
One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames

In the tumultuous world of pirates and marines, a legend is born from the very flames that seek to consume the seas. Portgas D. Ace, son of the infamous Pirate King Gol D. Roger, is destined for greatness before he even takes his first breath. Within the protective womb of his mother, Ace’s consciousness awakens, and with it, an unparalleled talent for understanding—the ability to visualize and manifest abilities that defy the heavens. [Overpowered Ace]

NikaTheHonoredOne · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Chapter 20: Logue Town!

East blue-Logue Town

"What a big town!" Kaya's eyes sparkled as she took in the bustling streets. Having been confined to her home due to frailty since childhood, this was the farthest she had ever been from her village.

"This is the gathering place for Grand Line pirates. You can buy almost everything you need for the voyage," Nami said with a smile.

"Amazing!" Kaya exclaimed. Nokigao's face also showed excitement. Unlike Nami, who traveled often to save the village, Nokigao usually stayed in the orange grove with Bell-mère. Now, she also needed to buy a suitable gun.

"Let's split up. You go and buy what you need. I'm going to check out the execution platform where that man was executed," Ace said, smiling.

Due to the rapid improvement in their abilities, these girls had no trouble protecting themselves in the relatively weak East Blue. Even if something unexpected happened, Ace's Observation Haki could keep track of them. Besides, shopping with women was really troublesome.

"That person? Pirate King Gol D. Roger?" Nami asked, startled.

"Yeah. You can shop as much as you want. Don't worry about saving money for me," Ace said, waving as he walked away.

"Ace..." Kaya wanted to follow, but Nokigao held her back.

"Kaya, men need their own space sometimes," Nokigao said with a mature smile. Kaya's face turned red.

"Okay! Let's go shopping for fun!" Nami said excitedly.

Logue Town Marine Branch

The highest officer's room was filled with smoke, giving a suffocating feeling.

"Boom!" The door suddenly burst open, and a Marine rushed in, coughing violently.

"Colonel Smoker, cough cough cough!"

"Hey, didn't I tell you not to disturb me at this time? Failed again," Smoker said calmly. Despite his words, Smoker opened the window, letting the smoke disperse.

"What's the matter?" Smoker took a drag of his cigarette.

"Yes! There's news from headquarters that the Flame Man, Portgas D. Ace, is heading towards Logue Town and should have arrived by now. Colonel, he's the vicious pirate who killed Arlong's gang and Colonel Mouse, with a bounty of 35 million Baileys!" The marine stood at attention, shouting with panic.

"35 million? That's a high bounty," Smoker remarked. In the East Blue, where average bounties were only a few million beli, such a high bounty was rare. Even in the Grand Line, this was significant.

"Colonel Smoker, the soldiers are assembled and ready to move out at any time!" The sailor said loudly.

"No, I'll go alone," Smoker said, picking up his Jitte with seastone embedded at the top and walked outside.

"But...!" The Marine was anxious. That was a big pirate with a bounty of 35 million Baileys!

"Since I took office, has any pirate entered the Grand Line from here?" Smoker asked calmly.

"...." The sailor was speechless.

"By the way, where is that woman Tashigi?" Smoker asked as he walked out.

"Tashigi is celebrating her promotion to chief by walking in the street," the sailor said quickly.

"That foolish woman," Smoker muttered, covering his forehead. She was probably in some sword shop again. Forget it, let's catch that 35 million Bailey pirate. Hopefully, he's interesting.

Smoker left the branch and walked towards the center of Logue Town.

On the Streets of Logue Town

Tashigi hummed her favorite song as she walked happily. She was promoted to Chief Petty Officer today. This meant a higher salary, allowing her to save for a famous sword in the future.



Tashigi felt something hit her and fell to the ground with a cry of pain. Her vision was blurry, and she groped around on the ground.

"Here you go, are you looking for this?" A chuckle sounded, and Tashigi saw a blurry figure handing her fallen glasses. Though she couldn't see clearly, Tashigi felt that this man's smile was gentle.

"Thank you, thank you!" Tashigi quickly put on her glasses, stood up, and bowed.

