
One Night Was All It Takes

This was originally going to be a oneshot I made on Wattpad, but I decided to make it a story here. I had posted the 1st part on Wattpad. This is Rated R. So I advise people under the age of 17 to not read this. Warning: contains Smut, Fluff, Angst, Mature language, and more mature rated things.

Lu_Vixen18 · Music & Bands
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Seeing Jimin moan out the way he did can make anyone go absolutely insane, and that's the effect it had on me. Crazy and lustful to have his ass wrapped around my manhood as his body is buried beneath mine.

Jimin withered on the bed with his small dainty fingers knuckles deep into him. By now he had inserted three fingers, his pointer middle and ring, and moaned out my name loudly and needy.

"Yoongi, please. I need you," Jimin moaned out.

Something in me snapped. I dropped the towel and slowly walked towards him. As I got closer, I could see that he had nothing underneath the satin robe. His pink little cock ached for a release as it stood up and oozed precum as his tight little hole swallowed the fingers he had inside him.

I pulled his fingers out of his ass. My cock throbbed more and got harder as I watched his hole clench around nothing but air.

"On your hands and knees," I told him huskily.

He did as he was told and had his lushes, pale ass in the air. His pink hole puckered, waiting to be filled by my 8 inch length and seed. I climbed onto the bed behind him and trailed my long veined hands from his shoulders and down his spine before finally resting them on his hips. Then I trailed them back up. I could fell him shiver from the sensation of my calloused hands on his soft skin.

"Do you have any lube?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah. First drawer in my nightstand," I said.

He reached over, letting me have a great view of his sexy body in a lewd position.

"Hmm.... Strawberry flavor. Interesting," he said as he handed me the bottle.

I poured a good amount in my hands before sticking a finger into his tight ring. His velvet walls wrapped around my finger so perfectly well that I couldn't wait to feel him wrapped around my member.

Jimin moaned as I moved the single digit around, His lewd moans kept making me harder and harder by the second. I could bust a load just by listening to him moan as he practically fucked himself with my finger.

"M-more~" Jimin said in a begging tone.

I added another finger into his velvet walls. I gave him a minute before moving them in a scissoring motion to stretch him out. I thrusted my long fingers deeper into him, in search for that special bundle of nerves.

I knew I had found it when Jimin let out the most sluttiest yet attractive moan I had ever heard. His hole and walls clenched around my fingers tighter as I continued to abuse his prostate. For a split second, I kept my fingers still just to see what he would do. Jimin whimpered from the loss of friction, which to my dismay I had expected. But what I didn't expect was him to bounce and wiggle the jibooty of his in order to continue fucking himself. It was such a turn on, but let me remind you, I'm the one in charge. So I did what any dominant person would do, take my fingers out and gave his ass a good slap. The slap made his once white globes bright red with my handprint on them.

"Ah~~~" Jimin moaned out, "Please."

"Please what?" I asked.

"Fuck me. Fuck me till I can't walk nor remember my name," he moaned out.

I slapped his ass once more before slamming in my diamond hard dick into his warmth in one thrust, immediately hitting his prostate.

" Ah fuck!" Jimin screamed.

"Sorry. Let me know when I can move," I said.

Jimin nodded, giving me the okay. I pulled almost all the way out, leaving the head in, before slamming into him. Jimin screamed out in both pleasure and pain, He felt so good wrapped around my length. His hot, clenched, velvet walls sucking and swallowing my cock, while his ass jiggled each time it came into contact with my pelvis.

His moans and screams echoed off the walls in my bedroom. I'm pretty sure that the neighbors, if not everyone in Seoul, could hear him belong to me. Me and only me.

"I'm going to cum," Jimin said.

"Me too baby. Me too," I replied.

After a few more thrusts, he cums hard onto the bed sheets. His walls clenched around me more, making me cum hard into him and filling him to the max with my seed.

"That was amazing," I said with sweat dripping down my face as my hair stuck to my face and out of breath.

"Yeah it was. Do you have a plug?" Jimin said.

"No I don't. Do you?" I asked.

"Yeah. In the pocket of my robe," Jimin said.

I pulled out and quickly grabbed the plug, which was black with a pink gem on it. I inserted the plug into his ass, then helped him clean up since I did make him immobile.

"Thanks for tonight. It was amazing. Best that I've ever had," Jimin said with a yawn.

"Same here and you're welcome. Are you going to sleep with the plug in?" I said.

"Yeah I am. Are you going to join me in bed?" he said.

"Do you want me to?" I asked.

"Obviously. I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't want you to," Jimin said sassily.

I shrugged and climbed into bed next to him. Jimin snuggled close to me, and I wrapped my arms around his waist out of instincts.

"Goodnight," Jimin said while yawning.

"Night Jimin," I said as I closed my eyes and welcomed sleep.

Chapter 2 is finally up. If you haven't realized, I'm putting the chapters up in Korean with the number in parenthesis next to it. Anyways, if you have any ideas for other fanfics or oneshots that you would like for me to do, feel free to comment or dm me the prompt and ship name. I accept all requests.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Have a wonderful day/night. Purple you!

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