
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
101 Chs

Chapter 19: Bounty and Reactions

East Blue, Windmill Village, Makino's Tavern

"Everyone! Look! Ace has a bounty!" A villager rushed in with a newspaper, making the previously peaceful tavern suddenly lively.

"What?! Is there a bounty on Ace? Let me see." One of the drinkers grabbed the newspaper and started counting.

"One, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand...millions, tens of millions...!!!"

"Pyroman, Portgas D. Ace, no matter life or death, the bounty is 35 million Baileys!!!" An exclamation came from the drinker's throat.

"That's awesome! Ace's first bounty is 35 million Baileys."

"A big pirate has emerged from our Windmill Village."

"Cheers! To Ace!"

Many drinkers immediately became lively, laughing and toasting.

"Shut up, everyone!" The village chief, Upp Shi Laboon, banged his cane hard.

"A big pirate has appeared in the village. It's a shame! And you are all celebrating?" Upp Shi Laboon said loudly.

But he already had a newspaper with Ace's bounty in his hand.

"There's a party! For Ace!" The drinkers were accustomed to the village chief's harsh words, and they all raised their glasses and shouted loudly.

Upp Shi Laboon looked helplessly at the villagers having a banquet and silently read the newspaper in his hand.

You must be doing pretty well, right, Ace?

Dadan's House

"Ace has a bounty on his head?!" Dadan looked at the newspaper in her hand, cold sweat on her face, carefully reading the numbers.

"35 million Baileys?! What did Ace do?" Dadan exclaimed, looking very nervous and worried about Ace.

"Hehehe, you are indeed an Ace, 35 million Baileys, so awesome!" Luffy on the side smiled with bared teeth.

"Boss, you care about Ace." Dogula looked at Dadan and smiled.

"Who, who cares about that damn brat? I'm just worried that we could be targeted because of Ace," Dadan stammered.

Luffy took the bounty notice and looked at Ace's image with a bright smile. "In three years, my bounty will definitely exceed yours, Ace."

Aboard the Going Merry

During this period of sailing, Ace had been using the "field of understanding" on Nami, Kaya, and Nokigao, significantly improving the strength of the three women. Nami's control of the Clima-Tact, Kaya's development of her healing fruit abilities, and Nokigao's sniping skills, as well as their physiques, were all advancing at a terrifying speed.

Now, the three girls felt no pressure when facing ordinary Marine teams.

Soon, the Golden Merry was not far from Loguetown.

"Next time if the price goes up, I won't want it," Nami was pointing at the news bird and cursing.

After the news bird flew away, Nami watched the news carefully, doing intelligence work as they neared Loguetown.

"!!!" Suddenly, Nami let out an exclamation.

"What's wrong, Nami?" Nokigao, who was controlling the rudder, asked quickly.

"Ace, you have a bounty," Nami stammered.

"Oh? Let me take a look." Ace, leisurely basking in the sun, suddenly lit up.

Kaya, who was sitting opposite Ace, put down her medical book and trotted over.

"Fire Man, Portgas D. Ace, life or death, bounty, 35 million Baileys?!" Nami's voice grew louder.

"35 million Baileys? Not bad," Ace looked at his bounty and smiled. It was higher than the 30 million Baileys Luffy had received in the original story.

Was it because he killed Colonel Mouse in front of Naval Headquarters? Or was it because of my Mera-mera Fruit? Ace thought about it for a moment and stopped caring. The higher the bounty, the better.

"But those Marine guys really don't know how to name things—Flame Man," Ace looked at his Marine-given title in the bounty notice with a look of disgust. This title will not last long. Soon, it will become Emperor Yan.

"Is there a mistake? Arlong only had 20 million beli!" Nami looked at the bounty notice in despair. 35 million Baileys meant they would definitely be watched closely by the Marines.

"Maybe because I killed Colonel Mouse in front of Naval Headquarters?" Ace said nonchalantly.

"Why?!" Nami and Nokigao were stunned.

"You... when did you..." Nami bit her lip and looked at Ace with a complicated expression.

"When you were planting the Bell-mère orange trees, I went and killed that guy," Ace smiled.

Nami looked at Ace's smiling face quietly, remembering what Ace once said to her: "Anyone who makes my navigator cry will die."

"!!!" Ace was slightly startled when Nami suddenly threw herself into his arms, then touched her head.

"Thank you, Ace," Nami whispered into his chest.

"In the future, I don't want to hear words of thanks again. Just rely on your captain." Ace rubbed Nami's head and smiled gently.

"Hey! You still have to rely on me to get to the Grand Line!" Nami proudly left Ace's arms and said.

"Yes, yes, then I will rely on you," Ace raised his hands with a smile.

Kaya looked at Nami, who had just jumped into Ace's arms, with some envy, her face a little tangled.

"!!!" "Well, my ship's doctor also needs to rely on the captain," Kaya suddenly stiffened, then softened in Ace's arms.

"Um..." "However, I want to treat you," Kaya nodded obediently and whispered.

"Hahaha, it seems that as the captain, I have to rely on my lovely crew members," Ace laughed.

"Ace! Logue town has arrived!" Nokigao shouted.

"Oh? Are we here?" Ace let go of Kaya and walked to the bow of the ship, looking at the town slowly appearing.

The town of beginning's and ends? The corners of Ace's mouth curved.