
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Anime e quadrinhos
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128 Chs

Robbed by Shanks! Shachi's and Penguin's betrayal!

A few days went by, since the most recent news made it around the globe and yet Jackson, who caused this huge commotion to break out was still lingering where Whole Cake Island once existed. Even though it's not entirely voluntarily.


Gruesome noises escaped from his empty stomach, befitting his sunken-in face and thinned down build. No fish were biting today as well, making his mood go from bad to worse. His beloved friends, especially those who were still bandaged and recovering from injuries like Robin, Kuina, Sachi and Penguin, didn't look any better.

Everyone was starving! How could this happen to a pirate crew, which recently reached legendary status? It's because they have been robbed of their supplies! They have been robbed by none other than Shanks.

He, who took back his stolen flag and what was generally considered to be 'good drinks' also helped himself to a lot of other things. Like every gram of premium deep sea king meat there was to take or super marbled tri-horned bison meat hanging right next to it. Not even veggies or fruits were spared, not to mention the sacks of gold and money, roughly amounting to 250 million B.

A few days ago, when Jackson found and returned to his ship no one suspected their supplies to have been robbed. Their priority was taking care of their injured and getting some well deserved rest. Hancock and her crew bid them farewell not long after, claiming that she had to return to Amazon-Lilly urgently, though not before making Jackson promise her to come visit soon and leaving him a vivre card.

Only a lot later, when Kench went to make everyone a hearty meal so they could recover some strength and energy did he find out that his storage room was empty except for a notice.

"Took back my stuff you stole. Also helped myself to some of yours while at it. You might not know but I saved your life so this much should be nothing. Shanks. PS. You should come visit, tri-horned bison steak goes really well with my favorite wine."

Jackson had a vague idea what Shanks meant when mentioning saving his life but poor Kench still had to hear his captain shout such disgusting profanities at red hair, that they must never be written down. Had it not been for Big Mom's Poneglyphs which they urgently wanted to find, Jackson would have set course for Shank's territory next.

And like that, the new yonko had to sit on deck, trying to fish something edible while Bepo and Kench went diving for Poneglyphs. Sabo and Enel went patrolling in hopes of finding ships from which they could 'borrow' some food while Law took care of his own injuries.


Suddenly the door, leading downstairs abruptly opened, followed by two figures rushing out and hiding behind Jackson.

"Captain! Help us!"

"She went crazy! Quickly put her down before it's too late!"

Shachi and Penguin spoke in order while throwing fearful glances in the direction they came from.

"What are you two-"

But before Jackson, who found their behavior less weird than he would have liked to, could ask anything, Kuina's figure showed up on deck next.

For some reason she had her sword already out of it's sheath but what truly worried Jackson, was the dangerous glimmer in her eyes.


Shachi and Penguin couldn't help but let out a high pitched scream after seeing Kuina like that, which kind of confused Jackson but at the same time he thought it would make sense if they did something that would now come to bite them in the ass.

"You two… are you ready to meet your maker?"

She spoke slowly and in a voice that practically promised a lot of pain.

"Please help us captain! She went completely crazy!"

Penguin pleaded for aid, but his plans failed once Kuina ratted them out and revealed the reason for her hunt.

"Don't do it Jackson! These two had secretly stashed away some food and kept it for themselves for 4 days!"

*Lightning SFX*

Jackson couldn't believe what he just heard. Slowly his head turned towards them in a more than just creepy manner, which gave Shachi and Penguin shivers all over.

"You did what?"

He asked not even noticing that ACE had somehow already appeared in his hand. For days Jackson was debating with himself when they would have to leave in order not to starve to death, even if it meant losing the chance of finding Big Mom's Poneglyphs possibly forever, and here these two had a secret stash of food all to themselves.

"Jackson, why did you draw your sword?! At least hear us out!" (Penguin)

"It really wasn't much food! It barely lasted the 2 of us this far and-" (Shachi)

"So, you mean to say you had food that lasted the both of you for 4 days while we others had to fill our stomach with sea water?! And I thought we were friends! Where and how did you even hide that much food?"

Jackson interrupted Shachi and asked but it certainly didn't sound like he was asking. This time he made up his mind. While often entertaining the thought about beating up these two for their pranks, he never really did that (he totally did). But now the young captain decided that they would totally get beaten up for this betrayal.

"Wait, wait, wait! Think about it! If you hadn't blown away Whole Cake Island, all those vicious Sea Kings wouldn't have fled, and we wouldn't even be in this situation since we could just have hunted some 2 or 3 days ago."

"Penguin is right! Captain, aren't you actually just pissed at yourself for your leaps in judgement? Don't take it out on us so unjustly!"

Unluckily for them, they didn't realize their own talent in provoking a royal beat down even if it kicked them in their asses. And just when Kuina got ready to help 'educate' the traitors on things like solidarity a column of water shot out nearby. It was almost next to their ship, so there was no chance at all for the crew to miss this.

From within appeared a gigantic fish with multiple rows of razor sharp teeth peeking out of it's mouth. On it's gray back, two more figures could be spotted. They were Bepo and Kench who for some reason held onto this delicious looking sea king. Of course, they also noticed the ship and quickly called out to the present crew members.

"Come and catch it! It swallowed both of Big Mom's Poneglyphs!"

'Poneglyphs? What about them?'

Jackson and Kuina thought in unison after hearing Bepo shout. It came as no surprise since their eyes only saw food, delivering itself to them. It was so bad that both had drool falling like a small water fall.

'Food! Finally, we have food! I must quickly kill and clean it so that Kench can start cooking right away!'

Again, their thoughts overlapped but before either of them could jump at it, a bright laser shot was fired form the tip of the main mast. It hit the food *cough* sea king right in it's head, killing it instantly. Augur jumped down to where everybody else was and declared proudly:

"It seems like the first portion was fated for me."

Then, after a short pause, Augur remembered to report to Jackson what he saw just before food delivered itself to them.

"Also, Sabo is on his way back and should be here any minute now. It looked like he was carrying someone with him so-"

"Food first! Everything else later!"

Without paying too much attention to that short report, Jackson jumped over, instantly followed by Kuina. Both of them were more than eager to prepare it for cooking AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!


Meanwhile on Onigashima

Kaido, King of beasts, groggily awoke from his latest drunken slumber. It lasted no less than 29 hours, which was just slightly above average when compared to his other drunken slumbers.

Lazily sitting up, this giant of a man took his sweet time to fully reboot his mind. As usual he would then go out to eat and drink some more, while grabbing a newspaper, a patrolling group brought back just a few days ago.

 Opening it while enjoying a 'light' meal, Kaido read it at first leisurely. Then, what he just read actually hit him. So, he read it again. And then again. And again, until there was no doubt left anymore.


His rusty voice he called out her name.

"How could you? How could you let a brat beat you?!"

Unexpectedly and even surprising himself, there was a lot of sadness after reading this article. Was it because she was the first who gave him an invaluable gift like his current devil fruit? Or because they knew each other for so long? Maybe because both once sailed as crew members under the same captain.


He didn't know and didn't care. There was just sadness and anger in him, eagerly searching for a target to release it on.

(AN: Hey it's me! A somewhat slow paced slice of life kind of chapter. I've been thinking to write more of this kind of chapter, at least from time to time.)