
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day - tomorrow.

Driving in his super car in the direction of Kuoh Academy, Naruto could be seen yawning before smiling looking at the traffic around him, although that was not the reason for his smile, no, what made his morning happy was Rias with his photo that I send him.

Naruto smiled a little strangely, yes, he had seen Rias' progress and interest towards him, but he did not understand what pushed her to take that step the day before, he does not dislike her at all but he will talk to Koneko, he knew that the girl likes him. Unlike the other girls at the academy, it's just the heat of the moment that makes her join them and also because some of them finish their cycle at the academy this year and are looking for a memory and it's not like she was going to refuse, little he cares about the consequences.

Naruto: although it is surprising how many virgins there are at the academy... - he muttered to himself before frowning remembering what he had talked to his mother this morning, apparently his crazy brother was kidnapped by another crazy man and his mother found him. He is looking for him and the one who kidnapped him, of course, not with good intentions, no one messes with the family.

Naruto: Only your Jedidiah gets into trouble, why the hell did you target the sheriff's daughter? She wasn't even that pretty... - he bellowed softly, not upset by the girl's death and subsequent capture of his brother, but rather Because of how stupid her brother was, obviously the death of that girl would be more investigated than that of unfortunate travelers.

Naruto put that aside and resumed his path, quickly arriving at the academy, attracting attention as always and he knows it's obvious, no other boy arrives in a super car to the academy, only on bicycles or on foot, he is the one. only difference.

Getting out of his car he stretched out locking his car, jealous, admiring and lustful glances quickly flew in his direction.


Naruto smiled and raised his hand in greeting to the girls who greeted him, most of them must have already known his secret from his blushes but at least his name isn't going around the entire campus because of that and it's not that he cares, he doesn't have no image to maintain and he also knows that his friends would not be publishing their sex life.

Naruto walked calmly entering the academy facility and took his usual route to his classroom. He was a little early because this time his neighbor didn't visit him in the middle of the night because of a meeting she had, he did inform him.

"Hello, naruto-sama."

Naruto heard the strange, almost mocking call and looked askance at a brunette with glasses who looked at him with a smile, coming down the stairs while he went up.

Naruto: sorry, do we know each other?... - asking softly with a smile.

"No, but I do know you, "prince," and I admit that you have a strange charm with that smile of yours and... oh, you're also big... hmn... A pleasure, I'm Aika kiryuu... your kohai."

Naruto nodded slowly without understanding the point and why this girl's glasses glowed for a second and, big?, what does he mean?

Naruto: and?... - he asked calmly.

Aika: nothing, just get out...


Aika groaned at the Interruption before walking past him down the stairs.

Aika: I was just greeting you for now "naruto... sama"... - he mentioned with his back turned, going down the stairs and turning a corner.

Naruto: strange ... - he thought going up the stairs, most of the students couldn't be seen because it was still a little early so some hallways were a bit empty.

Naruto turned a corner before stopping as he almost collided with someone who was apparently waiting for him.


Naruto smiled.

Naruto: good morning to you too, Koneko... - he greeted, looking at the pretty white-haired girl who was staring at him with those golden eyes of hers.

Naruto: Rias told you, right?... - he asked, no, but he affirmed.

Koneko nodded solemnly.

Naruto: I understand, we'll talk on the way out and... no, I'll take you home today, we'll make time, okay?... - he said softly and Koneko nodded before Naruto leaned down just a little and kissed her cheek, being that Koneko smiled.

Naruto: I supposed ... - I contemplated knowing how to approach the white-haired girl later so as not to damage their friendship and also, Rias didn't seem like she was going to care and stated that she didn't want her to change, which of course she wouldn't do, but she In her mental world she still wanted to say it and he was not the one to stop her.

Koneko: I wish you luck on your exam today... - she said softly before smiling when she saw a grimace appear on her confused sempai's face.

Naruto: exam? How did I not know? Was it a surprise?... - he commented and began to think deeply.

Koneko: he didn't know it because he went riding motorcycles with Buchou... - he hit her mercilessly.

Naruto smiled a little nervously.

Naruto: You won't let it happen, right?... - I point out.

Koneko: what do you think?... - she responded rolling her eyes before denying with a smile.

Koneko: I hope I'm next, I'm not afraid of skipping some classes either... - she told him before turning around and going back on her way at the same moment when other students began to appear in the hallway.

