
One Piece: Heaven-Defying Talent

Journey through the world of “One Piece” as Monkey D. Chiba, Luffy’s twin brother, possessing a heaven-defying comprehension talent. Does the type of fruit dictate fate? Can Conqueror’s Haki be mass-produced? Chiba's extraordinary understanding creates countless magical powers. [After tirelessly analyzing Armament Haki, you've mastered the rapid cultivation method, increasing its power ten thousand times] [After studying the bodies of a thousand strong men, you've attained the strength of gods] ---- Garp: "My grandson’s iron fist surpasses mine." Buddha Sengoku: "Chiba, you are the future of the Marines!" --- [Support me in Ko-Fi there's 35+ Advance chapter in there: Ko-Fi.com/GodOfReader] ---- This is translation. [I'm not shameless enough to claim this fanfiction as my own, unlike some other 'authors' here who boldly take content from MTL and pass it off as their own work.]

GodOfReader · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 3: The Fastest Promoted Marine Rear Admiral

Inside the marshal's office, Chiba handed Sengoku the simplified version of the Speedy Armament Haki practice.

It was Chiba's first time seeing Sengoku in person.

Sengoku was tall and burly, almost like a small giant, exuding a sense of majesty and solidity, like a mountain.

As Chiba studied Sengoku, Sengoku was also observing Chiba.

At just seventeen or eighteen, Chiba was in the prime of his youth, but there was no trace of juvenile arrogance or impudence on his face. His expression was respectful, serious, and his eyes were deep, giving him an air of calm maturity and cunning.

Such a person would never lie easily.

Could it be that this kid really discovered a method to allow ordinary Marines to cultivate Haki?

How could that be possible?

Sengoku quickly opened the document Chiba had handed him and began flipping through it.

The pages were filled with illustrations of human body movements, each accompanied by a description of specific breathing techniques.

Detailed theoretical explanations followed below each image.

Sengoku frowned.

From his experience, the primary way to awaken Haki was through intense focus on one skill or craft. For example, when practicing swordsmanship, after more than a decade of dedication, one would pour their entire concentration into the sword, gradually forming Armament Haki, which would eventually coat the sword.

Chiba's paper mentioned this method, which he referred to as the "Appearance Method."

However, Chiba proposed a completely different theory.

By adopting various postures, adjusting one's breathing, sensing internal energy, and locking in on spiritual focus, a person could awaken Haki. This he called the "Vipassana Method."

According to Chiba, the Vipassana Method had a low entry barrier and was ten times more efficient than the Appearance Method.

Theoretically, it was sound, with no apparent logical flaws.

But the only way to truly know was to try it out.

Without hesitation, Sengoku assumed one of the cross-legged postures from the document, with his palms facing up, head slightly lowered, eyes half-closed, and his focus entirely on his breathing.

At first, Sengoku felt a bit awkward, but as time passed, he became more comfortable. His previously agitated mood quickly dissipated, and he focused fully on his breath.

Sengoku was astonished. Normally, when Garp infuriated him, it would take a solid thirty minutes of venting to calm down. But now, using Chiba's method, it had taken less than five minutes for him to relax and gather his thoughts.

Moreover, as his mental control improved, Sengoku's fists gradually became coated with a layer of dark Armament Haki.

He opened his eyes, filled with surprise. After years of practicing Armament Haki, he knew just how difficult it was to control it, yet today it felt easier than ever.

And there were still eleven more movements in Chiba's document. He had only practiced one. If he could master all twelve...


Sengoku gasped, looking at Chiba with astonishment, as if staring at a monster.

Garp, noticing Sengoku's silence, couldn't help but ask, "Well, Sengoku, how is it?"

Sengoku took a deep breath. "I tried just one movement, and my focus increased fivefold. That's just for me. With practice, the speed of cultivating Haki should increase by six or seven times."

"And with this method, even Marines with some basic aptitude could cultivate Haki."

Garp's eyes widened in disbelief. He had helped Chiba obtain those materials simply to keep him in the Marines. He hadn't expected his grandson to actually produce any groundbreaking results.

Now, Chiba had given him a massive surprise.

Grinning widely, Garp slapped Chiba on the shoulder and laughed. "Good boy! You've made me proud."

"You don't know, but just a moment ago, that old guy Sengoku wanted to strip you of your major rank and tear down your research lab."

"Well, if they won't keep you, Brat, we're leaving."

With that, Garp began to pull Chiba away.

Sengoku mentally cursed Garp's ancestors but immediately blocked their path with a wide grin.

"Little Chiba," Sengoku said, "your grandpa always gets things half right. I wasn't going to strip your rank. In fact, I'm promoting you to colonel. And I wasn't planning on tearing down your lab—I was going to build you a bigger one."

Chiba didn't call out Sengoku's bluff but instead calmly explained, "Master Marshal, what you said isn't quite accurate. My method is primarily designed for awakening Haki, so for someone like you, who has already mastered it, the effect is naturally reduced."

"With this method, even Marines with just a bit of aptitude and a strong mind could cultivate Armament Haki. And the cultivation speed would be ten times faster than with the Appearance Method."

"I've created twelve sets of movements that can accommodate most people and environments."

"For example, if someone can't sit for long periods, they can practice while lying down."

"During combat, when lying down is impractical, they can adopt a standing posture to condense their Haki."

"These twelve movements are essentially twelve different ways to focus and condense Haki."

"Of course, each one has varying effects, and I've detailed those in the document."

"This set of exercises should increase Marine's overall strength by tenfold. Of course, for those who already possess Haki, the impact won't be as significant."

Sengoku's expression changed. This young Chiba was a treasure that needed to be kept close.

Sengoku beamed at Chiba and declared, "I've made my decision. From today onward, you are promoted to Rear Admiral of the Marines. In the entire history of the Marines, no one has been promoted to Rear Admiral within just three months. You, Chiba, are the first."

Gay or give me stone?

(if you ignore this, you're automatically gay.)

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