
Naruto: Reborn with Kaguya Powers

Brian had just been confessed to during his sky-diving adventure which turned tragic. Now dead and presented with the choice of a world to reincarnate into he chooses the Naruto world with Kaguya's abilities. ═══════════════════════ │ DISCLAIMER │ This is a work of fan fiction based on the *Naruto* series. All characters, locations, and settings from *Naruto* are the property of Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Viz Media, and their associated rights holders. Additionally, this story contains references to characters and elements from other anime and manga series. I do not claim ownership of any copyrighted material used in this fan fiction. The plot and any original characters are my own creation. This work is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe on any copyrights or trademarks. Please support the official releases and the original creators by purchasing or legally accessing their works. ═══════════════════════ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// DISCORD: https://discord.gg/WBhjzyhuwD //// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Eclipse_Ranger · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Hiruzen Sarutobi





For this fic, we are making percentages of the Otsutsuki bloodline like this:

Isshiki, Kaguya, Momoshiki: 100%

Hagoromo, Hamura: 70%

Toneri: 45-50%

NOTE: After Isshiki's death

Both Boruto and Kawaki are 80% Otsutsuki.


Character Stats

(Will create a complete character sheet later)


Name: Aki Raidan

Affiliation: Kumogakure

Age: 10

Mastered Natures: Water, Wind, Lightning

Nature Affinity: Universal

Kekkei Mora: Nativity of the God Tree (NGT)

Otsutsuki transformation: 18%

God Tree fusion: 1%

Level: Chunin (officially), but actually Jonin




Yugito and her team welcomed the new dawn with hurried steps, traversing rough terrain towards the land of Frost.


Daichi and Kazuo also kept up with her pace, they knew if they were late Haruto might not survive, and enter the list of shinobi who lost their lives in the missions.


It took them roughly six hours to reach the land of frost, where Yugito finally let Princess Kanna free from her embrace.


Princess Kanna felt nauseous throughout the fast-paced journey and could not hold it in anymore, so she ran to the side and vomited crazily.


As the princess calmed down, they traveled rest of the way in a slow pace and reached the point where they were to drop the princess and end their mission.


The guards outside rushed to the princess and took over the escort.


"Goodbye!" Princess said as she entered her land still accompanied by Kazuo, who decided to stay behind as a bodyguard.


While Yugito carried Haruto and under the guidance of Daichi moved towards the village hidden in the frost.


As they approached the village gate, Daichi stepped forward, recognizing the guards stationed there. His face showed a hint of familiarity, and the guards seemed to relax slightly upon seeing him.


"Daichi, is that you?" one of the guards called out, surprise evident in his voice. "What are you doing back here?"


"Yes, it's me, I've just returned from the mission, Kazuo san will also be returning soon," Daichi replied, his tone urgent.


"We need help immediately. This is Yugito, and the injured one is Haruto. They're both Jonin from Kumogakure. We were ambushed during a mission, and Haruto is in critical condition."


The guards exchanged quick, understanding glances. "Understood," one of them said, stepping aside. "Take them to the hospital immediately. We'll inform the village head of your arrival."


"Thank you," Daichi said, relief in his voice as they hurriedly entered the village.


Yugito followed closely behind, carrying Haruto carefully. The bustling activity of the village went on around them, villagers going about their daily lives unaware of the urgency of their situation.


They moved quickly through the icy streets, Daichi leading the way with practiced familiarity.


They soon arrived at the village hospital; a modest but well-kept building nestled between the frosted houses. Daichi pushed open the door.


Inside, patients were being attended to by nurses and medical staff. Spotting an apprentice medical Kunoichi, Daichi quickly waved her over.


"Daichi, you're back," she said, noting the urgency in his eyes. Her gaze flickered to Haruto, and concern immediately clouded her features. "What's happened?"


"He's a Jonin from Kumogakure, injured in battle. We need Sister Yuna's help immediately," Daichi explained with an urgent voice.


The nurse nodded sharply. "Of course. Follow me to the treatment room, and I'll fetch Yuna-sama right away."


They followed her down a hallway into a small, clean room where Yugito gently laid Haruto on the bed. The apprentice rushed off, leaving them in tense silence.


Yugito's eyes remained fixed on Haruto, her hands clenched into fists at her sides. The wait gnawed at her, every second a stab of worry. She began to pace, the rhythm of her steps the only thing keeping her from falling apart.


Finally, the door swung open, and a figure stepped in. Yuna, the head medic, exuded calm authority as she assessed the situation with a single glance.


Without a word, she moved to Haruto's side, her hands already glowing with the telltale green light of healing chakra.


"Thank you for getting him here so quickly," Yuna said, her voice steady and reassuring. "I'll do everything I can for him. You both need to wait outside."


~~ 2 days later at the leaf village ~~


In the quiet of his office, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, took a leisurely puff from his pipe, savoring the rare moment of tranquility. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the windows.


He knew that today was not just another day of paperwork and village affairs; today was the day he would meet with the boy who had been brought back to Konohagakure by two of his most trusted Anbu operatives.


The Hokage's mind was occupied with thoughts of Aki, the young Jonin from Kumogakure. Hiruzen had been informed of Aki's capture and transport by Kakashi and Shisui.


'Another seedling for the 5th Hokage.'


