

Felix closed the hologram after finding out his classmates' ranking and the nasty remarks targeting him.

"So, Lara scored first and Kamil second while Naima barely passed it." Felix rubbed his chin with a thoughtful expression, "Should I congratulate Naima? Will she beat me up, thinking that I am ridiculing her? Honestly, I doubt I could even pass it as well."

Felix would be lying if he said that he was confident in concocting two unique rank 2 potions. Hell,

he doubted that he could concoct even one after multiple attempts.

While other witches in his class were practicing concocting rank 2 potions before the second semester even started, he was busy increasing his strength.

"Don't make an excuse out of that." Lady Sphinx warned with an easy-going tone, "If you can't score the desired mark, you won't escape punishment."

Felix's eyelids twitched at the sound of that but he didn't dare to retort back. A deal is a deal.

So, he changed the subject to his increased strength. "My strength increased explosively again after hitting the 3rd mark. Do you think I am ready now for the experiment?"

Since Felix was already halfway through the 2nd mark before going into another slumber, his strength had been increased by only 5000BF instead of 10,000BF.

Still, with what he had before, he was now sitting at 25,000k BF+, making him get placed at the middle ranks of Origin Realm Bloodliners!

The best part, he still had plenty of natural treasures to absorb!

Still, all of this was a merely physical improvement that wasn't accompanied by mental improvement.

So, no matter how strong he kept increasing his body, as long as his mental strength remain unimproved, he would get instakilled by most players with mental affecting abilities.

"Yes, your body can handle it but your mental toughness depends on you." Lady Sphinx replied with a serious tone.

"I will succeed no matter what."

It was finally the day of his experiment and Felix wasn't planning on disappointing anyone today.

His attitude would have struck a chord with anyone who heard him if it wasn't for that tattoo above his ass, appearing once in a while.

Felix completely ignored its existence, knowing that Asna would soon be bored by his indifference and remove it.

Unbeknownst to him, Asna didn't do it just for the fun of it but for a totally different reason.

'Hehehe, I dare see you hit on girls in real life with that tattoo up your bum.' Asna laughed silently in her mansion like a creepy stalker.


An hour later...

Felix had finally managed to sneak inside Lady Sphinx's castle without being spotted by the moles spying on him.

With lightning transmutation and Sage Dalilia's help, it was a piece of cake.

The moment he stepped inside, the maids escorted him to Lady Sphinx's lab immediately.

He wasn't even given the time to check in his room.

In a short while, Felix stepped inside the lab and closed the door behind him.

The first thing he saw was a big glass tube right in the middle of the lab. It was filled with a bubbly green liquid, resembling acid.

"Drink those."

Suddenly, Lady Sphinx appeared from the side and threw two bottles at Felix. He caught them reflexively and started inspecting them.

Seeing their brown color and gooey-like state, he almost threw up in his mouth.

"The taste will be heavenly for you don't worry." Lady Sphinx spoke while tweaking some things on the big glass cylinder, "It is made mostly from poisonous materials."

"Oh? What's its purpose?" Felix wondered while opening the lids.

"Weakening your poison affinity."

Just as Felix wanted to ask why, Lady Sphinx berated him, "Stop wasting time, the liquid within pod will start losing its potency."

Upon hearing so, Felix didn't dare to dillydally anymore. He quickly drank the potions and waited for further instructions.

As expected, she ordered him to get nude and jump inside the acid-like liquid. Felix did as he was told with a calm expression.

When he submerged himself within the pod, he felt only warmness like he was tucked within two blankets amidst a winter storm.

After the lid was closed on him, an oxygen mask connected itself with his nostrils and mouth since he was completely submerged in the liquid.

Then, two long leather straps emerged from the bottom and two more from the top.They clutched on his limbs tightly yet Felix didn't even budge.

'Are those strong enough to keep me held down?' Felix asked.

'Don't worry, even if you had the strength of an adult dragon, those straps are more than enough to keep you affixed in your place." Lady Sphinx replied.