Naruto smiled and shook his head before continuing on his way.

Arriving at the hallway of his class he was greeted by none other than the student council president who was leaning against the window in front of the door to his class and seemed to notice him as she straightened up as he approached.



They both greeted each other although Sona refrained from asking him not to simply call her by her name, before remembering that he is not Japanese and little understands what it means to do that, in fact, he adds the synonyms san, chan to no one. , kun among others from what I gather about him.

Naruto adjusted his backpack around his neck and looked at the president with a smile.

Naruto: Is there anything you need from me?... - He asked curiously to Sona who looked at him seriously.

Sona: I would like you to accompany me to the student council room at break time... - She seriously told him her point of waiting for him before classes start and the others arrive, she wanted privacy of course in case she had to persuade him.

Naruto hummed.

Naruto: I don't know, it's break time, I haven't broken any rules to be summoned to the student council room, obviously I haven't applied either...

Sona: enough, yes or no?... - he almost growled making Naruto smile to which one eyebrow trembled.

Naruto: why?... - he asked curiously.

Sona: I want to talk to you about something... - she told him seriously.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and took several steps until he came into range of Sona who looked at him seriously.

Naruto: talk, eh... - he said, placing a hand under Sona's chin, who looked at him intimidatingly for his lack, but did not hit his hand, nor did he give an opinion.

Naruto: well, I'll accompany you, happy?... - he asked with sona just looking at him.

Naruto: so grumpy and defiant, that makes you look sexy... - he said without any hint of shame until they heard some voices and Naruto gave space to Sona who thanked him, she had an image that she wanted to maintain and a blush which she wanted Delete of course, he wouldn't see it.

Sona: human, confirmed, but I still won't lose ... - he thought, being that for that reason he didn't deny the contact just to get excited and confirmed it, human and a shameless one.

Naruto turned and entered his classroom followed by Sona.

The room quickly filled up, Naruto saw his classmates arrive and Tsubaki who arrived followed by Rias and Akeno where the first smiled at him with a wink, the second just stared at him almost suspiciously for his curiosity.

After sensei's arrival, classes began normally.

Akeno again became attentive to Rias, she has been acting strangely for almost a month now and she said, they no longer joke, they don't talk to each other, now Rias does it with Koneko-chan, not that it bothers her but it seems strange to her and also her fixation on the new student is strange... she has no more pieces to recruit him if that's what she's looking for and they don't even talk about issei-kun who is training for them... she has joked about the subject but rias just behaves solemnly, As if she had lost interest in him? But that is impossible if two months ago they were arguing about him. Would his departure have affected her? She doesn't know, but this is not the normal quarrel. She has realized that. Like the others, I try to bring up the topic only to be crushed mercilessly, Rias has also become a bit dominant.

Akeno sighed, she is worried about her friend, lately she is also more rebellious and skipping classes... LAUGHTER!, by maou, she is not one of those if it is something important, but it is not, since she has already been doing her job for a long time. I work by his same order, so going back to the beginning, will the new boy have something to do with the rebel rias? Or, is it something like what happened a long time ago with Loki's curse? He does n't know, he doesn't see anything. bad in your president like that time.

Akeno watched a ball of paper pass by her in the direction of the new boy and looking out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tsubaki.

Akeno almost cursed the hell out of her, " Tsubaki, the vice president throwing paper balls ," she really has been missing her surroundings because of work, when she looked at the new guy turn around and wink at her and she blushed! That she wasn't in love with Kiba?

Akeno looked for Sona, only to see her ignoring that, her, Sona sitri.

Akeno returned to concentrating on the teacher's activity before going crazy trying to understand what was happening here and witnessing something never seen before.

The class went on normally until break time, which was when Rias got up from her seat and walked towards where a certain brunette was.

Rias: Naruto is going...



Rias frowned for a second at a specific call besides the others.

Rias did not turn to see the kohais and other sempais who called Naruto, no, she turned in the direction of her childhood friend who is standing two chairs away from her...

Naruto stood up from his desk.

Naruto: I'm sorry, I'll accompany the president of the student council, she'll show me how to work at the... - he said to his sempais at the door who pouted before turning to see Rias two chairs away looking at Sona. who looks at him the same way.

Akeno noticing the slight tension, stood up and stood next to her president.

Akeno: buchou, today we have work that you must personally sign... - he reminded Rias that he is still looking at Sona.

