

Pushing through the barrier, he spots the prison door controls for the facility,- "Ready to feast honey?" Asks Nevan flipping the switch and releasing them all.

"Talk about me being crazy, here you are expecting me to feast on dozens of people, but sure, anything for my baby," she says rubbing her stomach, using her baby voice,- "Mommy is going to make you so powerful, and then you can help mommy fight against the big mean Papa."

Ignoring her antics, he leads the way as they came to the barred gate already being attacked by inmates trying to break it open.

He casually waves his hand sending a horizontal bladed energy cutting through the iron bars and everyone else in half all the way down the hallway.

Catching the scent of their blood, he warns Rebekah,- "Careful of the ones that have been pumped full of unknown substances."

"Of course, I guess I'll get started then," she sighed at first, but soon her stomach was growling, telling her to hurry and consume.

Leaving his wife to it, Nevan went about his search, killing all those he came across.

Pausing when he comes across an empty room covered in ice from top to bottom.

Hearing a challenging roar off to the side, he smirks, spotting his prey with glowing reddish-orange eyes, retractable claws and fangs that are deadly sharp, and skin that has the appearance of black volcanic rock with veins of molten lava running through it. His entire body completely engulfed in flames, melting the surrounding area.

Nevan begins to casually walk toward him, thus infuriating the hellhound further as he roared angrily at the complete dismissal of his threatening presence. Flames raging off him, melting the surroundings as he charged, swinging his right claw with all his might only for it to get caught in Nevan's grip.

"Is that all you got?" Asked a slightly disappointed Nevan.

Squeezing the wrist with his left,- "Come on now, you can do better than that! Talia could give better than that!" Nevan growled angrily while tightening his grip until they heard a pop.

The Hellhound roared in defiance attacking with his other hand in an attempt to free himself.

Nevan snorted, hitting him first on the chest with a powerful palm strike, blasting him away, breaking through part of the wall at the end of the corridor.

Tossing down the arm that remained in his hand, like it was trash, smoldering on the floor behind him. Nevan continued to walk toward his prey, planning to make his death as slow and painful as he possibly could.

Melting through the rubble, the hellhound stumbled his way out coming face to face with a pair of cold dark emotionless orange eyes staring down at him as if he was the most worthless thing to ever exist.

Roaring in defiance, he swung an uppercut at Nevan who swatted his hand away like he would a fly. Sending the hellhound sprawling across the floor due to the imbalance of his missing arm.

Struggling to get back up, he was stopped by a foot on his back pressing him back down hard, his face hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Slowly increasing the pressure, Nevan sneered, slowly squishing him like he would a bug. Cracks forming underneath as the hellhound struggled with his last remaining arm to free himself. His legs flailing about trying to find purchase on anything to give himself leverage.

Getting nowhere, the heat of his flames began to increase along with his frustration, gradually sinking through the floor.

Not having any of that, Nevan reaches down grabbing him by the back of his neck and hoisting him up off the ground. Turning his head just enough to see the last remaining rebellion still holding strong in the face of overwhelming defeat.

"I wonder if your kind has beta and alphas like us," wondered Nevan aloud.

"Your eyes are similar to my wife's, I don't like that," scowled Nevan reaching to slowly pluck them out. Ignoring the hellhound's futile attempts to stop him, screaming in agony as fingers penetrated flesh. Picking them out one at a time and dropping them on the floor to step on.

He then proceeds to use the same excruciating pace to pull off his remaining appendages leaving him withering on the ground.

"I think Talia would be pleased, be a good boy and stay there until my wife finds you," he chuckled, leaving the miserable thing where it lay wailing in torment.

A small ugly girl then walked around the corner staring at him in abject horror, never believing something so evil and terrible could actually exist.

Just as she was about to open her mouth, Nevan flashed by,- "I don't think so," he said reappearing behind her.

Clutching her throat with wide eyes, blood spilling out, she dropped to the ground dead.

"I have no interest in hearing a banshee screech, who would have thought there would be another one here. This town certainly is something, I guess that means the other one doesn't have to die anymore, our kid only needs to experience the flesh of one after all."


After exiting the facility, Nevan flew above powering up energy in his hands. Trying something new he pushed his hands out together, shooting a power beam below. Disintegrating the roof as it travels through the floors until hitting bedrock. Sending another pulse of energy through the beam caused it to explode at the other end, imploding the building.

It wasn't as impressive a feat as he would have liked but it got the job done.