'That's good.'

Seeing that he was getting comfortable inside, Lady Sphinx ordered, "Summon your elemental inscriptions."

Felix nodded his head and swiftly thought about it. Just like tiny purplish snakes, the inscriptions began to manifest entirely on his body, leaving only some small gaps.

"Nimo, get inside his body now." Lady Sphinx continued lying downs orders.

Asna got a bit upset about seeing her tattoo getting removed, but she knew that it had to be done otherwise Nimo might affect the experiment badly.

If Felix wasn't too focused on keeping his mentality stable, he would have felt happy about it. But, the only thing in his eyes now was passing the bestowal successfully.

"You ready?" Lady Sphinx inquired.

Felix nodded lightly then close his eyes shut and dove into his consciousness.

There, he saw Thor standing tall with a dignified expression, completely opposite to his playful attitude from before.

Jörmungandr and Asna stood with stern frowns on Thor's sides.

No one was taking this bestowal lightly.

How could they? Thor was about to give up on his lightning manipulation forever.

A gift that accompanied him for billions of years!

He wasn't just giving his elemental manipulation but the position it comes with it.

The Lightning Primogenitor!

Hence, Felix didn't hesitate to bow down before Thor silently, showing utmost gratitude for his gesture.

"I have seen more than enough in the past months to judge your character and worthiness." Thor said composedly, "All I have to say is that my brother didn't waste his gift on you."

"I am honored." Felix replied crisply.

"Though your elemental talent is too shitty, it can still be saved with efforts and tons of resources." Thor nodded his head lightly, "I believe in you owning both."

After he was done speaking, Thor extended his finger at Felix's forehead and gently touched it.

Feeling the coldness of his finger, memories of the first bestowal invaded Felix's mind, reminding him of the hellish pain he went through.

It was like his unconsciousness was trying its best to change Felix's mind into going through with this shit again.

Alas, Felix was too stable mentality to be affected by those thoughts.

He merely eyed the grey inscriptions crawling from Thor's finger into his skin silently.

They appeared like they were trying their best to avoid getting engraved above the purplish inscriptions.

Alas, there wasn't enough space for that to happen, making it a futile attempt.

So, in the end, Felix's body got another set of inscriptions above the first one, turning him into a tattoo walking.

After Thor pulled his finger, he looked straight into Felix's eyes and called calmly, "Activate."

The moment that word resounded in Felix's ears, the greyish inscriptions lightened up on Felix's physical body!

Unsurprisingly, Felix's eyes bulged out of their sockets the moment those inscriptions began to heat up.

He instantly realized that the ritual was ten times more intense than the last time!

His flesh that was starting to show itself was obvious proof!

His skin literally got melted down yet Felix kept biting down hard on his lips, showing nothing but pure resolve and madness to overcome this agonizing torture!

Meanwhile, Lady Sphinx could be seen noting down anything that piqued her interest.

But, since she had already done this experiment with Felix's perfect clone thousands of times, she already knew everything that was about to happen.

'As expected, the inscriptions will not stop trying to dominate the other unless someone forcefully stopped them.' Lady Sphinx sighed, 'Unfortunately, only the owner could do that and Felix is still too green in his elemental manipulation to reach that level.'

'If complete control is required to achieve coexistence, it is only possible after reaching the 3rd stage in elemental manipulation.' Thor interjected.

Lady Sphinx nodded her head and said, 'Since Felix is still far from reaching that level. That's why I created this special bath that will allow him to seal one of the inscriptions temporarily.'

'Hmm? What's the point of having two if he sealed one?' Asna frowned her eyebrows.

Lady Sphinx smiled and answered, 'He will still be able to use internal-based abilities belonging to the sealed inscriptions element.'

The moment they heard her response, they immediately knew that Felix was soon going to create a massive shockwave throughout the universe!

While they were discussing this matter, Felix was feeling like absolute crap. He wished that heat was strong enough to burn his nerves and release him from this fiery pain.