The three geniuses of the village with undying loyalty Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, and Might Guy were the people currently had in mind as his successors.


Even among these prodigies, Might Guy was unsuited to be a leader because of his straightforward personality.


But according to him, they weren't quite ready for the role yet.


Hiruzen wasn't holding onto the seat of the Hokage for no reason at all. There was simply no one else suitable for the position.


He knew his stubbornness in keeping this position led to the betrayal of one of the three legendary Sanin. But Hiruzen or the elders would never agree with Orochimaru being the next Hokage.


Whereabouts of the other two Sanin were unknown, only one suitable for the Hokage position, toad sage Jiraiya had refused the offer, forcing him to reclaim the seat.


Tsunade was lost in her grief and wanderings, unable to return to the village that had caused her so much pain.


As for Danzo, he was a trusted comrade in battle and a valuable member of the council, but Hiruzen was wary of his ruthless methods and the shadow he cast over Konoha.


'The village isn't ready for Danzo's vision of leadership,' Hiruzen thought.


Shisui and Kakashi had done well in subduing and bringing the boy to the village without incident. Now, all that remained was to see if the Hokage's plan could be set into motion.


There was a soft knock on the door, breaking the silence of the room. Hiruzen turned his attention to the sound, recognizing the subtle difference in the knock that indicated it was his Anbu.


"Enter," he called out, his voice steady and calm.


The door opened, and Kakashi and Shisui stepped in, both wearing their Anbu masks. Between them was Aki, who was still unconscious but otherwise unharmed. They gently put him on the seat already prepared for him.


"He's still out," Kakashi reported, his tone respectful. "But it shouldn't be long before he wakes up."


Hiruzen nodded, setting his pipe aside. "You've done well. Keep watch outside. I wish to speak with him alone once he regains consciousness."


"Understood," Shisui replied, and with a nod, both he and Kakashi exited the room, leaving Hiruzen alone with the boy.


After a short while, Aki stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He looked around in confusion, clearly trying to get his bearings. As his eyes landed on Hiruzen, a mix of emotions flashed across his face—uncertainty, wariness, and a hint of fear.


"You're awake," Hiruzen said in a calm, almost fatherly tone. "You're in Konohagakure, under my protection. Do not be alarmed; you are not a prisoner here."


'What the' Aki just noticed Hiruzen, 'What's up with my difficulty… first Aisu and now Hiruzen'


He didn't even register Hiruzen's words, that old face stunned him with shock. The 3rd Hokage and one of the greatest hypocrites in the series.


'This guy's favorite pastime was brainwashing kids into loyal soldiers for the Leaf,' Aki thought bitterly. 'And don't get me started on how he neglected Naruto, the very kid he was supposed to protect.'


Some fans argue that Hiruzen did the right thing by keeping Naruto's heritage a secret and giving him his mother's surname to make him less of a target.


'Oh, hello—Naruto was already a Jinchuriki, a target for every other village anyway,' Aki thought sarcastically.


But he couldn't dwell on that now. He had bigger issues at hand—namely, how to survive his encounter with the Leaf and find a way back to the Village Hidden in the Clouds.


Aki glanced around subtly. No chains, no ropes—just him on a wooden chair. Maybe there was hope for negotiation. Testing the waters, he finally spoke. "What do you want from me?"

Surprising Hiruzen with his intelligence at this age, he thought the child would try to run away as first instinct.


Hiruzen regarded him with a steady gaze. "There is much you need to know, Aki. Things about your past, about who you truly are."


Aki frowned, clearly confused. "What are you talking about?"


Hiruzen leaned forward slightly. "Your upbringing in Kumogakure, the life you've known—it is not the whole truth. You were not born there, Aki. You were taken from this village, from Konohagakure, as a child."


Aki watched in silence as Hiruzen's eyes seemed to moisten, a practiced display of sorrow that, in his opinion, made the man an excellent actor. 'Crocodile tears,' Aki thought, careful not to let his skepticism show on his face.


"That's a lie," Aki retorted, his voice shaky but convincing in its anger. He had to play this part carefully.


"It is not," Hiruzen said solemnly, his gaze unwavering. "Your parents were of this village. We have been searching for you ever since. It was not by chance that you ended up in Kumogakure; you were kidnapped as a baby."


Aki stared at him, forcing a look of disbelief and confusion. "But why? Why would they do that?"


Hiruzen took a deep breath, his expression a mix of gravity and sadness. "To weaken us, to take a child with a unique bloodline and raise them as their own. You see, Aki, you possess the Byakugan, a Kekkei Genkai of the Hyuga clan."


Aki's expression shifted from confusion to something deeper, a sense of betrayal that he had to fabricate carefully. "What are you saying?" he whispered, his mind racing. This wasn't the narrative he expected.


Aki's expression shifted from confusion to something deeper, a sense of betrayal slowly dawning on him. "What are you saying?" he whispered.


"You were born to the Hyuga clan" Hiruzen continued his narrative, "You are the son of Hiashi Hyuga, the current head of the clan"




The words struck Aki like a thunderbolt, and he visibly flinched. Aki was hit the hardest by these words, even his eyes lost focus. For the first time during the meeting, he wasn't acting.


(A/N: If you guys haven't noticed: Hiruzen is lying… Aki's origin is a secret till later)