
Naruto: The legend of phoenix (Re-written)

WARNING: THIS IS BL (Boy’s love, Yaoi), YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Our MC, who in his past life is just an average working man, suddenly wakes up and realizes that he was born in the world of Naruto as Uzumaki Haruka. As an average man on Earth in his past life, how will he cope up in this world full of conspiracist and war, will he choose to stay passive or will he man up and raise his strength step by step. But there is a problem, and that is… Please read this story at your own discretion. Note: This is a Re-written version of the first novel that I wrote. Please forget about the first version of this fanfic since I change most of it. Also, this new version is a little slower pace, and although this is my second time writing the same novel, I am still not proficient in the English language, and I apologize if there is incorrect phrasing or grammar in this novel. Disclaimer: I own nothing in this novel I also base some of my plot on some fan-fic novels For the picture above I found it on Pinterest so if the owner wants me to take it down just message me And for all the pictures that are present on this Fanfic, I also found them on Pinterest and Google, credits due to their respective owners, although I edit some of them to fit my description. The Schedule of updates of this novel is every Mon-Fri

Blue_neko · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 7- Training I

After meditating, Haru and Kakashi went home to take a bath and eat dinner with the family.

After a sumptuous meal, Rin told Sosuke about Haru's 5 nature affinity, this news shock Sosuke and praises his son, but if you look into his eyes, you could see that he is a bit uneasy and anxious since he too knows how dangerous if news got out.

He told Haru to be cautious and train hard, to which Haru nodded. After that they both went upstairs and sleep together, since Sakumo is not home, Kakashi is staying at Haru's place and is sleeping in the same room.

However, that night while sleeping, Haru have a dream, it was a dream of him being surrounded by beautiful floating crystals, that are as beautiful as stars in the night sky.

Morning came and Haru woke up groggily and forgot all about it, and went straight to the bathroom to wash, unbeknownst to him that fine crystal powder came off from his hands when he stood up from bed.

Haru and Kakashi continued their training, Haru helps Kakashi during stretching and Kakashi also helps Haru, by now they can do all types of splits, whether middle, right, and left split. They can also bend properly.

They also practice some gymnastic moves under the supervision of Rin. Like cartwheels, tumbling backflips, and the like that can help them in evading and moving lightly.

This poses some problems to Haru since he is a little bit nervous but excited, since as a dancer, he also wants to do those kinds of stuff in his past life, but he never got a chance since he is scared that he will hurt himself.

But now is different, he has his mother that can guide him and watching Kakashi do it fearlessly, he also wants to try it and braces himself, however, when he did a backflip, he miscalculated the needed leg strength and he nearly hit his head on the ground, good thing his reflexes are good and he manages to protect his head, he cried in pain because of that.

But he just gritted his teeth and braces himself again, thankfully he succeeded, and he is very excited and happy since he felt fulfilled doing something he can't do in his previous life.

After this training, they continued their other routine like running and throwing wooden kunai and shuriken to practice their accuracy.

After that is meditation to increase and control their chakra. However, while meditating, Haru notices that his senses seem to be spreading, he opened his eyes again in surprise, but quickly calmed himself, and closes his eyes again.

But just like the first, his senses spread again, he also notices Kakashi in a form of chakra beside him, he concentrates again and notices that his senses can only spread a very short distance away from him.

He opened his eyes and murmured, "This looks like the Uzumaki's Mind's Eye of the Kagura, but I am not really sure"

He looks at his mother that is reading a book and wanted to call her but before he has a chance to do so, he heard his father's voice.

Rin looks at the two and told them to go inside the house and wash for dinner,

The two nodded and went back home, after dinner, Kakashi went upstairs to prepare their bed, while Kushina went to her room to rest early since she is also tired from training, while Haru talk to his parents about his experience a while ago.


"What is it, Haru?"

Haru then explained what happened to him a while back, when Rin heard Haru's words she is ecstatic and said,

"Wow! Haru, you awakened one of our clan's unique abilities; The Mind's Eye of the Kagura"

"Mind's eye of the Kagura?" asks Haru, although he knew it from the show, he is not sure about it that's why he asks his mother

Rin nodded and explained, "Yes, the Mind's Eye of the Kagura is a technique that allows one to sense chakra from exceptional distances in great detail. This will make you a great sensor-type ninja in the future"

"I see, so it is one of the unique abilities of our clan, then what are the other abilities mom?"