Naruto unconsciously ignoring the situation walked close to Rias.

Naruto:rias... - he called to his girlfriend who quickly turned to look at him with a shine in her eyes.

Naruto: today I will do something, send me a message... - he said with laughter, nodding with a nice smile on his face with Naruto passing by his side and Akeno, if he is not mistaken, who still looks at him with suspicion.

Naruto: hmn... what could it be? No one besides him just looked at me like that... does he know about my family ? ...-he asked himself, somewhat removed from reality.

Naruto: sona... - he greeted her, who nodded seriously, but out of the corner of her eye she looked at Rias, since the hair on the back of her neck became a sign of danger, something that had never happened before, and Rias, Rias, what are you doing looking at her like that? , there is no hatred, anger, or jealousy... he just looks at her and that in itself is disturbing.



The other members of the occult research club appeared at the door but even so, Rias did not take her gaze away from Sona... she simply looked at her and even more so when she left, leaving their staring contest.

Tsubaki swallowed and quickly went to join Sona-sama.

Naruto who was leaving looked at a group, a striking one... a beautiful blonde with light green eyes, a blue-haired girl with a green streak of brown eyes, a light-haired brunette with violet eyes and next to her was another blonde with pigtails with big curls. maybe Koneko's height, but his gaze... he stopped.

Naruto stared at the green-eyed blonde for a moment which made her blush and made her a little nervous.

Xenovia and Irina raised an eyebrow.

Ravel looked seriously at the stranger.


Sona called to Naruto who had been left behind before resuming his path but looking askance at the blonde, it's... interesting.

Xenovia and Irina just watched the stranger get lost in the hallway next to Sona-san.

Xenovia: well done Asia, your beauty now distracts the boys... - he praised her to the shame of the blonde who, although she didn't show it, her eyes swept over that boy in an instant... Naruto , whatever his name is... . nice.

Asia: oh, God forgive me... - I pray for everyone's sweat.

Rias approached the group in her own thoughts with Akeno following close behind her a little seriously.

Akeno: what's wrong with you, laughs?... - he asked himself with some concern.

Rias: Sona intervened in my beautiful day... - she thought, making a mental pout in annoyance before following the others who began to talk to her that she ignored because she contemplated what Sona would want from her boyfriend.


Student council room.

Sona and Naruto arrived at this, since Tsubaki went to do some tasks with some teachers who took her along the way so they are alone.

The other few members of the student council are busy and others are in the Underworld.

Naruto entered the room, observing her curiously.

Naruto: this is a Japanese student hall... - he commented calmly.

Sona walked around him and went to his desk taking her seat.

Sona: you can sit down and...

Naruto: let's talk seriously, sona, you have nothing against me, I'm in a club and you have my records, let's leave this... - he said softly without much interest in competing in anything, he just enjoys bothering her a little for her righteousness, but It's not his hobby.

Sona frowned.

Sona: why didn't you show up to class yesterday?... - she asked seriously, watching Naruto look at the frames in the room before moving to another side and then coming to her.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: I just didn't come yesterday, I have an absence but I don't owe you an explanation of what or why?... - he answered the obvious thing to Sona who deepened her frown which made Naruto smile before going around his desk and lean on one side of it and close to it.

Naruto: do you really want to know what I did?... - he asked with a small smile.

Sona: that's what I asked... - she stated.

Naruto: Well, I just skipped a day of school to go motocross, having fun, the wind blowing in my face, the engine of my motorcycle revving, the excitement and fun of doing it... it was just great... - he said. He responded with a smile to Sona who looked at him.

Naruto gently put his hand on her chin, looking at her and made her lift her chin a little.

They both stared at each other.

Naruto: I can invite you to do it, you will have a good day or I don't know, I don't understand why it bothered you... - he said genuinely confused.

Sona: The irresponsibility bothers me... - she pointed out, removing her hand from her chin.

Naruto: Oh, you're just in love and you're trying to cover it by calling me and that... - he offered with a smile before leaving her as he saw Sona's face burst into a healthy pink.

Naruto: noo... don't tell me... - he said without believing it.

Sona: no, no t...t... you what...

Naruto: you are in love with me... - he stated with a smile before moving to the exit.

Sona: NOOO... you what... what are you saying and...

