
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Video Games
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23 Chs

Cauda 21 - Loose Ends

Meanwhile on another world..TGG headquarters, the Trio's Room. The Roadshow had been called to an emergency meeting. Operation Takedown, the final operation against the Tankmen was placed on immediate hold.Too early in the morning for most people you weren't surprised only a handful actually showed up. Course nobody wanted to come either but the leader of TGG was frantic that a meeting be called. Whatever it was, he sounded worried. You looked around at who actually showed up.Nikusa, the solarisapien record exec and mother of the Andromedas was present, as was her nemesis, Solazar, the void king. Garcello was present too, chewing on tobacco. He knew better than to smoke at TGG. It pissed Whitmore of to no end. Hat down you could hardly tell if he was actually awake. Hex, the second member of the team and IRIS' representative was there, appearing worried as well. Pompom, the graffiti artist along with her 'pet', Kissy Missy had shown up too. Tabi was absent, the ramwoman drunk off the wine and bottles of scotch you had with her. You felt a little groggy.Aside from the leader of TGG, one of the trio showed up as well. Though they were part of the team like anyone else you still weren't 100% trusting of them yet. At least they had helped the team immensely."Sorry to keep you all waiting. I know not everyone is here but we will reconvene at Tess's tomorrow lunchtime." The TGG leader said.You turned as he walked in. Buff as always and hands behind his back he walked with absolute authority. He had a bomb for a head which perhaps explained his impressive patience. You didn't want to see it go off. He was called Whitmore, one of the trio of The Greater Good. Next to him, also dressed in a white suit was Carol, his significant other and member of the trio. As soon as they two other stragglers emerged."Yeah, yeah. What's so worrying?" MX said, popping up in his hologram. The eldritch plumber didn't look too happy, probably interrupted while watching Mushroom Kingdom news."Sorry I'm late." A raucous voice said, no apologetic tone in his voice at all. You knew who it was, a rambunctious 'destroyer' (as Whitmore had called him), Updike, the thunderous weatherboy. He didn't acknowledge Whitmore so much as sideways glance."Yes, yes. We'll skip introductions." Whitmore said. "I'm sure you're all aware of the recent explosion over the Newgrounds Bay."You were aware, hearing it both on the news and it real life. Something crash-landed in the bay, causing almost a tsunami to rock the city. You could have sworn you felt an earthquake too. It happened in the wee hours, sometime after 2:00AM, only a few hours ago."I'll keep it brief. The explosion was caused by a universal anomaly. Something has entered our world." Whitmore said gravely."Two beings officially, though last we checked one was trying to overtake one of the others." Carol said. "They were falling towards the Dearest Family's estate when they flew off course, landing in the lake. We've been in contact with the Family. They are rattled buy okay.""So what?" MX asked. "Meteors fall all the time who cares?""Meteorite." Pompom clarified. MX shrugged in annoyance."Whatever. They're probably just some aliens. I ask again, who cares?""These two beings aren't alien. They're origin is from this city. Just not the city you are all familiar with.""Aside from the beings, something else actually crashed into the compound. This." Whitmore held up a smartphone.MX shrugged."A phone." You stated, unsure where this was going."It's a TGG phone, though not from our world. We extracted the data on it, finding one particular video addressed to us. If you will." Whitmore turned around as the TESLAS computer projected a screen in front of everyone at the table. MX materialized a bag of popcorn as he watched.The video, though not terribly long was extremely confusing though at the same time worrying. You understood why Hex looked so rattled.Holding the phone as a selfie it showed a way more buff and professional version of Updike. Around him were Displo, that fugitive robot wanted by IRIS, a lewdly dressed Nikusa, a professional looking Solazar and Selever, that demon from the Lightbringers. While you were confused first what they spoke of only confused you more.The part that trumped you was that Updike identified himself as a member of the triumvirate, Displo a member of IRIS and Solazar as the father of the Andromedas. They explained gravely about how in their world, the Dearest Family revived Tricky and were planning on taking over the city. They argued that