
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Ch 3 : I Spy Something Beginning With...

"Finally! A space station! I thought I'd be flying for years." Lucifer said to himself as he closed in on the alien pit stop that dotted this section of the universe. Made by a wealthy merchant from a race of alien I couldn't pronounce. That guy was living it up apparently though, lucky him.

After picking up a deep space communicator from the same ship that birthed me, and giving Supe's and Bat's the communicators number I was off. Well, not right then, I took a sliver of Kryptonite from Luthor's stores and kept it on my belt in a lead box. I was going to use it to build up a resistance to it.

I also had the ship make me a wrist mounted computer with all of its information about, well... everything, and downloaded it on to it, then I was off, traveling to the nearest galactic meeting point to earth that the computer directed me too. That still took me a couple hours of flying, which only a minute of that was spent of my body adapting to breathing in space, don't ask me how, I don't know, just glad that it did.

I got a few odd looks and a wide birth after I landed on the station, letting its machine made gravity keep me grounded. That was mainly because only the strongest in the universe didn't need a ship to travel in open space, or a green lantern.

Using the communicator function of the computer on my wrist I was able to get directions to a information hub of sorts, basically a terminal that you would pay whatever accepted digital currency for information, I didn't have any of that so I just had the computer take it, and all the money it could take as well.

Kryptonium technology, got to love it. They were way ahead of their time but are dead due to politics, mostly that and stupidity.

Once I had all the information, the computer updated it's database and I was off again. Heading towards my first official stop on my trip, Mars.


On my flight over to Mars I had a chance to test my new abilities even further. Being able to grow my own dick just from purely focusing my adaption ability in the way I wanted it to go meant I didn't have to wait for my body to experience stimulus that it needed to adapt to, I wasn't a gluten for punishment after all, even if I knew my body could take it.

So on the flight over to Mars from the space pit stop I focused on improving my strength, durability and reaction speed. The most dangerous beings in this universe, at least on the 'street' level were those that were fast and those that had strange unblock-able abilities like magic. I was working on my reaction time to fix the first issue, and hopefully I'd come up with something in the future to fix the second.

I always liked the characters that had the best endurance and durability in the stories I read in my past life as well so I was aiming to be like them, I was already at the point that I'm able to do impossible things without a scratch like walking on the sun.

I stopping thinking about anything else as I approached the red planet, slowing down from the high speed flight that beat most spaceships this side of the galaxy. Taking a second, to admire the red planet, just as I had done to earth before leaving it behind in my metaphorical dust.

I was also waiting for my welcoming party, with a planet filled with beings capable of flight and surviving in space just like I could, there was definitely going to be a someone that would come and greet me or more likely threaten me. I can't wait to find out.

A few minutes later I saw a green skinned man flying up towards me with my magnifying vision, it seems that they had decided what to do about me. He soon came to a stop in front of me.

He said a few words that my computer then translated to, "Stranger, what is your purpose here?" Not to bad for a first meeting, seems they are going for the peaceful approach.

"I came here for training in your species mental abilities. I am also gathering together a team of stronger individuals to act as police across the galaxy essentially." I said which my computer then translated for me, speaking out in a robotic voice, in a language that sounded the same as the one the man across from me was speaking.

He seemed to become more relaxed when he heard I want to make a team to save people's lives, he then put his hand to his head and said "May I speak with you through our minds? It will be faster then your communicator." I gave the guy a thumbs up, which he looked confused at so I had to use the computer again.

A second later I heard a voice in my head that didn't sound like my own, but at least it was in English this time so I could understand him, _Your mind is impressive stranger, I can already feel it growing stronger defences against my intrusion._ He had an impressed look on his face.

_How does this work? Are you just hearing every thought I have? Or is it only one's I intend to say to you?_ Lucifer thought to himself, waiting for a reaction from the man across from him.

_It is as you think, I am only able to hear the thoughts you mean for me. I am impressed you are picking up this very quickly, it seems you won't have any difficulties with your training._ He said to me through the mental link I was now able to faintly feel that connected us. I really did adapt to everything.


After meeting the Martian, who introduced himself as J'onn J'onzz, the man who would one day become a hero of earth. He liked my idea of making a team of powerful individuals to protect the galaxy and when I offered him a place on it he refused, stating he needed to look after his family on Mars.

He invited me into his home and let me stay there as I trained in the mental abilities of his race, his wife was inviting as well, even with my intimidating size. It felt nice to be welcomed. Though there was an awkward encounter when she walked in on me with a ... female company, let's say. I was the new, strong foreigner. It was only natural that I was going to attract company.

It only took me a month to get a basic hold on all of the mental abilities J'onn could teach me, that included density shifting. But I wasn't able to learn shapeshifting as that wasn't an ability of the mind, but I was better at directing the path of my adaptation, so I was shorter now and my body was more compact, making my muscles look magnificent if I did say so myself.

Making me only three metre's tall, I had halved my height and compressed all of my power into that form so I didn't lose any of my power. I also got rid of all the horn like protrusions that were more of a distraction then armour. So I now looked like a grey skinned Silver Surfer without the board and more muscles.

I was getting ready to leave, waving at the family that had housed me for the last month. I left J'onn my communicator number in case he needed to contact me, but that wasn't before asking him once again if he wanted to join my team, even when I knew what his answer was going to be as he held his wife.

Once I said my goodbyes to the other few friends I made while I was here I was off, rocketing back into the blackness of space.