Unfortunately, the green liquid was constantly healing his skin, creating this wicked circle of recovery and agony!

Lady Sphinx didn't put him in that liquid just to torture him but to keep his flesh undamaged as much as possible.

That's because the inscriptions didn't really engrave themselves on his skin but inner flesh.

The writing outside was a mere projection of the real inscriptions.

'Three minutes remaining.' Lady Sphinx thought as she glanced at Felix's devilish appearance.

She didn't have a single ounce of doubt that Felix wouldn't handle the pain.

She watched him experience it way too often, she started to believe that he befriended it!

The only obstacle in this experiment was having the necessary body toughness to resist melting down completely.

Now that Felix had it, the ritual was guaranteed to succeed. As she expected, those three minutes went by without any sudden variable emerging.

Felix owned the pain like a champ and now, he could be seen floating like a limp corpse within the liquid, completely passed out.

His burnt skin was recovering swiftly, helping in easing up his tensed expression.

'Is he done?' Thor asked.

'If you are asking about the ritual, it has been completed successfully.' Lady Sphinx smiled with a satisfied expression, 'Felix could be now considered as the first being in the universe to own two perfect elemental manipulations.'

This was truly news to be celebrated and feel excited about it since it meant that it was possible for Felix to host even more elemental manipulations!

'Just thinking about those old fogies' jaws dropping after finding out about it makes me want to spill the beams badly.' Thor said with a thrilled tone.

'You better keep your mouth shut when we meet them in the council.' Jörmungandr gave him a warning look, knowing that Thor had a loose tongue.

Jörmungandr knew that the implication would be horrendous for Felix if he ever was found to muster more than one perfect manipulation.

Being found out to own one was already going to make his life hell since he would be hunted by primogenitors' descendants and also Jörmungandr's descendants to take it away from him.

Two or more manipulations would move the primogenitors themselves!

'I know, I know, I am not an idiot.' Thor mumbled in annoyance.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him after hearing him say so, making Thor slightly pissed at the way they see him.

'Bunch of pricks.' He cursed as he gulped down an entire wine jar in his throat.


After ten long hours, Felix finally regained consciousness while still inside the pod. He was a bit dazed at the start but soon figured out his current situation.

'Sigh, why everything needs to be so painful.' Felix let out a long sigh of relief after recalling what he had been through earlier.

'If you want to break your limits, pain and struggle are necessary.' Lady Sphinx looked at him from across the room and said, 'Without them, anyone could break their limits constantly.'

'I just wish it didn't hurt like hell.' Felix laughed bitterly.

'Don't worry, it was worth it.' Lady Sphinx smiled, 'You can now use both elements freely as long as you make sure that you choose a primary element and a secondary element.'

'Freely but choose primary and secondary?' Felix was delighted by the first half but confused by the second.

'Wait, let me get you out of there before we talk about this.' Lady Sphinx clicked on a button and the green liquid within the pod suddenly began to get suctioned off.


Felix fell on the pod's floor powerlessly, feeling too exhausted to stand up on his own. The straps soon freed his limbs while the oxygen mask got withdrawn back.

Then, the pod's glass opened up and Lady Sphinx offered Felix a small bottle. Felix drank it without asking questions as he already knew its effects.

In a few moments, the exhaustion was gotten rid of and he started to feel refreshed yet again.

He quickly dried himself and then wore his nanosuit. When Lady Sphinx saw that he was finally comfortable, she pushed a seat towards him and sat nearby.

"First, tell me how do you feel?" She asked.

"Normal?" Felix replied while checking himself.

Lady Sphinx nodded her head and said, "There will be moments in the near future, where your skin would start to feel itchy but no matter how you scratch it, the feeling won't go away."

Felix was slightly terrified upon hearing so.

He knew that he would rather have his limbs cut off than experience this unscratchable itchiness!

It was pure torture!

"Was there an issue in the experiment?" He asked worriedly.

