
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Anime e quadrinhos
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41 Chs

Ch~Twelve: Suicide Missions [2] // Swamp Monkeys!

Jackie could he said to be one weird human. The way and time he builds suspense is enough to someone give up on life. Finally after waiting for so long, Jae could see that Jackie was about to act.

Clearing his throat, Jackie swiped the files on his C-Net and switched to Jae's mission. "Jeremy Styles! F Rank Mercenary of Netherensis! Your mission is:

Go to the Beast City Zone and hunt down one Level 5 Dire Beast, twenty Level 3 Dire Beasts and a mixture of hundred Level 2 and 1 Dire Beasts. After that, take the Beast Cores of all these beasts that you killed to the Forest Zone City and give it to the City's Kaz'Ta. In return, he would give you something precious which you are to return safely to Netherensis!"

After that, Jackie directly left the room leaving Jae and the other girls to their thoughts. Renee and the other girls looked at Jae in slight pity. This mission was one of the hardest for the F Ranks.

'Thankfully and fortunately, he did not give me a tim....' Jae's thought were suddenly interrupted by Jackie who quickly entered the room and said to Jae.

"Your time limit is a month!" Jackie quickly left after that and never appeared again. Jae sighed deeply as he thought of what to do.

He was thinking of exploiting the time limit loophole but it seems like Jackie was very sharp. Jae went along to his room to quickly get ready but before that, he quickly remembered something and quickly shouted.

"Wait! What is a Kaz'Ta?!"


Outside the gates of Netherensis, a group of young kids could be seen having a sort of gathering. These kids were Jae and his peers. It was finally time for them to attempt their missions. They were gonna see themselves in a month.... hopefully.

There was a very cute girl wearing blue battle suit. The suit fitted her well as it aligned with her underdeveloped curves. She carried a white backpack with her which was under a white cloak. Mina really took considerations for the cold there.

Next was two boys that seems like twins yet were the exact opposite of each other.

Sol was wearing a black short with a black T-shirt that has stripes of blue in it. He was also carrying a blue backpack.

Soji was wearing a red sweatshirt and white loose pant while carrying a red backpack.

The last boy obviously Jae was just simple. Only putting on his purple shorts, black T-shirt, black headband with bandaged forearms and legs. He did not carry any bag with him since he had a system for storing his stuffs.

"Alright guys, I'll be on my way now. My mission is way harder than you guys so bye" Mina said while preparing to leave. The boys just looked at her before shaking their head.

"Well, guess the way Special Disciples are trained are different from others. We haven't even gotten the chance to explore the academy and now, we are on to missions.

Anyway, you guys be real careful out there. Remember that we've only just awakened our Hunter Abilities and are still in the lowest level of Hunter ranks, Level 1s.

Also remember that no one is your friend in this world. You only have yourself. Only trust yourself and your will.

I'll see you guys in a month. Bye!" This had been the longest speech Jae had ever made ever since he found himself in this Hunter World.

Although he wasn't the type of guy to talk much and he also wasn't that much of an emotional person and honestly, he couldn't care any less for his peers, he felt like he should just say something. After saying that, he disappeared with high speed to the south which is where the Beast City Zone was located on Planet Kaz.

The others were shocked by the speed that was suddenly generated by Jae and had the same thoughts in their mind 'tsk! This bastard Jeremy! How is he already a Level 2 Iron Hunter? To think he was lecturing us here with some kind of inspirational speech!'


Jae remembered the first time he arrived on Planet Kaz. He first couldn't believe his eyes. At that time, he didn't have the time to take in the views of the world because he had just awakened his ability but now, he finally realized how beautiful the sky of Planet Kaz was.

Since it was daytime, the sky was a mix of orange with white clouds everywhere. The golden sun rays distributed it's warmth throughout the area. After Jae finished admiring the views, he opened his C-Net and opened the map that he downloaded.

