

A couple of minutes later...

The interrogators arrived and asked Felix and Thor a bunch of questions about the incident to decide if it was intentional or not.

Upon figuring out that it was Thor's first time driving, they decided to be lenient and write it down as an incident due to Felix's reputation.

If it was a deliberate move to kill off innocent people, then even paying a ransom wouldn't be enough.

"Alright, Sir Felix, now that we established the details of the incident, we will leave you to handle the settlement case with the victims." The interrogator shook Felix's hand and noticed, "Please take care of it in a week minimum, Otherwise, we will have to place you in jail until you either pay or accept the punishment."

"Thank you officer."

After shaking the man's hand, Felix exited the room and went to sit in the lounge, waiting for Thor's interrogation to be over with.

They had already removed the handcuffs on him since they were just there for the media so they wouldn't cry out about an unbiased treatment.

During his wait, Felix accessed his victims' chat IDs and contacted them one by one. Some of them had their lawyers answer for them while some took it upon themselves.

Whatever it was, Felix slapped them with 5 million SC for each of them to make sure that the case gets concluded as fast as possible.

He had no time to waste being in jail or long-term negotiation.

The victims didn't dare to push their luck by trying to rip off more coins out of Felix due to his fearsome reputation.

They were merely honest people and five million SC falling into their lap freely was more than they could ever ask for.

Just like this, the issue had been resolved before Thor's interrogation ended and before Felix's enemies could use this scandal against him.

Like the Racist Mushroom who wouldn't have missed such an opportunity to bring his image to the dirt.

Though, the news still went viral, reaching even Olivia and his grandfather. When they called to ask for his well-being, Felix eased up their worry by telling them that the case was concluded.

In a short while, Thor had been sent out by an annoyed interrogator.

God knows what he did to irritate him like that.

"Let's go back home," Felix said, sighing.

"Wait, why can't we hit the bar now?" Thor asked casually, "Isn't it still pretty early?"

"The media is going to be all over us if we got spotted outside." Felix said, "If you are willing to wear a disguise then we can go grab a drink or two."

Instead of replying, Thor snapped his finger, and his entire demeanor was changed. Clothes, face, body structure...Everything!

"How about this?" Thor asked.

"It's sufficient." Felix nodded his head and wore a disguise on his own. Then, they went outside of the police station through the backdoor.

This time, they took a cab towards one of the finest bars in the city...While Thor was still pretty eager to taste some of the best alcohol in this era, Felix just wanted to send away this troublemaker, not wanting to hang out with him anymore.

They almost ended up going to jail on their first day, God knows what's going to happen the next time!


Three weeks later...In the dorm's room, Felix was currently chatting with Malak and Erik about the expedition.

He was already informed that the explorer spaceship and the new bodyguards for Robert had reached planet Earth.

Since Felix's grandfather and family were currently residing in Sky Pearl Island, it had top-notch security measures erected around it.

The world leaders and the Anti-Royalty Alliance were the ones paying loads of coins to erect them and keep them working properly due to Felix.

The World leader didn't want to provoke Felix by failing to protect his grandfather while the Anti-Royalty Alliance was bound by contract to do it at all cost.

Hence, the explorer ship and the new bodyguards had managed to sneak inside the sky pearl island without Felix's enemies finding out about it.

However, sneaking inside was the easiest part but leaving the planet proved to be a challenge.

This was the topic of their discussion.

Felix understood that the moment Malak and Erik get caught, they would a dead meat 100%. That's because they would be interrogated about Felix's secrets and they were bound by contract to not reveal anything.

If they toughened through the interrogation torture, they would be exposed to memory manipulation techniques and potions.

This would definitely offset the automatic destructive protocol that was written in the contract.It simply entails that the Queen would explode their consciousness the instant their memories get invaded.

Felix didn't want to lose Erik and Malak, the only primogenitor's bloodlines in his squad. They were too valuable.