Naruto: oh, my mother made me so sexy, I fell in love with the president without knowing it... - he said and left the room laughing with Sona extending her hand wanting to stop him and deny vehemently, he's just a little cute and it's bothering her ..

Sona: Naruto... - she mumbled, clenching her fist full of power but her blush made her look adorable, I couldn't believe it, the ease with which it got under her skin... she had no shame and in the end she didn't respond to her questions, nor did she give him any warnings... he made fun of her.


After making fun of the student council president or not, minutes later the break ended and classes resumed, of course, with him feeling Sona's gaze at which he looked askance and she looked away.

Time passed calmly until classes ended with him receiving a message from Rias that she had something to do but would catch up later, which gave him the perfect time to talk to Koneko.

Naruto left his classroom saying goodbye to his classmates and walked towards his car, he had no club activity today so he didn't have to stay at the academy.

Arriving at his car, he got into it before accelerating, checking his phone on which he was talking to Koneko who was waiting for him a block away from the academy.

Naruto drove to see her at the corner at the edge of the sidewalk and stopped and opened the passenger door for her with Koneko getting into the car.



They both greeted each other before heading off to a nearby park for more privacy.


Kuoh Academy - Occult Club Room.

In this the members of the club had met with some exceptions who have not yet returned.

Akeno: where is Koneko-chan?... - he asked suddenly in general when he didn't see her appear and even less feel her at the academy.

The others wondered the same thing about where the nekoshou is.

Rias who was checking her phone without looking up from it responded.

Rias: He has something to do and I gave him permission, he won't be attending today... - he calmly responded to Akeno, smiling for a moment when he saw something on his phone.

Akeno frowned when she saw Rias so focused on that device.

Ravel raised an eyebrow, there is a somewhat strange glow around Rias-sama... not in a bad way, it's just like she shines happy or satisfied and I could also feel something strange in the air since she returned from the Underworld.

Asia: Have you heard from Issei-san?... - she suddenly asked everyone.

Akeno looked waiting for some reaction or response from Rias, but she didn't get one because she had her eyes on that device.

Akeno responded with a sigh.

Akeno: we don't know, Azazel-san hasn't contacted us or has he contacted you, buchou, buchou?, Buchou?!... - he almost shouted at the last moment, taking Rias out of her world to everyone's curiosity.

Rias: I don't know, I haven't talked to him... - he responded simply out of more than justified curiosity and suspicion of Akeno.

Rias: let's finish this, give me your reports, how many contracts have you made, if problems have happened or something... let's do it quickly, can you go home or I don't know, I have something to do and I need the time... - he said, leaving his cell phone aside, later she would respond to her friends' messages and confirm one's gossip, it was good and she wanted to know what ended but she knew that Akeno would continue to bother her, very infuriating.


Nearby Kuoh Academy Park - Parking.

In this you could see Naruto's super car parked, but going inside it you could see him sitting in his driver's seat with Koneko retching on him, with a short distance from their faces.

What had started as a calm conversation simply took a turn at the mention of a kiss with laughter.

Koneko: Do ​​I seem sexy to you, Naruto? Sexy like Rias-sama?... - She asked him in a heated whisper because of the proximity, both of them could feel their breaths mixing.

Naruto: no... don't laugh, you are your own person and sexy on your own merit, I don't compare you to anyone because I like you just the way you are... - he responded, putting his hands on her small waist and because of the smile that He saw Koneko's face appear, he noticed that he gave the correct answer.

Koneko: I like that... - she responded, cutting distance with Naruto when their lips met in a kiss, a kiss that quickly increased in intensity.

Naruto's hands rubbed Koneko's back and pulled her closer to him, doing the same with his arms around her neck and rubbing her hair with his fingers.

Koneko moaned when their tongues met in a hot, wet kiss. She could feel her senpai's desire for her and that made her happy, to be considered sexy and beautiful in a cute, non-perverted way, and besides, her senpai likes her, she likes him. With his help, she has allowed her to experience such a fun life in a short time that she would not change for anything in the world and she would not want to meet her senpai. Without him, before, life was monotonous and boring... she was not considered a girl for her height and appearance, but, Naruto looks at her as such... he likes her a lot.

After a few minutes they broke the salivating and steamy kiss, looking into each other's eyes before kissing again, while Naruto's hands moved over Koneko's sexy developing body.



Naruto and Koneko came out of their make out session with some saliva falling only to see Rias with her arms crossed staring at them from outside the car.

