
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Ch 1 : Doomsday? No, my Name is-

Getting reborn and being awake for it is an awfully painful experience, so it's no wonder the first thing baby's do after they are born is cry out but my cry sounded a lot like a roar cry to my new ear's.

Opening my new eye's the first time I was expecting to see a nurse or at least an exhausted woman that had just given birth to me, so it was odd when I instead saw a man in a blue suit with a red cape, the first thing that went through my head when I saw the man was 'Is that my father?' The second was after I got a closer look at the man, 'Is that Henry Cavill?' And my third thought was 'Is he flying?'.

Seeing all of this in front of myself right after I was just reborn was quite a big surprise so I decided to just ignore his entire existence, it was less to think and worry about then, and I instead decided to look around, which shouldn't have been possible for a new born I quickly realised.

Looking down at my new hands I noticed that my skin was now dark grey and black in places, and that I my skin had these horn like protrusion's all over, clustered together like armour.

My body felt normal, nothing felt wrong or out of place, it was strange, I fully thought when people wake up in new strange bodies they would start freaking out and panicking, but it felt like it wasn't a problem getting worked up over so I simply didn't, that must be my new brain making me think differently, I will have to watch out for that, I might lose all my humanity without realising it in the future.

Looking up from my hands I looked up at the still floating Henry Cavill in a Superman costume, behind him was a skinny man with long hair looking at me in what I think was amazement and confusion.

'Wait, this seems familiar ... I'm actually in the DC universe! Which would mean I'd Doomsday! That explains the grey skin at least! Wait, that also mean's that I don't ha-' He thought inside his head before he looked further down his body, down at the smooth patch of skin where his privates used to be located.

He just shut down at that sight, dropping down to his knees with a splash of the water that he was just birthed from, "Damn, you!" He grunted with with his new unused voice that sounded a lot like David Bateson's voice from the Hitman games but it sounded so deep that it was on the same level as the singer, Corpse's voice.

He stayed like that for a couple second's just looking at the water and his reflection, he wasn't the prettiest looking in his first life but now he looked even worse, seconds later his brain started thinking.

Thinking about what he knew about Doomsday, he had all of Superman's abilities but on a much higher level, so it meant that he now had super-strength, super-speed, enhanced sense's, heat vision, flight, freeze breath, and a whole lot more but in the film Doomsday was also shown to have a solar flare ability and incredible healing abilities that would put people like Cyclops and Wolverine to shame.

But what was most impressive about Doomsday was that he never stopped adapting, especially in a fight, which was why he was so hard to beat, and that thought about one of his new ability's gave him some hope that he could get back what he had lost.

With that new hope he took a deep breath and stood back up, Superman just continued to float in the air, he was clearly on guard for any attacks I might unleash but thankfully for him I had more important matters to attend to.

"Ship! Make me some clothing that will adapt to my every changing form." I commanded the ship around me, the drones quickly got to work on making an outfit that was just completely black that would hug my skin tight but since it was Kryptonium made it was some of the best quality armour around.

As I waited for the drones to finish I tried controlling my adaptation ability, trying to focus it in a direction that I actually wanted it to go in, while I was doing this I decided to just ignore the man I think was Lex Luther as he shouted at me to attack Superman and as he raised up a metal bar that had been laying around and hit it into my back.

I didn't feel a thing. So I was happy to continue to ignore him as I focused, I'm sure Superman would deal with him even if I did nothing.

Seconds passed like this and I decided to open my eyes a crack to see if my efforts were having any effect and from what I saw when I looked down I could barely contain myself from jumping up and down in cheer.

I was no longer d*ckless!

I focused my ability some more and got the little guy into a big guy, so that he didn't look out of place on my giant, hulking body. And as luck would have it once that was sorted the drones had also finished making my clothes.

Squeezing into the suit was like I was trying to fit myself into a cramped space but I managed to finally get it on after around a minute of struggling, the opening on the back just came together on it's own and sealed it's self shut, which was pretty neat and helpful, I definitely wouldn't have been able to reach behind myself with all my new muscles getting in the way.

Now that all my problems were sorted I finally decided to address the elephant in the room, Superman was holding Luther by his arm, keeping him in place as he kept an eye on me at all times.

'Now, how do I come off as friendly?' He thought to himself as he locked eye's with Superman, 'I might as well start by introducing myself, but do I still want to be called by my old life's name? Or do I want to start anew? Hmm~' He though to himself, actually letting out a hum as he scratted his chin like he was in deep thought.

"Doomsday! Kill Superman! Do what I made you for!" Luther screamed from where Superman was holding him in place.

"Doomsday? No, that is not my name. My name is ... let's go with Lucifer! It sounds cool! It matches my devilishly handsome appearance! Plus, people can shorten my name to just Luci for those that I'm close to ... so, from this day forward I am called Lucifer! ... I'll get a last name later." The beast that just decided to be called Lucifer said as he walked out of the pool of water but had to stop before he even got within a couple meters of Superman since he was so tall now that his head would hit the ceiling before he could get out of the water.

So he decided to just stay in the water for now, he moved his hand towards Superman and then suddenly stopped, he looked from Superman then to his hand, he was easily able to wrap his hand around Superman's entire body so there was no way he would be able to shake hands with him normally like he wanted to, so he tried just extending one of his fingers towards him.

"Nice to met ya! As you heard my name is Lucifer! What's yours?" He tried to sound cheerful and happy as he greeted Superman.

But it was like he was talking to a brick wall! Superman was just staring at him like he as looking at a ghost.

"Was it something I said?" Lucifer asked aloud, scratching the back of his head this time.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


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