
Chapter 6

Midnight - Hyōdō Residence - Balcony.

In this you can see Akeno in her nightwear observing the night view that the height of the mansion offers her.

Akeno looked calmly in the middle of the cold night towards the horizon, while her thoughts wandered around her president who has suddenly changed. There isn't one yet, is she her most trusted friend or isn't she? Since Issei-kun left everything just became strange and even more so Rias's closeness with the new student.

Naruto Sawyer.

Akeno snapped, she felt like there was something, that boy suddenly joined the academy and Rias suddenly changed, but looking at him he's completely human, so? .

Akeno sighed, she would have to watch him and help Rias in some way, she didn't warn her that she wouldn't come to the mansion and neither did Koneko-chan who for some reason is now closer to Rias than herself.

Akeno: issei-kun, what would you do?... - she asked herself in a half-fallen whisper before turning to go to her room, she would need to sleep very well to be aware of her surroundings and get to the bottom of the change. of rias.


Same moment - Sawyer House - second floor - Inside.

In this one you could see Rias sitting in an armchair looking at the large screen that plays an anime that she is currently watching.

"Ya koneko got bored.

Naruto entered the room only wearing dark pants revealing his bare chest with a golden necklace around his neck.

Rias turned to look at him now with some light highlighting her since it was seen that he only wears a white long sleeve shirt that barely supports his attributes that are pressed against the shirt with some loose buttons, his long bare legs also stood out since he only wears her set of red panties and the shirt that she took from Naruto's closet just like Koneko did when they both took a bath before dinner.

Rias made a slight snort.

Rias: there are no classes tomorrow, I don't see a problem in watching anime all night... - she told Naruto who moved to have a drink from the table in the middle of the room before taking a seat in an empty armchair.

Naruto: you just confirmed that you are an otaku... - he pointed out, taking a sip of his drink while Rias got up from her chair and went to Naruto's side, sitting on his legs and her arms surrounded him around his neck.

Naruto put his free arm around her waist.

Rias: Does it bother you? The fact that he's an otaku?... - she asked Naruto softly, who denied, leaving his drink aside.

Naruto: everyone has their own tastes, it just amused me how much you wanted to deny it... and now you have confirmed it... - he said with a smile.

Rias: You are something you know... I never thought of having an experience like this... being treated like a normal girl... loved without ulterior motives or for my body... simply loved for being me which you do... that's what I like, I fell in love... where others look at me with greatness or what I have behind... you just look at me like a common girl, a relationship happened, well... like that... - he He said making multiple faces of disbelief, smile and happiness in the middle of his words.

Naruto listened to her without Interrupting her.

Rias: I used to look for a prince charming, but now I realize that was stupid... the dream of a girl that I tried to project... that wouldn't give me real love... just a love "more on one side "systematic" unless my "prince charming" just loves me for my body... I smile slightly rubbing Naruto's hair, it looks better redder... he would have fooled me if it weren't for you... you made me Showed a new world far from my bubble, what true relationships are like, you made me understand what love is... something simply inexplicable and I used to think that I loved... - he said, letting out a sad laugh at the last thing.

Naruto just let her continue as he paid attention.

Rias: no, it doesn't matter... I love you, I can say it with my heart... your personality, your madness, how fun you are and how you are... I don't care if I don't know you enough... with I will do it in time... - he said pouring out his heart as Naruto gave him a kiss on the lips, somewhat surprised by how much you were in love with him, he thought it was simply a crush but no... apparently it's more. .. who would have foolishly aligned her in tales of princes? That only made her fragile and she also feels something else... a trauma? A lasting damage left behind?

Naruto broke the kiss gently with laughter looking at him with a soft smile, almost as if she had understood something or had a realization, more mature?

Naruto: Did you think you loved before? Why?... - he asked curiously.

Rias hummed.

Rias: hmn ... answer me these hypothetical questions, would you love a boy who claimed that your virginity belonged to him? Who only looked at you for your breasts all the time? Would you motivate him by showing him your breasts? Would he act like a pervert most of the time? He may be a somewhat pretty, somewhat shy person who always looks out for his friends but... - he said, leaving the word hanging in the air while Naruto assimilated before making a face and denying.

Naruto: well, no, I would never associate with a guy like that, regardless of whether he is "good people"... sounds like a potential threat to a rapist... claiming that a girl's virginity belongs to you?... that .. I don't know how to explain it in words but it upsets me, no one is anyone's property and those words make me understand that he only sees that girl as property and the other thing... it's something intimate as a couple but you don't express yourself like that either. ... one can be a little perverted inside the room, a touch here and whether the couple is willing and well... but I don't know... - he responded softly since that was simply not normal, nor everyday life, it simply seems like the description of a potentially rapist patient, since how much will he endure before he cannot contain himself in the face of his libido?

