

Felix understood that it was impossible for any lifeform to enter the void realm since it had absolutely no laws what's so ever.

The moment anything gets inside, it gets decomposed into nothingness...literally.

From minerals, lifeforms, energies, and even light itself couldn't remain in the void realm.

This meant, that the entire realm was as dark as a black hole without a single star or a pebble in sight!

However, that didn't mean that nothing exist there.

If the void energy rejects everything foreign, it didn't mean that it would reject anything made out of it.

Hence, the void realm was actually packed with creatures born from nothing but void energy and they wanted nothing more than destroy anything related to other laws.

That's why the moment void tunnels appear in different parts of the universe, those void creatures get attracted to the light from the other side and try their very best to annihilate everything in the matter universe.

In other words, they were the number one enemy for every race in the matter universe without exceptions.

Fortunately, those void creatures had a very minuscule chance of dropping void-related treasures after they get slain.

Probably one in a million chances for it to happen.

Yet still, many mercenaries decide to participate in hunting them down, hoping for a void-related treasure to drop since it would immediately set them for life!

Alas, that wasn't a valid plan to harvest pure void energy for Felix.

The only rumored proper way to do it was by getting it from the center of the void realm.

So, how the f*ck could he do that when he couldn't even get close to a void tunnel, where millions of void creatures keep storming out?

Even if he luckily bypassed them and got inside, he would still get decomposed into nothingness with his spaceship!

"I really risked my life over nothing, huh." Felix wiped his eyes with a never-felt sense of defeat.

He didn't even dare to request Lady Sphinx to provide some of her stock since it should be valuable material for her research and he wouldn't be able to afford it.

"You think like I still own some." Lady Sphinx said calmly, "I have already used everything I had in multiple different experiments and I am currently having those experiments on hold because I am out of stock."

This was more than enough to showcase how rare getting one's hand on void energy if even Lady Sphinx was having difficulty with it.

"Though, don't lose hope yet." Lady Sphinx uplifted his spirits with a smile, "We have worked out a method that will allow you to get more void energy than you can spend."

"You kidding?" Felix's eyes widened in shock at the sound of that.

Thor patted Felix on his shoulder lightly and said, "In fact, possibly only you in the entire universe could achieve so."

This was truly a grand claim and if it was true then Felix believed that he would be set for life!

"Hehe, what do I need to do?!" Felix asked while rubbing his hands together like a sleazy merchant.

Jörmungandr coughed as he replied, "You simply need to obtain void affinity and enhance it as much as possible. Then, hunt down higher rank void creatures and absorb their void energy. Lastly, Asna will purify it for you."

"It's possible to absorb void creatures' energy?" Felix's raised his eyebrow in surprise.

He had seen before wars between the Guardian Empire's army and the void creatures in both outer space and on land.

In every one of those battles, the killed void creatures always disappear the moment they were slain.

That's because they were made out of the void, which in a sense was made out of nothingness.

So how could you kill nothingness? It turns out, you simply don't.

The only method that worked against those low leveled void creatures was by using destructive energies in big bursts.

In other meaning, the void creatures needed to be overwhelmed by another type of energy so they would actually get consumed instantly by it instead of consuming it.

"It's possible if you used void-based abilities to hunt them." Lady Sphinx said calmly, "In the void realm, those with the highest affinity to void element can easily turn weaker void creatures into substance."

"So, if you had both higher affinity and also could use void abilities, then dealing with low leveled void creatures should be doable."

Only after hearing so did Felix understand why Jörmungandr and Thor were acting slightly weird.

The bastards wanted him to use Void Primogenitor's Bloodline in his 3rd replacement!

"Hold on a second!" Felix swiftly rose on his feet and pointed out, "Void Primogenitor isn't part of the list that you have given me to choose from! Doesn't that mean he is either still alive or dead but troublesome to deal with?!"

Felix had absolutely no interest in dealing with such high-ranked primogenitors if he wasn't a friend of those three!

