
One Night Was All It Takes

This was originally going to be a oneshot I made on Wattpad, but I decided to make it a story here. I had posted the 1st part on Wattpad. This is Rated R. So I advise people under the age of 17 to not read this. Warning: contains Smut, Fluff, Angst, Mature language, and more mature rated things.

Lu_Vixen18 · Música e bandas
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Hana (1)

Loud music. Sweaty, drunk, and aroused bodies. Flashing lights shining and shots after shots being downed. That's all that can be seen in the packed night club on a Saturday night. I've been sitting here at the bar since my wild and lively gay friends, Jackson and Hoseok, ran off into the sea of bodies on the dance floor. The bartender, Jin, kept me some company as he made drinks for other customers.

"Yoongi-ah, want another?" Jin asked, referring to my fourth empty glass of whiskey.

Looking down at it, I shake my head no. The last thing I needed was to be flat faced drunk. Soon the music stopped, and everyone finds a seat on the many lounge couches that surrounded the dance floor. The stage lights shined on the stage that was across the club at the back of the dance floor. On the stage was a pole, since this was a strip club on special occasions or every Saturday, around 12ish at night.

"Isn't he a sexy male?" Jin said as a tall man walked on stage.

"Him? Who's he?" I asked.

"That there is the infamous Kim Namjoon. He owns this whole place," Jin said.

I hummed and turned back to the stage as the owner began to speak.

"Hello everybody! Sorry to stop all your fun, but it's Saturday, and you know what that means!" Namjoon said.

Everybody cheered, whistled and clapped. Namjoon smiled at everyone's reaction while Jin fangirled about his charming dimples. His words, not mine.

"Alright. Let's get the show started!" Namjoon said as everyone cheered loudly.

The music started back up, but instead of everyone dancing, a short person with deliciously thick thighs (as well as ass) male stripper came on stage. He was shirtless except for the very see-through pink lace bralette that was on him. He had fishnet tights on with super short and fitted shorts on that squeezed his lushes ass in all the right places, making me and every other guy here instantly hard. As for shoes, he wore 8 inch red bottom heels to make him maybe a centimeter shorter than I am. Even though the lights were different colors and the fact that it's dark in here, I could tell that he had fair, smooth skin and soft, plump, pink lips.

Everyone cheered as he walked onto the stage. The music started up again, and he started to sing as well as dance, making everyone mesmerized.

"Who's that?" I asked in a whispered tone.

"His name is Park Jimin," someone responded.

I looked up to see that it was the owner, Kim Namjoon. He's a lot taller than I had expected from seeing him only on the stage.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" he asked.

"Go right ahead," I replied as I continue to listen and watch the angel on stage.

Namjoon ordered a drink, and I'm pretty sure Jin was close to fainting when making it for him. Jimin kept dancing, letting the music flow through his body. He made eye contact with me before finishing the song.

"The lucky fellow tonight for my private show will be the mint green hair guy sitting at the bar next to my boss and great friend. Namjoon, please direct the gentleman there for me. Thanks for watching everyone," he said and exited off the stage to his private room.

Namjoon drank the rest of his drink quickly and winked at Jin, making him squeal.

"Come on. Lets not keep him waiting," Namjoon said.

I nodded and got up to follow him. Jin signaled me a thumbs up before tending to the customers that wanted to order drinks. Namjoon took me down this dark hallway that was lit with dimmed lights from the ceiling, opposite from the dance floor and stage. We got to the door and Namjoon wished me luck before walking the way we had came from. I sighed and wiped my hands along my pants before knocking on the door.

"Come in," the voice on the other side of the door said.

I opened the door to see a him wrapped in a red satin robe. I gulped and walked in, closing the door behind me. He came up to me, locking the door and leading me to the bed.

"It's a pleasure to finally see you up close. I'm Jimin," he said.

"Yoongi. It's a pleasure as well to meet you Jimin. You were remarkable on stage," I said with a light blush forming on my cheeks.

Jimin smiled, making his eyes form into little crescent moons and my heart swooned.

"So what did you have in mind for us to do?" I asked.

"How about we leave and go to your place?" Jimin suggested.

"Sure," I said.

*skip to arriving to Yoongi's apartment*

We arrived to my house after the short ride from the club. We talked and got to know each other a little more.

"Make yourself at home. I'm just going to freshen up real quick," I said.

Jimin nodded and I headed to my bedroom. Little did I know what Jimin had in store for me. I quickly took a shower to soon realize that my clothes were not in the bathroom.

"Fuck, I'm gonna have to walk out and get them," I said wrapping the towel around my waist.

I stepped out of the bathroom and into my room to Jimin laying on my bed with his robe undone and moaning out my name for me as he fingered his lushes ass. I'm pretty sure I was sporting a tent because I could feel my dick throb out for him. Jimin opened his eyes slightly, looking at me with lust filled eyes.

"Yoongi, I need you," he moaned out.