"No, this is because the seal on the inscription will start to weaken after some time." Lady Sphinx explained, "However, don't worry, the moment you start feeling itchy, you just need to bath yourself in the same liquid for a couple of hours. It will help reinforce the seal, which will extend its period."

Seeing his confusion, she clarified, "You see, it's impossible for two inscriptions to coexist in the same body if the owner didn't have perfect control over them. For you who is still struggling in the 2nd stage of elemental manipulation, obtaining that control is still merely a dream."

"So, I created two types of baths that will help you seal one inscription of your choosing. The sealed inscription will make it impossible for you to utilize external manipulation of that element." Lady Sphinx concluded her explanation.

Felix filled in the gaps on his own, "That's what you meant by choosing primary and secondary elements. If I decided to seal lightning inscription, I will be able to use poison element freely but for lightning element, I can only use internal abilities."

"Correct." She agreed.

Felix would be lying if he said that he wasn't disappointed at being able to freely control both elements internally and externally.

But, nothing could be done when his shitty elemental talent was holding him back.

Reaching a 100% affinity rating was merely the start. Going above it requires elemental talent and Felix had non of it due to his neutral race.

After all, he wasn't born from a race that uses poison since birth like scorpions or serpents. He wasn't born in a race that utilizes lightning.

The human neutrality allowed him to own multiple perfect manipulations but it cursed him with garbage talent in using them.

This was the universal balance.

"At least, I have a way to increase my affinities and get better, unlike other races who are completely stuck with a single element forever." Felix snickered, "I will take this limitation any day in the week."

"Couldn't agree less." Jörmungandr smiled with a pleased expression.

After recovering his spirit, Felix closed his eyes shut and felt the energies within his body.

Promptly, he noticed that his sensation of lightning energy was ten times better than poison energy.

This allowed him to figure out that his poison element was the one sealed.

He had no problems with that since he wanted to play around with both external and internal lightning abilities.

'Let's start with something simple.' Felix thought of creating three small lightning spears and applied the same method he used with the poison element.


In less than a millisecond, three flickering spears manifested above his palm and remained suspended there!

"It's not difficult at all." Felix played with the spears with a pleased expression.

He always believed that he would require to go through the same boring and repetitive practice to master internal lightning abilities.

"When it comes to simple abilities that require only elemental energy, the methods at your disposal are universal." Jörmungandr taught, "But, if you wanted to use unique abilities like supersonic speed, electromagnetic control...etc, naturally you will need to muster their own methods."

"I understand." Felix gave a slight head nod while snapping his finger, getting rid of the lightning spears.

For now, he was certain that he could use most of the internal lightning abilities. That was already going to be a huge help in his upcoming games.

"Though, I will be having difficulty with external abilities since my lightning affinity is even worse than poison affinity." Felix massaged his temple as he pondered, "To be able to remove the seal completely, I need to reach the 3rd stage at least in one element."

Felix never felt as needy to increase his improvement in elemental manipulation as now.

However, wanting it wouldn't change the fact it was going to be extremely difficult and dangerous.

After all, the only way to hasten his progress was by meditating in a place extremely rich with his desired element.

"I have some couple places that are immense with lightning energy. Though, I don't know if they are still hidden or not since it's been a long time." Thor shared some good news.

Just as Felix wanted to thank him for his suggestion, Jörmungandr jumped out of nowhere and said calmly, "I have already given him a couple of names for rich poisonous areas long ago. I was merely waiting for him to finish with the experiment before leading him there."

"Oho?" Thor snickered as he eyed Jörmungandr indifferently, "My spots are in my main galaxy which is a mere couple of millions of light-years away unlike yours. Do you really want him to cross half the universe right now?"

"Did you forget to mention that the milky way galaxy is on the way of mine? He would need to head there first if he wanted to hunt down void creatures with his own people." Jörmungandr retorted.

"Old fart, don't make me laugh!" Thor still laughed loudly, "Lady Sphinx had yet to receive a response from the Void Primogenitor! Hunt void creatures? He should think about it when he at least secures the Void Primogenitor's bloodline and permission!"

