
One Piece: A New Whitebeard

Reincarnated into the formidable Whitebeard, one of the most feared pirates in the Grand Line, our hero faces a world in turmoil. The dreaded Blackbeard incident has unfolded, resulting in the capture of Ace, Whitebeard's beloved "son" and one of the most powerful pirates in the world. As the countdown to Ace's impending execution begins, the newly reborn Whitebeard finds himself thrust into a high-stakes battle that will test his mettle like never before. With only six days remaining before the scheduled execution, Whitebeard must assemble his crew, the fearsome Whitebeard Pirates, and rally his allies in a race against time to rescue Ace from the clutches of the Marines. The odds are stacked against them, as the world's most powerful forces converge on Marineford for what promises to be an epic showdown. As Whitebeard faces insurmountable challenges and old rivalries rekindle, he must not only protect his pirate family but also confront the very essence of his legacy as a pirate captain. Will he be able to defy the might of the World Government and the Marines to save Ace, or will the clock run out on their daring rescue mission? In a battle that will shake the world to its core, the fate of Ace and the balance of power in the Grand Line hang in the balance. Get ready for a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and the indomitable spirit of pirates as Whitebeard leads his crew on a race against time to rewrite destiny itself.

Galaxy_Wonder · Filmes
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89 Chs


The room hushed as Whitebeard's words echoed through the air, casting a spell of silence over the assembled pirates. The announcement left them stunned, their minds grappling with the unexpected twist of events. What would become of Bullet? Would Whitebeard spare him, or would the infamous Pirate King's former crew member meet his demise?

The murmurs rippled through the crowd, speculation and doubt intertwining in hushed conversations. "Bullet as his son? Surely not," some whispered, unable to fathom such an improbable bond forming between the two formidable figures. Others mused on Bullet's likely refusal, citing his reputation as the feared Devil Heir, a man of unwavering pride.

"Even the mighty have their honor," one pirate observed sagely, acknowledging the delicate dance of power and pride in the treacherous waters of the New World. "It's a better fate than death," another conceded, recognizing the significance of Whitebeard's unexpected offer.

All eyes turned to Bullet, waiting with bated breath for his response. The air hung heavy with anticipation as the fallen warrior rose to his feet, his resolve evident in the set of his jaw. "If I've spoken it, then I'll do it," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of his decision. "From this day forth, I'll bear the name of Whitebeard and sail the seas under his banner."

His pledge resonated with a sense of steadfast loyalty, a testament to his character even in defeat. For Bullet, honoring his word was paramount, a principle forged in the crucible of battles lost and alliances forged. The disbelief that rippled through the crowd was palpable as they grappled with the reality of Bullet's acceptance.

Whitebeard's once unthinkable proposition had become a reality before their very eyes, reshaping the landscape of power in the New World. The murmurs swelled into a cacophony of astonishment, reverberating off the walls of the chamber as the implications of Bullet's decision sank in.

As the dust settled, Doflamingo's uproarious laughter cut through the tension, his arms outstretched in jubilation. The addition of Bullet and Katakuri to the Whitebeard Pirates heralded a new era of dominance, a shift in the balance of power that sent shockwaves through the pirate world.

And amidst the chaos, a new title emerged—a title befitting the might and influence of the one they called Whitebeard. "The king of the world?" Doflamingo's laughter echoed, a declaration of the seismic shift in power that had just taken place.

Hawkeye pondered for a moment, acknowledging the aptness of the title bestowed upon Whitebeard. Indeed, Whitebeard's might and renown now eclipsed even that of the legendary Rock D. Xebec in his prime. The moniker "King of the World" was a fitting tribute to his unparalleled influence in the treacherous waters of the New World.

"Looks like we've gained another brother," Marco remarked with a grin, his pride in their captain evident in his jovial tone.

"Yeah!" chorused the other division commanders, their laughter mingling in the air as camaraderie enveloped them.

Turning his attention to Luffy, Ace smiled reassuringly. "It's too soon for you to carve your name in the New World, little brother. Stick with the old man's crew for now, sail alongside us for another year or two, and hone your strength."

Luffy nodded in agreement, his resolve strengthened by the recent defeat of a supernova at the hands of Katakuri. Recognizing his own limitations, he understood the necessity of further training before venturing deeper into the perilous waters ahead. Plans formed in his mind to inform Zoro and the others, to regroup and train together at the Sabaody Archipelago once their current business concluded.

Meanwhile, Katakuri's keen Observation Haki detected a disturbance—a multitude of approaching footsteps, numbering over a thousand. Concern etched his features as he alerted his comrades to the impending threat.

"There's trouble on the horizon," Katakuri intoned gravely, his words prompting Marco and the others to turn their attention to Whitebeard, awaiting his decision.

With a deep rumble of laughter, Whitebeard acknowledged the impending danger, his own Observation Haki confirming the approaching presence of Marines.

"Marines?" gasped the pirates, their surprise palpable as the possibility of their clandestine gathering being exposed loomed large.

Before they could fully comprehend the situation, panic erupted in the distance, accompanied by the ominous whistling of cannonballs slicing through the air.

The deafening explosions shattered the relative calm, signaling the onset of chaos as the pirates braced themselves for the inevitable clash with their adversaries.

The searing flames leapt skyward, casting an ominous glow over the chaos unfolding below. Amidst the cacophony of battle, the unfortunate cries of pirates struck down by cannon fire pierced the air, a grim reminder of the imminent danger.

"The Marines are upon us!" panicked voices cried out, the urgency of escape driving even the bravest souls to flee for their lives. Dread hung heavy in the air as the realization dawned that the entire might of Marine headquarters bore down upon them.

With fear gnawing at their hearts, those of average strength scrambled desperately towards the island's edge, their only thought survival.

"It's time to depart," Hawkeye murmured, his movements swift and decisive as he unleashed a dazzling arc of light, cleaving through the onslaught of cannonballs with unparalleled skill.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Hawkeye wasted no time in making his exit, his resolve unyielding even in the face of impending danger.

As laughter echoed through the chaos, Doflamingo Donquixote mused on the unfolding events, relishing the prospect of yet another clash between the Marines and the formidable Whitebeard Pirates.

Meanwhile, Byrnndi World and Jack the Drought, their faces etched with concern, made haste for the safety of the island port, eager to escape the clutches of the encroaching Marines.

Even Issho, the enigmatic swordsman, vanished into the shadows, his departure shrouded in mystery as he sought refuge from the impending storm.

Left behind amidst the turmoil, Whitebeard and his loyal crew remained steadfast, unfazed by the looming threat. But for the injured supernovas who lingered, their fate hung in the balance, their eyes pleading silently for salvation.

In that moment, their gaze turned to Whitebeard, a silent plea echoing in their desperate stares—a plea for mercy, for salvation, for a chance to escape the clutches of the encroaching Marines.

And so, with the echoes of battle ringing in their ears, the fate of Whitebeard and his crew, and the injured supernovas, remained uncertain, their destinies entwined in the tumultuous currents of the New World. To be continued...


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