
One Piece: Kozuki Shinnosuke

Kaushik_15 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Training is all You Need

The door to their humble home creaked open, and Shin limped inside, blood-streaked and fatigued from his intense battle with the lion. Shion, who had been anxiously waiting, turned with a mix of relief and anger evident in his eyes.

"Shinnosuke! What in the world happened to you? Look at you, covered in blood! Have you lost your mind?" Shion scolded, his worry transforming into frustration.

Shin winced, realizing the gravity of his actions. "I... I wanted to test my strength. I found the den of the Lord of the Island, and, well, things got a bit out of hand."

Shion's expression darkened. "Testing your strength is one thing, but risking your life recklessly is another. You could have been seriously hurt!"

Feeling the weight of Shion's disappointment, Shin lowered his gaze. "I know, Shion-san. I messed up. I won't do it again."

Shion sighed, his anger softening into concern. "You're lucky you came back in one piece. Now, get yourself cleaned up, and we'll talk about this later."

Shin nodded, heading to his room to tend to his wounds. Alone on his bed, he pulled out the Devil Fruit token, his excitement momentarily overshadowing the scolding he just received. With a swift motion, he tore it open, revealing a green apple-shaped fruit – the Mori-Mori No Mi, the Wood-Wood Fruit.

A grin spread across Shin's face. "Not bad at all. This is going to be fun."

His enthusiasm didn't stop there. Shin reached for the Upgrade Token and affixed it to the Wood-Wood Fruit. Instantly, golden stripes adorned the once plain fruit, transforming it into the Hito-Hito No Mi: Model Kukunochi – the God of trees.

Curiosity sparked in Shin's eyes as he took a bite, only to be met with a grimace. "Ugh, that's awful. Tastes like dirt."

Undeterred by the unpleasant flavor, Shin focused on the newfound power. He extended his hand, and to his amazement, it transformed into living wood. The sensation was both strange and exhilarating.

"I guess I'll get used to the taste," Shin mumbled to himself, contemplating the potential of his newly acquired abilities.

With his hand returned to its normal state, Shin decided to heed Shion's advice and rest. As he lay on his bed, the room illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight, he couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude for the power he now possessed and a determination to use it wisely. The adventures that awaited him with the Mori-Mori No Mi: Model Kukunochi had only just begun.


Determined to master the Mori-Mori No Mi and refine his swordsmanship, Shin embarked on a rigorous training regimen. His days were filled with intense exercises, sparring sessions, and experiments with his newfound abilities. One of his primary concerns was building resistance to the weakness that came with Devil Fruits – vulnerability in contact with water.

Shin stood at the edge of a tranquil lake, the moon reflecting in its calm waters. With a deep breath, he stepped into the shallows, feeling the water gradually envelop his feet. Almost immediately, a surge of weakness swept through him, and he stumbled backward.

"Water weakness... gotta overcome this," Shin muttered to himself, his determination unwavering.

Day after day, Shin submerged himself in controlled increments, gradually increasing the exposure. It was a painstaking process, as each encounter with water drained him of strength. However, Shin persisted, pushing his limits to build a resistance that would defy the natural drawback of Devil Fruits.

In tandem with his aquatic training, Shin honed his swordsmanship skills. His blade sliced through the air with precision and speed, a dance of steel that mirrored the graceful swaying of branches in the wind. The Devil fruit infused his movements with an added layer of Wood, allowing him to intertwine wood manipulation seamlessly with his sword techniques.

Shion, observing Shin's training from a distance, nodded approvingly. "You're making progress, Shin. But remember, mastering these abilities takes time. Patience is as crucial as strength."

Shin acknowledged Shion's advice, his focus undeterred. The bond between mentor and pupil grew stronger as they spent countless hours in training, the forest serving as their training ground.

As weeks passed, Shin's efforts bore fruit. He could now endure prolonged contact with water, the weakness lessening each time. The once debilitating effect became a mere inconvenience, a testament to his unwavering commitment.

With newfound confidence, Shin continued to refine his skills, exploring the intricacies of the Hito Hito No Mi. He could shape wood with increasing precision, manipulating it into intricate forms and using it creatively in his swordplay.