Spotting headlights in the distance rapidly approaching, he flew down to his wife,- "Why don't you go on ahead and get some rest, you'll need it after that meal, I'll stick around a bit and watch the aftermath."

"Sounds good to me, I'm stuffed... You know I never did ask you what you thought about being a teacher," says Rebekah.

"It was fine, the best part being after first period," Nevan smirks.

"But of course, private time with your favorite student would make any teacher happy," grinned Rebekah.

Kissing his cheek goodbye, she heads home for a much-needed digestive rest while Nevan turns his eyes to the newly arriving guests.


Two armored vehicles drove up fast. Skidding to a stop at the base of the wreckage.

Half a dozen heavily geared, black ops looking men with black camo and night vision goggles got out of each vehicle, assault rifles at the ready as they did a quick perimeter sweep of the initial area.



"What on earth happened here, it's all gone," said one man kicking at the mess.

"That's what we're here to find out, fan out and call in if you spot anything," said the captain.

"Tch, why are we here? I thought the Argents took over this area."

"They have, but we're directly responsible for containment, this is our facility, and we had many imprisoned here so keep your eyes out and your coms open."

Breaking off in teams of 4 one went around left and the other around right while the Captain's group remained behind to sift through the debris.

"I heard a rumor that the government is forming a supernatural division, you get any intel on that boss?" Asked one of the men who stayed behind with the Captain.

"Everything points to yes, our people are already reaching out to them, but I wouldn't get your hopes up, there's no telling how much the government has been infiltrated.," said the Captain.

The team leader who went around the right side with his group heard a snap, making everyone freeze as he held his fist up. Pointing to his ear he signals the direction of the noise.

After waiting a while they begin to move again.


Deucalion hearing the disturbance led his alpha pack to investigate.

Ennis described what he sees.

"I never thought I'd see the day this place got taken care of, I was personally planning on doing it myself but it seems that's no longer necessary," Deucalion mused.

"What about the hunters?" Asked Kali, eager for blood.

"Kill them," orders Deucalion.

"With pleasure," says Kali with eyes glowing red. Dashing off ahead closely followed by Ennis and the twins.


The soldier in the back turns his head just in time to see a pair of blood-red eyes as Kali lunged, sharp-fanged teeth filling his vision, sinking into his neck mere moments later, biting clean through his throat.

Fingers squeezing involuntarily, his gun goes off wounding another who cries out as a few bullets hit his leg.

Turning around, one yells,- "Holy shit! It's an Alpha!" As Kali drops the dead man and roars with a mouth full of blood, nearly causing them to shit themselves.

"Fire! Fire! Fire! Take her out now!" yells the leader unleashing all he's got, slowly backing up as she bobs and weaves through trees, closing the distance.

"We have an Alpha! I repeat we have an Alpha attacking us! Require assistance asap, no sign of pack, watch out for other bogies incoming."


On the other side, the twins just out of sight of their group of hunters, began their unique transformation. Fusing together to create a much bigger more powerful version of themselves.

Roaring confidently as he came into being, charging down the hill. Ignoring the occasional bullet as he closed the gap between him and the hunters. Lucky that he wasn't hit yet with anything that could sap his strength, though the twins did have a higher resistance in this combined form than normal.

This group of hunters unfortunately dosed every other bullet with something different, never sure what they would come across. They were prepared for anything, even an Alpha if need be, but it wasn't just one, and each group was being attacked simultaneously.

"Alpha! Alpha! Need Help!" They called in, falling back.


The calls started coming into the coms as he heard his men dying. Confused the Captain could only ask, trying to confirm what's going on,- "Alpha's? are you saying each of you have an Alpha attacking?... Come in...Come in... Answer me Dammit!" He yelled listening to the continued gunfire and screams.

"Shit! Captain! Watch Out!" Yelled one of his men as he got tackled right before a head-sized rock sailed by smashing into the rubble behind them.

Looking up, his face went slightly pale underneath his gear,- "Alpha."


Deucalion waited above on another hill feeling like a king as he ordered his minions to do his bidding, it was euphoric.

Everything was going well until the breeze changed directions and he caught a scent that made all his hairs stand on end.

Hurriedly taking his sunglasses off, he used his wolf sight to try and spot where it came from.

However, Nevan left shortly thereafter, not interested in meeting them just yet. He was fine with watching things play out, for now. Especially the twins, who had an actual unique ability he hasn't seen before. 'Things may not be so boring after all,' he thought.

Next chapter