Rias nodded slowly assimilating.

Naruto: In fact, I heard that at the academy there is a so-called perverted trio that always spy on the girls but they beat them... they also talk out loud about their perversities among other things... I think they should actually be investigated by the authorities, that already counts as harassment, also privacy and are alarms... I don't find spying on girls funny at all, before he asked me how come they are still in the academy... he denied... he The fact is that for everything there is a limit... - he said with laughter, nodding slowly, knowing the perverted trio very well. Before, he had a somewhat distorted image of them, but talking to factors outside his family circle opened up a new perspective on how These are the things and her boyfriend's opinion helped her and it's true... everything has a limit, how much can she endure before exploding, whether it's good or not?

Naruto: to this, why were those questions? Do you have a stalker after you?... - he asked him curiously with a slight shine in his eyes about dismembering some idiot and disappearing his body.

Rias denied.

Rias: They were just idle questions and well, you're my boyfriend and friend, who else would I talk to?... - she asked him with a smile, keeping his opinion in her mind.

Naruto smiled.

Naruto: I understand and...


Naruto and Rias turned their gaze to the screen where the anime's protagonist was shown having a good moment with his partner.

Rias blushed a little and glanced at Naruto who looked at her and pulled her into a deeper hug.

Naruto: how nervous?... - he asked with a smile.

Rias: you wish... - she responded, rolling her eyes before both of them watched the spicy scene of the anime again calmly with Rias mentally smiling at what just happened, talking to your partner feels good, talking and exchanging opinions.

Rias hugged Naruto closer to her, who still wrapped his arms around her waist, she felt good, protected if you could say so, although she was the strongest.

Rias: hmn... - she contemplates the last thing in her mind, inhaling the rich aroma of her boyfriend.

The night passed peacefully until everything was dark.


New day - tomorrow - Naruto's room.

In this one, a certain nekoshou could be seen yawning as she slowly opened her eyes to the new day before she felt a light breath on her neck and she opened her eyes completely, noticing arms surrounding her as well as a warm body that was pressed against her back.

Koneko sighed and smiled at her sempai's warm embrace, looking out of the corner of her eye she noticed a crimson head of hair behind her sempai that was still breathing on his neck, both of them sleeping soundly.

Koneko rolled her eyes wondering until what time these two stayed watching anime, looking at the time it was 10 in the morning and she remembered that there were no classes.

Koneko: sleeping a little more won't hurt... - she thought, pressing herself against her warm sempai who surrounded her more closely before she closed her eyes and the trio remained in the world of sleep.


Hyōdō Residence - Living room.

In this one the girls belonging to the occult club could be seen gathered except for Rias, Koneko and Rossweisse.

Akeno could be seen frowning.

Xenovia: And Rias-sama? I haven't seen her today... nor last night, isn't she coming home?... - she asked curiously.

Asia: true... - he seconded.

Ravel: haven't you girls noticed? Rias-sempai seems more... distant from us... - Ravel said with curiosity, as Akeno shivered slightly.

Irina: now that you say it... koneko-chan also seems further away... - she said putting a finger to her chin.

Xenovia: Could it not be because of Kuroka-san's departure? I mean, they are barely getting along but they sent her sister and Vali-san's team on an indefinite mission... - she said calmly.

Ravel frowned.

Ravel: but that doesn't justify Rias-sama's change, she didn't even go back to sleep or tell us, what could be happening to her?... - she wondered out loud.

"Yes, I want to know too, what's happening and what does Rias have to do with this?"

Akeno looked in the direction of the new voice.



Time later - Sawyer House - first floor - kitchen.

Humming a song, Rias could be seen cooking lunch, the only difference in her is that she is now wearing a big yellow sweater that reaches below her thighs with her long, beautiful hair tied up in a ponytail.

Naruto: what are we going to do today?... - he asked from the living room, watching the continuation of the anime, in the part that he had left with Rias before sleep overtook him.

Koneko was next to him still wearing a black sweater that reached above his knees.

Koneko: I'll stay, I want to rest... - she commented, cutting some vegetables on a plate that she has on her legs, since she also helps Rias cook.

Rias: I agree with koneko-chan, then we will go out... let's enjoy a few days just doing nothing... - he commented, moving his stew.

Naruto sweatdropped.

Naruto: well... - he somewhat agreed, since being distracted is what controls some of his sociopathic impulses, that's why he remains active... accompanying and helping his family to dismember unfortunate travelers, I believe him. a... what is it called?, addiction, yes, that... that he controls by being distracted, since he always feels the impulse to do harm deliberately and then think... something difficult to control.

