
One Piece: Reincarnated with a system

The typical MC dies and gets reincarnated with a system in one piece world. I do not own One Piece or any other characters from any series which can be referenced. Things to expect from the fan fiction: 1. MC will be a pirate. Will have emotions, and morals and will act like a true leader to the crew (sorry no Reverend Insanity-like protagonist). Also, no harem and romance will not be very important. Will not join straw hats but maintain a good relationship with them. The reason will be explained in the story. 2. This will be an AU, but nothing major, just some minor age and small stuff might be changed for my convenience. Few characters will be based on mythology and (probably) any other series 3. MC will have a gamer-like system but there will be no stats, inventory, or player level-up but there will be skill leveling, missions, and shop. More about the system will be disclosed throughout the story. The system will activate after a certain time, and the user will not get the system right from the start. It will probably activate in the third arc or before. 4. No devil fruit for MC. It will be pure haki, martial arts, weapon mastery, etc. 5. Speaking of weapon mastery, MC's fighting style will include a sword on one of the hands, a gun on the other, and also kicks, so a versatile style I would say. 6. Guns/Marksmanship will also be explored here, also other martial arts. 7. English is not my mother tongue so please bear with it. However, I will use some free online grammar correction tools. 8. Constructive criticism is always welcomed. Might also take meme references, jokes, etc from other sources. However, if you don't like it, don't read it. Don't bother causing havoc in comment section. There will also be plotholes, which I might not solve since it involves rewriting (paragraph comments get deleted of the entire chapter). So, if you are very particular about plotholes, I think this is not for you. 9. Updates will be irregular because I have a job. I am writing this as a hobby. Therefore even with power stones, I cannot guarantee more updates, but any power stones will still be appreciated. 10. Lastly I might go with some theories because the canon story is not complete, but if later canon proves the theory wrong, then it can't be helped. Now please enjoy it.

Shadow_Stryker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Fixing the plot

A.N: Second chapter today. I would like to clarify something more

The plot from now onwards is based on "One Piece novel Law" which I did not read, but I read the summary on the wiki

So if anyone has read the actual novel, and a few things are wrong, please spare me.

Now enjoy


Thor and Hodur were waiting for me and Drake. I told them about him and also my little mission to escape with Drake.

They were happy to see Drake. And made arrangements for him in the cave of the forest, like fruits, some clothing, etc

I had secured Drake, but Drake played an important role in saving Law. In canon, Drake got saved by the marines, and that signal was intercepted by a Baby-5 and Buffalo, which caused the misconception for Doflamingo that Law was taken in by the Marines.

Without Drake being taken in by the marines, Doflamingo will probably look for Law, and if he has already awakened his observation haki, finding Law inside the treasure chest will just be a matter of time.

Now I had to take care of what I messed with the plot. The main plot will begin at midnight. I cannot raise suspicion from the grandmas at all. If they know what is going on, they will mess with the plot very badly. Which can result in Law being dead, Law being taken by marines and WG, and a lot more.

It was lunchtime by the time we reached back. We had lunch.

"Hey, Grandma, we will be staying at Wolf's place tonight after some training"

It was natural for us to stay at Wolf's place at night occasionally. We worked on inventions and grandmas trusted him.

Now after I left the orphanage, I had to make an excuse to visit Minion Island back to save Law.

We are in the cave.

"Guys, I have thought about it, but I think I need to visit the island back to clear the blood"

Thor and Hodur did not seem to like the idea and Drake was apparently too scared.

Seeing this I further added,

"Diez should not have an idea that his life can be at stake. Blood will make him very cautious. By the time Diez finds out that Cinco is missing, he will be dead himself"

They still did not look convinced.

"Look guys, trust me. I said I will safely bring Dory here, and I did it right. I will be fine this time as well, by any means necessary"

Each of them trusted me. I had built that credibility right from the beginning.