It was simply acting for a beating to use his bloodline when he didn't approve of it!

He learned his lesson from the thrashing he received by Lady Sphinx!

"To be honest, I also think it's too risky." Jörmungandr sighed, "The void primogenitor is quite an enigma within our circle. He rarely interacts with anyone and when he does, it always ends in a couple of minutes."

"No one knows his true thoughts and his true personality." Jörmungandr added.

"Well, he's still alive so it's much easier to talk to him first and see his own take on the matter." Lady Sphinx added casually, "Don't forget that the void primogenitor wasn't known for leaving behind any descendants. So, it would be almost impossible to get his bloodline on our own."

Naturally, to use primogenitor's bloodline, it was a first for him to have descendants. Otherwise, there would be left only one option!

"So, you are telling me that we won't just request for his permission to use his bloodline but actually to give us some of it as well?" Felix could only look at her with a speechless expression, not knowing why she would go so far to hatch that trash panda

he believed that he shouldn't even go with it since the moment he used the void primogenitor's bloodline as his 3rd replacement, he wouldn't be able to obtain its elemental manipulation but only the void's primogenitor's peak ability!

Just like what happened with Lady Sphinx's bloodline.

Felix actually had three safe primogenitors with rare elements to choose from!

Primogenitors could potentially give him their elemental manipulation, unlike the void primogenitor who was still alive.

So was it worth it sacrificing one perfect elemental manipulation to hatch this egg? He doubted.

Hearing his thoughts, Lady Sphinx glanced at Felix calmly for a few moments before she laid out her main reason, "I am 67% certain that Nimo's existence is related to the Paragon of Sins. If my assumption turned to be correct, then Nimo should possess similar abilities to that being after he hatches."

"Paragon of Sins?" Felix frowned his eyebrows.

He remembered that Lady Sphinx had spoken about him when he tried to pick the egg. But, he didn't have time to ask about him in detail.

"I believe you know already about some void creatures that are able to destroy planets, stars, or annihilate an entire species all by themselves." Lady Sphinx said.

Felix nodded his head, "I know of the symbionts, Gelantious cubes, and Annihilation Fiends."

Some of the void creatures mentioned were public knowledge like symbionts and Gelatinous cubes while the last one was locked in the lower layer in the UVR's data center.

Felix was able to read about them only after he got access to that said layer.

Though, there wasn't much to be told, making him still confused about many things related to those powerful void creatures.

The only thing he was certain of, those void creatures were by far the strongest in that species.

The other void creatures attacking galaxies couldn't hold a candle against them.

"Your list is still missing four more." Lady Sphinx shared, "They are, The Wrathful Creators, The Imitators, Void Succubuses, and Greedy Djins."

Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise as he had never ever heard a word about those four void creatures.

"Those four rarely make an appearance in the matter universe. If they did, it was almost impossible to spot them due to their unique abilities." Lady Sphinx waved her hand and a mirror-like screen was manifested before Felix.

She then snapped her finger and seven unique-shaped creatures were shown on the screen side by side.

Felix instantly recognized some of them like symbiotes but he was left completely flabbergasted by the image of some of them!

Hell, there was even a dark humanoid spirit-like being floating from a lamp and a humongous bug-like creature with a stomach triple its size!

Compared to them, the jelly-like black symbiote appeared common!.Lady Sphinx pointed at the symbiote, which looked like a blob of black jelly, and explained, "Everyone refers to this as a symbiote but in reality, its real name is Glutanous, The World Eater. It has only one desire that it serves, gluttony. Hence, the reason why it eats anything in its path until the day it goes supernova and hurls its dead skin everywhere."

Felix's current Dark Deviant Spaceship was using an artificial symbiote dead skin as a protective coating.