the Family took out the TCF as well, using trollge energy to power him as well as kidnapped demons. They explained how they were not equipped to deal with Tricky because they were trapped in his void. Displo stated that through 'universe-traversal' and 'QPUs' (terms you didn't fully understand) that they would send Tricky (and some other creature called Legion) to your world, hoping the other TGG would be able to take him out. The alternate Updike listed off a few weapons and project names he stated only the trio would understand. Judging by Whitmore's nod he knew exactly what that Updike was speaking of.The said in their world Tricky was a violent murderer and a key player in the Madness Wars. You didn't need any further explanation, those wars nearly destroyed the city. Those images were burned into your mind. Though you knew Tricky to not be a monster. He was the one who slew Hank and vanished after. Hank was the one who slew hundreds in those battles, not Tricky. You figured that just like Updike and Whitmore, things were different in that world.They identified themselves as members of a group called The Carnival, a crew of people wronged by The Family, who planned to take them down. It concluded with Updike apologizing, that under any other circumstances he could have eradicated Tricky."We could not have predicted this outcome. And if this world is as similar to ours then I must warn you The Family is doing this right as you hear us."Suffice to say it left you shocked, as did many of the others. Nobody had any words to say, everyone just as confused as you.Finally, after a silence, MX spoke up. "Kinda a copout to just send it here. Like it's our problem.""Indeed." Whitmore said. I don't know how that iteration of TGG works but we do not deal with parallel universes. We have enough aversions in this world. We don't need any more running around. I'm not quite impressed by this act by that world's TGG." Whitmore said, shooting Updike a dirty look.Updike glared at him. "Yeah, well, it's our problem now. What are we gonna do about it?""That world has clear parallels to us." Carol said. "They are the Carnival, we are the Roadshow. As strange as it is, Updike is a leader of TGG and Whitty is probably the vagabond.""That mean we're together?" Updike asked jokingly.Carol ignored the comment."We're putting the operation on hold until Tricky and Legion are dealt with. The Dearest Family will be assisting us." Whitmore said. "Thanks to that Updike I know exactly how to beat Tricky. Legion will be a big tougher but if they are correct in his fusion killing Tricky should slay Legion. Worst case scenario it, Girlfriend was an agent for TCF. She will know how to deal with Legion.""With what we have from NEXUS we have begun preparing a weapon." Carol added."Uhh did you hear them? The Family is the one 'building' that Tricky guy." Pompom said flatly."No. If the parallels are to be followed then it's the Tankmen who are planning on reviving Tricky and destroyed the TCF. It would certainly answer why they are consuming so much electricity daily. We must work fast." Whitmore said.Hex spoke up. "We have the advantage currently. We already know Legion can read minds and already have access to NEXUS research. I believe we will be able to handle them accordingly." He still looked rattled but you attributed that to Displo being the 'IRIS-person'. He was clearly disturbed by the implication he was an enemy of IRIS in that other world."Sure, whatever. I can take him." MX said as he brought up Tricky's NEXUS report. "Guy can't even pull off red correctly.""Simply put, Operation Takedown will no longer be a simple heist. It will be a war. Is everyone okay with that?"Nobody had any objections.Meanwhile at The Dearest Compound..."Aha!" Someone shouted as the hellfire retreated from their vision. It took longer than she hoped but she finally got out of hell. So much attention on hell's gates made escape especially challenging.Brushing her hair aside she looked around at the compound, smile replaced by perplexity as she saw ruins and police tape everywhere. "What the hell happened?" She shouted. Not a sign of anyone around the compound it looked abandoned. Several flood lights were scattered about the place lighting up various parts of the destroyed buildings and scraps."Cassandra." A voice rang in her head. She knew the owner instantly. "Psychic? Where are you?" Cassandra looked around. Middle of the night and her eyes still adjusting she couldn't see him anywhere."Here." Psychic said from behind her. She turned back, seeing him standing there, glowing a faint purple as he stood across the street."What happened? Where is everyone?" She asked, walking