
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Ch 2 : Hello World!

Lucifer waved his hand in front of Superman's face, trying to get a reaction from him. He seemed to finally snap out of it when Luther in his grasp tried to hit him once again, probably trying to provoke him into attack him, and so he knew that Superman would protect him.

But Superman just pulled him back and took the metal bar away from his hands once again, " Luther, your plan clearly failed since this... I mean since Lucifer doesn't seem to be the doomsday that you plan him to be." Supe's, I decided to just call him Supe's in my head since Superman is just to long, said as he looked up to me, checking what my reaction would be.

I simply gave him a thumbs up, "Like I said Luci's fine, you seem like a stand up guy." I said with a deep chuckle, while also patting him on the back, it seemed to be hard though as the wind made from my simple pat almost sent Luther flying, that was if Supe's wasn't holding him in place.

"Oop's! My bad little man, guess I don't know my own strength." I smiled at the sweating Luther as he desperately hung on to Supe's arm.

For some reason Supe's let out a sigh, "I know the feeling, we'll have to work on that, but it seems that you are going to have it worse then me. The world has always felt like it was made of cardboard, so easily crushed and torn. It took me a long time to not do that though. For now don't touch anyone, there can be some very dangerous consequences if you can't control your strength correctly." Supe's lectured me, but I felt that he was sympathising with me, since he had to go through the same thing when he came into his powers.

"Alright, no high fives, got it." I got another sigh for that remark.


"Superman! Can you please tell us just what that thing behind you is?!" A very brave, read stupid, reporter shouted out to Supe's as we stood in front of a crowd of people that had cameras and microphones pointed towards us.

Before Supe's had a chance to say anything I put my hand on his shoulder, making him look back at me, "How about I answer that one." I wasn't asking. Taking Supe's place at the podium I first thought about bending down to speak into the microphones but then remembered that my now super deep voice was loud enough as it was.

"My name is Lucifer. I am a Kryptonian just like Supe's here. But we are clearly not the same. I am clearly much more handsome." I said with a grin as I stroked my chin, trying to lighten the mood and make myself more human to everyone. I got a few chuckles for my efforts, mainly from the guy beside me.

"Now the real reason you lot don't have to worry about me being all evil and shit is because... " I trailed off international, making the people in front of me lean forward in anticipation.

"It's because I used to be human. My soul is very special, is has the ability float to between universe's and then to fuse with soulless bodies, like this one, that Mr. Luther so convenient made for me, unintentionally of course, this body was initially made to kill Supe's here." I said patting said man on the shoulder again, this time I really thought about holding back my strength, and only a little wind picked up, making me proud.

"Why would Luther want to kill Superman?" There was some other questions that were being thrown my way but a woman that was near Supe's in a special way stood out from the rest with her question.

"That Mrs. Lane is because Luther is super-duper racist. He hates aliens basically even though the human race was actually made from alien interference... I shouldn't have mentioned that part. Anyway, he couldn't stand that someone else had so much more power then him and so he made it his mission to get rid of that person. He used Mr. Keefe as an unknowing suicide bomber with the electric wheelchair he gave him, pinning the blame of the explosion on Supe's. All those deaths so that he could get the worlds option on his side and against Superman's. He's not a very good man if you ask me. After all, this body is capable of destroying sun's, and that's right after it was made, I'm much stronger now." I gave a thumbs up to the stunned crowd.

After that I answered some questions about my past, leaving most of it unanswered though. There was one more question that stood out to me though, "What are you intentions now that you have a body as you said can destroy sun's?" This was Louis Lane once again asking me the question but this wasn't one of the ones I made her agree to answer.

"Umm~ I guess I'll travel this universe's other planets, earth is but a spec compared to everything else out there after all. I think I'll act as a universal peace keeper like the Green Lanterns space police Corp do. And now that I finally have a body that can do it freely I might as well make use of it. Alright, peace. See you all around if the earths in danger." I then did the well known peace sign with my large grey hands and then directly flew up into the dark night, lot's of flashing lights following after me.


Landing in a heavily wooded area I walked along slowly, taking in the fresh air and making use of my x-ray vision to find the thing I was looking for, turning to my right a little I headed right for a waterfall that actually separated down the middle as I got closer.

Kicking off the ground a little I then floated through the gap in the waterfall that closed up behind me, landing on a smooth, polished marble floor, next to a few sleek looking plane.

"So do you call this the Batplane? And is that the Batmobile?" I grinned as I asked the man wearing a lot of black bat themed armour in front of me. The scowl I got just made me grin wider, I think I was going to make a habit of messing with the Batman, it was just to fun.

"Lucifer, you said to much." The dark knight himself said to me, I knew he wasn't talking about the Batvehicle comments, he was speaking of the press conference where I revealed my rebirth, though it wasn't the whole truth.

"I had to establish a public image. The powerful but goofy reincarnator that wants to bring peace to the universe is better then the Doomsday, killer of Superman, better then what this body was meant to do." I explained to him as I say down on a wooden crate that I checked with my x-ray was just filled with machine parts that couldn't hurt me. Actually the only thing the could was the kryptonite spear that was in a harpoon like gun, that was in the ceiling, currently tracking my every move, thankfully I already used a subtle bit of heat vision to disable it's firing mechanism.

Can never be too careful around the infamous Batman after all, he also had a lead lined box on his belt, most likely filled with Kryptonite as well, but I choose to leave that alone as a show of faith.

"Was it the truth when you said that you will help the earth when it's at threat?" He asked me, as I heard him get a message through his ear piece, probably from Alfred, that Superman had just left the conference.

And as if on cue, the man of steel himself appeared next to us, a sonic boom following after him right after his feet touched the marble, that Batman seemed to have lined his entire cave with, "I'd also like to know if that was truthful." Supe's said as he crossed his arms.

"Don't see why I wouldn't, I plan to grab a Kryptonian communicator before I leave to travel through space, you will be able to get a hold of me then if the earth really is in danger." I explained to them, Supe's nodded his head but Bat's was the ever silent brooder.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound

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