

As he lay on his deathbed, the feeble flicker of life waned within him. Alone in his room, he found only solace in the tales of the Straw Hat Pirates, the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, and the vibrant world of One Piece. As he took his final breath, a single wish echoed in his mind – to be reborn in the world he had come to love so dearly.



Toki had Just Handed Hiyori to Kawamatsu and rushed to her Newborn Youngest Son's Room.

She cradled her newborn son, a flicker of determination in her eyes. The weight of her decision pressed on her, the burden of a mother's sacrifice.

Toki rushed through the corridors, her footsteps drowned by the crackling of flames. She reached out to Kotaro Shion, the young heir of the Uzuki Daimyo, desperation in her eyes. Shion, at sixteen, stood at the crossroads of fear and duty. He saw the resolve in Toki's gaze and accepted the responsibility entrusted to him.

"Shion, I beg of you. Take my son, Shinnosuke, and escape this doomed land. Raise him as your own, Take him as far away possible from these Doomed Lands" pleaded Toki, her voice a mixture of sorrow and urgency.

Shion, despite his fear, nodded solemnly. "I will do as you ask, Lady Toki. I swear on my life to protect him. He shall know what his parents did."

"Thank you."

With that Shion Takes Shinnosuke and Runs Away.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Rock Village in West Blue. Shinnosuke, or Shin as he was affectionately called, sheathed his sword with a satisfied grin after effortlessly cutting down the towering tree. As the splintered top descended, he expertly sliced it into manageable firewood.

Returning home, the savory aroma of dinner wafted through the air. Shion, his guardian and elder brother figure was busy in the makeshift kitchen.

"Hey, Shion! You won't believe what I did today!" Shin exclaimed, bursting through the door with the energy of youth.

Shion turned from the bubbling pot, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Let me guess, you conquered another tree in your never-ending quest to be the lumberjack king of Rock Village?"

Shin scratched sheepishly, "Well, you know me too well. But this one was huge! I bet no one in the village has seen a better swordsman than me."

Shion chuckled, stirring the pot. "Confidence suits you, little brother. Speaking of which, today's a special day, isn't it?"

Shin's eyes widened as he realized Shion's reference. "Oh, right! It's my birthday! I almost forgot in all the tree-cutting excitement."

Shion ruffled Shin's hair fondly. "You're growing up so fast. Twelve already. Your parents would be proud of the young man you're becoming."

The mention of parents cast a momentary shadow over Shin's face. Shion noticed and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. We've talked about this before. Your parents were brave warriors in Wano, and they entrusted me with your care. You may not remember them, but they loved you dearly."

Shin nodded, a mix of gratitude and curiosity in his eyes. "Tell me more about them, Shion. What were they like? And what about Wano? Why did they have to leave me here?"

Shion sighed, realizing the weight of the conversation. He guided Shin to sit at the worn-out table, and as they shared a simple meal, Shion recounted tales of Shinnosuke's parents, their nobility, and their sacrifice in Wano. He spoke of the beautiful land, the samurai spirit, and the duty they held to protect their people.

As the night wore on, laughter and tears mingled in their shared stories. Shin felt a connection to a past he couldn't remember, a heritage that shaped him.

Later, as they sat under the starlit sky, Shion spoke softly, "Your parents believed in a world where you could grow free from the shadows of Wano. And one day fight for it. They entrusted me to watch over you and ensure you could live a life full of joy and adventure. That's the legacy they left for you, Shin."

Shin looked up at the stars, a mix of emotions swirling within him. "I may not remember them, but I'm grateful for the life I have here with you, Shion. And I promise one day, I'll make them proud, even if I have to do it in a different world."

Shion smiled, patting Shin's back. "I have no doubt you will, little brother. Now, blow out the candles on your makeshift birthday cake, and let's celebrate the amazing person you're becoming."

The night echoed with laughter and the warmth of newfound family, as Shinnosuke, the boy with a sword as swift as the wind, celebrated both the memories of a past life and the promising journey ahead.

Night Descended upon the Village.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the dense forest surrounding Rock Village. Shin, fueled by a mix of excitement and trepidation, ventured into the heart of the wilderness. His destination: the den of the legendary Lord of the Island.