Then, she pointed her finger at a see-through purple cube and said, "You guys refer to this as a gelatinous cube due to its candy-like appearance. However, its real name is Slothous, The Dreamer. It consumes the dreams of lifeforms that were caught inside its jelly-like body. As you know, its size could ranger from a small planet to a megastar."

She pointed at a humanoid creature that was fully tattooed with question marks and said, "This is the imitator, no one really knows its true appearance than its creator. That's because it is able to imitate anyone and anything perfectly. It is rumored that if it kept imitating the same target for a period of time, it would copy one of its abilities, techniques, quirks, or whatever it is permanently. That's why its real name is Envious."

'It can't be...' The more Felix heard, the faster his heartbeats got as a frightening realization kept drawing on him.

Alas, Lady Sphinx kept on introducing those void creatures one by one.

The moment she finished speaking, Felix couldn't help but express his astonishment, "So you are telling me those unique void creators are actually based on the seven deadly sins? And that their creator is the Paragon of Sins?"

It was too obvious to miss the connection between those void creatures and the Paragon of Sins, who was living within the void realm like them.

"Precisely." Lady Sphinx added with a serious tone, "The Paragon of Sins is one of the strongest beings in the universe and the guardian of the void realm and judge of any matter related to void laws."

Felix immediately glanced at Asna after hearing the term guardian and laws, knowing that the Unigin Race was always mentioned in the same breath.

"Tsk, you are not a total idiot after all." Asna cursed in annoyance while looking the other way.

Felix ignored the curse and focused on her indirect agreement.

"Is it even possible for him to do that?" He inquired, knowing that Asna's race is extremely limited in using their powers.

"No, he is forbidden from doing anything that would threaten the balance of the universe." Lady Sphinx agreed and continued on, "The void creatures are currently running rampant in most corners of each galaxy. That's a literal break of balance since there are some races that are completely hopeless before those void creatures."

"There are even galaxies that have been completely overrun by void creatures in my days." Thor interjected.

"All of this due to the Wrathful Creators, who keep creating millions of low leveled void creatures to invade the matter universe." Jörmungandr dropped a bombshell, making Felix doubt his ears.

He always believed that the low-leveled void creatures get created on their own within the void realm since this theory was proposed by researchers from the Metal Race.

Everyone thought the same. Yet, who would have thought that it was the doing of one of the seven deadly sins creatures!

Honestly, How would they have known when nothing could enter the void tunnel safely?

"Ah, I am really still too ignorant about many things." Felix rubbed his temples, feeling slightly doubtful if a lot of things that he read about those realms were false as well.

"Don't put too much trust in the UVR's data center. The information in it was written by people not the universe like some mantra. People are often wrong than right." Lady Sphinx advised calmly.

"I will keep those words at bay."

Felix ensured with a serious tone, knowing that he was indeed more inclined to believe everything that the metal Race had spoken about due to their universal reputation of being the most intelligent race.

But not anymore.

If even Lady Sphinx claims herself to be still ignorant and lacking, who dares to claim that he knows it all?

"As I have been saying, the Paragon of Sins' actions are finally starting to affect the universe's balance since those void creatures are being created at a stupendous level while their strength remains above most races."

"To give you an example, they had ten times the numbers of the human race and the weakest one has the strength equivalent to an epic 4th stage bloodliners." Lady Sphinx laid out some frightening numbers, chilling Felix's heart.

Just imagining the human race having every child born with a minimum strength equivalent to 4th stage bloodliners made him gulp audibly.

He knew that if the human race had such a strength, they would have a spot secured with the ten top ruling races in the SGA!

Yet, the void creatures had ten times the number of humans?

He always knew that the void creatures were strong and dangerous but he didn't really stop for a second to think deeply about them since he rarely run across one in his two lives.

That's because most of the void tunnels in the Milky Way Galaxy were in the Guardian Empire, leaving the Mariana Empire on the safer side.

Since Felix was a bona fide SG player, he was never interested in choosing the mercenary path and going out of his way to hunt those void creatures in the Guardian Empire.

