
Nemo in the modded world of kenshi

Making a trade with the goddess of equivalent and exchange Nemo is forced to choose this world for more points and another chance. Currently rewriting it due to how much it diverted from my original plans

Rauon · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

he reached the walls but didn't use the entrance instead he used his tail to stick to the wall at a good enough height so that he can begin using the spare medkit he had collected from the thieves that tried killing him in the past few weeks.

his skills sucked but at least it was enough as this world limited his medical abilities to less than a beginner compared to his skills in his previous life.

He checked his current condition

Head 42/60

torso 3/60

Stomach 52/60

left arm 45/60

right arm 37/60

left leg 25/60

right leg 33/60

Tail 157/300

0.228 Health regen per minute

addable points for health 421

It was a close call a very close one nearly got knocked out.

According to the game mechanics if your health for certain body parts reaches passed a threshold after zero depending on toughness you will pass out should any of them reach -100 you'll die!

But the next thing that caught his attention as Nemo wrapped his wounds was the strangely larger number of points that he collected, why was there so much?

he barely devoured one hundred zombies and he definitely didn't get points for killing Nemo tested that theory while fighting earlier, unless the zombies were carrying something inside of them.

Which meant that the people that brought in the zombies to be their toys are going to have some trouble after some time.

Can this day get any worse?

Nemo sensed some unfriendly stares as one of them was more than unwelcoming after resting for some time.

Many of the hungry wolves that eyed Nemo wanted to get to him but where he was a hard place to get to some were tempted to shoot him with a crossbow but feared damaging the barely fixed walls.

Nemo's prowess as a warrior was what made them hesitate even more there was a chance that he would be taken in by one of the growing factions that lived here.

This gave him some breathing time and a chance to tend to his wounds before anything else happened.

The people, that locked their eyes on him like hawks, were not willing to end their chance of living longer by offending a decent fighter, but there was always someone that was willing to take the risk.

A young voice full of false righteousness coldly demanded.

"Captain that guy on the wall was bitten we must kill him before he changes and starts attacking the townspeople!"

He was a sixteen-year-old young man around 5 feet with long blonde-haired, with an upside-down egg-like head, droopy Blue eyes, a thick neck followed by a thick body full of fat as if his plate armor was on the verge of exploding with two short swords at his hips.

His name was Trepp, he was the cousin of one of the sub-leaders of a major faction called the Wolf hunters they were known for their hunger for power, and this man, in particular, loved getting people to do his bidding as if to satisfy his vanity Trepp always found it fun to make others suffer especially those that have a higher potential in fighting than him.

Thanks to him practicing his ways to control and command those under him, Trepp was more than just a decent commander, Albeit at the sacrifice of hundreds of warriors that had promising futures luckily for his group it was always those that were dumb or unlucky enough to fall under his command!

This is why his faction allows him to do what he wants as he takes care of those that can threaten their position in power and sometimes pull in more potential warriors into their group.

The captain who he 'demanded' this from, however, frowned at this, He was part of another major faction he didn't like the demanding tone of the brat as if he was telling him what to do despite the bastard being 2 ranks lower than him.

The captain's name was Bael was a hellion standing at six feet, red skin, a plated tail similar to Nemo's, with a large muscular frame covered in tempered armor covering his whole body, golden slit eyes that looked at the brat before him, his armor was something he personally molded with his own two hands, he wields a large saber and a long spear.

Bael was one of the leaders of the Bloodarms that consisted mostly of battle loving people, working undercover as one of the guard captains, they are infamous for their war-like nature, luckily for Trepp, the other men of the Bloodarms weren't there or they would've beaten him to an inch of his life for his attitude towards their leader and that bael himself wasn't as short-fused as his fellow members.

Bael looked down upon the little shit with a terrifying glare while smiling, before asking a simple question since he knew the background of the brat before him.

"Second lieutenant Trepp, are you telling me what to do?"

The baleful aura that followed prevented Trepp from speaking as he was gasping for air, since the brat still hasn't answered bael walked in slow strides. before grabbing the boy by the neck with his tail before lifting him a few feet off the ground then brought Trepp so close to him that their foreheads were touching as he stared into the brat's eyes with one hand to hold his head in place, then asked this time bellowing out.

"Are you treating me like you do to your pathetic sacks of shit!?"

Bael's voice was deafening for those around his especially for the one he held whose ears were ringing while Trepp shuddered in fear.

Trepp was struggling to breathe as the vice grip he had on his neck was hurting his legs flailed about before he finally stuttered feebly.

"n-no sir, i-"

Bael cut him off with his frost-filled words.

"Keep it that way."

Bael threw the ball of fat away, which was caught by the people of the wolf hunters injuring some of them, before flicking his hand to the floor as the oily sweat of the sobbing bastard was just too disgusting before patting the rest on an armored warrior that was about to report the situation of the other walls who unfortunately did not see what just happened.

Before Bael said with a smile, "to keep up the good work" while rubbing his oiled hand on the soldier's pauldron before going on his merry way, Bael was familiar with the actions of wolf hunters so if they managed to kill the said 'infected' then he wasn't a good seed to have, but if he survives Bael will be sure to make the man join his group it was the same for the other factions as they all stood by and watched.

Trepp, on the other hand, was coughing fit on the ground furious at the Hellion that humiliated him he swore mentally that he would kill him in the future...personally!

He grit his teeth then clenched his fists.

Trepp was, however, allowed to still take action and kill the potential threat to the family and soon enough the Bloodarms will suffer so much more later when a delivery arrives in the near future which Trepp was eagerly waiting for.

But for now, Trepp decided to take out all of his anger and frustrations upon the faceless man that was wrapping some bandages on his wounded torso!

as he wanted to make the man suffer as much as possible as Trepp licked his dry lips, and who knows since the peasant has pale white skin.

he might have a good fuckable ass since all of the Adult female hellions were already collected by the Bloodarms.

While there were abandoned children of their kind, it would cost him a lot to help one grow to be his bitch, not only that, they tend to be very animalistic and worked in 'packs' at this time so should Trepp try...

He just might end up in their bellies.

Meanwhile, Nemo was too absorbed in dealing with his wounds and adding points to his overall body

Head 42/60 > 92/110

torso 3/60 > 53/110

Stomach 52/60 > 102/110

left arm 45/60 > 95/110

right arm 37/60 > 87/110

left leg 25/60 > 75/110

right leg 33/60 > 83/110

Tail 157/300

0.228 > 0.299 Health regen per minute

addable points for health 0

Nemo enjoyed the fresh sensation of life as his injuries and pain were slowly but surely recovering he was hoping to revel in this sensation a little longer before a fat man called out to him.

"you plebian get your ass down here now! you are suspected to be infected surrender now and your death will be painless!"

Nemo found this rather stupid and funny!

Now, why the hell should he come down?

He might be blind but with the amount of bloodlust, the men around the fat man emitted, it was obvious that they wanted to kill him and when his perception detected the look that the fat man had while licking his lips wasn't making the situation any better.

Many of the people had seen Nemo get injured by a sword, not by a scratch or a bite.

So the loud mouth had his head up his ass, so Nemo ignored the fat bastard and tried to relax.

but an angered shout ruined his mood.

"break him! I want him crippled! no Peasant will ignore me!"

Before a rain of bolts came flying at him!

I am stumped at how should I continue how to write my other two books however Kenshi seems to be easy to add my own story thanks to it having no real story to it yet other than surviving somehow some way as all the elements are against you, and the cool thing is there are arrogant nobles in the game that will hunt you down if you happened to be unlucky and get their attention.

Rauoncreators' thoughts