As they were bickering, Lady Sphinx and Asna could only stare at them with a bemused expression, not wanting to interrupt them.

Meanwhile, Felix was already starting to sweat from his forehead, knowing that the situation wasn't going well for him!

He completely forgot that Thor and Jörmungandr were rivals!

So how could they allow their most prized element to be surpassed by their rival's element?!

Arguing about it won't solve anything, let's give kiddo the freedom to choose." Thor proposed, knowing that Jörmungandr was as stubborn as he was.

"Fine by me." Jörmungandr sneered, "I know little Felix will choose to focus my element."

When Felix realized that the hot potato was passed in his hands, he could only stare dumbly at the wall, not knowing how to respond.

He knew that no matter what he picked, he was bound to upset the other one.

He truly wanted to avoid being placed in such situations. Alas, what's done is done.

The ball was in his court and he needed to get creative in his response to mitigate any hard feelings.

"Cough, elders, I am quite grateful for your concerns. I have understood your points completely and reached my conclusion." Felix spoke with a firm tone, hoping it would make a difference.

"I will head to elder Jörmungandr's galaxy if I managed to obtain the Void Primogenitor's bloodline and permission after I finish my exams." Felix continued on quickly, "However, if we didn't get them after the exams, I will head to Elder Thor's galaxy."

This was truly the best option that would please everyone involved.

After all, the moment Felix finishes the exams, he needs to go increase one of his affinities no matter what.

Using the Void Primogenitor as the true decider completely removed him from the equation, making it hard for any of them to feel upset by his choice.

As expected, both of them agreed to the proposal while cursing each other for being a butt-in.

"Aren't you a crafty little one." Lady Sphinx chuckled at Felix and said, "I hope you use some of it in your upcoming exams. You have time to prepare until the end of the holiday."

"After the holiday?!" Felix's eyes widened in horror, "That's barely 15 days of preparation! It's impossible!"

Lady Sphinx shrugged her shoulders carelessly, "You have the tools to make it possible. It's not my problem if you failed to do so."

"Tools? What tools?!" Felix's eyes brightened up, knowing that Lady Sphinx wouldn't bother to lie to him.

"Figure it yourself." Lady Sphinx waved her hand at him, shooing him away.

Seeing her enter the zone with a couple of materials in her hands, Felix knew that it was time for him to take a hike.

He would rather upset both Jörmungandr and Thor than bother Lady Sphinx during her work.

After all, she was the only one who had no issue giving him a physical beating!


After Felix returned to his room in the castle, the first thing he did was take a shower to get rid of the lingering smell from that green liquid.

While he was showering, he decided to unblock his communication outlets.

Just like hell broke loose, his AP bracelet began to manifest tens of holograms around him, showing all the missed calls, messages, emails...etc!

In total, there were tens of thousands of them!

"Geeez, it's not like I died or something." Felix's eyelids twitched after being reminded that he really did die for a few seconds.

"Queen, filter the ones asking about my wellbeing or such. Just leave the important ones." Felix requested as he cleaned his armpits.

Just like that, more than 80% of those messages and emails were removed.

Felix already knew that he would be receiving a lot of them especially when he went offline for months without giving anyone a reminder.

When he missed the exams, he believed that his grandfather, Olivia, Emma, his teammates, and his fans would all assume the worst.

"I should probably give a heads-up to my gramps at least before going in another hibernation." Felix considered to himself while writing back to his Grandpa, letting him know that he was doing well and also asking him about the development of his pizzeria restaurant chain.

After he clicked send, he wrote one for the little cutie Olivia, his agent Emma, his business manager, and lastly Fatty Bodidi.

The rest?

He either ignored them or sent them a unified message. He had no time to address each one personally, so it was better to be just himself...A dick.

After he finished, Felix decided to get into the critical emails sent to his Organization Leader Persona.

All of those emails were sent by the big boys in the Milky Way Galaxy.