His lack of interest made him absolutely ignorant of the dangers of those void creatures, who were invading the galaxy every single minute!

"I don't understand how the Paragon of Sins was able to create such an imbalanced species yet the universe didn't do anything about it for eons." Felix said while knitting his eyebrows.

"That's what everyone is wondering about in the primogenitors' circle." Jörmungandr said, "The moment it was known that the Paragon of Sins was the void creature' creator, all the primogenitors believed that he would be stripped from his powers and position someway or another. But billions of years had gone by and nothing had happened to him.""I still remember how pissed some of those old fogies were in the meetings." Thor chuckled, "They thought that the universe was starting to play favorites since it couldn't even bother to answer one question of theirs yet had given full freedom to the Paragon of Sins to play around."

Felix understood that Thor was implying their meaning in life. The ultimate question of every primogenitor.

"Till two weeks ago, no one knows if the universe was ever going to make a move against the Paragon of Sins." Lady Sphinx slowly lifted Nimo before everyone and said with a serious tone, "I have a strong assumption that Nimo is actually the countermeasures prepared to deal with the Paragon of Sins."

Eee! Eee!

Looking at Nimo's retarded face as he yelled in enjoyment, made it extremely difficult for Felix and the rest to take her words seriously.

This trash-panda was the universe's punishment to the Paragon of Sin, one of the ultimate beings in the universe?

You got to be shitting me! They all thought.

Seeing their skepticism, Lady Sphinx explained her assumption, "Think about it. We all know that the universe never makes a move directly to fix an imbalance. It can't just strip the Paragon of Sins' powers like some primogenitors believe. But, it is highly likely that it can create a stronger version of the Paragon of Sins, so he could replace him."

Asna and the rest thought about her reasoning for a few moments and couldn't help but feel like there was some truth to it.

"When it comes to laws, the one with higher understanding always dominates the others with lower understanding." Asna mentioned, "So, if the universe really created this trash-panda with the purpose of replacing the Paragon of Sins, then his understanding in void laws would definitely surpass him sooner or later and claim the guardian's title."

Thor nodded his head, "The only reason your race members have such a high position is because of your control over laws. But, if someone else emerged with better control, then it shouldn't be impossible to take the guardian's position by force."

Felix was quite taken back by this notion as he always considered the Unigin Race's positions to be Untouchable.

However, after glancing at Asna and seeing her predicament, he started to believe that probably no one was safe in this universe.

"Even if we consider all of this to be true, why do you believe that Nimo is the one?" Jörmungandr questioned.

"First, he is born with spiritual level just below primogenitors. When he reaches his mature state, I don't doubt for a second that his spiritual level could rival most Unigin Race members." Lady Sphinx lowered one finger and continued on, "Secondly, he was born in the center of the void realm. As it is rumored, the Paragon of Sins first emerged from the center of the void realm. Thirdly, his overbearing evil aura is just too similar to the Paragon of Sins. Lastly, the egg itself."

"The egg?"

"Yes." Lady Sphinx showed them a crystal hexagon egg on the screen and said, "I have told you that I have seen this egg in memory of a subject of mine. It greatly resembles Nimo's egg right?"


"If we used my theory, that the universe creates those 'eggs' to replace beings in high positions, then doesn't this egg seems like it belongs to the Gem Primogenitor?" She threw one last bomb at them, making Thor and Jörmungandr lose their composure immediately.


"That can't be right!"

Both of them shouted at the same time, believing that her claim was ridiculous!How could they not be?

The Gem Primogenitor was known to be the first primogenitor to commit suicide after bestowing his perfect elemental manipulation to one of his descendants under the presence of most primogenitors.

As Felix recalled, the Light Primogenitor decided to follow in his footsteps on that day.

But, before he did so, he agreed with the other primogenitors to give the same descendant his Light manipulation.

Unfortunately, that descendant ended up dying.