Naruto put his arm around Koneko's neck and continued watching the anime, at least Rias and Koneko created a distraction for him... but he wanted more extreme fun.

Rias, who was stirring her stew, smiled a little foolishly.

Rias: I look like a wife cooking for her husband... - she thought with a smile, smelling the sweater she's wearing, it even smells like Naruto's lotion, of course, she took a little since her things are somewhere else and she could only summon some things without alerting Naruto to anything suspicious.

Rias put a finger to her chin cutely, contemplating that in the future she would tell Naruto the truth about her, it doesn't feel good to keep the secret from him for too long.

And so the day began to pass normally without any news with Rias and Koneko feeling very comfortable next to Naruto, he had become someone really special for both of them and that they value, they also love in their own different way by being the same person, without competitiveness. or anything like that, Naruto does not raise doubts in them nor is he shy of advances so they relatively feel safe around him.

But little did both girls know that by spending the next two days at Naruto's house without reporting to the others other than just to say that "they are fine", they activated their alarms and curiosity... more so from Akeno and Rossweisse being that The latter became worried when the girls updated her on Rias's change since "Issei-kun's departure".


After the two days of rest, they returned to classes normally with Naruto calmly enjoying his studies both for his girlfriends and his friends who never stop entertaining him during his days.

Although there was the return of a sexy sensei to the academy called R ossweisse , very pretty and all but serious... as serious as she sounds and speaking of the latter she now avoids him for her amusement since from time to time he tries to corner her when she is, She is alone and he makes fun of her a little...according to Tsubaki, Sona doesn't mind or dislike her and it actually makes her happy in some way that he plays that game with her or he wouldn't continue doing it, she doesn't like becoming a nuisance. for someone but since she sounds willingly receptive, there is no problem.

Now about Tsubaki, he gets along very well with her although he has also noticed her teasing insinuations that she encourages when they talk, the girl needs to be a little less serious and more... girl, which she is doing and it doesn't bother her at all and even less the interest beneath the mockery she shows for him.

Relatively the week was going very well until he began to pay attention to a certain black-haired woman who looks at him with suspicion all the time... "Akeno", yes, she and he doesn't even know her but he has met her several times in various parts of the city. academy even once tried to interrupt her lunch with Koneko only for the latter to seriously fire her and now she had left a letter in her locker summoning him to meet her on the roof.

Naruto contemplates it, since the second hour of his class would not happen and he is free that hour but losing it with this stranger... Koneko is in class and Rias, Rias went with Sona to the student council, she could very well go with some sempai but ...it was better to get this discomfort off your shoulder.


Kuoh Academy roof.

Naruto reached it and passed when the door behind him was closed.

Naruto turned around looking at Akeno, very pretty indeed, but with all his suspicion and that, it took away any of the Interest he might have in her and more his thoughts went to the side of simply slicing her.

Naruto:akeno... - he greeted softly.

Akeno just looked seriously at the boy she's been following all week.

Akeno: who are you?... - he asked seriously, taking a step forward.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

Naruto: Do ​​you have visual problems? I'm Naruto and you left me that letter in my locker... - he answered simply.

Akeno frowned.

Akeno: don't try to be smart with me, who are you? What are you looking for and why with Rias and Koneko-chan? You play with them! I've seen you going to the bathrooms or other clubs with different girls to have sex ...do you think no one would notice? What are you trying to do with laughter?... - he asked almost out loud, facing Naruto, who looked at him with slight surprise but not much.

Naruto: wao... so you are the one who I felt was following me before... and, what do you mean by who you are? Why do you emphasize who I am as if I were another person?... - he asked him with curiosity when suddenly he was grabbed by the arm by Akeno who pulled him a little.

Naruto: what strength you have... - he pointed out, surprised that those little arms could simply move him.

Akeno blinked letting go of him, if it were some supernatural being he would have already revealed his cover and she couldn't move him so easily and he also seems genuinely confused and surprised at his strength.

Akeno: what?, you... you, no, this?... - I try to say confused, a truly human?

Naruto looked at her confusion in a different way and moving his leg he kicked Akeno's knee making her lose balance before turning her over his arm and pressing her against the ground, his knee resting on her back.

Naruto: what do you know? Who are you?... - he seriously asked Akeno who was confused, both confused without knowing it for different reasons.

Naruto: answer... - he said, grabbing her by her hair, raising her face before hitting her against the ground.


Naruto: what?... - he asked himself before hitting her again. If he revealed the truth, if he knew about her family, he would break her neck.


Naruto: wait?, that was a moan?... - he said, releasing her and taking distance.

Akeno stood up from the ground, shaking the dirt off her uniform with her hands calmly before looking back at Naruto. She had a busted lip with some blood coming out of it, but she also had a strange look on her face.