"No need to apologize for accidentally bumping into you," Ace said, smiling at her. He was in need of a swordsman on his ship.

"Sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I?" Ace asked with a gentle smile as he looked at the flustered girl in front of him.

"No, no, it was my fault for not watching where I was going. I should be the one to apologize," Tashigi waved her hands in a panic.

"No, I insist. It was my fault," Ace said, bowing politely.

"No, no, I should apologize," Tashigi responded, bowing even deeper.

Everyone around them was stunned, watching the two compete to see who could bow deeper.

"How about this, could you do me a favor?" Ace suggested.

"Anything you need! Just let me know," Tashigi said quickly.

"I want to see the famous execution platform, but I don't know where it is. Can you take me there?" Ace asked with a successful smile, quickly adjusting his expression to be more polite.

"Sure," Tashigi agreed immediately. Though her plan to look at famous swords might be delayed, she felt responsible for bumping into him.

"Please, follow me," Tashigi said, pointing in a direction.

As they walked, Tashigi asked, "I haven't asked your name yet. I'm Tashigi."

"My name is Ace," he replied with a smile.

"Mr. Ace, are you here because of the execution platform where the Pirate King was executed?" Tashigi asked curiously, not yet recognizing him from the wanted posters.

"Yeah, I've always wanted to see it," Ace said nonchalantly.

"Actually, there's not much to see. Even though the Pirate King was executed there, it led to more pirates being born," Tashigi said, a little disappointed.

"Oh? It seems you have dreams too, Tashigi," Ace noted with a smile.

"Hey? Mr. Ace, how did you know?" Tashigi asked, looking at him in surprise.

"Intuition. Your disappointed expression gave it away," Ace replied with a smile.

"Yes, my dream is to collect all the famous swords taken by evildoers," Tashigi said with determination.

"What an amazing dream," Ace cheered for her.

"Really? No one's ever praised my dream before," Tashigi said shyly.

"And what's your dream, Mr. Ace?" she asked curiously.

"Me?" Ace looked towards the execution platform and smiled slightly. "I want to end the era of great pirates started by the Pirate King."

Tashigi stared at him in disbelief. "End the era of great pirates? That's an incredible dream, Mr. Ace!"

"Really? Would you help me if I needed it?" Ace asked with a smile.

"Absolutely!" Tashigi said seriously.

"That's good to hear," Ace said, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly.

"Oh, Mr. Ace, the execution platform is just ahead," Tashigi said, realizing she had almost pressed against him in her excitement. Her face turned red as she quickly let go of his hand and pointed to the execution platform visible in the distance.

"It's really exciting," Ace smiled, following Tashigi.

At that moment, some marines patrolling Logue Town noticed Tashigi holding hands with Ace. One sailor, curious to see the man's face, felt cold sweat spread across his back and his pupils began to shrink violently.

"That person is...!!!" the sailor said, horrified.

The Center of Logue Town

"Where is that guy named Ace?" Smoker muttered, stepping on a pirate with a three million beli bounty while holding a cigar in his mouth.

"Colonel Smoker!!!" One of his men ran over in a panic, out of breath.

"Didn't I say you didn't need to come out? I can handle it alone," Smoker said calmly.

"No, no, it's Tashigi!" the marine soldier gasped, pointing towards the execution platform.

"What did that foolish woman do now?" Smoker bit down on his cigar harder.

"Tashigi was taken by Portgas D. Ace to the execution platform!" the sailor said in a panic.

"What?!" Smoker's expression changed, his eyes twitching. "Gather the troops and head to the execution platform immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

Nearby Shop

"Kaya..." Nami sighed, seeing her friend in a panic.

"That guy Ace really causes commotion wherever he goes," Nami said, covering her forehead helplessly.

"Let's go. If the captain is besieged by marines, we have to help," Nokigao said, straightening the gun she had just bought and smiling.

Logue Town's Landmark

More than twenty years ago, the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, was publicly executed here. Ace looked at the execution platform with a somewhat silent expression.