"I am not sure when I will return, but I will return. I promise"

Now I departed to Minion Island again. As soon as I reached there, I saw the Barrel pirates waking up, but they do not seem to be in any kind of panic yet.

I can only assume that they did not find anything suspicious.

I quickly threw the blood-stained snow out to the ocean and covered the vomit with snow.

With this, I spotted the tallest tree from where I could get the entire view and also hide.

Now I started observing the entire island and spotted a marine ship coming to this island. They hid in a strategic location. I am assuming that this is the ship that will rescue Drake.

One thing to note was that the two rooftop guards gained consciousness and they seem to shrug it off, probably assuming that they fell asleep. They were awake all night in this cold weather and it is natural.

Now, I had to wait. I waited for the night. I also kept an eye on all the directions. The marines were now observing the situation. I also looked if the pirates searched for anyone or if they appear to do something like that.

Drake and Cinco were missing, and I did not want that to hamper the plot too much.

But it seems they are still partying. I was observing everything that is possible so that Doflamingo's ship will be visible to me.

Slowly but surely the time came that I was waiting for.

I heard 2 gunshots and the mansion's light went off. This was the signal of Corazon stealing the fruit.

I immediately got down from the tree and rushed towards the marine ship.

Once I reached there, I hid in another tree. The marines started moving and I saw Vergo among them too.

I waited for another event to occur.

Soon that event too happened. I saw the classic birdcage of Doflamingo. The reason I rushed near the marine ship was that I was not sure if the tree that I was waiting on will come under it.

I remember that Drake and the marine ship that rescued him were outside of it, so he did not use the birdcage on the entire island. Keeping this information in mind I positioned myself near it.

Now I saw Buffalo flying with Baby-5, and I did what I came here for.

That is, fixing the plot.

I again rushed straight to the marine ship. Once I was there, a soldier saw me. I ran up to him, acting as if I was scared.

"Sir, please save me, the pirates are destroying this island"

"Worry not child, get on the ship. You are safe with us"

"Thank you. Thank you so much"

I had to act as relieved as possible.

"This is Sam, marine code: 01965 speaking. We have secured a child who has escaped from the pirates"

"Copy that, keep that child with you and look for more survivors on the island"

"Yes. We are searching for the other as of now"

Here my job was done. Now, I have played out Drake's role and was hoping that Law survives.

Even if I play out everything, I was still not 100% sure. You never know what can happen. People can only speculate on that, but nobody ever knows.

There was not much to do, so I could only pray to the one and only God that I know.

Soon the birdcage was taken down. This was a signal that Doflamingo is escaping from Tsuru.

Eventually, the marines started asking me questions, like my bio-data.

When they learned that I was from Swallow island and that I swim up here daily, they were shocked. Eventually, Tsuru-san, who could not chase Doflamingo, came to know about me and quickly came to interrogate me.

"Jai, what are you doing here now? You should be at the orphanage."

"Tsuru-san, can I talk to you alone?"

The other marines were not that glad hearing me say that, but they could only agree since she allowed my request.

"Now tell me brat, what are you doing here in this mess?"

"I came here to save a friend"

"Who is your friend?"

"His name is Dory Barrels. His father is a pirate occupying this island"

"I swim here daily for exercise and met him. We became good friends very quickly"

"He told me that his father beats him up a lot. So I decided to take him with me today"

"While escaping, we were found out and I had to quickly kill that guy. But after killing him I vomited, but still escaped with him"

"But then I thought, I needed to erase the bloodstains, or else they will probably come to Swallow Island"

"I came back here and cleaned the stains, but by the time I finished, I also saw two people coming with guns."

"I had no choice but to hide in the forest, but I did not get the opportunity to leave. There was always someone or the other on guard."

"But there were 2 gunshots, and the mansion lights went off. The guards ran to the mansion and I escaped to the marine ship since marines will protect me"

Tsuru listened to me and sighed. Then she started speaking

"You know kid, you give a lot of headaches to your grandmas, and this is not your usual trouble. You dealt with pirates this time. You could have been killed, or worse, sold off somewhere."

