie blindly charged into the group, hands developing claws that swiped, reaching for a death grip. Whitty and Tabi took charge, the two getting into football stances as they stood in her path. Strong arms around hers they tried to restrain her, both holding with all their might as Annie screamed, struggling.

"Just keep her still!" Smiler shouted. He put down his axe, running up to Annie.

Hind legs still kicking and pushing Whitty and Tabi, you and Botan run to them.

S' battle against Legion AND Tricky was yielding violence, indescribable sounds and violent pitches emerging from their struggle. Invisible to a regular eye they fought in dimensions unknown. You wondered why S was suddenly fairing much better against Tricky. Could it have been the confusion between them? You stumble as you feel something prick at your mind. Brief in feeling, you nearly fall over as you catch yourself.

Tricky/Legion blinked and for a brief second saw your mind. "HEY OUR FIGHT ISN'T OVER!" S shouted as you saw some of the black evaporate off Tricky. You weren't sure if it was because of S or not though you find out quickly.

Reforming out of the smoke, Legion stood, you stopping. The same long, gangly black appendages, claws and a perverted smile. "So that's your plan? Smart, but I won't let it happen. I'll sooner tear you apart piece by piece before. Tricky is mine. And together we shall fuse. You won't stop it."

A shockwave rocked S and Tricky's interlock, the eldritch god flying upwards. You weren't even thinking when you hit your comlink, the realization of Tricky now being free ringing. "SELEVER, WE NEED THE ILLUSION NOW!"

"HURRY UP!" Botan shouted as she got ahold of Annie's leg. She put a bullet in it, and while she didn't like it, it slowed Annie. Smiler was glowing, muttering something to Annie.

With Tricky back to normal his insanity returned. Coupled with Selever's illusion of Hank, a bandaged man with red goggles, Tricky charged it. Like a cat chasing a laser, Selever kept Hank moving, knowing it to bide time.

Legion warped to you. He was fully healed now, both eyes intact and body in one piece.

"It was a stupid plan." He said. You stare down the creature, suddenly feeling tired facing him, as if all the exhaustion finally caught up.

"Call him Arthur!" Displo said through the comlink.

"ARTHUR STOP!" You shout. Legion's smile briefly fades, a look of perplexity on his face. "Enough of that crap."

Not even thinking either, Tabi let go of Annie as he drew a pistol and fired at Legion. He cursed something in Russian.

The others let go of Annie as she writhed and leapt away, retreating temporarily. Legion's eyes turned to Tabi, Whitty, Botan and Smiler as his smile grew larger.

"I won't be sealed." He said calmly. Before you could draw Rosie's gun he was gone, warped to Tabi.

"I hate this world. Last one went down so much easier. This has just been a colossal waste of time."

Knife drawn, Tabi slashed at Legion, the trollge instantly dodging and grabbing Tabi's arm. Whitty too, flaming fists went for Legion's legs. The creature stepped back and slammed a spiky leg into Whitty's arm, firmly preventing movement.

"Coward!" You shouted as you ran to them.

Legion froze. "What did you just call me?" No answer prepared, Smiler acted first, grabbing his axe and jumping up, lodging the acid covered axe into Legion's back.

"Beep!" Boyfriend said through the comlink. He was easily distra- You silence your thoughts, "YEAH I CALLED YOU A COWARD!"

Legion let go to Tabi as he reached behind him to grab Smiler. "You stupid. Been nothing but a-" Tabi didn't waste a second, again grabbing his knife and Botan helping him up reached Legion's head. With a slash he decapitated the creature, blade cleaning through the paper-thin neck. It landed on the ground.

Legion's head laughed is melted into ink, a new head instantly growing. Feeling another shockwave you instinctively turn back as Botan fired off a shot at the new head.

S had taken to distracting Tricky, having detected Selever's magic running low. From the blast S was launched back. Like aiming for a football you dove and caught him, the eldritch hedgehog landing right in your arms.

"Wow, uh, thanks." He said sheepishly. With Tricky back in action again, S paged Selever to resume the illusion having given the kid some time to regenerate. Selever did, Tricky's attention turned to the red-goggled man shooting at him. He screamed, lunging for the fake Hank.

Another eye shot out, Legion laughed at Botan, lifting his leg and kicking Whitty into her. He ripped off Smiler and, tossing him aside, stared at the 3 as Whitty got up, ignoring the bloodied arm. Nothing Carol couldn't fix.

Legion's eyes settled on Botan, now noticing the black in her eyes. He saw S within her, coming to a different conclusion that what actually happened to her.

She was S' thrall now. S was corrupting them. He was going to go for Tricky himself,. Face flashing in fear for a second he turned back, seeing you holding S.

"What's wrong? Scared?" S said. Legion warped to Tricky, resuming the fusion. Tricky was HIS. NOT ANYONE ELSES. The forcefield flickered, Legion deciding it was better to speed this up.

With the battlefield open again, Boyfriend acted fast, microphone in hand he shouted to Annie, waiving his hands up. Psychic hovered next to him, ready to rescue Agent Blueballs if need be. Annie roared, eyes set on the blue-haired boy.

"We gotta wrap this up. I'm losing too much power. This whole 'i make the rules' thing is really startin' to piss me off." S spat.

With Legion still attempting to fuse and Tricky distracted by Hank the horde vanished.

Now Playing...