As he stepped into the cavernous space, shadows danced on the walls, and the air thickened with tension. It wasn't long before the enormous form of a giant lion emerged from the darkness. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and its mane bristled in response to the intruder.

Shin's heart raced, but he steeled himself. "Alright, big guy, let's see what you've got."

The lion, sensing Shin's intent, let out a thunderous roar that echoed through the cavern. It lunged forward with startling speed, claws extended.

Reacting quickly, Shin dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the lethal swipe. His sword gleamed in the moonlight as he countered, aiming for the lion's flank. The clash of steel against fur reverberated in the cavern, and the battle was joined.

The lion fought ferociously, its primal instincts driving it forward. Shin danced on the precipice of danger, his movements a blur as he deftly parried and struck. Each swing of his sword was calculated, aiming for vulnerable spots on the lion's massive form.

As the battle raged on, Shin felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Come on, is that all you've got?" he taunted, his voice laced with determination.

The lion, undeterred, lunged again, teeth bared. Shin sidestepped, his blade slashing across the lion's muzzle. Blood spattered the cavern floor, heightening the intensity of the confrontation.

Amid the chaos, Shin's mind raced. This wasn't just a test of strength; it was a test of will. The lion, sensing its mortality, fought with newfound desperation.

Shin, sweat mingling with the blood of his opponent, gritted his teeth. "I won't let fear control me. I have the strength of my ancestors flowing through me!"

Something Inside of him Burst and Came forth in the Form of a Light green bubble.

With a surge of energy, Shin unleashed a flurry of strikes, each blow finding its mark. The cavern echoed with the sounds of their battle, a symphony of clashes and roars.

The lion weakened but not defeated, lunged one final time. Shin, fueled by determination, met the attack head-on. Their eyes locked for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of the struggle they both faced.

As the lion staggered, Shin delivered the decisive blow. His sword cut through the air, finding its mark with a swift and precise strike. The cavern fell silent as the giant lion crumpled to the ground, defeated.

Shin stood panting, his sword still raised. The thrill of victory mingled with the realization of the raw power he possessed. He wiped the sweat and blood from his brow, feeling a newfound sense of accomplishment.

"Strength isn't just about physical power," he mused, looking at the fallen lion. "It's about facing your fears head-on and pushing beyond your limits."

The cavern fell into an eerie silence after the intense battle. As Shin caught his breath, he heard a mysterious voice resonating within his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

"Hidden Condition Fulfilled. Distributing rewards."

In a mystical display, three tokens materialized before him – A Random Devil Fruit Token, a Devil Fruit Upgrade Token, and a Weapon Token.

Shin eyed the tokens, a mix of curiosity and awe in his gaze. The voice returned, its tone enigmatic yet comforting.

"You have proven your strength and courage. These tokens are yours to wield, young warrior. May they aid you on your journey."

The Devil Fruit Token shimmered with an otherworldly glow, promising the power of a Devil Fruit. Shin's mind raced with possibilities as he considered the potential abilities he could gain.

The Devil Fruit Upgrade Token held the promise of enhancing the abilities of a Devil Fruit. Shin marveled at the idea of unlocking even greater powers through this mysterious token.

Lastly, the Weapon Token beckoned, suggesting the acquisition of a formidable weapon that could complement Shin's swordsmanship.

The voice echoed once more, its farewell carrying a sense of ancient wisdom. "Wield these gifts wisely, for your destiny is intertwined with the mysteries of this world. May your future be filled with challenges and triumphs."

With those words, the voice faded away, leaving Shin alone in the cavern with the tokens that represented a new chapter in his journey. He carefully picked up each token, a sense of gratitude and determination swelling within him.

"Looks like my adventure just got a whole lot more interesting," Shin muttered to himself, a spark of excitement in his eyes.

As he exited the den, tokens in hand, the moonlight bathed him in an ethereal glow, casting a silhouette of a young warrior destined for greatness. The forest whispered with the promise of untold adventures, and Shin, armed with newfound gifts, stepped into the night, ready to face whatever challenges and wonders awaited him in the vast world beyond.

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