
Nemo in the modded world of kenshi

Making a trade with the goddess of equivalent and exchange Nemo is forced to choose this world for more points and another chance. Currently rewriting it due to how much it diverted from my original plans

Rauon · Videojogos
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Sometime before, a peculiarly spoiled brat tried his luck with attacking Nemo.

In one of the old shacks within the city was an abnormally skinny man undressing, well, I think ripping her clothes off is the correct term, of a chained up and gagged zombie.

This man was one of the average men that struggled to get enough to eat each passing day. He had a slight obsession(i was being sarcastic) with a woman that was stronger than him.

the said woman worked as a prostitute on days when there were more wealthy merchants around.

She looked a bit more decent than the others.

Still, her bombshell body was enough to get her a suitable amount of clients.

The man, that brought her zombified body to his house, was a one time client that grossed her out so much that she refused all of his advances even if he paid more.

"HIHIHI, to think that I got you for myself from now on how lovely is that!?"

The man was excited since he now had ownership of her body, even if it was damaged.

The somewhat crazy man didn't care!

He just wanted to shove his dick into her to feel that tight quim of hers again to mark her as his, and he will never let her go, the man stripped naked before exploring the zombie's body with his hands as he began licking her as he trailed his tongue on the undamaged and safe areas.

The man began massaging the large breasts that defied gravity, enjoying the softness as the zombie released a muffled groan.

The man laughed out loud as he exerted his dominance on the female zombie while pinching the protruding nipples of hers.

"hahaha, you like that, don't you? You slut! Don't worry; I will make sure that I'll be all that you can think about! I'll make you feel everything that you missed out on!"

Forgetting the fact that she was now a zombie, the man babbled on about what he will do what she'll experience, and all that.

The man nibbled on one of the zombie's nipples then lightly pulled as the victim tensed up as twat was now wet.

as the zombie's body reacted as it would when she was working as if it triggered her 'work mode', her owner's eyes gleam with delight before he aligned his dick with the soaked pussy teasing the lips with the tip of his member before pushing through in one swift thrust all the way to the hilt!

the man struggled not to bust a nut too quickly as he felt that she was tighter than he remembered!

The man shivered as if felt like his little brother was getting sucked in as her inner walls caressed him pushing him to the brink!

But sure enough, just from moving a little and how much this man dreamed of ravaging her...


he released a load.

It didn't take long before thrusting in and out again.

faster, harder than ever, before moving his hips from side to side until he felt a strange object brush against his dick surprised by this he tried getting a feel of it as he remembered that the girl he was plowing into loved to put toys in there. Hence, he assumed it was one. At the same time, the mere thought of her having a toy inside at this very moment excited him.

The man began jabbed at the object with his dick harder and harder until... a sharp pain enveloped his member.

This caused the man to squeal out loud before pulling himself away from the zombie he was fucking.


his screams filled the old shack, but the people around didn't care using his hand to press on the pained area.

The man noticed another peculiar thing that caused him to scream again, but this time is fear and a tinge of anger.

A part of his dick was bitten off as some of his blood spurted out as veins on his groin started to turn black.

This meant he was infected as his blood formed a puddle under him as he peed in despair, The spreading disease ate away at his strength, shortly after noticing that, from the zombie girl's quim...

four things crawled out of it one of which the dreaded creature, was a deformed baby zombie.

The zombie girl was a few months pregnant before she got infected, and three blood-red spiders covered in cloudy fluids, and within the zombie baby's mouth was a piece of flesh from his dick.

The spiders attacked with their claws and teeth tearing his body apart before feasting upon him the deformed baby joined in.

As they felt a kind of kinship, after the spiders and the baby finished, they proceeded to the next house nearby that hid more of their brothers and sisters leaving their zombie mother to rot.

The slaughter had just begun!.


Back to the inner walls that Nemo was hanging on to and the spoiled brat.

Echolocation is an excellent skill to have.

However, it took a second or so to activate, and the range was also an issue, which was why the attacks Nemo suffered were unavoidable. His perception helped him know the routes projectiles, allowing him to block the bolts with his arms in time preventing these aggressive bastards from harming his torso.

With his tail acting as his hook that kept him to the wall, Nemo made his body fly towards one of the nearby broken down buildings using the powerful tail to fling over, before jumping to the next to avoid the next volley of attacks, truthfully Nemo was really tempted to deal with the bastards that attacked him, however, judging from the tone of his voice and how the people followed him and his words.

With the stuff that Nemo had learned about this town, this brat might be someone that he can't offend at this time, so he decided to run and hide instead.

Still, the next concerning thing was the additional residents that Nemo was picking up with his echolocation that going full blast as he made his escape.

they seemed like spiders but were as big as rats at the moment, but some were as large as dogs.

Right now, he needed to get away from these overgrown thugs that wanted to kill him afterward deal with these bolts that had spikes curving backward into his flesh as he was bleeding and one of his arms was disabled, and if he doesn't fix it soon, his other arm will follow.

Upon reaching the sixth building rooftop that was 3 or 4 blocks away from the get, The building he landed on was a bar that belonged to the Trade ninjas faction. They were a neutral group that didn't care for others other than their members and those that paid them the price of their services.

When Nemo arrived, one of the barmaids offered him some food, which he paid 15 cats (which by the way was the currency they used in this world you can buy an animal for around 7,000 to 25,000 and slaves are roughly the same cost) for it so that they don't throw him out.

The faceless man began pulling out the bolts from his arms and one from his stomach that nearly made this man bleed to death using his tail before putting the medicine on and in his injuries by using his fingers, his injuries consisted of wide gashes as well as deeper wounds from the bolts and it made a coat on the inside to prevent infections and ensure that the injuries would recover properly then bandaging it; this was the most irritatingly painful experience for Nemo as pieces of his flesh was still attached to the curved jagged teeth of the bolts.

Horrified screams of the people of this city soon echoed about as sounds of fighting could be heard, zombies just outside the gates were hammering away at it.

In addition to it, the freshly turned zombies within the city began turning more people into their brethren as spiders that hid within the zombies' bodies that were escorted to be slaves were enjoying quite the feast as more of these red spiders began swarming everything that was edible.

Greed can really bring the end of many.

the trade ninjas bar guards began attacking any zombies or spiders that came close to their establishment using arrows and bolts through their windows.

This allowed the patrons that were inside the bar, before this fiasco started, to relax and enjoy their drinks on the first floor and basement, Nemo was busy tending to his wounds, including the cut he received from the shek zombie, it had opened up thanks to his erratic escape, he got up the made his way to the stairwell to join the other patrons

But before Nemo could really relax, a giant red spider climbed the side of the building he was on reaching the rooftop as a hungry hiss from it, made things clear that today was a really fucked up one.

Zombies and spiders Nemo will never get a full day of relaxation until he gets a certain something

Rauoncreators' thoughts