
One Piece: Heaven-Defying Talent

Journey through the world of “One Piece” as Monkey D. Chiba, Luffy’s twin brother, possessing a heaven-defying comprehension talent. Does the type of fruit dictate fate? Can Conqueror’s Haki be mass-produced? Chiba's extraordinary understanding creates countless magical powers. [After tirelessly analyzing Armament Haki, you've mastered the rapid cultivation method, increasing its power ten thousand times] [After studying the bodies of a thousand strong men, you've attained the strength of gods] ---- Garp: "My grandson’s iron fist surpasses mine." Buddha Sengoku: "Chiba, you are the future of the Marines!" --- [Support me in Ko-Fi there's 35+ Advance chapter in there: Ko-Fi.com/GodOfReader] ---- This is translation. [I'm not shameless enough to claim this fanfiction as my own, unlike some other 'authors' here who boldly take content from MTL and pass it off as their own work.]

GodOfReader · Anime e quadrinhos
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52 Chs

Chapter 4: Rise of the researcher

Garp grinned and said, "Even if you're a smart kid, with my grandson's contributions, Vice Admiral wouldn't be a stretch."

"Rear Admiral, brat. If that's not good enough, feel free to walk out."

Chiba smiled, unfazed. "Rank doesn't matter to me. Rear Admiral or Vice Admiral, it's all the same. The Marshal can decide."

Garp laughed heartily, slapping Chiba's shoulder. "That's the spirit! You've got your grandpa's flair."

Sengoku's mouth twitched, glancing at Garp. Like grandfather, like grandson.

"Then, Rear Admiral it is. I can't make the Vice Admiral call alone," Sengoku said. "But to make it up to you, any requests? If it's within my power, I'll grant it."

"I won't hold back then," Chiba responded. "I want information on the world's strongest physiques and their training methods. I aim to create a way for the Marines to quickly improve their physical strength."

"Consider it done." Sengoku smiled broadly, already eager to see what Chiba might develop. His scientific prowess was worth more than three Admirals combined.

"Anything else, Chiba?" Sengoku asked.

"That's all."

Sengoku was thoroughly impressed with Chiba's humble request. This young man, sharp, cautious, and driven to strengthen the Marines, asked for so little.

"No, you must request something else, or Grandpa Sengoku will feel guilty," Sengoku said, subtly shifting from "Marshal" to "Grandpa."

Garp noticed the change and smirked. His grandson had impressed even Sengoku to the point of informality.

Chiba, sharp as ever, caught Sengoku's favor. He smiled and said, "Grandpa Sengoku, research is my life. Providing resources to help with that is the greatest gift you can give me."

Sengoku laughed, pleased with the title of "Grandpa." "My good grandson, rest assured, I'll order every bit of data on the strongest people in the world to be sent to you."

And so, the largest organization in the pirate world—the Marines—began to move at full speed.

Documents detailing the physical prowess of the world's greatest fighters flooded Marine Headquarters and Chiba's lab aboard a battleship.

Chiba's research team expanded from a small group of three to a bustling office of 300 scientists, all handpicked by him. They were aware of his revolutionary work in Haki cultivation, and many of them had begun practicing it with remarkable progress. Admiration for Chiba grew among the researchers.

As for security, Colonel Hina was assigned to personally protect Chiba, overseeing his daily needs as well.

Chiba was quite pleased with the arrangement. Hina, with her striking appearance and well-toned physique, was one of the cold beauties of Naval Headquarters. She had many admirers, but focused solely on her training, which had earned her a promotion to Rear Admiral two years later.

With such a beautiful and strong presence nearby, even the occasional glance was a pleasing distraction.

However, her smoking habit was a nuisance.

In Chiba's office, he frowned. "I told you, no smoking in my office. I can't stand the smell."

Hina stubbed out her cigarette. "My bad. I'll correct that."

She added with a teasing smirk, "But really, a guy like you, not even smoking? Where's your masculinity? Hina's a little disappointed."

Chiba ignored her comment, focusing instead on the towering pile of files on his desk. He picked up one.

Dracule Mihawk.

Opening it, Chiba found detailed records on the world's greatest swordsman, from his early years to his current physical condition and swordsmanship. The report was thorough.

As Chiba sifted through the files, more poured in. Sengoku had spared no effort in gathering data on legends like Roger, Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Garp, Sengoku himself, and Kaido—all renowned for their physical prowess.

Months passed. By late March, as dusk fell, the system finally notified him:

[You have deeply analyzed the bodies of a thousand strong men and their training methods. You've had an epiphany and comprehended the 'Strength of the Gods and Prisons'.]