to him."Your mother and father are gone. On trial for the Laughing Plan. Your brother is staying with your older sister and Girlfriend is staying with Boyfriend.""What about you?" She asked."My situation is guardian to what remains of this Family. I am currently getting the Family's cottage up in Devian operational. We will be going to see your older sister. Her apartment is our currently living quarters."Cassandra sighed. "Are others at least okay?""Yes. They all escaped Lucifer's wrath as did I.""Well...Mom and Dad had it coming. We can rebuild. C'mon. Let's go.""Indeed." Psychic said as the two warped away.Meanwhile across the world...Tokyo.Tabi really wasn't kidding when he said a tour. You didn't think you'd be leaving the country, let alone heading to Japan. Yet here you were in a city of flashy lights and glamorous architecture unique to its mountainous landscape.With shows and security taking up yours, Tabi's and the Andromedas time there wasn't a chance to take it easy. Of course there hadn't been any attacks or anything to worry about but you took the job seriously. Tabi was yours to protect anyway. Though, being in charge of security also allowed you to mess with their schedules. So, as a fun break you reached out to the only Japanese member of the Carnival for a small rematch between your company and hers. Shishiro Botan. The Andromedas and Tabi were up for it of course, Solazar condoning it so long as everyone returned to their hotel rooms at a reasonable hour. Even though he tried to hide it you could tell Tabi was giddy about the meeting.With a rented out arcade you found yourself surrounded by cabinets and pachinko machines, sounds blaring all around.You saw Botan and that shark girl from the fight engaged in some kind of co-operative shooting game, each holding massive plastic guns. Judging by the large game over displayed on the screen they had lost. Seeing you, Botan waved, walking up to you, Tabi and Agoti. Aldryx had already gotten elsewhere, the red digidevil remarking that he wanted to try some driving games."Hey all!" Botan said cheerily. She looked to Tabi, grinning slyly."Почему, если это не мой любимый российский фанат?"Tabi's eyes lit up."W-wha-?""Hehe, Удивлен? Я немного выучил русский язык." Botan said in a rough accent. "Ровно столько, чтобы отбросить разговоры, когда я выиграю это дело."Tabi beamed, jaw hanging slightly open."Well? How's my Russian?" Botan asked. "Good, dah?"Tabi squeaked, possibly the cutest thing you'd ever heard or seen. Agoti burst out laughing and in 2 seconds flat, Tabi had his knife drawn, practically ready to gut the digidevil.Meanwhile in an TGG prison..."That's about all the tests I can run." Aurora said. A pink cloud-like scientist, she wore a labcoat and stethoscope, holding a clipboard as she scratched off the last checkbox.Sitting on a patient bed was a gangly creature, normal height though his limbs were as thin and narrow as sticks and only defined a basic shape, as if drawn from memory. His most defining feature was a chalk-white face with white eyes, though the rest of his face looked normal. Right now he looked depressed, Aurora's news not hitting him well.The patient had already read over his case file though felt no connection to the person described in it. He knew his name as Smiler, or 23. That was it.He felt odd, unfulfilled but despite the assurance that his 'daughter' was fine. He wasn't sure what was next. His only possession, an axe was lost in the final battle against Tricky.Theo and Displo were present, standing nearby. Though this was Displo's case, the restauranteur decided that Theo would be best to tag along."Well, alas it's not so bad. Many would kill just to still be breathing." Theo said hopefully."What does it say about his physiology?" Displo asked."Compared to TCF reports and even TGG's own stats his makeup is extremely unusual. Trollge's, depending on their stage usually hover upwards of 70-90% trollge, the rest human. But this case, er, Smiler sits at..." Aurora paused. "He's about 54% trollge, and 45% human. Based on these TCF reports his original makeup was 68/32, low for a trollge. However now his make up 47% human, 41% trollge and 12% eldritch. He's still very corrupted, though his human-side is now the most dominant.""H-how?" Smiler asked. Prior to the appointment Displo tried to explain to Smiler just what he was. The being was thoroughly confused about it though understood that whoever he may have been, was long gone."How could that be?" Displo asked. It made no sense to him."Perhaps, if I may," Theo said. "But according to how the battle was described to me Smiler was dying, correct? And then S attacked him.""That's right. S