
Naruto: The legend of phoenix (Re-written)

WARNING: THIS IS BL (Boy’s love, Yaoi), YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Our MC, who in his past life is just an average working man, suddenly wakes up and realizes that he was born in the world of Naruto as Uzumaki Haruka. As an average man on Earth in his past life, how will he cope up in this world full of conspiracist and war, will he choose to stay passive or will he man up and raise his strength step by step. But there is a problem, and that is… Please read this story at your own discretion. Note: This is a Re-written version of the first novel that I wrote. Please forget about the first version of this fanfic since I change most of it. Also, this new version is a little slower pace, and although this is my second time writing the same novel, I am still not proficient in the English language, and I apologize if there is incorrect phrasing or grammar in this novel. Disclaimer: I own nothing in this novel I also base some of my plot on some fan-fic novels For the picture above I found it on Pinterest so if the owner wants me to take it down just message me And for all the pictures that are present on this Fanfic, I also found them on Pinterest and Google, credits due to their respective owners, although I edit some of them to fit my description. The Schedule of updates of this novel is every Mon-Fri

Blue_neko · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8- Training II

Third person's POV

Morning came and Haru wake up refresh, he washes his face and wore his clothes consisting of a white shirt and black shorts, and sandals.

He went down for breakfast and saw Kakashi already sitting at the dining table. He joins him and eats breakfast together, after that they went out to do their daily routine. The only difference is that, after training, they will meditate to help nourish their body with chakra to make it stronger and more durable.



After a month, Sakumo finally comes home and started to seriously train the two.

"Now that you both have activated your chakra, we will now start your real training to become a ninja,"

Sakumo looks at the two of them and stares at Haru and said, "Rin told me about your situation Haru, although she said that you must not show others that you have 5 affinities, I still told her that we will train all of them. Don't worry about anything Haru since I am here to support you"

Haru nodded and thank Sakumo, "Thank you uncle, I will do my best"

"Which elements do you want to show?"

"Lightning, wind, and Fire"

Sakumo nodded and continued,

"Since that is the case, we will start with training your body, we will strengthen your body by adding push-up, sit-ups, and curl-up to your daily routine. You will be doing 5 sets with 10 reps of each exercise, and we will increase the number of sets and reps daily. After that is basic Taijutsu training…" Sakumo pause then looks at them and asks

"Do you want to learn Kenjutsu?"

The two nodded their heads excitedly, "Yes uncle/dad"

"Good, then after Taijutsu is Kenjutsu training. That is your schedule in the morning, in the afternoon, we will do Shurikenjutsu, chakra control, and the three basic academy jutsu.

Once you mastered them, we will then proceed to ninjutsu training, and I will let you master one jutsu of your respective elements"

Haru raises his hands,

"Yes, Haru"

"Uncle can we also learn the flicker technique?"

"Sure, I will also teach you some other useful techniques, once you mastered the things I told you just now. Also, every week, you two will spar each other, so that you can have battle experience and every month you will spar with me so that you will have experience in battling stronger opponents"

The two nodded their heads and started doing their given exercise. At first, Haru is struggling due to this being his first time doing these exercises, but thanks to his monstrous stamina and vitality, he finishes his sets much faster compared to Kakashi.

Kakashi seeing Haru finish his sets is full of fighting spirit and he also finishes his, although after that he is dead tired due to exhaustion.

After taking a bit of rest, they proceed to start running around the training ground. Then, after that, they started their Taijutsu training by hitting on a wooden dummy. Their form is already perfect because that is what Sakumo taught them before they activated their chakra.

"You need to practice hitting this dummy for you to get used to hitting your opponents, this also helps to strengthen your muscles and bones," Sakumo explains to them

They nodded and started hitting the practice dummy, Haru take the basic form of Taijutsu that had been engraved in his bones a year ago and hits the dummy. After that Haru took back his hand and clenches it with the other due to the pain, his tears nearly falling down his cheeks.

Kakashi is also the same, Sakumo look at this situation and wanted to care for them, but he held back and gave them a stern expression. He needs to harden his feelings because he wanted them to become strong.

"Is that all you got? A simple punch and you are already crying? Do you want to give up being a ninja?"

When Haru and Kakashi's heard Sakumo's reprimand, they wipe their tears and continued to punch the practice dummy. Haru knew that Sakumo is just telling them this because the road of being a ninja is a very long and arduous journey.

They are only at the starting point and if he gives up just because of simple pain, although he hates it, he will persevere since he promises himself to do better. If he cannot even do what he promises himself, what is the difference between this life and the last.

That's why although he is in pain, he still did his best and completed the practice Sakumo gave them. Sakumo saw this and he nodded in satisfaction, after that he told them to rest.

Haru looks at his bleeding knuckles and smiled wryly, it really hurts, he really hates pain, but he still persevered and bite his arm to heal his wounds, although this decreases his chakra, he has a large amount of it and by the size of this wound, it only cost him little.

After that he looks at his knuckles again that is good as new, he notices Kakashi holding his hands too and went towards him.

"Kakashi, let me look at your hand"

Kakashi raises his hands and looks at Haru with tears in his eyes, Haru praises him in his mind since unlike him that had been reincarnated and has a tougher mind, Kakashi is just a 4-year-old child, but he did not complain and just held back his tears.

He cannot fathom what kind of feeling the Kakashi in the anime felt in his childhood, he really is one of the most tragic anime characters in the series.

Haru sighs and raises his arms towards Kakashi and told him, "Kakashi bite me"

Kakashi is dumbfounded when he heard Haru's words and did not know what to do. Seeing him like this, Haru explains to him,

"I have the ability called healing bite; it is one of the Uzumaki's unique abilities that can heal wounds when you bite into one."

Kakashi hearing his explanation nods his head and hesitates for a second, but when he saw Haru's sincere gaze, he hesitated no more and bites Haru's arm like a puppy, Haru tried so hard not to moan when he saw that Kakashi's wound has been healed he pats Kakashi's head. Kakashi raises his head and let go of his arm.

Kakashi saw his wounds healed and said, "Thank you, Haru"

Haru just smiled and said, "What is there to be thankful for, you are my brother so don't"

Kakashi smiled and notices the bite mark he made, aside from that, there are also two others in Haru's arms and asks, "Those bite marks?"

"Oh, these? This one came from mom since she wants to know if I have the healing bite ability, the other one is from me, to heal my wounds a while ago"

"Is it permanent?"

Haru nods and said, "Yeah it is, but it's okay I can just hide it by wearing long sleeves, so don't worry about it. You can also go to me if you have any wounds, and I will heal you"

Kakashi just smiled at Haru, but his heart keeps beating faster, after that Sakumo came to them and notices that the wound on their hands are gone and was surprised and asks,

"Haru and Kakashi, what happened to your wounds?"

Haru looks at his uncle and notices the box of first aid on his hands and explained to him what happened.

"I see, so you have the same ability as Rin,"

"Yes, uncle I also have the Mind's eye of the Kagura"

Sakumo is surprised by what Haru said, "Well, looks like Rin forgot to tell me that, it's a good thing Haru, you could be a great sensor-type ninja in the future"

"Hehe thanks, uncle"

Sakumo nodded and said, "Okay since that is the case, I will also train you on tracking and other basic ninja knowledge."

The two nodded and Sakumo continued, "Now we will start training Kenjutsu"


Mini theater:

Author: I also want puppy to bite me (*/ω\*)

Haru: *Calls FBI

Author: No wait! I'm joking, STOP! STOP!

Haru: ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)

Author: ಥ_ಥ