Yet, the worst part, the perfect elemental manipulations didn't return to the primogenitors!

Ever since that day, they were lost forever!

Lady Sphinx's theory literally implied that the crystal hexagon-shaped egg should have a being inside with perfect Gem Manipulation!

"Why is it impossible?" Lady Sphinx revealed calmly, "We already have two weird eggs that should be made out of pure elemental energy. Both of those eggs have a direct connection with an already existing anomaly in the universe that should be fixed."

Indeed, both the Paragon of Sins and the Gem Primogenitor should be considered as an anomaly.

One was making a mess and the other's action resulted in the disappearance of a perfect elemental manipulation from the universe.

In normal situations, the primogenitors either commit suicide without bestowing their elemental manipulation or bestow it before they die, or do it after they die.

It didn't matter since the elemental manipulation was still obtainable somehow or someway.

But it was different with Light Primogenitor and Gems Primogenitor.

Those facts couldn't be ignored by Jörmungandr and Thor anymore even if they wanted.

"If this is really the case, then there should be other eggs around the universe, representing every elemental manipulation that was lost forever." Jörmungandr sighed.

"There are more?!" Felix exclaimed.

"Naturally, some primogenitors have bestowed their manipulation upon their descendants but they ended up dead before they could bestow it to another." Thor explained.

"I failed to account for that." Felix nodded his head in understanding after he remembered that it wasn't just him who could inherit the primogenitor's gift successfully.

"Though, my theory sounds plausible it is still a theory." Lady Sphinx looked at Felix and said, "The only way for us to really prove it is by hatching Nimo and studying him closely."

"Don't forget, if my theory is correct, then the benefit you will get from having Nimo by your side is a hundred times better than simply getting another elemental manipulation." She added.

"I understand." Felix nodded his head in agreement.

After hearing everything, he had already weighed the advantages and the disadvantages of giving up on an elemental manipulation for Nimo.

If it was true, then Felix would have a companion that had full control over void laws. How does that come close to having a perfect elemental manipulation?

No one explained to him the difference between laws and elements, but he wasn't a retard to not figure out that laws top elements every single time.

"Now that I have your approval, I can finally contact the void primogenitor and make a deal with him." Lady Sphinx chuckled faintly, "Do know that it is highly possible that he will reject me and make everything that we discussed to be in vain."

"Just don't be stingy in your offer and he won't reject." Thor said, "I doubt he would give a shit if he traded a drop of blood for something that he needs."

"We can only hope so." Jörmungandr said.


After the discussion was over, Felix left the consciousness space and went to take a shower.

During it, he kept thinking about the load of vital information that he obtained and the things that happened in the ruins.

'We have emptied the entire herbal garden. This will help me break into the 3rd mark and reach up to the 5th mark.' Felix pondered, 'Paragon of Sins, deadly void creatures, Darken faction primogenitors, the incoming war in the galaxy and climbing the SG ladder. As long as keep increasing my strength with this pace, I won't be needing to fear or worry about anyone. That fake sense of freedom that I lived within my past life, I will get rid of it completely.'

Felix realized that strength doesn't come cheap but he would still do everything in his powers to obtain it just to void being put in the same humiliating situation as in his previous life.

It was more than enough to live through it once, if he didn't work hard to change it, then he truly didn't deserve a second chance.

'Speaking about gains, where the hell is the cube?' Felix's eyes suddenly widened after he realized that the cube was gone.

'Did it integrate itself with me while I was asleep?' Felix asked the tenants, who seem to be trying their best to hold their laughter.

'I was worried about your health so I decided to hide the cube as a tattoo on your skin.' Asna spoke with an innocent tone.

'Really?' Felix narrowed his eyes, feeling a bit uncomfortable with her attitude.

He knew that she was still pissed at him so he expected to get the silent treatment, not this.

'You can see for yourself in the mirror.' Asna said with a wide grin.