"Sorry, but I could not leave my friend alone like that" I said while looking confident.

But as usual, Tsuru is not your average meathead marine, she immediately started to cross verifying everything, from 2 gunshots, to even my vomit that was in that seashore.

She even tried to verify the footprints, but the snowfall messed it all up by this time. But I was still far from safe. She took me straight to the orphanage and handed me over to the grandmas.

Wolf was safe since, we did not even visit him, but Thor and Hodur were not free from punishment either. She found Drake and he too verified everything that I said. I of course told him not to tell anyone about the treasure.

Once the entire story was cleared, grandma Dorothea slapped me for the second time in my life. Coincidently, this time too because I saved someone.

When asked, why we did not involve the adults I simply stated that

"You would not have allowed me to save Dory."

We were lectured by everyone from Wolf, Dorothea, Catherine, and Tsuru to our orphanage eldest like Santiago and Emma.

Eventually, everyone calmed down and Drake was allowed to stay with us. He was happy. We were all happy for him, but there was a lingering fear in our hearts. Our punishment was yet to be announced and eventually, that time came.

"You 3 from now on will do all chores of the orphanage, and I will draw a circle, which you cannot leave in your free time"

"Inside the circle, you will get many books, which you have to study. After 2 weeks, you will have a test. The number of wrong answers you get, your punishment will get extended by that many days"

Thor was in horror. He apparently did not like to study at all. Hodur was confident that I will teach him and he was smart.

"Since you 3 are such a good team, you 3 will receive the punishment as a team. That is, each of everyone's wrong answer will be added to the team's punishment"

So if I get 3, Hodur gets 4 and Thor gets 7 wrong answers, 3 of us have to suffer the punishment for another 2 weeks.

Realizing this there was horror on both of our faces and grandma Catherine, who came up with this idea, is smirking. Sometimes, I feel that she is a sadist, just that her [personality] in [observe] did not show it.

Other children are looking at us with pity. Drake tried to speak up for us, only to get bonked by a fist of love.

"Every time you even try to break the rules of the punishment, one more day gets added"

After this entire thing, Tsuru left and warned us not to cause trouble and involve adults in such situations. And our punishment started.

Thor was having the hardest time. I taught everything to both Thor and Hodur. Hodur was able to get all the information but not Thor. Nonetheless, he still tried his level best.

Drake too left behind his old name "Dory" and took up the new name "Drake". It was his own way of breaking all ties with his father.

We had our test and I got 0 wrong answers, Hodur got 2 wrong answers and Thor got 5. So our punishment was extended by 1 week.

On the last day of our punishment, Wolf visited us with Law. I was surprised, to see him here. I expected him to survive, and cure himself. But visiting us was not expected.

Then Law suddenly said "Thank you very much for saving me"

'How did he know that?'

Law started talking "I was almost caught by the pirates since they were searching for me. I was hiding inside a treasure box. But then you were rescued by the marines and the pirates intercepted the signal, and they thought it was I who was rescued"

"When I said this to Wolf-san, he told me that you are that child"

Hmmm... According to the light novel, Law did tell Wolf about everything other than him consuming the devil fruit.

We chatted and I was right. He left the part out the devil fruit. I asked, how did he get rid of the disease, he simply stated that Corazon took care of it, somehow.

I didn't push him further. When he discloses his entire back story, I will know that he trusts me completely.

We wanted to ask Law to stay with us, but there was no more space left in the orphanage. Moreover, he is happy with Wolf, and we will be able to hang out together.


A.N: Guys answer this question

If Akainu punches Smoker with his magma fist using haki on top of magma, what do you think will happen to Smoker

option 1. He will take a purely physical blow (immune to heat, despite of haki)

option 2. He will get burned and take a physical blow (because magma is infused with haki)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shadow_Strykercreators' thoughts