Naruto: how did he find us?... - he asked himself, raising an eyebrow and opening the door on the other side of the passenger while Rias walked around the car and got in.

Rias sighed.

Rias: nice place to talk in such an outstanding car... - she commented calmly before moving and giving Naruto a kiss on the lips, which he reciprocated before returning to his seat, closing the door on his side.

Rias: I see that they already talked... - he said with a suggestive smile because of the way in which Koneko is gagging on Naruto.

Naruto nodded, while Koneko smiled without moving away from her senpai and now boyfriend.

Naruto: did you finish what you had to do?... - he asked curiously to Rias who nodded, there was literally no work, just about two signatures and firing Akeno.

Rias: I have the whole afternoon free and... why don't we go watch anime?... - he proposed with a smile.

Naruto: sure, why not?... to my house?... - he proposed his house for this and Rias smiled before nodding, she could finally see her boyfriend's house.

Koneko: I think it's good... - she said, knowing that Naruto liked to listen to his own opinion, it's just so cute.

Rias: magnificent... - she applauded with a smile.

Naruto: here, do you still want to try driving?... - he suddenly asked Rias who opened her eyes in surprise before smiling nervously.

Rias: I haven't practiced much... - she answered honestly, before Naruto had taught her how to drive but she didn't try anymore.

Koneko: I could... - he offered, earning a smile from Naruto who nodded.

Naruto: good and Rias will look to put it into practice next time, I'll still guide you... - he responded giving Koneko a light kiss on the lips who smiled.

Naruto: well, let's get ready... - he said, opening the door on his side and carefully leaving while Koneko stayed in her seat and closed the door.

Rias quickly understood and opened the door on her side and walked out.

Naruto smiled and kissed her.

Naruto: sometimes you are so perfect... - he commented with a smile.

Rias: am I not always?... - she asked with a smile of her own.

Naruto: no, sometimes you're stupid... - he answered simply.

Rias: Olle!... - He hit his arm lightly while Naruto, laughing, got into the car on the passenger side and Rias followed him by getting in and sitting on his lap while he closed the door.

Naruto mentally whistled at how big and soft Rias's butt felt before wrapping his arms around her flat stomach.

Rias lay down gently, taking in the manly scent of her boyfriend and the protective way in which he hugs her, she likes it and he is not shy.

Naruto: with the key you turn it on, you saw me how to do it and the changes I made before, right?... - he said and asked, and Koneko nodded while fixing her seat belt, which earned an approval from Naruto. .

Rias: wait, won't the authorities stop us if they see her behind the wheel?... - she asked curiously.

Naruto denied.

Naruto: the windows are polarized, you can't see what's happening inside... - he responded with laughter, nodding slowly and almost cursed his mistake, it's a devil, he could see very well in the dark and that, he saw clearly what Naruto and koneko did, the fact that they were not disturbed was because others could not see it but at least she did not show signs of seeing them clearly.

Koneko successfully started the car and following Naruto's instructions she left the parking lot and began driving according to the direction her boyfriend gave her, although Rias asked for some stops along the way to buy groceries since they would spend the time watching anime and sharing the afternoon. Obviously they will get hungry.

Buying a little bit of everything, mostly sweets and some things to prepare a dinner, they resumed their way to Naruto's house.

Arriving at this, both Rias and Koneko understood why Naruto used a car, the academy was a little far from him.

Turning off the car, they got out of it, collecting their shopping bags.

Rias: nice house... - praised how nice it looks from the outside.

Naruto: thank you... - he responded, opening the door to his home as he passed by the girls inside with them closing the door behind them.

Rias and koneko saw Naruto continue without taking off his shoes and followed him, they almost forgot that Naruto does not have Japanese customs.

Naruto: make yourself at home... - he offered with a smile, leaving his bags in the kitchen while Rias and Koneko looked around, carrying the bags they carried to the kitchen.

Rias smiled at how homey the house felt and smelled like delicious flowers.

Naruto: well, I'll prepare the television... - he said calmly.

Rias: I eat the groceries... - he supported him.

Koneko: I'll help her... - she said with a smile with Naruto nodding, it will be a good night of anime.







If you're wondering, They study in the morning and have half a day free unless they have something to do in their clubs.

Yes, Koneko showed interest, Naruto looks at her like a girl, if you saw dxd you would understand, Issei doesn't see her as a girl, he just perverts her