
Nemo in the modded world of kenshi

Making a trade with the goddess of equivalent and exchange Nemo is forced to choose this world for more points and another chance. Currently rewriting it due to how much it diverted from my original plans

Rauon · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Dealing with house spiders is one thing but the eight-legged freak in front of Nemo took the term 'house spider' to a completely different level!

It was bigger than a dog, wait... scratch that, bigger than a fucking lion since when it first popped up only half of its body was soon detected by his echolocation its ugly mug was looking towards Nemo and the drool coming from its maw made it clear that it wasn't here to say hello and have dinner with him!

One of the trade ninja guards happened to see Nemo's predicament however the bastard didn't bother doing his job as he took out a cheap cigarette from his vest before lighting it up as he puffed a few smoke rings, this guy wanted to watch a show!

When Nemo began backing up towards the man slowly the guard, however, made his sword create a sound loud enough for him to hear it from unsheathing a little, threatening to cut him if he got any closer, this was their territory, they did whatever the hell they wanted even using someone else's life as entertainment.

Nemo was cursing the bastard mentally for making things more difficult for him, hell if he wasn't so beat up and injured, Nemo would've loved beating this bastard up if the spider would let him, sadly with the scent of blood coming from him the spider's eyes all eight were on him.

it didn't look away even when the guard showed up it was hungry for the source of the blood, him!

The faceless man was angry, so fucking angry, he minded his business, he stayed clear of people, yet these troublemakers seemed to keep coming for him, this world is hard to live in and fucked up then again that might be the reason why it was so cheap to get to with the karma he gave up to be reborn into this world.

no use crying over spilled milk.

*the sound of something moving fast suddenly*

*the sound of bones breaking in multiple places*

*the sound of a body hitting something hard followed by more bones snapping*

the momentary distraction of mentally grumbling made Nemo pay quite the price as one of the spider's powerful limbs smashed into his arm as he defended himself reflexively ruining his right arm making it dangle around like a puppet's arm without strings, and sent him flying crashing into the edge of the roof which both helped him from falling off and cracked some ribs as he crashed into the raised up part with his side by preventing his back from breaking.

Some of his blood splashed to the ground below.

Nemo was near the ledge now struggling to breathe through his skin while all of his pores opened.

As he hyperventilated thanks to the pain that followed with every breath he took trying to reduce the pain as much as possible, with a deformed arm and bone was sticking out of the torn flesh and skin laying by his side, this meant that the damage this thing brought can kill him in two strikes if it hit the same area, He tried moving into a position where he can focus on his assailant on move more easily, this time no useless thoughts or distraction just eyes on the prize, leaning his back against the very edge that both saved him and broke him a little.

The guard was enjoying his struggle apparently as he let out a low laugh with a light clap enough for Nemo to hear it but not enough to pull the beast's attention towards him.

The guard had the gall to give an offer despite half of Nemo's suffering was thanks to him.

"tell you what kiddo, I'll save you now and your everything will be mine! not a bad deal, no? since you'll live another day."

Greed as always, the man was trying to maximize his profits so that even if Nemo rejected it he'd be too weak to resist if he was like any other man luckily for Nemo his echolocation was working full blast helping him 'see' the interlopers that will either save him or kill him thanks to his spilled blood that reached the ground floor earlier.

the voice of the guard called out again.

"well, brat? I can't wait all day for your answer, it'd be a 'shame' if I have to bury you afterward"

the tinge of sarcasm he had was more than obvious as he made the underline threat clear.

Nemo nodded well, tried to thanks to his ribs letting the guard know that he agreed to the terms, the guard, however, clicked his tongue since Nemo's actions seemed as if he was just another lucky weakling, the Large spider attacked once again aiming for the chest, but Nemo managed to block it at the last second with his tail, using the momentum of the attack it sent him falling off of the roof.

As he fell, Nemo flipped the trade ninja off to not only piss the bastard off but to distract him from the additional monster sized spiders that were climbing up the wall behind him!

Nemo quickly applied pressure to one of his heavier wounds with his right hand before using his tail to grab the ledge of the roof to help direct his fall away from the ongoing trouble and to some cushion nearby.

Which happened to be tents and huts in the marketplace then wrapped his body with the cracked tail as Nemo crashed into some of the market stalls.

The guard had a ferocious smile at Nemo's actions as he now had to deal with the damned spider the fucker left him with!

The guard used his crossbow on the spider that was surprised by the sudden escape of its prey, But it received a few bolts to the head one of which punctured through one eye and ripped through another causing it flailed around in pain screeching in agony, with Green blood oozing from its injury the spider turned to the culprit before attacking wildly!

The guard had to drop his crossbow as he drew his blade then deflected those random attacks while cutting some parts of its appendages and in left some gashes to the large ugly mug of the spider!

The guard was enjoying himself confident that he could kill this monster by himself, however, more screeches followed as the three more interlopers had arrived, they were the spiders that Nemo detected earlier that finally reached the roof by climbing the sides of the building!

These spiders were smaller but just as dangerous, the sight of them made the guard hesitant at staying since one of them was pretty banged up by him, he can handle two spiders no problem but any more than that? Nah killing the large spider in front of him for some extra profit wasn't worth it, he may love fights but he knows when to run!

The guard tried to escape but one of the spiders blocked the way to the stairs, he was now angrily cursing out loud as he braced himself for a long bitter struggle.

"Fuck! fucking hell! this is bullshit!"

What made things even worse was the spider's numbers were growing the sounds of the rustling legs were pretty loud to him now that the guard was focused on the spiders and his surroundings.

Sweating heavily from the mental pressure they brought upon him, he tried calling out to the some of his allies so that they could come up and help him get out of this situation.

"Hey~~~! HEY, you damned Bastards! help me out here! I know you fucktards can hear me! there are three more spiders on the roof and more are coming, I need some extra hands here!"

A head popped out from the stairs behind the spider that was blocking his path, it was one of the rookies, even worse, one of the people that nearly died during the zombie horde attack as he used the kid as a stepping stone to reach safety.

The rookie was a teenaged greenlander boy that now had a bandages wrapped around his head to hide the method on how cruel the methods were to remove infected flesh, it was thanks to his natural tenacity that the boy managed to remain with the living, but since then his grudge towards the guard that left him to die despite the teaching of their group made it obvious what choice the boy will make.

Even with the bandages the guard could easily notice the sneer the boy was giving him before giving him a gesture that was easy to interpret.

The boy gave him a thumbs up then slid it across his neck!


His yell called forth more of these spiders.

The boy paid the man no heed as he was closing the rooftop door to prevent the spiders from entering their building, and the leader of the group encouraged the boy to exact some revenge as those that abandon their brothers and sisters are not considered part of their group!

the guard released a beastly howl full of anger from being left to die before the spiders charged at him!

The man's squealed like a pig being slaughtered as he was swarmed by the spiders before the one that was pretty injured sunk its teeth into his head the sound of his skull breaking reached the people inside of the building.

At this time, however, not a single one of them felt any remorse nor did they mourn for the guard that was being ripped apart, and the boy was kind of disappointed that the man's suffering was so short, but at least now, there won't be any more people in their group that will abandon their teammates.

But there was one thing that none of the trade ninjas around him had noticed...

The faint blackish veins that were spreading into the left eye of the boy!

what goes around comes around, as a heads up I'm using this to practice my writing skills for fights and conversation which I seem to suck at so pardon my sloppy writing.

Rauoncreators' thoughts