"How about we contact the organization's allies and have them escort us out?" Malak suggested.

"No, that's too risky." Felix shook his head firmly, "They might be our allies but they wouldn't hesitate to hire mercenaries to block you in outer space before you can turn on the light speed engines."

"Hell, I believe that they are already preparing to do it whether we ask for an escort or not."

Felix wasn't being paranoid at all since to gain access to the island, he had to inform the Anti-Royalty fleet.

If he didn't do so, the spaceship would be stopped from going inside.

They couldn't really sneak through the security measures since if they weren't that good, the island would have been flooded with non-natives.

"So what do we do?" Erik scratched his bald scalp in frustration after seeing that all of their plans were not working out.

Malak arched her eyebrows and began thinking deeply for a solid solution. However, before she could come up with anything, Felix sighed and said, "Just get in the spaceship and check if everything and everyone was ready. I will be taking care of this on my own."

"You sure?" Malak asked.

"Yes, just prepare for set off as fast as possible." Felix informed, "You will need at least two more weeks to reach the ruins if you traveled through the VIP wormholes."

"Alright, I will let you know when we are ready." Malak ensured him and said her goodbyes.

Felix hung up on her and started tapping on his knee with a thoughtful expression.

He already had the best solution to solve this issue but he wanted to see if he could do it with another method. However, after spending tens of minutes coming out blank, Felix accepted his fate.

"Queen, I am ready to use one of my wishes." Felix said.

'Which one?' Queen asked.

Felix had multiple wishes, each with a different limit.

'I want to request from the SGAlliance to ensure that my exploration ship remains untouched by my enemies for one day.' Felix asked, 'Which one will be enough to have this request accepted?'

'All of them are enough to achieve this request.' The Queen inquired, 'Should I use a wish with the least limit?'

'Yes please.'

'Are you certain?'



]Your wish had been accepted, please notify the Queen when to start the 24 hours protection period[


Felix didn't feel too demoralized by spending a wish on Malak and Erik's safety since their worth surpasses the wish by miles.

The wish he used could utmost give him a momentary value of one billion SC. But he used it to save two primogenitors' bloodliners who were unreplaceable subordinates.

He was confident that their safety was guaranteed since no one ever dared to make himself an enemy of the SGAlliance.

Even if someone decided to use untraceable methods to deal with Malak and Erik, the SGAlliance would find out about it with their monstrous resources.

It was simply impossible to ignore the orders of this behemoth!


Two hours later...

Malak had sent Felix a message, informing him that they were set to leave the planet.

Without wasting time, Felix immediately requested, 'Queen, please activate the 24 hours protection period.'

The Queen asked for confirmation again and when she received it, she sent everyone on planet earth and in its vicinity a short announcement.

'Northern Sentinel Spaceship, module number 246, is currently under the protection of the Supremacy Games Alliance for 24 hours. You know the consequence of touching the Alliance's property. if you didn't know, make sure to ask.'

Anyone with a bracelet received the news straight in their minds, even the earthlings who were just minding their own business in the UVR.

While the earthlings and the nonnatives were left pretty confused about the weird announcement, the commanders of the Anti-Royalty alliance fleet had their expressions turn ugly immediately.

They recognized the spaceship module instantly since they were just discussing with the alliance leaders on a solid plan that would allow them to catch it without killing the ones inside it.

"That prick must have used a wish to help the spaceship leave!" Zosia cursed Felix while seated at a round table with the other four leaders.

There were three holograms before them, showing the faces of three commanders.

Without any exception, All of them appeared as they had just eaten a piece of crap!

They knew instantly that all of their previous plans were thrown down the gutter!What do we do?!" Gabrial asked with a rushed tone, "We need to go around the order somehow and hinder the spaceship!"

"I concur." Barry supported with an agitated expression, "For Felix to use a wish on this matter, it only meant that the spaceship is carrying his grandfather, family, or even some of his teammates!"