He estimated that he would take him at least a whole day just to reach the Beast City Zone. Not only that, he also needs to watch out for occasional beast attacks and wandering bandits.

After traveling for a while, he came across a swampy area. Checking his map, he confirmed he was going the right way. The only problem now is how he can deal with the dangers in this swamp.

Beast City Zone is actually a real City Zone where humans live in. Though, it was mostly Hunters that lived there. The City was only named so because it was where the Dire Beasts were most populated on Planet Kaz. There were all kinds of Beasts there and the dangers and fortunes in any adventurous attempt in the Beast Zone was always a recalling view.

Taking a deep breath, Jae started passing. Although he can still protect himself a little, he still didn't want to alert any beast in the swamp but Kas.... cough! Mother Nature has a different plan for him.

Jae had not walked for more than fifty meters when he suddenly caught sight of multiple yellow eyes on him from different places. Jackie was right, he had to train his senses because he had just discovered he had been surrounded by some Swamp Monkeys.

Swamp Monkeys are skinny monkey beasts that had very low strength and defense but they were very fast. Coupled with their sharp claws and their group hunting, they were deadly opponents for any Hunter below Level 5.

Jae quickly calm himself before he took out a kunai from his storage space. It seems like the kunai had triggered the beasts somewhat as they started making noises and were now revealing themselves.

Without further ado, Jae arefully aimed his kunai at the nearest swamp monkey he saw and shot it towards it. The kunai flew out like a dart and embedded itself in the beast's neck. Instantly, all the noise quickly died down as the swamp beasts saw one of their own falling to the ground with blood gushing out of its neck as its eyes lost its color.

[Host has killed a Level 1 Lifeform! +1 Chakra Points. +1 Shop Points]

Jae saw this notification and just laughed. "Alright then, let's get grinding for points! Hahaha"

He quickly took out two kunai from his space before he got into a fighting stance. The Swamp Monkeys seeing the dead comrade were all furious. They started rushing towards Jae while brandishing their sharp claws that gleamed a daze of silver light.

A monkey jumped towards Jae and slashed at him with its claws. Jae quickly deflected the claws with one of his kunai before he used the other to crudely slash its neck thus ending its life. After that, Jae quickly turn to the side and dodged a claw aiming for his chest.

Three swamp monkeys suddenly jumped towards Jae and clawed at him. Suddenly, the weapons on Jae's hands magically disappeared and he quickly raised his hands and made hand seals.

The swamp monkeys whose claws were about to tear Jae to shreds suddenly discovered their claws digging into a tree log. They became confused and started looking around for Jae.

"Looking for me?" Jae quickly appeared behind them with a sword and with a fast swipe, the head of the swamp monkeys fell to the ground.

"Now, three more to go!" Jae said as he looked at the two swamp monkeys standing in front of a bigger swamp monkey.

As he jumped off the tree, the two swamp monkeys quickly attacked him. They were very fast but not fast enough to deal with Jae. They were quickly dealt with.

Jae looked at the last furious monkey standing. Jae knew he had to be serious on this one since the monkey might be a Level 2 or 3.

The Swamp Monkey roared angrily before it dashed towards Jae.

'Fast!' That was the first thing that came into Jae's mind the moment the monkey moved. His instincts were screaming danger and then, he suddenly tilted his head to the side. A slight sharp breeze suddenly blew by his face along with the passing claws of a swamp monkey.

The moment he dodged, Jae quickly distanced himself from the monkey. 'This monkey, he is a Level 2 and already this fast? I don't wanna use my stat points to deal with it coz I'm saving it. I think I should try my lightning jutsu'

Jae quickly made hand seals '[Lightning Style - Overdrive Jutsu]' suddenly, electricity currents started cracking and emerging from his body.

The monkey became scared when it saw lightning on Jae. He was about to escape when he heard a voice from behind it.

"Sorry, the only thing not escaping today is your death!" Jae coldly said as he brought his hands down.

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