She didn't need to tell him as Felix had already jumped outside of the shower and stood before the mirror.

He cleared the foggy mirror and began to check every inch of his body.

It didn't take long before he spotted a phrase written in black tattooed a few centimeters right above his bum.

My Queen Asna!

With a petrified look, Felix murmured the words out loud, feeling like his soul had just escaped his body.

Not in his wildest dreams would he have thought that Asna could go this far in her pranks.

'Did you like my gift?' Asna said while laughing her ass out.

The instant Felix heard her laughter, he snapped, "Asna, you hateful bitch! You better get rid of this shit now!!"

Felix was really pissed since he couldn't help but remember his humiliating first meeting with As

He wanted dearly to forget that shit but how could he do it now with this tramp stamp on his lower body?

'Hehehe, that's my token of love for you to remind you of our magical night.' Asna giggled in enjoyment, making Nimo quiver in fear within Lady Sphinx's bosom.

Upon seeing Felix's expression turning livid, Asna swiftly disconnected their connection, blocking Felix's furious tirade from reaching her.

In a few moments, Felix was left catching his breath as his curses and threats kept getting ignored.

He couldn't even ask the primogenitors to help him out since they were more inclined to be on Asna's side than his.

"What a way to ruin the day. F*ck!" Felix punched the bathroom wall in irritation while choosing a suitable outfit in his AP bracelet to hide that humiliation.

When he wore a black spacesuit, his agitation finally began to withdraw after the tattoo got out of his sight.

'Hmm? Why are my heartbeats different?' Abruptly, Felix noticed that his heartbeats were actually coming from his right side if he focused on them.

'So, even when my original heart got revitalized, the devourer's heart is still working as my primary heart?' Felix knitted his eyebrows in distress, not knowing if this would affect him in a negative way.

He wanted to ask Lady Sphinx but the connection was down.

'Whatever, since Lady Sphinx didn't mention it before, it only meant that it isn't that serious.' Felix comforted himself and stopped thinking about the matter entirely.

There were too many things to be done and the time wasn't in his favor.

"Malak, tell everyone to head to the conference room now." Felix sent a voice message with a faint smile, "It's time to split the loot and get your rewards."

In a short while, the conference room could be seen packed with everyone on board the spaceship. Even Samir was there since the spaceship wasn't moving at the moment due to Felix being in a coma.

"We are glad that you recovered to your optimal health, Sir Felix." The Repairman Declan bowed respectfully.

"Knowing that you did everything for us, I couldn't handle the idea of losing you as our captain!"

"Thank you for rescuing us!"

One by one, they started to bow respectfully at Felix while showing their appreciation until he started to feel uncomfortable.

"Boss! I missed you!"

Alas, Erik took it to a whole new level as he hugged Felix's thigh while weeping shamelessly, not caring about the funny looks he was getting.

"F*ck, I get it, just leave my leg alone." Embarrassed, Felix shook Erik's clutch from his leg and swiftly took a seat.

The rest sat after him, leaving Erik to walk towards his seat while wiping his tears with an enlivened expression.

"First of all, can we have a moment of silence for the fallen, Khodri and Pualani?" Felix asked.

Instead of answering, everyone closed their eyes and lowered their heads. They all had frustrated expressions, appearing like they still were hurt by losing those two.

Felix neither spoke nor apologized for their death. He just paid his respect as well by remaining silent.

He knew that those two weren't going to be the last to die in this squad.

More dangerous adventures were waiting for all of them and his mindest was already prepared for the worst out possible.

"May their souls find peace in the spirit realm." Felix murmured one last time before opening his eyes.

"Alright, let's get down to business." Felix said with a faint smile as he showed holographic images of all-natural treasures gotten from the ruins.

They were plenty!

First, the natural treasures from the garden will be split in the same way as last time. You guys will get paid by the Organization for your share. I hope you find out if Khodri and Paulini had any family members so we could give them some of their shares. I believe that should be enough to help them live comfortably for decades."