"Ahem, so the Anti-Royalty Alliance has yet to give up on making me meet their real leaders." Felix rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Now, that I have enough strength to be considered as a strong Origin Realm Bloodliner, I shouldn't be afraid of them. Though, the scary thing about them isn't their strength but the armies in their arsenal and their intuition that could sniff me out as a fraud even in the UVR. So, I should still keep a respectful facade for now."Felix had no intentions of pissing off his Organization's allies, especially when he still had needs for them.

After reading Chief Maganda's email, he could hear the displeased tone in his writing. Who could blame him? Felix had been ignoring those emails for over a couple of months now.

That's not a nice thing to do for a so-called 'ally'.

"I might as well reply and tell them that I won't be available for the next year or so due to a sudden breakthrough in my research." Felix grinned shamelessly, "This will get those old fogies off my back and also give them some good news to ease their minds."

"I really should have tattooed shameless prick instead." Asna rolled her eyes at him.

Felix flinched after hearing the word tattoo but he didn't give Asna the satisfaction of seeing his reaction.

Hell, he didn't even glance at the newly written tattoo on his lower back after he was done with the experiment.

Out of sight out of mind!

So, Felix began telling the Queen what to write as his response while continuing to clean himself.

When he was done, he told her to send it to all five members of the Anti-Royalty Alliance.

Then, he contacted his business manager to check how things were going.

In less than five minutes, Felix had heard about all the newest projects, the old projects that succeed and the failed ones.

Because of his future knowledge, it was to be expected that only a few projects failed while the majority were a huge hit.

The revenue Felix was getting from those hits was already in the tens of billions!

All of this without him lifting a finger!

"I am satisfied with our progress. Keep up the hard work." Felix said with a pleased tone.

"Will make sure of it." Mr. Igris replied composedly.

Upon hearing his response, Felix hung up and began rinsing himself. Then, he used a towel to dry up and exited the shower.

The moment he dressed up, he laid in his bedroom and logged in to the UVR.


"Right now, my priority is to pass the exams. Everything else could be done after." Felix said out loud while standing before potion concoction tables.

One had raw materials and the other had empty glassware equipment.

"The other witches have a huge advantage of using all their time on practicing their potion concoction unlike me." Felix frowned his eyebrows, "So If I wanted to stay competitive, I need to keep innovating new methods by using all the tools at my disposal."

Felix had no plans on using the normal method of practicing a single rank 2 potion until he masters it.

It was consuming too much time and he was already struggling to keep his schedule in check.

Hence, he needed to find another method not just to help him pass the exams but also to assist him in his potion-making journey.

After all, he wasn't learning potion-making for the sake of the academy or pleasing Lady Sphinx. But, to help himself concoct rare potions without needing to beg or buy from anyone.

"Elder mentioned that I can totally pass the exams if I utilized my tools." Felix pondered, "Did she see a way for me to use my poison or lightning element to increase the success chance?"

"I do have some theories that I can test out immediately."

Since the moment Felix used supersonic mode to eliminate the microorganisms, an entirely new world opened up for him.

This allowed him to think of many different ways, where his abilities could get handy.

Right now, he was testing out those methods. But, he was met with only one failure after another.

Nothing he did helped him create a protective dome around a bigger portion of the mixture before the dark reaction came in and ruined everything.

"Huh, the saved mixture is small enough to guarantee only a 5% chance of it turning into a potion after getting mixed with beneficial materials." Felix shook his head disappointedly, "This is not enough to pass the exams unless I got super lucky."

Felix understood that his aim wasn't merely earning a place in the 3rd semester but to reach the top three in the 2nd semester.

Based on what he read, Lara and Kamil had concocted six rank 2 potions in merely two hours! Still, Lara secured rank 1 by using a much more difficult potion to make than Kamil's.

This entailed that concocting a lot of potions wasn't enough but actually concocting harder ones to get higher points!

This truly put Felix in a dilemma.