interrupted the ascension. Said something about ascending not being fair.""Then could S not have corrupted Smiler himself?" Theo asked."Hm. That is possible." Aurora said, shrugging. "He went 'off-script'. He is still a trollge, though a new form.""So..." Smiler said solemnly. "I'm stuck here..?""It seems so." Aurora said."Well, it's not so bad." Theo said. "The sun's bright out, you sharp as an axe and from what I've heard you are durable as steel."Smiler continued to look down."Yeah..." Aurora looked at the notes. "I'm reading it here. All the trollges that ascended were way more trollge than human. Hmm. Based on these I assume that the 'ascension process' is when they're trollge energy leaves and since their all trollge it allows them to 'pass on'. When it was interrupted it must have been replaced with eldritch.""What am I supposed to do now?" Smiler asked, gaze still downcast. "My daughter's gone, my store's gone. I can't remember anything prior to this anymore. I don't have anything...Am I immortal?""Not likely." Aurora said. "You're more human than the others. And since you ascended, I guess you'll just get more human and age naturally. Or perhaps you'll gain more trollge energy and be able to ascend. This is all new to me.""Well you are not leaving TGG or IRIS custody." Displo said. "We'll at least keep you safe until we can figure out...how to ascend you, I guess.""Displo, if I may have a word with you?" Theo asked."Yes, Theo." The two walked outside the room."I should wish to try and rehabilitate this being." Theo said."You do?""Yes. I've read his case file and he reminds me of my own path, albeit minus the dark energy. He is lost right now. Can he be released to my care?"Displo shook his head. "No. Caring for a being like 23 would require upmost discipline...But I will arrange a weekly, or daily meeting with him for you. I believe it should work better this way.""Very good. I sympathize with this Smiler fellow. I should like to help him pick up the pieces.""Thank you. Him facing S was a terrible idea which doomed him. If you can put him back together you'll give peace to a grieving father."Theo nodded and shook Displo's hand.Meanwhile in the TGG prison...(and sometime later)Static couldn't shake the feeling he shouldn't be here. Nothing about this felt safe. Sure his uncle walked beside him and sure they were surrounded by armed guards but he still felt in danger.As they passed by cells containing various abominations, demons and other strange creatures he could feel them staring at him. He preferred not to imagine what they were thinking about. He only agreed to this for the clout, that he could boast to the kids on the schoolyard that he entered a prison. At the time he didn't think it would be this. Thinking back he should have trusted his instinct when his uncle practically jumped at the opportunity to show him, something Displo had not done prior.Displo already explained to him the task. They were to meet some prisoner and Static was expected to play along with whatever the prisoner said. He had a script he was expected to follow. He asked Displo what was supposed to happen to which Displo just replied, "I am not sure myself." Aside from that he didn't know a single thing about the prisoner.Just play along. Displo said.After too many cells to count, Displo, Static and the armed entourage reached a single cell. On its own, the cells adjacent weren't lit, unoccupied for the time being."Here we are." Displo said calmly. He waved the guards aside as the entourage dispersed, standing far away from the two. Static looked inside, seeing what he first thought was a circus. The walls were projecting a hologram of a fairground: white and red striped tents, an elephant with garb upon its back, a ring toss attraction and boardwalk flooring. There was a balloon cart present, currently powered off. Like the rest of the cells a blue forcefield was present, separating the inside and out.In the centre of the enclosure sat a clown, head downcast and staring at the ground. In direct contrast to the rest of the cell, he was in downright horrible shape. Torn white shirt stained green and black, suspenders that looked seconds away from ripping, a previously red bowtie that was half undone and two tufts of hair that were a hazy brown, red at one point.Introduce yourself. Displo messaged Static. Don't worry he cannot harm you. He took a step back from the boy. This was his mission.Static gulped and stepped forward. "H-Hi?"The clown instantly sprung to life, looking and jumping up in one motion. He was instantly upright, showing off black holes that once contained his eyes, dull red (now brown) clown nose and most visibly, a smile that stretched his face past the realm of physical possibility.Static saw a fire in his eyes light up briefly as he took stock of Static and Displo. In a bout of courage, Static puffed his chest up. A theory started to creep that Displo agreed to this to scare him, probably convince him that IRIS wasn't all secret agents. Feeling that way, Static felt to show courage and prove his uncle wrong.By the scant reactions from both Static and Displo, the clown's smile changed to worry.JJ, or Case 76, Displo messaged Static."Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I-I didn't scare you, did I?" JJ asked, trembling. He rubbed his side with a clawed hand, Static now noticing it had been bandaged up."N-no." Static said."Y-you." JJ said, taking note of Displo. Static saw the clown's eyes light up again, and Displo not react."W-why? Why aren't you scared?""Perhaps I am a child at heart." Displo said. "Nevermind me. Your focus should be on this boy. I've brought him so that you may save him from the corruption you so claim I have."JJ's eyes went wide as he looked at the two. "W-well then listen to me! B-both of you!" JJ shouted.What JJ spoke of only confused Static more. He spoke at length of corruption, that Displo was a bad person, responsible for corrupting youth. He spoke about all adults, how they were evil, that he alone was one of the few people capable of stopping it. Static just nodded and listened, not having any viable response. He seemed frantic in his explanation, Static picking up clear contradictions within it. Several times he saw JJ glare at Displo, distrusting the agent."Well, you, uh do seem kind of scary. Maybe that's why they don't listen to you?" Static asked."There was a girl. She almost believed me. Even stopped all the adults but then they corrupted her. I accidentally scared her. She was so innocent. L-like you.""That girl is in good care." Displo added. "I personally over saw her recovery." Displo said."Then please. Tell her I am sorry. I never meant it. I-I was panicking.""I will." Displo lied, knowing it would be better of Pompom wasn't reminded of that specific event.Static felt a little uneasy at the 'innocent' statement, but following what Displo said, played along. "I don't think I'll be corrupted. I mean, at school, me and my friends, we're unstoppable. Why our leader is planning to steal the exam answers next semester. We've already started planning it."Figuring that Displo didn't stop him yet he continued."We have a whole crew. I mean, it's me, a scarecrow, a monkey dog and my best friend and her pet macaron. We're so excited for September. We're gonna rule that school! We're so gonna go against the teachers." He said cheerily. "There's even this factory we're gonna break into."Static continued on, speaking high praise about his friends and school. JJ said nothing, smile shortening to more conventional lengths. He listened in depth, not saying a word as Static gloated.With Pompom on his mind, Static spoke about Operation Teardown, not a clue JJ was a combatant then. Eventually JJ clued into it and while not mentioning his role seemed ecstatic when he heard about the crew's victory against the "tallman". He was in disbelief at first but as Static explained it he realized Static spoke of the truth. The kid had no reason to lie."Such a child's imagination. Always the best storytellers." JJ said happily.Static concluded, speaking about his plans for the summer, and how he wanted to be just like his uncle."No!" JJ said, bashful at first. "S-sorry. I mean you need to be your own person! You aren't like the rest. You need to be your own." JJ said.Static shrugged. "You think so?""You can't be like the other adults. Don't get corrupted." JJ looked to Displo. "And and you aren't like the rest but he's gotta be his own!" JJ pleaded."I leave the choice to him." Displo replied."Alright. I will." Static nodded. "You're pretty cool JJ."JJ's smile shortened, narrowing from impossibly large to a normal, plain smile. The clown started to flicker."Kid. You've made my day. You won't be like the rest of them. I know it....Wait!" JJ got up and grabbed his balloon cart. Moving more than Static had seen him yet he turned it on and started feeding material into it. It whirred to life as it started producing balloons. JJ got to work immediately, grabbing several and twisting it.From behind Static, Displo nodded to the nearby officers. With a flick of the switch the forcefield fell, all guards ready to open fire from the darkness if things went south.Static watched as JJ's hands worked, creating a shape out of balloons, blowing some up as the kart blew up others. He worked fast, the rate of JJ's flickering increasing by