
One Piece: The Raging Shockwave

In the forest, an old man appears carrying a boy with black hair and smiling black eyes. "Grandfather, I've decided I won't become the Pirate King." "Hoho, Koutaro, you've finally come to your senses. It seems throwing away sea monsters was the right decision." "Not only will I become the Pirate King, but I will also become the strongest man in the world."

wahi55 · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

The Future Pirate King's Crew

"I'm lost, aren't I?" In the vast sea, under the midday sun, a boat sails on an aimless journey carrying a boy with black hair swept back and black eyes. He rests his hand on his chin, contemplating the foolish decision he made.

"How can I sail without a compass? What was I thinking?"

"Now stuck in this vast sea, not knowing when I'll reach an island, or worse, whether I'll reach one alive."

"I won't accept this!" he yelled, gripping the oars and rowing with all his might.

The boat was seen speeding like a rocket through the middle of the sea, as if it could fly at any moment.

"Heh... heh... Koutaro," he muttered, catching his breath, "how could my future as a Pirate King end up lost at sea?" He sat back in the boat, staring with lifeless eyes at the sea.

"Well then," he sighed, stretching out on the boat and placing one hand behind his head, while the other rummaged through a bag, grabbing a ripe apple and beginning to eat, gazing at the blue sky. "I guess I'll wait like this, then."

And so it continued until the day passed and another day came.

Apologies if my previous response wasn't as clear as expected. Here's a translation of the text you provided into English:

"Run, run! It's Pirate Hunter Zoro and the Grim Reaper, Hiro!" On a large pirate ship, there are 17 men looking fearfully at the two men in front of them. One has green hair and swords on both sides, smiling at the men in front of him. "Looks like I'm on the wrong ship."

Another man, with long hair and red eyes, carrying a large scythe with a red edge on his back, hands in his pants pockets, looks at the men in front of him with boredom. "Totaling 3 million, huh? Enough to cover my meals for a few days."

"Quiet down!" shouted a man with a large scar over his eye, holding a single sword in his hand. "What's wrong with you? These are just two men against our 17. Don't be afraid. We're Pirates of Destruction; we won't be scared by mere pirate hunters!"

"Yeah, they're just two."

"And our rewards will increase if we kill them."

"We'll become famous."

Encouraged, the pirates brandished their swords and guns, their faces filled with greed.

"I really just wanted to capture you. Why are you walking to your death? I don't understand pirate logic," Hiro withdrew his hands from his pockets and assumed a fighting stance with both hands.

"I ended up here due to a trivial matter. Wasn't this supposed to be a cargo ship? I just wanted to take a nap," Zoro drew one sword from his waist and looked at the pirates in front of him.

"Attack!" declared the pirate captain, initiating an assault on the two men. Before his words could sink in, a fist met his face, shattering him against the ship. "One down, 1.5 million left."

"Captain..." The men couldn't believe what had just happened before them. "Open fire with the rifles! They're just men; bullets can stop them!" intervened the deputy.

Six men aimed their rifles at Hiro and opened fire.

"Clang..." The clash of bullets against Zoro's swords deflected the pirates' shots. He looked back at Hiro and smiled, "You're strong, aren't you?"

Hiro replied with a question, "And you too?"

"Let's understand each other after we finish off these scum," Zoro grinned savagely at the pirates.

"He managed to deflect the bullets..." The pirates stepped back, trembling.

The duo vanished and reappeared before the pirates every second, dropping them like flies with large chest wounds or punches to the face, until 17 pirates lay defeated around them. Pirate hunters indeed.

"Let me say..." Hiro gestured towards Zoro.

"What's the matter?" Zoro began to disarm himself of his three weapons.

"Their reward for me," he pointed to the pirates around him.

"Hah," Zoro nearly collapsed onto the ship. "Hey, we want to fight, and you're talking rewards to me."

"3 million for me," he declared, pointing to himself with a stern face.

"You..." Zoro's face trembled severely.

"Hahaha, you're funny, comrades," a voice laughed on the ship.

"Who?" Zoro immediately spun around.

"I didn't notice," Hiro, with his hand on his chin, looked at the man seated on the captain's quarters and smiled at them.

"Who are you?" Zoro pointed his swords at Koutarou.

"Don't be afraid," he waved his right hand in front of his face, indicating denial. "You are strong."

"Let's join," Koutarou extended his hand forward, pointing them.

"I refuse."

"I refuse."

"Hah," Koutarou fell from the surprise of their refusal. "Why do you refuse?"

"I don't know who you are," Zoro said idly.

"We don't know the reason," Hiro looked calmly at Koutarou.

"Yes, I have not told you," he laughed, looking at them with excitement in his eyes.

"Then let's become the future King of Pirates' Wings."

"I refuse."

"I refuse."

"Ha, why do you refuse now?"

"I hate pirates. I won't become one of them," Zoro firmly made his decision.

"They're an internal source," Hiro looked at Koutarou and gestured a money sign with his hand.

"Is there anyone who hates pirates other than my grandfather? That's strange. Are you sure you're a man?" He pointed at Zoro.

"Are you seeking death?" Zoro placed his sword at Koutarou's neck, trembling with anger.

"Hahaha, you're amusing," Hiro laughed.

"Of course, isn't it every man's dream to conquer the world of the seas and become the Pirate King?" Koutarou looked at Zoro innocently.

"My dream is to become the strongest swordsman, and by your logic, no one will join you because everyone wants to be the leader to become the Pirate King," Zoro sheathed his swords.

"You're right. How did I not think of that? And the strongest swordsman," his eyes sparkled as he looked at Zoro.

"Someone like that must be in my crew. I've decided; you'll become my deputy."

"Don't decide on your own. Who said I would join you?" he shouted in his face.

"And you'll become my left deputy. You can hunt down other pirates and take their loot."

"Can I do that? It seems I can, and becoming the future left deputy of the Pirate King doesn't seem bad. Hehehe," he smiled wickedly in the end.

"How can you join a stranger as if it's nothing? Are you out of your mind?" Zoro yelled at Hiro.

"Distraction. Didn't I tell you that you're doubting your manhood? What do you say, left deputy?"

"That seems right, Captain."

"You..." Zoro drew his sword and began to chase after them. "Come here."

As they ran around the ship and entered the hold, they met a girl with purple hair hiding in the corner, trembling and looking at them in fear. She raised her hand and said,

"Hello," tears threatening to fall from fear


Hello everyone, the author here. This novel was created for the purpose of enjoyment, so to continue, I need your support. Please share your reviews and comments with us.