"The dark reaction is the worst obstacle in concoction rank 2+ potions. If I took care of it somehow, I will be free to concoct any potion of my desire, unlike other witches who are forced to master only a couple of high-ranked potions in their lifetime." Felix tapped his finger on the table thoughtfully, "But, how exactly can I do that?"

Seeing him struggle to think of a method made Lady Sphinx smile faintly to herself. 'If he found out about his unique method and mastered it, he will honestly be unequaled in potion-making, surpassing even me in the future.'

If anyone heard Lady Sphinx's mind-blowing claim, chaos would rise within the primogenitor's circle and the witches' circle!

That's how much confidence Lady Sphinx had in Felix's talent in potion-making!

'Hmm, if he did find it, I might as well make him my student. The academy's courses will be merely wasting his time from that moment on..' Lady Sphinx decided while smiling faintly.

If I considered the dark reaction to be made out of quintillion atomic lifeforms, then I can use my poison to kill them off at an atomic level." Felix contemplated with crossed arms, "I don't know what inducement could work against them but first I need to find out if my theory is right."

Felix quickly started another concoction. When the dark reaction appeared, he paused the concoction and used his Quantum Vision to zoom at the pitch-black substance.

This time, he kept zooming over and over, not caring that his entire vision was as dark as a moonless night.

This kept going for a short while until Felix started to waver in his theory.

He understood that he was already zoomed so far within, he was about to reach the Quantum Realm.

As expected, his mental energy rapid exhaustion was starting to affect him in a negative way.

Yet, Felix didn't care about it since he was in the UVR and simply kept on going, wanting to see the end of this horrifying darkness.

The moment he had that thought, the static darkness before him finally showed another color within it.

It came as three tiny red dots. Before Felix could feel thrilled by the discovery, three more red dots emerged in front of him than three more!

They kept popping around him in the tens, hundreds, thousands, millions until his eyesight was completely covered by them!

This truly creeped him out, forcing him to zoom out back to safety!


Soon, he exclaimed in shock after realizing that the red light was originated from another red dot that was near two others!

When he kept zooming out, he found out that he was surrounded yet again by millions of those red dots!

This bizarre and creepy situation kept on repeating until he finally saw the usual darkness around him.

However, he still exited from a red dot that was accompanied by two mores.

This time, Felix saw that those three dots were actually the eyes of an invisible entity since they literally blinked in front of him! Then, out of nowhere, similar red dots emerged and they began blinking slowly.

'Was I actually within one eye of a lifeform??!' Felix was too spooked to remain a single second in front of that eerie thing!

So, he swiftly zoomed out until he was back in reality.

Immediately after, he massaged his tired eyes, feeling like he had just experienced one of the worst and creepiest acid trips ever.

The scariest part was the fact that he didn't see a single atom or particles.

It was like those lifeforms didn't belong to this universe and followed its set of laws and rules!

'It's not time to think about those matters.'

When he readjusted his emotions, Felix resumed the concoction and watched how the dark substance consumed the entire mixture in less than a couple of seconds.

He watched the process silently, but a chill couldn't help but course on his spine after imagining quintillion of those eerie monsters running over the mixture.

He understood that their size should be noticeable if someone used a good microscope.

So, he wondered why this was the first time he saw them even though he read multiple books concerning the dark reaction?

"That's because most of the witches who knew the truth about the dark reaction were all affected negatively by it." Lady Sphinx answered calmly.

Felix closed his mouth shut and listened closely, knowing that Lady Sphinx was feeding him a freebie.

"Utmost concentration is a must-have during the creation of the protective dome in order to save the biggest portion of the mixture. However, for witches who knew about what hid behind the dark substance, their concentration would get affected negatively since they kept seeing an army of those eerie lifeforms, trying to corner them." Lady Sphinx sighed disappointedly.

'For real?' Felix's eyelids twitched at the sound of that, feeling like Lady Sphinx was pulling his leg.

However, hearing her disappointed sigh made him realize that she was extremely embarrassed by her story!

Why wouldn't she be? It was the same as telling him that the witches were too disgusted or creeped out by the sight of those bug-like lifeforms!