Artist: Defeatistchan & You Could Only See Eyes

Song: The Beast...[cont.]

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLcXAHCkAEg

S cracked his knuckles. "Let's finish this."

S flew up first, smashing into Tricky/Legion. Hands out, Tricky stopped S, the two pushing against each other. "CHEATER!" S screamed.

As S held back Tricky you ordered the group to split up, Whitty going right, Botan going left, Smiler looping from the back and you and Tabi charging the centre.

Monsters came out from the ground, some of the dead bodies resurrected. Armed with Rosie's gun you fire off, downing several with headshots. Tabi, armed with his knife cut faces and stabbed through hands and heads. Not an ounce of his being was tired, he was determined and angry.

One of the lost souls, armed with a stop sign teleported in front, ready to bring it upon your head. One eye-blink, it was gone, turned into a red mist, S striking a pose in its place. You weren't sure how he appeared in two places but that was the least of your concerns. My goodness, it was good he's on your side.

Gunfire erupted from the side. Tabi had disarmed several of the monsters and was firing back, eyes burning brightly as he slaughtered. The chain was wrapped around his arm, ready to throw it out like a lasso.

"Alright. 'Nough of this." S warped out, letting go of Tricky. Selever took over, the fake Hank returning.

From the left, Botan jumped upon the fallen buildings, no scoping with her sniper rifle. Chain wrapped around the gun, it didn't obstruct her sight, not even needing to look as she fired. With Tricky next to the tower, she positioned herself to be able to throw the chain, ducking as she tried to make herself look invisible.

Any monsters that tried to encroach she fired upon, drawing a pistol from her hip. Occasionally magic would volt from the Carnival, she didn't see who was casting.

Whitty did however, seeing Carol's holy magic vaporize the lost souls as he ran up to them. Chain hanging around Whitty's neck, his fists exploded in a fury of flames, incinerating all who stood in his way. X's in his eyes, he was half-berserk but knew better than to explode. It wasn't Updike he was worried about but Solazar. That earlier lightning strike still hurt.

He heard Kapi and Hex cheering him from afar. From behind, Whitty heard a screech, one of the soldiers about to open fire. It stopped suddenly, Whitty turning back to see Updike standing there.

"I didn't-"

"I don't want you to upstage me."

"Well then let's go weatherboy!" Running together they made it to Tricky, Udpike using a thunder magic to slay the horde while Whitty burned them, turning some into bombs. They felt emboldened, as if it were a competition.

They all had support, even Smiler, the trollge creature feeling invincible. He wasn't sure what still powered him though couldn't even begin to understand what was going on. He knew the following. His daughter was back there. His television store was back there. He needed to save the world.

He was going to get his revenge from Legion. He heard Displo and Nikku cheering him on from behind, both playing into his insane view of the world. Axe in hand he swung upon anything daring to get in his way. Chain around the axe caused it to glow brightly, axe now imbued with solarisapien energy.

Everyone reached Tricky at the same time just as Tricky landed on the illusion. And in that instant, everyone threw their chains. They activated, Botan's chain first as it expanded and wrapped around Tricky's hand. He rose it, ready to bring it upon you, the chain stopping it. He started to freak out as he tried to break open. Whitty's chain came next, grabbing the other hand before it could pry open the bound one. Tricky screamed, an ear-splitting sound that stopped the horde.

Legion, now seeing the tides turning started to un-fuse from Tricky, emerging from the flame upon his back. Smiler threw his whole axe at Tricky, the chain unwrapping and binding Legion to Tricky. The trollge leader screamed as he tried to prevent the fusion, screams about the portal and not wanting to be sealed any longer.

You tried to ignore it, casting the final chains with Tabi at him. They expanded, binding around the head and halo as the flame started to die.

Tricky looked at you, his screaming stopping. Looking at him you swear he looked sad. You do nothing about that. With what you knew about Tricky there was no way you'd let him go free.

He thrashed about ballistically, unable to break the blue chains. The remaining horde S started to take out, moving as fast as the real Sonic. It didn't draw your attention, Tricky's red eyes taking up your and Tabi's visions. Like rubies of madness, you saw insanity for a brief second before Tricky fell over. What unholy creature this was.

As his eyes closed a shockwave forced everyone back. All of the lost souls faded, turning into dirt.

It took a second to catch your breathing as you hear cheering. Sitting on the ground, you looked back to see everyone running up.

It was done.

"We aren't out of the woods yet." Displo said as he reached you. He looked to Selever and Nikusa, beside him. S sighed as he joined them.

The next chapter will be called Torndown.

Here's the plan for the rest of the book. Next chapter is fallout from the operation. 21 will be loose odds and ends so if there are any specific interactions between characters you wanna see, things you want answered, lore questions, plot holes or things you aren't sure about be sure to comment them here and I will (hopefully) answer them in Cauda 21. That chapter is basically just a bunch of small scenes I have such as Tricky's fate and what happened to JJ. Same deal as last book's "Last Save Point". Chapter after that will be 'the future of the carnival'.

The team chosen at the end was kind of inspired by Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits. You end up with something like 20 allies in your party and when you reach the final boss you need to pick one final team of 6(?) people for the finale. Same deal here. I went with the reader favourite characters, though really anyone could have been picked. In the original version it would have been: Geist/(Y/N), Tabi, Ruv, Pompom, Huggy. S on standby.

odaocercreators' thoughts