

-Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible This is my first story so it starts off a bit poor before developing later into my really bad writing style. A novel inspired by the shows. (Teen Wolf/The Originals) Will not follow the shows exactly. - No Harem - Updates will be slow - Age does not equal strength as some would believe, even in the show this didn't hold true despite them mentioning it. This is about an Original wolf who doesn't care about most things, trying to enjoy what he can while traveling the world as one of the strongest, if not the strongest magical creature ever born. If you're looking for a violent, evil mc that kills and eats people this isn't the story for you. Story will start with The Originals show in focus. ________________________________________________ This is my story that I also have on Royal Road.

Somenonebody · TV
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs


The next day at school, Scott and the gang, Stiles, Allison, and Lydia were on edge talking heatedly among each other before class. Though Lydia was only half-listening, she was far more interested in Rebekah's and Mr. Nevan's dynamic/drama. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the annoying often times scary supernatural complications that she wished never existed.

Scott- "So I was talking to Dr.Deaton and he believes the killings in three are ritual kills being performed by a dark druid and doesn't believe it has anything to do with the Alphas."

Stiles jumped in,- "Forget the killings, did you hear about the attack last night, the Eichen House, the mental health treatment facility was demolished last night along with everyone in it, they found a group of spec op geared soldiers right outside torn into pieces with what looked like a beast attack, and you know what that means."

"The Alphas," Lydia chimed in half-heartedly.

"Right, what are we going to do?" Asked Stiles in a hushed voice as he glanced around to make sure the twins weren't around,- "We can't just let them keep killing, I mean we even have two of them right in this school, in our class no less."

Scott,- "We'll figure something out, for now, we play nice, there's nothing we can do here, and we still don't have all the answers."

"I can ask my dad more about it, I heard him receive a call last night, I think he knows something about what happened," Offered Allison, thinking the two related.

Stiles,- "Sounds good, but things are getting dangerous, does anyone know what Derek and his pack are doing, I doubt they'll stay quiet much longer."

Scott,- "I'll speak to Derek today and try and get him to hold off on any plans of revenge, but he may not listen after learning they were keeping his sister captive."

Lydia,- "Well you better find a way to make him listen, we already know how Isaac reacted when he first met the twins, we don't want the school turning into a blood bath."

Scott sighed,- "I know, I know, gotta keep an eye on them, they may even be coming back to school today, speaking of, I wonder if that thing we all felt was from the dark druid."

"You think? Could it be the new teacher?" Asked Stiles.

Lydia snorted without thinking,- "Not likely."

Allison's eyebrow rose at her friend's response,- "I don't know about that, new people, new enemy, it adds up, what makes you so sure it can't be him?"

Caught off guard by the question, Lydia fails to form a response having no real bases for her earlier comment other than the intrigue of what was going on between him and the new girl,- "Well, um..." The bell rings,- "...Would you look at that, time for class."

Allison rushes after her intending to question her more about her dodging attitude of late.

While Mr. Nevan is taking roll call, Scott questions Isaac and finds out Boyd and Erica are back in school along with Cora surprisingly, and that they have nothing planned just yet, glaring at the twins who didn't miss the chance to mess with him from across the room.

Isaac then said he wouldn't say anymore with them around.

"Welcome back everybody, now if you could please turn to page 155 and we can begin today's lesson," said Nevan interrupting any further talking.

After class Nevan once again asked Rebekah to stay behind. Patiently waiting for the room to empty.

Rebekah smirked as he closed the distance between them,- "You plan on doing this after every class then? Always making me late?" She questioned.

Nevan leaned closer giving her a kiss,- "It's a thought, but it seems someone is waiting for you again so I guess I'll let you go this time." He said amusedly.

Rebekah headed out giving Lydia a small fright when she opens the door quickly,- "Lydia."

Flustered at getting caught, Lydia quickly talks trying to divert her attention,- "Oh, hey, just wanted to walk with you, what did the teacher want this time?"

"I've always struggled when it comes to academics, and I hate giving in to the blonde stereotype, maybe if my head was a bit redder I wouldn't be having such a difficult time," replied Rebekah.

The unexpected compliment threw her off as Lydia offers to help her out if she needs it.


Later in the day, Boyd, Erica, and Cora were walking to the next class. Doing their best to maintain composure and not seek out the twins for a square off. Following Derek, their alpha's, orders not to start anything yet, and just keep an eye on them for now. Thankfully they didn't have to strain their self-control since neither of them had classes with them and would only pass them in the hall from time to time.

Entering the doorway, Boyd froze when he saw Nevan casually sitting there in the teacher's chair. Not expecting to see him again so soon, and in school no less.

Erica who bumped into him, complained,- "What the hell man, don't just stop, your blocking the entire door," she said shoving past him only to also freeze in place.

"Guys, guys, you're holding everyone up, move," said Cora, impatiently pushing both of them in, allowing the rest of the class to shuffle in.

Spotting Nevan, her eyes brighten,- "Nevan!" She exclaims, rushing for a hug as he sticks his foot out to stop her.

"Woah, what do you think you're doing, please go take a seat, class will be starting soon," Nevan says ignoring her pouty expression.

"Wait a second, you're our teacher?" Asks Cora.

"Correct, 10 points for Hufflepuff," Nevan jokes.

The lame joke flying right over her head, Cora questions him,- "Hold up, you are our teacher? In school?"

"That certainly seems to be the case, miss Hale," says Nevan, looking ever more bored with the line of questioning.

She stood stuck in place as her brain tried to comprehend what was happening. Then as if a light bulb went off she grinned,- "Does that mean you're finally willing to teach me?" She innocently asked.

"That seems to be the case miss Hale, I'll be sure to teach you all about our history within this class," said Nevan, enjoying the look of her face falling as the words reached her ears.

"But, but, you're still here," she states, unable to formulate the appropriate words at the moment to convey what she really wants to say.

"Indeed I am, an astute observation miss Hale, now if you would please take your seat, today's lessons can begin, and please refer to me as Mr. Nevan," he said, watching her sulk over to her seat.

After class Boyd, Erica, and Cora got together to discuss what to do, and whether or not they should tell Derek and the others who he is. Cora however felt this wasn't a good idea, while she didn't know him that well, she knew enough to fear him should she ever get on his bad side.

She made it clear that they didn't want Derek or anyone else to accidentally challenge/disturb him and make him mad because that wouldn't be good for anyone. Boyd and Erica weren't completely on board with keeping it from Derek, but they agreed that he was dangerous and there was no reason to make an enemy out of the person who saved them. Promising not to say anything about him if not directly asked.

Cora told them to leave everything to her, and if they were lucky enough she could maybe talk him into training them, and possibly helping out with the Alpha pack problem. Thinking it possible since he stuck around when he didn't have to.