None of them had bothered to consider that the spaceship was meant for Erik and Malak since they were known to be just bodyguards of Robert!

In their minds, why would Felix bother to escort those two out while leaving his grandfather behind?

"I suggest we do nothing." Maganda Chief proposed calmly.

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

They knew that it was going to be extremely risky to make a move on the spaceship while under the SGAlliance's protection, but there could be a way out if they pooled in their ideas.

"Don't get me wrong." Maganda Chief clarified, "I want them to get caught but I believe that it's best to let the others make a move on them. After all, the spaceship had been disclosed by the Queen."

He coughed, "If the information that the spaceship was carrying Felix's close loved ones gets leaked, then there could be someone insane enough to try and hinder them."

The other four leaders immediately understood what he was implying.

However, they weren't given a second later to think about his plan as the commanders all shouted abruptly at once, "It's on the move!!"

"Bastard! He activated the wish just before their departure!" Zosia lost her composure again after seeing a red dot speeding rapidly towards the sky in her hologram!

All of them could only stare at it with a feeling of hopelessness washing through them. They couldn't make a move neither were given time to inform the others.

They knew that none of them were going to make a move on the spaceship before understanding the benefits associated with it...

Meanwhile, inside the cockpit of the exploration spaceship that appeared like a silver cube flying, Malak, Erik, and the rest of the squad were all sleeping in their VR Pods.

They left the Queen to handle their escape since their spaceship was going to be traveling at the speed of light the moment they reach the exosphere layer.

Currently, they were gathered in Malak's UVR's room that was modified to resemble the interior of their spaceship.

Felix was sitting with them without any disguise.

He didn't need one because every member of the squad was a slave who signed an even stricter contract than Malak and Erik.

A couple of seconds later, the Queen announced in Malak UVR's room, 'The spaceship is currently traveling at the speed of light towards the 2nd nearest VIP wormhole.'

"Yes!" Erik lifted his fists in the air in excitement abruptly, scaring and confusing the other squadmates.

Neither Malak nor Felix had informed them about the dangers they were currently exposed to since they believed that it would bring nothing besides unnecessary panic.

'How did you do it, Sir Felix?' Malak asked telepathically while sighing in relief.

'Don't bother yourself with it.' Felix waved his hand dismissively and said with a serious tone, 'It's not over yet. You can expect them to camp multiple wormholes and also place a wanted notification on our spaceship module.'

'I will keep an eye out constantly.' Malak promised solemnly.

After the situation cooled down a bit and the journey had officially started, the squadmates all focused on their elusive master.

This was actually the first time they meet up with him!

Felix always wanted to pay them a visit and introduce himself properly, but he gets hung up on important matters and ended up postponing it to another time. Though, he was given a report about their information by Malak.

In the last two hours, he wanted to show himself but he decided to not distract them from their work since they needed to move the moment they pick up Erik and Malak.

"Malak, please introduce the squad." Felix requested with a friendly smile.

"Line up before the boss!" Erik shouted with a strict tone.

The ten members of the squad all listened to the order obediently, creating a long line in front of Felix.

Just like the report he received, the bunch was mixed with humans and other races. There were 7 males and 3 females, not considering Malak and Erik.

All of them were wearing a single armored black uniform with '𝓛𝓛' in their chest.

Malak went to the end of the left line and pointed her finger at a slime that was taken the shape of a human.

"This is Momo, an experienced slime who went through multiple expeditions with another crew." Malak reported calmly, "However, his latest expedition with them had ended in everyone dying but him. Since his owner was dead, he broke from his slave's shackles. Unfortunately for him, he got caught by pirates yet again and got auctioned to me with a price of 1 billion SC."

Upon hearing so, Felix felt a bit bad by Momo's garbage luck.

There were a hundred quadrillion slimes spread all over the universe, yet this particular slime had been caught not once but twice!Although he felt bad, Felix had no intentions of releasing him since he understood that slimes were necessary assets in ruins explorations.