Felix wasn't being generous here or something. This rule was written in the contract by him.

In the case of them dying, their families would receive proper compensation, so they wouldn't need to worry about them.

As mentioned before, the slave contract in his hand was turned into a recruitment contract. He only had one term that he wanted, and that was to keep his secrets hidden.

"Secondly, this is the appearance of the treasure obtained from the hall." Felix showed them a holographic image of the black cube, then explained, "Due to the dangers revolving around it, I can not show the real thing."

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding.

Felix didn't care if they believed it or not since he wasn't required to share with them anything about it in the first place.

"Do you know what it is?" Malak inquired in intrigue.

"No, but don't worry, the Organization will assess it carefully and give us proper rewards for our work." Felix comforted them.

"Honestly, I don't even feel like we deserve getting anything from it." Malisa sighed, "You did everything in the hall while we were merely spectating."

"I wish we were just spectators." Erik tightened his fist and said, "We were just a liability."

Felix knitted his eyebrows in displeasure and criticized, "When you say it like that, you completely void jones and Nicci's efforts to stabilize the hole, Pualani and Khodri's unfortunate death, and lastly, Elder Declan and Samir's hard work to keep us protected any other invaders!"

"Sure, your performance wasn't ideal but that had nothing to do with your capabilities. it was simply due to a gap in strength that couldn't possibly be bridged by mere skills!" Felix lowered the intensity of his voice and said, "If you feel bad about it, use the money given to improve your strength even further."

Upon hearing so, Erik pumped his chest with his fist in resolve and proclaimed loudly, "I won't disappoint you again!"

The rest didn't shout it like Erik, but they did show the same attitude.

That was all Felix wanted to see.

"You can expect your rewards to be wired within the next month or so." Felix suddenly stood up and laid out his final order, "For now, you are free to do as you please until I call you out on your next mission."

"Sir Felix, are you planning to return to the Witch Empire?" Malak inquired.

"Yes, I will be taking my spaceship. Make sure to link it with the Northern Sentinel in an hour."

The moment he was done, he walked out of the conference room and headed back to his room.

If it wasn't for being in a coma for fifteen days, he wouldn't have been this rushed to head back. After all, he still needed to attend the 2nd-semester exams.

'Don't worry about the exams, just focus on increasing your physical strength as fast as possible so we can start the experiment quickly.'

Abruptly, Lady Sphinx's impatient voice resounded in his mind.

'Is it alright to skip them?' Felix raised his eyebrows in surprise.

'Hah, you wish.' Lady Sphinx smiled, 'They will simply be delayed until we are done with the experiment.'

'I see.' Felix's eyelids twitched at her strictness. Though, he was still glad that the exams could be delayed.


Sometime later, Felix could be seen lying in a VR pod with closed eyes inside his Dark Deviant Spaceship.

He had just consumed a large number of natural treasures, forcing him to enter hibernation.

He made sure to eat just enough to wake up after reaching the 3rd mark.

While he was sleeping peacefully, he had no idea that the natural treasures were being consumed at a faster rate than usual!

Lady Sphinx was the first to spot the difference.

"Hmm, so making the devourer's heart as his main did help with the absorption. I believe that he should be absorbing 70% of the natural treasure properties instead of 50%." Lady Sphinx noted it in her mind with a faint smile and returned to reading her book like nothing happened.

She already believed that there was a high chance of it working like this but she didn't want to ask Felix to let go of his human heart to test a mere theory.

Luckily, fate took the wheel, helping Felix take advantage of that misfortunate incident.


Days went by quickly and the day of the 2nd-semester exams had finally arrived.

The atmosphere in the Royal Academy was tense as usual.

Gorgeous-looking witches could be seen walking back and forth with either stressed expressions or buried their heads in their holograms, trying to cramp as much information as possible before it was too late.