Akeno: I don't understand... what are they looking at in you? Hit me... - he offered calmly.

Naruto: what?... - he asked himself, surprised, and if all the pretty ones are missing a screw.

Akeno: hit me... - he repeated, taking several steps until he was in front of Naruto.

Naruto: why would I do that?... - he asked, confused as to whether he should take the opportunity to get the truth out of her or find out what's wrong with this crazy woman.

Akeno: I... I want to understand and you didn't hesitate to hit me for knowing and...

" Kyaaa...

Naruto: What do you know? Who sent you?... - he growled, removing his fist from the black-haired girl's stomach. Wait, is she blushing?

Akeno clutched her stomach somewhat blushing, stopping focusing her magic around her body she could feel the pain... so delicious.

Naruto blinked without understanding and he had never met a masochist before or even knew what it meant.

Naruto frowned in annoyance, what did she know after all?

Akeno turned to look at Naruto.

Akeno: hit me more and I won't say anything... - she said with her masochistic side taking control of her and her common sense, so much stressful work, Rias's change, her concern for her and Koneko-chan, her research and the absence of issei-kun... it's just a lot and feeling some pain... it feels so good, so rich and relaxing plus issei-kun would never do this and she sometimes needs a good beating or torture.

Naruto: okay... - he said without understanding and well, it's not that he was completely normal or would seek help with this.

Naruto kicked her knee making her lose her balance before grabbing her tightly by the neck without allowing her to fall completely listening to her gasp he smashed his fist into her stomach hard but suddenly and to his surprise she leaned over him and pulled him into a wild kiss.

Naruto, without looking surprised, returned the salivating kiss, wild and careless, saliva falling down their chins.

Pulling Akeno's hair, he heard her moan into the kiss and began to push her back until they fell to the hard floor and continued kissing, their tongues could be seen trying to dominate each other's.

Naruto forcefully grabbed one of her breasts over her uniform and began to knead it.

Akeno brought her hands to his uniform and forcefully ripped it off except for his skirt before grabbing Naruto's shirt and ripping it open.

Naruto broke the kiss looking at the sexy body of the excited black-haired woman who put her hands on her pants before hitting her and tried again and he hit her hands again before smiling and lifting her skirt looking at a wet black thong.

Moving the thong a little, he looked at her clean, moist core.

Naruto went to his pants and took out his hard cock before settling on top of the black haired girl, he rubbed his cock with her juices before plunging in.


Akeno arched, her back bending off the ground at the delicious pain that coursed through her, so hot and painful, so… rich.

Naruto looked down noticing blood.

Akeno: do it... - he whispered hotly in the midst of his fever.

Naruto didn't hesitate and began to move vigorously before going over her lips in a wet and sloppy kiss.

Both of them not even thinking or knowing how they came to this when before they seemed like they literally wanted to kill each other.

Naruto broke their kiss and went to Akeno's neck before kissing him and reaching her shoulder he bit hard, drawing blood to which he felt a hard squeeze on his cock.

Without stopping to move crudely, Naruto understood that Akeno likes pain.

Naruto stood up without stopping moving before resting his elbow on Akeno's neck, generating pressure.

Akeno gasped for air grabbing Naruto's arm but she didn't push him away, in fact she was in ecstasy... her droopy and masochistic side in one... something never experienced before and trying sex for the first time... saliva came out of her. Her lips pursed as she felt close... something formed in her and...

Naruto watched as the black-haired girl shook beneath him before removing his elbow from her neck, he grabbed her hips giving a few more thrusts before going deep and began to cum to his satisfaction inside her, I'm sure this girl had a nice grip. .

After a few minutes the ecstasy passed.

Naruto looked calmly at Akeno still holding her hips.

Akeno sighed after recovering still lying on the ground but at least she had a shadow over her.

Akeno: I don't even know how we got to this... - he mentioned softly.

Naruto: You were repressed... you simply exploded, although the beating did surprise me, I didn't know that someone would get excited that way... - he commented calmly.

Akeno: does it seem strange to you?... - she asked him, curious if he doesn't know about masochists.

Naruto: to each their own tastes... are we at peace?... - Akeno asked him with blinking before smiling.

Akeno: what do you think? Did you just take my virginity?... - she told him but she genuinely didn't feel bad, she actually liked it and more so because she was satisfied, her masochistic side.

Naruto: that's a, yes?... - he asked with a smile.

Akeno: who knows... - she said before moaning when she felt him rubbing against her again.

Naruto: well, shall we continue?... - he asked with a smile before immersing himself in her again and going down to kiss her.

Akeno moaned, closing her eyes.









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