That's because slimes could be used to scout the situation in the ruins ahead of everyone since they didn't feel pain or get affected by illusions.

Additionally, his form wasn't solid, making him able to fit in places where no man could enter!

Also, he could split parts of himself and send them inside tiny holes or simply scout for traps without endangering himself!

Although slimes didn't feel pain and were almost immortals as long as a small part of their body remained, they could get destroyed quite easily.

Their trash defense and offense made them part of the bottom feeders in the social status in the universe...Even lower than humans.

'Good morning Sir Felix.' Momo greeted telepathically since he didn't have vocal cords. Even the bracelet was being consumed inside his jelly-like head since he could'nt hold into it.

'Morning to you two.' Felix greeted back and focused on Malak who was now pointing her finger at a hound half-ling.

He had the head of a Labrador and the body of a human. He also had paws instead of hands and a furry tail behind him.

"This is Khodri from the hound half-ling species. I have recruited him due to his excellent smell senses. I believe they would come in handy during our explorations."

"Couldn't agree less." Felix nodded his head and said, "Welcome to the squad."

"Thank you sir." Khodri lowered his head with a calm disposition. He didn't seem as playful as the dog species he belonged to.

Malak went to the next one in line and introduced, "This Nicci, she is a peak 4th stage plant Elementalist who will be our primary healer."

"I am happy to have you as a part of our family." Felix nodded his head at Nicci who appeared quite pretty with her short curly brown hair and thin pink lips.

She looked quite shy as she had her head lowered since the moment they lined up.

"Mmmm." Nicci made some acknowledgment noises without lifting her head.

Just as Malak wanted to scold her for such disrespectful behavior, Felix waved his hand at her.

"Please carry on."

Malak nodded her head and went in front of a woman with a head of a bat but the curves of a female human. She also had dark furless wings folded behind her.

Unlike Nicci, she seemed pretty flirty as she was blinking at Felix with a faint playful smirk. Alas, Felix merely felt shivers course at his back at the sight.

Who was in his right mind would feel attracted to a bat half-ling besides males from the same race?

Felix wasn't that kinky yet.

"This is Malissa, I hired her due to her sonar-based abilities since I know that in ruins, recognizing sounds would be extremely important." Malak introduced while glaring at Malissa.

Felix nodded his head at Malissa and quickly changed his vision to the other six male humans beside her.

Malak also didn't want to spend too much time talking about the flirty Malissa. She went and placed her hand on top of the short bearded man's shoulder and introduced with a respectful tone, "This is Sir Declan Arroyo, he is the chief engineer and repairman in this ship. I have spent quite a hefty sum to hire him but I believe it's worth it."

"I am ecstatic to have you with us elder." Felix spoke politely after realizing that the man was a commoner in his hundreds of years.

He didn't respect him out of his age only but also due to his tremendous experience in repairing broken spaceships.

Felix understood that repairmen were the bloodline of any spaceship due to the hazardous environment of space and deserted planets.

Bots could handle most of the repairing issues, but there were some tricky situations only experienced repairmen could solve.

"Hohoho, what a handsome young fella." Declan spoke with a heavy accent, making his words come out a bit confusing to the ears.

However, most of them had managed to understand him due to their sharp senses.

Felix showed a strict expression to everyone and warned, "Although elder Declan is a commoner, I want you to listen to his orders obediently if they are related to the spaceship. If he told you to bring a screwdriver from the end of the ship, you do it. Am I understood?!"

"Yes Sir!"

"Good." Felix nodded his head in satisfaction and requested, "Please carry on."

Malak didn't spend much time introducing the others as one of them was the spaceship operator called Samir while the other three were the combat force of the squad.

Two of them were 4th stage bloodlines at greater purity while the last one was at peak 3rd stage of replacement.

Although it didn't seem like much, Malak did her best to gather this squad with the limited budget that Felix handed her.

However, Felix wasn't too worried as he had enough money to add more in case the situation called for it.