One day, as he stood at the water's edge, he entered the lake with a calm determination. To his satisfaction, the weakness that once overcame him was now a mere echo. Shin smiled, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

"I won't let anything hold me back," he declared, his gaze fixed on the horizon.


In his quest to master the upgraded abilities of his Devil Fruit, Shin delved deeper into experimentation. The power to manipulate wood had evolved beyond his initial expectations, leading him to a revelation – the creation and control of wooden puppets. The possibilities seemed endless, and inspiration struck as he recalled Hashirama's legendary techniques from Naruto.

Shin set to work, crafting wooden puppets with intricate designs. Each joint, every detail, meticulously carved and manipulated with his newfound abilities. The puppets, once lifeless pieces of wood, now responded to his will.

Remembering Hashirama's techniques, Shin sought to upgrade and refine them. He envisioned a fusion of traditional swordsmanship and the art of puppetry, a unique style that would set him apart. Wooden limbs moved with fluidity, mimicking the grace of a seasoned swordsman.

In a secluded training ground, Shin unleashed his wooden puppets, weaving them into a mesmerizing combat dance. The air resonated with the clashing of wood against wood, a symphony of his evolving skills. As the puppets moved in tandem with his swordplay, Shin couldn't help but feel a connection to the legendary shinobi from another world.

One day, as he practiced under the shade of ancient trees, Shion approached, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and pride. "What are you trying to achieve with this, Shin?"

Shin grinned, his eyes shining with determination. "I want to create a unique style, blending wood manipulation and swordsmanship. Something that's truly my own."

Shion nodded approvingly. "Innovation is key, but remember to stay true to the fundamentals. Balance your creativity with discipline."

Drawing inspiration from both his creativity and the legends of Hashirama, Shin continued to refine his techniques. He experimented with different puppet designs, incorporating intricate mechanisms that enhanced their mobility and responsiveness.

The upgraded powers of his Devil Fruit opened up new avenues for creativity. Shin's wooden puppets became an extension of himself, a formidable force on the battlefield. As he continued his training, he also explored the potential for strategic applications, envisioning scenarios where the puppets could act independently or in coordinated attacks.

In the quiet moments between training sessions, Shin reflected on the crossroads of his journey. The fusion of traditional techniques and innovative approaches fueled his growth, and he felt a deep connection to the spirit of exploration that both his ancestors and Hashirama embodied.

He Could Revive from a small Flower Bud. And Could Become a Wooden Giant.


As Shin held the Weapon Token in his hand, he felt a surge of anticipation. With a determined gaze, he tore the token apart, and a surreal blue screen materialized before him. The text on the screen prompted, "Please Input the Base Weapon's name."

A moment of contemplation passed before Shin decisively entered, "Shusui."

The screen flickered, and suddenly, a magnificent image of the legendary sword Shusui appeared, detailed down to the intricate hamon and tsuba. It was as if the essence of the legendary weapon had been summoned into the digital realm. However, before Shin's eyes, the image shattered like glass.

In the wake of the shattered illusion, the broken fragments coalesced and transformed. In the place of the ephemeral image, a real-world counterpart emerged – a finely crafted katana. The blade gleamed with an otherworldly sheen, embodying the essence of the legendary sword Shusui.

Shin's eyes widened in amazement as he unsheathed the newly formed katana. The weight, the balance – everything felt perfect. The blue screen, having served its purpose, dissipated into the air.

"Shusui... in my hands," Shin marveled, the katana reflecting the moonlight with an ethereal glow.

Shion, having observed the entire spectacle, approached with a knowing smile. "A legendary weapon in the hands of a young warrior. It seems fate has chosen you, Shin."

Shion was not Surprised by the weird things happening anymore.

Shin nodded, a mixture of gratitude and determination in his eyes. "I'll wield it with honor and continue to grow stronger. This is just the beginning."

With Shusui in hand, Shin felt a newfound sense of power and responsibility. The legendary katana, now his companion, symbolized the convergence of ancient legacies and the potential for even greater feats on his unfolding journey. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting its glow upon the young swordsman, ready to carve his destiny with the legendary blade in hand.