
One Piece: A New Whitebeard

Reincarnated into the formidable Whitebeard, one of the most feared pirates in the Grand Line, our hero faces a world in turmoil. The dreaded Blackbeard incident has unfolded, resulting in the capture of Ace, Whitebeard's beloved "son" and one of the most powerful pirates in the world. As the countdown to Ace's impending execution begins, the newly reborn Whitebeard finds himself thrust into a high-stakes battle that will test his mettle like never before. With only six days remaining before the scheduled execution, Whitebeard must assemble his crew, the fearsome Whitebeard Pirates, and rally his allies in a race against time to rescue Ace from the clutches of the Marines. The odds are stacked against them, as the world's most powerful forces converge on Marineford for what promises to be an epic showdown. As Whitebeard faces insurmountable challenges and old rivalries rekindle, he must not only protect his pirate family but also confront the very essence of his legacy as a pirate captain. Will he be able to defy the might of the World Government and the Marines to save Ace, or will the clock run out on their daring rescue mission? In a battle that will shake the world to its core, the fate of Ace and the balance of power in the Grand Line hang in the balance. Get ready for a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of pirates as Whitebeard leads his crew on a race against time to rewrite destiny itself.

Galaxy_Wonder · Filmes
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89 Chs

Desperate Bullet

The violet substance spread relentlessly, akin to a tsunami of power, swallowing everything in its wake. In a matter of moments, Bullet's mechanical frame was submerged beneath a cascade of rocks, consumed entirely by the encroaching mass.

A resounding boom reverberated through the air, as if nature itself protested the intrusion. Dust billowed like a tempest, obscuring the aftermath of the cataclysmic event. As the haze settled, Bullet's form emerged once more.

Yet, he was transformed, a towering colossus stretching into the heavens, a behemoth amidst the clouds. The steel titan expanded to unfathomable heights, dwarfing even the mightiest of mountains, its weight bearing down with the force of megatons.

A thunderous roar shattered the silence, causing even the bravest to tremble. The ferocious hurricane heaved, a palpable aura of dread enveloping all who beheld it.

"What sorcery is this?" muttered onlookers, their disbelief mirrored even among the most seasoned of pirates—Doflamingo, Hawkeye, Jack, Issho, all rendered speechless.

"Awakening his devil fruit ability?" Hawkeye's voice rang out with solemn acknowledgment. "Bullet now possesses the might to challenge even Whitebeard."

Formerly impressive, Bullet had faltered in previous encounters, outmatched by the sheer might of Whitebeard. But now, a transformation had occurred. He had ascended to the echelons of true power, akin to an Emperor.

"Heehahahhaa~" Doflamingo chuckled nervously. "A fitting comrade for the Roger Pirates, indeed."

"But... can he truly best Whitebeard in this form?" The question lingered, a testament to the uncertainty that loomed.

Fully harnessing his devil fruit powers, Bullet unleashed a deafening roar, his colossal arm hurtling towards Whitebeard with unforgiving force.

Gasps erupted from the bystanders, anticipation thick in the air. They could scarcely fathom the impending clash, yet its magnitude was undeniable.

Hawkeye and his peers watched intently, their gaze fixed upon the unfolding spectacle. How would Whitebeard respond to this formidable assault?

To their astonishment, Whitebeard remained steadfast, unmoving in the face of danger.

"Did he... not evade?" murmured Byrnndi World, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Is he preparing to confront Bullet head-on?" queried Issho, the future Admiral.

A hush fell over the crowd as the tension mounted.

BOOM! The colossal fist descended, yet Whitebeard stood resolute, his own fist meeting the onslaught with unyielding resolve.

The clash ignited a storm of crimson lightning, the shockwave tearing through the very earth. And yet, Whitebeard remained unscathed, a testament to his indomitable strength.

The pirates watched in awe, their disbelief palpable. Even the supernovas, once confident in their prowess, now found themselves humbled by the spectacle.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and turmoil, a harsh truth dawned upon them: in the presence of Whitebeard, they were but insignificant beings, mere frogs at the bottom of a vast and unfathomable well.

And even Donquixote Doflamingo, along with other pirates who had solidified their positions in the New World, once believed themselves to be formidable contenders in those treacherous waters. However, witnessing the clash between the titans shattered their illusions, revealing the vast chasm that still separated them from true supremacy. Shock rippled through their hearts, unsettling their very cores.

BOOM! The battle raged unabated, reaching its zenith in a crescendo of violence. Each blow reverberated with deafening force, fracturing the earth and casting stone splinters into the air.

As the conflict escalated, Hawkeye and his comrades were forced to retreat, lest they become casualties caught amidst the chaos.

"Why do you persist, unable to defeat me?!" Bullet's frustration erupted in a primal shout, his hopes of usurping Whitebeard's title crumbling before his eyes.

He had banked on his devil fruit's awakening to secure victory, only to find himself confronted with harsh reality. Despite his relentless onslaught, Whitebeard stood unwavering, absorbing every blow with unnerving resilience.

The relentless barrage took its toll, shattering the colossal form Bullet had meticulously crafted. Each punch threatened to reduce him to the same fate as his mechanical predecessor: a mere relic of defeat.

In his impatience, Bullet's assaults grew increasingly frenzied, the very island trembling beneath the onslaught.

"Guurarara~" Whitebeard's laughter resonated amidst the chaos, a stark contrast to Bullet's mounting desperation.

Seizing a moment of vulnerability, Whitebeard launched a devastating counterattack, cleaving through Bullet's colossal arm with unparalleled precision.

The pirates recoiled in horror, their disbelief palpable as the tides of battle shifted with lightning speed.

The severed limb, once a symbol of Bullet's dominance, now lay in ruins, a testament to Whitebeard's unyielding might.

"The endgame approaches," Hawkeye murmured, his keen insight piercing through the din of battle.

With one arm sundered, the outcome was all but certain. Bullet's downfall was imminent, his defeat inevitable in the face of Whitebeard's unrelenting onslaught.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, one truth remained resolute: in this clash of giants, victory had already been claimed.

To be continued...


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