the second.With a heave, JJ shut the machine off, revealing a creation. A balloon version of Static, all made with red balloons."Wow!" Static said.JJ walked out of the cell as the guards cocked their weapons. "Here you go!" He handed Static the life-size replica of himself."Don't be corrupted. You got that?" JJ said as he patted Static on the head. Static looked at the replica, in awe that JJ was able to make something so quickly. "JJ this is so cool-" Static looked up, the clown that had been patting him gone, nothing but an empty cell."H-huh?""Remarkable." Displo said."W-what was that?" Static asked. He looked, the balloon cart and replica gone as well, fading as JJ did."That. That was a trollge ascension, Static. I cannot believe I finally got to witness it. Simply remarkable."Static just felt even more confused.Meanwhile in the Flashpoint Arcade...With loud sounds blaring, arcade machines beeping and the flashy lights surrounding them all it was a wonder they could hear each other. Even though it was quieter in the lounge such sounds make the tapestry of the Flashpoint Arcade. Blackjack was around, though not currently walking the floor. Kapi had barely seen him the past few weeks, the demon busy with the trial in hell. He'd already gotten Kapi and Whitty to give testimony to some investigators. Blackjack was convinced Mommy and Daddy were screwed.Though a busy summer night the lounge remained lax on people. A party had accumulated in the centre, them having to move a few tables and couches together. Going clockwise was Hex, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Whitty, Kapi, Connor and Loki. The latter three had already been reunited and exchanged stories. For now they just wanted to hang out. Each had their own drinks in hand, Hex holding a microphone as he liked to."We were just supposed to set up relays, find Retro and if there was time to help the others." Kapi finished explaining to an irate Hex. "Then we ran into Psychic and well, things went south.""Hmph. Well if someone had invited me I could've warned you. He probably could've helped us.""Beep!" Boyfriend agreed."Bro no way." Whitty said. "That dude was psycho.""Aw, c'mon, he's not so bad." Girlfriend added."He mind controlled me! Twice!" Kapi protested."Yeah but he was just being cautious. You did blow up the church.""Heh, that was fun." Whitty grinned."Bebeop.""Yeah, yeah." Whitty waved. "Hey I wasn't against you guys joining. That was all Tabi."Girlfriend sighed. "I still feel bad about him. I never knew Daddy would do that to him.""Beep...""True, but last I heard he's doing a lot better. Hardly the same person apparently." Whitty said.Connor cleared his throat, wishing to speak. He hadn't changed a lick since his left for Apollo. To him the trip was an impromptu vacation, also having to deal occasionally with assassins."You guys worried about any other enemies coming up? I mean shoot, I even wanted a go at your old man.""I think we'll be fine." Girlfriend smiled."Argh. I still can't believe you didn't tell me!" Hex pouted.Loki laughed. He already knew of all of Kapi's feats and was glad he wasn't involved. I mean, fighting clowns, getting brainwashed, assassins?! He preferred that kind of stuff in video games only."Well at least IRIS isn't going after me anymore. It feels nice to be free. Displo even reached out me the other day, asked if I wanted to join." Hex said."Beep?!""Yeah, I said no. I...okay with Displo now but there's no way I'm joining them. But still man! I wanted a heist. Let's go rob someone!"The table laughed."Well there was that pentest thing we did." Kapi mused."Beep?""Basically paid us to break into a company. How far we got, the more money we got. Did what...IRIS, TGG...?"Whitty shrugged. "You guys did all that before I joined.""Aw you did that too!" Hex was even more annoyed now."Sounds pretty cool though." Connor said. "I'd be up for it.""Bebbooop?"Whitty nearly spat out his drink. "Oh man that would piss weatherboy off so hard. No way I'd even be able to get in the building.""You guys serious?" Girlfriend asked."Why not? I mean, if the company's okay with it. What's the harm?" Hex asked. "There's plenty of companies out there. And it sounds fun!""Yeah well I'm the getaway driver. Ain't no way I'm doing anything else." Kapi spat.The table laughed again.The second last chapter will be called Parting of Minds / The Carnival's Future.

Wew, posted reaaaaaaaaaally late today. Didn't edit the chapter yesterday because of Father's Day. Then work got in the way today. Lots of changes (all positive). Ah well. The next chapter will be a play-by-play of what happened to each Carnival member after the heist.

odaocercreators' thoughts