Unlike girls who scream at the sight of a cockroach, those witches merely get their concentration slightly affected by their imagination.

This wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't a must to keep it together during that critical phase!

Naturally, there were exceptions to this case since Lady Sphinx mentioned most witches not all of them.

"Isn't it problematic to hide such a piece of information from the younger generation?" Felix inquired a bit speechless by this situation.

"In the eyes of the Sage Witches, this piece of information was doing more harm than good." Lady Sphinx shrugged her shoulder carelessly, "I also don't bother myself with it, since it is impossible for witches to affect those lifeforms in any shape or form."

"Nothing at all?" Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Currently, the only one capable of affecting those lifeforms is me." Lady Sphinx's eyes shone for a second and continued, "I have my own special method of doing so. A method that could never be taught or copied by those witches."

Upon hearing so, Felix started to believe that even Sage witches had yet to touch the ankle of Lady Sphinx when it comes to potion-making.

The fact that they were hopeless against a major problem in potion-making had sealed their fate to be always considered as B+ at best.

"You are right. Witches were the most compatible to inheriting my potion-making system. However, they were not the best option." Lady Sphinx wholly agreed with his take on the matter.

Indeed, witches had spiritual eyes that helped them see beyond the microscopic world and affect it with their mental energy, unlike other races.

But, that was merely the condition to begin treading on this path.

"On the other hand, I have met the basic conditions and also had unique tools to help me unlike them." Felix said with a serious tone, feeling a sense of responsibility dawning on him.

Lady Sphinx was clearly disappointed by the witches' progress and limited talent in potion-making.

He felt like he would be disappointing her as well if he didn't utilize his talents to the maximum.

So, he dropped the current matter and began contemplating ways to take advantage of the newly gotten information.

"Since Lady Sphinx was capable of dealing with those lifeforms, it only meant that it was possible for me to do the same. I don't know her method and I am not interested in copying it."

Felix suddenly clapped his hands, and tens of colored misty balls emerged before him. They were arranged neatly from the faintest color to the darkest color.

Those were all the inducements that he was capable of using currently.

"Let's aim to create an inducement that will coat the mixture and kill those lifeforms the instant they set foot on it."

Felix cracked his fingers and started dragging one inducement after the other on the table.

Then, he mixed them while murmuring, "I don't know what those things are made off so it would be extremely difficult to pull off the perfect inducement."

Felix knew that it was going to be a time-consuming experiment filled with hundreds of failures.

After all, he needed to find exactly what could kill those lifeforms while at the same time creating an inducement that wouldn't affect the mixture in any way!

That's because potions needed to follow a recipe down to the last letter. Anything extra would result in failure before even the dark reaction had its turn.

"First test, Killer Red Inducement, made out of three inducements: Acid, -12 potency/ Venom, -8 potency/ Paralyze, x2 potency/."

Felix disclosed composedly while holding into a faint pistachio-colored misty ball. It was so faint, the pistachio was barely noticeable.

This was due to the potency being lowered extremely out of the killer inducements.

Felix knew that this combination was going to fail if ever used in a real concoction since he didn't merge anything to avoid affecting the mixture.

"Let's see how those little brats will react to it." Felix engulfed the mixture with the mist gently and then requested, "Queen, unpause it and make the concoction stable no matter what."

'As you wish.'

Soon, Felix saw that the dark reaction had invaded the outlines of the mixture and touched his Killer Red Inducement.

Before Felix's hopes could have risen, they were crushed by the sight of the dark reaction not slowing for even a tiny bit.

In a couple of seconds, the mixture was gone, leaving behind only bits of mist.

Felix didn't even comment on this failure. He simply rewinded the experiment and watched the replay on an atomic level.

Immediately, he found out that the dark substance marched through everything. Even his inducement had gotten consumed with the mixture!

'Shit, don't tell me that those little f*cks can eat even poison?' This was the worst outcome that Felix desired!

If even his deadliest inducements were getting chopped off, what's going to kill them?!