Although he knew it, he still asks since all his knowledge came from the anime, but this is real-world now, he is not sure if there are discrepancies.

"The other two are Heal bite, and Adamantine sealing chains," she further explains the two,

"Heal bite, as it sounds can heal yourself or other people by biting through your skin, however, this ability leaves a permanent bite mark on the body and consumes a large amount of chakra.

As for the Adamantine sealing chains, it only manifests when you have enough mastery in Fuinjutsu"

"Wow! Those are very awesome abilities, then mom, do you have those abilities?"

"Well, of course, I have all those abilities, it is very rare for an Uzumaki to have the three abilities, some only have 1 or two"

"Wow! Mom is soo cool!"

"Of course, your mother is cool, that's why I love her," said Sosuke after washing the dishes and joined in the conversation

"So, my son has the Mind's eye of the Kagura?" he asks

"Yes dad, I awakened it a while ago"

"I see," said Sosuke while he rubs his son's head

"Mom, can you check if I also have the healing bite ability?"

"Well, of course, honey, I can help you with that, the healing bite can manifest after an Uzumaki awakened his/her chakra. You just need someone who is injured and bite unto your skin and see if the injury will heal"

Haru nodded and Rin took out a knife and cut her skin, seeing this Haru's eyes widen and panic, "Mom, why did you do that?"

"Well, we need someone who is injured, so I can be your guinea pig, don't worry I also have this ability, so I just need to heal myself"

Haru nods and quickly raises his arm to his mother, Rin bites on Haru's arm and Haru felt pleasure when his mother bites into him. Don't take it wrong, the user really experiences pleasure when someone bites into them.

Haru calmed his mind and notices the wound on his mother's palm healing at the speed of the naked eye.

"Mom, look your wound is healing," said Haru

Rin's mind came back to herself when she heard Haru's voice and stops biting, she looks at her palm that is healed, and at Haru's arm that has a bite mark, she rubs her son's head guiltily.

Haru notices her mom's appearance and said, "It's okay mom, I can always hide it"

Rin nodded and said, "Well, do you want to learn medical ninjutsu in the future?"

When Haru heard his mother's words he becomes ecstatic since he plans to learn all kinds of things to ensure his survival and also to become strong. So, he plans to learn medical ninjutsu but did not know how to say it, now that his mother is the one who suggested it, he becomes excited.

"Yes mom, I really want to learn"

"Good, I also want you to learn medical ninjutsu, although you have the heal bite ability, you cannot use it frequently since it drains too much of your chakra. And I guess you also don't want other people to bite you?"

"You are right mom; I don't want strangers to bite me"

"Good, I don't want other people to bite me either, only your father can bite my skin that's why I learned medical jutsu"

Sosuke's face turned red, remembering the places he bits his wife, Haru also notices this, but he just rolled his eyes at his parent's way of selling dog food.

Rin cleared her throat and continued, "Well, now that we know you have this ability, I will also teach you medical ninjutsu in the future after you have achieved excellent chakra control so that you could heal others without having them bite you"

Haru nods and said, "Okay mom, I am very excited to learn medical ninjutsu, but mom can you also help me train my mind's eye?"

"Of course, I will, we will train it in the evening since you only need to meditate and get used to using the technique for you to master it."

Haru nodded and they all talked about some other issues and after that, they all went to bed.


Mini theater:

Author: You don't want others to bite you?

Haru: Nope don't wanna

Author: Then who would you like to bite you?

Haru: *Looks at Kakashi (*/ω\*)

Author: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Author's Note:

Hi guys, just wanted to warn you, training chapters ahead, it is a total of five chapters. That's because during training, Haru will also face his fears and all of that, some character development and others.

That's all, please comment on things that you wanted to say or suggest, since I am open to it, and also I would like to ask you for your opinions for the future chapters:

Do you like Kakashi with a sharingan?

or do you want me too change it with other types of power?

Please comment below your answer, although I already have plans on it but I just wanted to see your opinion. Thank you!