Meanwhile, in the elite class for the 2nd semester, the atmosphere was heated with intense competitive stares but no one seemed tense about the exams.

They had the utmost confidence in their abilities and preparation to be on top of the semester.

"When is that idiot coming?" Naima murmured while watching the door, hoping that Felix shows up any second.

It wasn't just her who was interested in Felix's arrival but most witches in the classroom. Especially when Felix had missed almost all courses this semester.

Even when he attended some of them, it was in the UVR.

'Hehe, did he forget that there was an ongoing competition to claim the throne from him?' Kamil snickered to herself.

She disliked Felix very much after he forced her into 3rd rank during the first semester exams. Considering that she had a Sage Witch as a teacher, this result was too way humiliating.

Thus, she prepared endlessly to take back what was rightfully hers! The 1st rank!

Meanwhile, the quiet beauty Lara didn't even glance at the door, knowing that Felix wasn't going to make it to the exams.

She heard from Sage Dalilia that Felix was granted a postponement to his exams due to some special circumstances.

She didn't know what they were but she knew that the Headmistress was way too lenient with him.

'Even students of sage witchers do not get this special treatment in the academy. If the Headmistress keeps this up, there will be an uproar that might result in her removal from her position.' Lara thought calmly.

Unbeknownst to her, the Sage witches wouldn't dare let out a fart if they knew that the Headmistress was simply moving based on Lady Sphinx's orders.


Abruptly, bell noises rang through the academy, snapping all witches back to reality. Soon, the teachers entered the classrooms and closed them shut behind them.

The moment Kamil, Naima, and the rest of the girls saw this, they were left stunned in their seats.

They knew that the moment the doors get closed after the teachers, no one was able to enter anymore.

In other words, a guaranteed F in the exam!

"Alright, let's begin." Teacher Djamila glanced at her AP bracelet and said, "You have two hours to finish the written exams."

Whoosh Whoosh!

Holographic papers manifested before everyone, forcing them to drop the matter about Felix.

Only Naima was still out of it, feeling mixed emotions about Felix's absence; Worry, disbelief, and most dominantly was fury.

'Daring to miss exams huh? You prick better be dead!' Naima huffed all her anger away and immersed herself in the exam, not knowing that Felix was snorting peacefully inside his spaceship that was parked in one of the capital's space stations.

He was asleep for months now and the day he wakes up was drawing closer...The day he opens his eyes, would be written as the day of the first-ever being to host two perfect elemental manipulations...Hopefully.


A week later, the exams were over and the witches were sent on a seasonal holiday, emptying the campus.

The exam results had already been posted both in the academy and online, creating many ripples in social media. Especially, when it was possible to bet on the results of those exams.

[Sigh, I was prepared to go all-in on Felix to clutch 1st rank again.]

[Same, I earned a fortune last time from my bet on him!]

Because Felix missed them, the gamblers who were planning to go all-in on him were left disappointed, unlike the witches.

[I am just glad that tumor didn't take part. One humiliation was already enough for me.]

[Tsk, why would anyone get antsy about him? He most likely cowered in front of the practical exams since he missed most of his classes.]

[True, not mentioning the top three, I doubt he would have passed them successfully. His elite classroom had received an even more challenging exam than the rest of us.]

This was one of the most upvoted comments in this discussion section, receiving many agreeing responses from the readers.

It was to be expected since the practical exam for the elite classroom required them to concoct two unique rank 2 potions of their choosing in measly two hours.

Teacher Djamila had mentioned during the demonstration months ago, that she needed one year of effort to reach a 10% success rate in concocting the demonstrated potion!

Yet, the students were required to learn how to concoct two unique rank 2 potions in six months?

They were truly asking too much from them!

But in the eyes of the Academy, that should be doable by anyone in that classroom since they all had Grandmaster or Sage witches as their teachers.

"Waking up to doubters. Heh, the usual I guess.." Felix smirked sarcastically while getting dressed.