"This is the execution platform where the Pirate King was executed," Tashigi said, pointing to it.

Without a word, Ace's feet moved, and he leaped into the sky, landing firmly on the platform.

"Why?!" Tashigi was startled, then reacted suddenly. "Mr. Ace! You can't go up there! Come down quickly," she shouted anxiously from the bottom.

Ace did not respond to Tashigi; instead, he sat down cross-legged, touching the platform with a reflective look. This was where Gol D. Roger, the cheap father of his life, was executed. Roger, already terminally ill, chose to end his life here, using it to usher in the era of great pirates.

"Really, it's a fitting way for you to die," Ace muttered, his mouth curling up slightly as he closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the scene before his eyes changed. Countless people surrounded the execution platform, looking up with fear and expectation. Reporters and video callers focused intently on the platform.

"Hey! Pirate King! Where did you put the biggest treasure?! " someone shouted from the crowd.

Gol D. Roger, with an immensely confident smile, responded, "Do you want my treasure? If you want it, I can give it all to you. Go find it! I put all my treasure there... IN ONE PIECE Hahahahaha!"

His incomparable laughter resonated throughout the world.

The next moment, the scene shattered.

Ace's understanding and visualization had greatly improved his abilities. His Conqueror's Haki received a substantial boost. Reflecting on Roger's use of his life to start the great pirate era, Ace vowed to end it, declaring, "This era will be called the Flame Emperor era !"

His eyes flashed with a thick purple-black color. Dark clouds began to shroud the area, and amidst the astonishment of countless people in Logue Town, thunder snakes scurried and roared in the dark clouds.

Smoker's Arrival

"Hey! Tashigi!" Smoker rushed towards the platform with a team of marines. "Get away from that man! You idiot!"

"Hey? Colonel Smoker? Why? Mr. Ace is a very good man," Tashigi replied, confused.

"You foolish woman! He's a pirate with a bounty of 35 million Beli, Portgas D. Ace!" Smoker roared.

The people in the square panicked. A pirate with a 35 million Beli bounty? Tashigi was frozen in place. Mr. Ace, a pirate? Mr. Ace, who wants to end the age of pirates, is a pirate?! Liar, liar, right?

Ace jumped off the platform, glancing at Tashigi with his now purple-black eyes. "Let's rest for a while, Tashigi." Tashigi fainted instantly.

"Tashigi!" Smoker roared, "You bastard, do you want to take a Marine hostage?!"

Ignoring Smoker, Ace looked towards Nami and her friends hiding nearby. "Hey, Nami! Take her to the boat."

"Who is this girl? What do you want to do?" Nami asked, though she quickly picked up Tashigi.

Nokigao loaded her gun and aimed at Smoker, while Kaya's hands began to glow with a yellow light. "Take her to the boat first, and I'll explain later," Ace said, smiling slightly.

"Fine, I get it!" Nami rolled her eyes, then ran towards the port with Tashigi.

"I'll leave this to you, Captain," Nokigao said, smiling.

"Ah, you go back first. I'll be there in a minute," Ace replied, the thick purple-black color in his eyes intensifying.

Nokigao pulled the worried Kaya towards the Going Merry. Smoker was about to give chase when Ace moved suddenly, blocking his path.

"Portgas D. Ace! It seems I can't save my men without killing you," Smoker's arm turned into white smoke. "White fist!"

As his attack neared, Ace transformed into flames. "Logia! The headquarters call you Flame Man, Portgas D. Ace," Smoker gritted his teeth.

"I prefer to be called Flame Emperor, Portgas D. Ace," Ace smiled lightly.

"Flame Emperor? Just you..." Smoker began, but his expression changed suddenly.

The purple-black color in Ace's eyes roared out like thunder, a terrifying wave sweeping through the Marines in the square. The dark clouds above rolled back, a hole appearing as if torn by a powerful force. The Marines in the square lost consciousness instantly.

"Conqueror's Haki?!" Smoker knelt, horrified. How could an East Blue pirate possess such intense Conqueror's Haki?

Smoker looked unwilling as he lost consciousness.