Now? 12 members plus him were good enough to aim at 4 tier and below ancient ruins.

The ruins they were currently going for were tiered 4 and called the Shurima Temple!Since it was going to take Malak half a year at minimum to secure a license for owning the spaceship, He decided to let her use his license and vouch for her.

That's because he couldn't wait that long due to an issue in the timeline.

If he still recalled properly, the Shurima Temple was going to be discovered by a pirate crew in less than a month from now if the timeline remained the same.

Hence, his reason for rushing everything and not having enough time to plan a better method to sneak Erik and Malak out of the planet without relying on a wish.

As for vouching? It simply meant he would be using his license to give them access to planets and space worms expressway.

Since his criminal record was sparkling clean, they would be given permission right away. The latest incident had been settled properly and wiped out of Felix's criminal record.

However, if his squad did something bad on a planet or such, his license would be revoked and he would be considered as an accomplice to any criminal activity they carried out.

It was done like this to stop anyone from vouching for pirates.

"I believe that Malak had already filled you in with the ruins we are targeting." Felix folded his hands behind his back and informed, "Since it's a tier 4 ruins, it means that your power force is barely enough to go through it in one piece unless you made a fatal mistake."

Everyone's expression got solemn after he mentioned the dangers of the ruins.

Although Malak did her best, she still didn't manage to find too many experienced bloodlines in exploring ruins at such a short deadline.

Only Momo and Malak had been in a couple of ruins. If it wasn't for Felix's confidence in his hidden intel about the ruins, he wouldn't dare take those virgins to tier 4 ruins.

"But you don't have to worry, I will be using the ghosting feature to supervise the expedition and also feed you crucial intel that I obtained about the ruins." Felix promised, "You just need to listen to orders no matter how insane they seem and everything would go smoothly."


"Yes sir!"

"Perfect." Felix smiled faintly and said lastly, "I will be returning later. Stay alert and don't create trouble between yourselves."

Upon hearing so, Malak and Erik bowed their heads at Felix who was breaking into light particles. The rest copied them as they didn't want to leave a bad impression on their master.

Especially the bloodliners who were too eager to carry out favor with Felix so they could join the Organization or at least get a mythical bloodline for themselves.

This was a big sell-out for Malak when she bought them as they weren't this cool about being slaves to another person.

"Didn't think our boss will be this cute upclose." Malissa giggled while breaking from the line, heading towards her seat.

"Cute?" A man with a blue goatee and an army hairstyle scoffed at Malissa and proclaimed, "Sir Felix is a legendary person who I admire the most!"

"Alright Jones, he is not here, you don't have to keep kissing his ass." Khodri said while scratching his furry cheek with a bored expression.

"A dog like you can't see his greatness." Jones sneered while walking away, most likely heading to his room.

Khodri merely yawned lazily at his insult and closed his eyes, trying to take a short nap.

Meanwhile, Malak and Erik were discussing private matters related to their primogenitors' bloodlines.

'When are you planning to integrate?' Malak asked.

'Next week.' Erik informed, 'I am now at 25% and I want to reach 30% like you to obtain two active abilities before we reach the ruins.'

'Alright, we will park ten thousand kilometers away from the VIP wormhole so you can integrate.' Malak patted his chest and said eagerly, 'I can't wait to see your active abilities.'

Erik tightened his fists in excitement and said, 'I hope they are as good as yours.'

Both Erik and Malak had been putting great effort to integrate the primogenitors' bloodlines since the moment they received them.

Although the duration was tripled so as the pain, they managed to stomach it and adapt to it.

After all, they were in the 5th stage of replacement, they had their own fair share of pain throughout their bloodline path.

'As usual, keep it to yourself that we own mythical bloodlines.' Malak warned, 'Unless Sir Felix ordered us to tell the squad, don't inform anymore.'

'Will do.'

'Alright, go take care of your own matters, I will be contacting my family.' Malak wave her hand dismissively at him and walked away.

