

After school ends, Stiles dodging others, caught up to Scott in the hall asking where he was going.

"I'm going to go speak to Derek, this can't wait any longer, things are getting way too dangerous way too fast," said Scott feeling a bit nervous after the recent news this morning.

"You can't leave yet, have you forgotten about today's practice, coach will kill us if we miss it," says Stiles.

"Maybe, but I think this is more important than some practice," said Scott turning back around to leave.

"Hey man, it's your funeral... Or ours," he sighed,- "You know I'm coming with you, but I hope you didn't forget your now acting Captain without Jackson around, Coach might just blow a gasket," said Stiles following him reluctantly, still not a fan of Derek.

Suddenly Coach Bobby Finstock with his classic unkempt hair comes around the next corner giving them both a small fright,- "McCall, Stilinski, the field is that way, why aren't you out on it yet?"

They both halt, surprised to see him here and not already out on the field himself.

"Coach, where did you come from?" Asked Scott, not sure what else to say.

"Looking to recruit that big black kid who for some reason didn't show up to tryouts yesterday, and I also got my eye on those twins. We get them on the team and they might as well just hand the championship to us. This is going to be the year boys, I can feel it," Said the Coach excitedly.

"Um, Coach, I don't think you can say that," warns Stiles.

"What?" Asked the confused Coach looking at their grimacing faces.

Scott leans in and whispers, "Black kid."

Coach waves them off and scoffs,- "You kids and your PC culture, what should I call him the African?" He asks.

They grimace again as Scott says,- "Coach, his name is Vernon Boyd, but everyone calls him Boyd."

"Alright then, you two ladies get this Boyd to join our team," Coach says and then faces Scott, poking him in the chest,- "McCall you're the captain now that Jackson abandoned us, you need to step it up, that means be on time and on the field and ready to go."

"Coach, his parents moved away, there was nothing he could do," said Danny Mahealani exasperatedly after hearing them as he was walking by, who also happened to be on the team. A tall, very attractive young man, with tan skin, brown eyes, and short dark brown hair, as well as lean and extremely defined musculature. He would often wear brightly colored v-neck t-shirts with jeans and shoes and enjoyed a trendy-yet-casual style of dress.

"Whatever, get to the field or it'll be suicide runs until you drop!" Yelled the Coach, chasing him off before turning back to Stiles and Scott,- "Where was I, oh right, you need to step it up, you're a leader now McCall, it's time to act like it, that means showing up to the field early and on time and helping out with drills, making sure everyone is doing what needs to be done when I'm not looking or around."

Scott taking his words seriously, nodded,- "Got it, I will, you can count on me."

Coach grinned, clapping him on the shoulder,- "Good, now that's what I like to hear, and feel free to have Stilinski help you out if need be, oh and I want to see that big beautiful bastard on the field by this time tomorrow, make it happen! And don't forget the twins either, boy were they blessed, imagine if they stayed as one," he laughed.

Seeing them not moving, Coach raises his voice,- "Well what are you waiting for, get to the field now, move, move, move! That'll be extra laps for the both of you!" He yelled chasing them back to the lockers.


Nevan finds Rebekah walking with her two new friends, telling them that she would meet up with them later so she could speak with him alone.

"Hey, the girls invited me to check out the Lacross practice, want to come?" She asks.

"Lacross? Never heard of it," he says dully.

"I'm not surprised, it's a game like any other, two goals and a ball, but it's smaller and they catch and throw it with those netted sticks I'm sure you've seen kids carrying. A bit weird having such an obscure game as your main sport, but it kinda fits the theme of this town, doesn't it?" She says thinking of all the supernatural activity.

He sneers recalling the said mentioned sticks being carried around by Scott and Isaac,- "Sure I'll come, let's see why a couple of werewolf cheats feel pride playing around with their lessers," he said completely disgusted learning of werewolves falling so low as to use their advantages against regular humans in a sport.

"Um, maybe you should sit this out, I'd rather not spend the rest of my day compelling people to forget a massacre," said Rebekah upon seeing her husband's rather foul mood at the news.

"I'll control myself... Or kill them all, by the way..." He pauses to make sure none of the few people left are paying attention, pulling her into an empty classroom- "Did you give any thought to what you're going to do when you start showing? Like what are even the school policies on pregnant high schoolers?" He asked amusedly. In fact, he was kind of hoping she would start showing soon so he could continue the little private play he's been setting up.

"Uh, I never really thought about it... Now that you mention it, shouldn't I already be showing?" She asked with concern etched into her face. Completely forgetting to confront him about how he glossed over potentially killing everyone. Her time here has been going well and she wasn't keen on the idea of ruining it yet.

"Let's head to a doctor right after and figure it out, their technology is advanced enough that it should help shed light on the situation," he said.

"Do you think something's wrong?" She asked unable to stop herself from feeding into her fears.

He quickly grabbed her hands feeling bad about bringing it up, trying to smooth things out,- "Hey, hey, everything is fine, you feel fine don't you?" He asked.

Seeing her nod, he continues,- "Then that's all that matters, you feel fine, you are fine, nothing is wrong. Remember we aren't normal, nor are we weak by any stretch of the imagination, so it stands to reason our kid will be just as strong and resilient as us, as Hope was with your brother and Hayley, and you better believe ours will be even more fantastic."

"Mn," Rebekah quietly responded as he pulled her in for a hug. His rhythmic heartbeat helped to calm her nerves, though, in the back of her mind, she now couldn't stop thinking about how Hayley had a belly, so why didn't she?

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