Both of them were already given a new modified contract by Felix to allow them to contact their families and ease them up.

Felix made sure that no fool play would be carried during their conversation to avoid his secrets getting exposed.

However, he didn't have to worry about either Malak or Erik betraying him as both of them were loving their work so far.

They were part of the Organization, had primogenitors' bloodlines, were direct subordinates of the Great Landlord, getting paid monthly, and lastly being treated with respect.

They never once felt that they were slaves under Felix and they appreciated that very much.


Two weeks later...

The Northern Sentinel Spaceship was about to reach the deserted planet that held within it, The Shurima Temple.

There were some troubles reaching the deserted planet since it was in an uncharted territory that had yet to be registered in the Queen's database.

Thankfully, Felix had the exact coordinates from his previous life, allowing them to avoid getting lost in this uncharted territory.

"It's sure a small planet." Malak commentated in wonder while staring at a midget planet that was slightly bigger than Pluto.

It was also as golden as sand, making them realize that the entire planet must be one massive connected desert.

Currently, they were steering towards it not so fast but not so slow either.

They were going at this pace to avoid getting detected by other spaceships' radars in the vicinity since their surveillance system wouldn't block incoming detection radiowaves.

Ring Ring!

Abruptly, Malak's bracelet started ringing, making her glance at the caller on the small screen.

Upon noticing that it was Felix, she shushed everyone down and answered in a straightforward manner, "Should I send you my link now?"

"Please do." Felix replied.

Malak emailed a unique link and Felix clicked on it. Immediately after, his holographic image began shaping up in the cockpit within the pack.

A second later, the synchronization was turned on and Felix began feeling everything surrounding him while appearing somewhat lifelike as he hovered above their heads.

"Welcome back boss!" Everyone greeted with a head bow.

Felix nodded his head in appreciation and asked for an update on their current plan.

"We will be waiting for the planet to make half an orbit so we can land exactly near the ancient ruins." Malak read from a hologram, "Based on the Queen's calculation, this will happened two hours from now if we continued going at the same speed."

"Good." Felix nodded his head and asked, "How about the plan to explore the ruins?"

"We have decided to move at 24 hours later so we can explore the area around the ruins first. After we make a good assertion of the area, the crewmen would be left behind in the spaceship while everyone else would be moving at dawn."

"As for the plan exactly to explore the ruins, we can only use the standard exploration plan since we lack knowledge about the traps in the ruins." Malak reported.

"Leave the traps situation to me." Felix comforted them, "I have received some insider intel from the Organization about the same ruins getting explored by another group. They firmly believed that the structure was more or like the same."

"For real?!"

Everyone exclaimed in delight at the sound of that. They always felt frightened the most by traps instead of beasts or guardians.

If they could be taken care of, then the exploration's difficulty would be lowered substantially.

"I don't want to jinx it, but I would say that there is a 70% chance of the theory being correct." Felix ensured with a faint smile.

"Haha, we are going to get rich without having too much risk into it." Khodri laughed with his dog mouth wide open.

The others didn't bother with the bits of saliva flying everywhere as they were also too excited to care.

They ought to feel this way since the slavery contract they signed had ensured that they would be getting 7% of the profit split up among them while Erik and Malk would be getting 1.5% each.

The remaining 90% would be going to Felix's pockets.

Yet, no one complained about it since Felix was the master and they should feel glad that he bothered to share with them some of the treasures.

Because they signed a limited-time slavery contract that would last for about 100 years, It meant that they would be filthy rich by the time they get freed.

Naturally, if they remained alive by then.

Felix asked Malak to modify the contract in order to motivate them to do their utmost best in the exploration!

Without the carrot, the stick would merely be doing more harm than good.

Seeing everyone's eager expressions as they neared the planet, Felix couldn't help but smile inwardly, 'There is a high chance to empty all the three treasuries in the temple before it collapses.'