
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
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384 Chs


[Fire Fist Ace: I know!

I'm not going to get depressed!

And no matter what they say,

I believe in my own potential!


[ Whitebeard: But there is one thing Golden Lion got right!

You are indeed relying too much on Devil Fruit!

Mera-mera Fruit in the early stage,

It really helped you a lot,

Especially before entering the New World,

Logia Devil Fruit is almost invincible!

But after you enter the New World,

It's time to take Haki seriously!

In the two years of New World,

You feel it too!

Logia Devil Fruit,

If not particularly powerful,

Such as Marine three Admiral kind,

It is still relatively easy to be restrained by Armament Haki!

Want to make a name for yourself in New World,

You can have no fruit ability,

But definitely not without Haki!


Whitebeard saw Ace cheer up,

While pleased,

Don't forget to keep calling him!

Pointed out the path of practice to Ace,

The importance of Haki!

Concerned about the safety of his son,

Roger is also no slouch,

Hard-heartedly advise Ace!

[ Roger:@Fire Fist Ace,

Your dad is right!

Don't look at Whitebeard's regular use of Shock Fruit,

As if he is particularly dependent on the fruit ability!

But even if Whitebeard loses Shock Fruit,

He is still the strongest man in the world!

Me, Rayleigh and Garp et al,

All rely on Haki and swordsmanship to conquer the world!

Kaido and Linlin,

No matter how strong their fruit is,

In front of me and Garp's peak Haki,

It's a paper tiger!

No one can beat it!


313[Whitebeard: Although Haki is as important as you say!

But don't look down on Kaido and Linlin either!

After decades of changes,

They are no longer on the same page!

You dead man have been derailed from reality for far too long!

Look at the growth of others!


[ Golden Lion: Humph!

Are you scared, Whitebeard?

Although they have grown stronger over the years!

But if it was at its peak,

I hammer them just as well!

mere gravel,

Not half as good as me!


Seeing the words of the Golden Lion,

Whitebeard is just furious!

This special Golden Lion also likes to install 13 too!

Words just learned from Uchiha Madara,

Use it now!

[ Whitebeard: What the hell are you talking about!

Hammer them too!

Although you have collected news and intelligence over the years,

But have you seen them take action?

Even if you get back to your prime,

Can you beat them and talk twice!

Not a big deal, but not a small temper!

(Pick nose.jpg)]

[ Golden Lion: Have these two become so powerful now?

Or who are you in me?


[ Aokiji: What are you doing?

You sick lion can't do it anymore,

Newbies always have to come out!

don't think for yourself,

To be at the top of the world all the time!

The newcomer will soon be able to surpass you!


You have never been on the top of the world!


You think about it and look back on your life,

I was crushed by Rocks when I was young!

When I was middle-aged, I was crushed by Roger!

Getting old and getting so weak!

According to the words of those pirates now!

The new age has no ships that can carry you!

It's time to be a stepping stone for the younger generation!


Aokiji obviously disdains the arrogant Golden Lion,

Obviously I'm very empty now,

Can't beat this, can't beat that,

Also love to brag!

always installed 13 there,

Can't see this, can't see that!

That's why Aokiji slapped him over and over again!


Loading 13 is risky!

because you don't know,

Will the next moment be sprayed to the bone,

Can't even get off the stage!

Just like the current Golden Lion!

[Golden Lion: What are you doing!

I said it all,

That's my bad luck!

how to drop,

Can you make fun of me for the rest of my life?


[ Aokiji: Exactly!

Your dark history,

I will eat you forever!


[ Senju Tobirama: Why is this sentence so familiar?


[ Uchiha Madara: What do you say!!!


[ Senju Tobirama: Oh, it's Madara, I remember!



On the floating island of the Golden Lion!

Aokiji's words made Golden Lion completely lose his mind!

Golden Lion feels like the whole world is laughing at itself right now!

It's okay to be ridiculed by peers and old rivals before,

Now I'm being provoked over and over again by my juniors!

How could he endure this!

Immediately the Golden Lion was furious,

Kicked over the table in front of you!

"Boss Shiki,

What's wrong with you?

Did the party go well?

Why are you angry again!!?"

Seeing the Golden Lion furious,

His subordinates also lost their minds for a while!

What is this boss going crazy about?

The nervous yelling before,

Later, he happily (bhei) said that there was going to be a banquet!

Now the banquet is going well,

What the hell is he doing here!?

Is it really stupid?

Yes, a normal person bumps his head,

may cause a concussion,

Or fall into a fool or something,

Seriously fall to your death!

Not to mention that his boss has a rudder stuck in his head!

Affect IQ and abnormal behavior,

That is the normal situation!

think of this,

The subordinates thought that the Master was the reason why the Golden Lion was furious,

All looked at the Golden Lion sympathetically,

Especially the rudder on his head!

If it weren't for the naval battle many years ago,

My boss will not be what he is today!

It's all because of Roger!

Damn Roger!

And the Golden Lion in his rage,

I didn't find the strange eyes of my subordinates,


There must be a few more unlucky ones here to die!

"Go away, get the hell out of me!

Annoying Golden Lion,

just stop the party,

Then he kicked his subordinates out!

angry Golden Lion,

grim look,

as if it were alive,

The mad lion who chooses and devours people!

No one under his command dared to offend him at this time,

So I hurried out of the hall,

Only Golden Lion is left!

Then Golden Lion waved his right leg,

A Slash Wave slashed out from the sword embedded in his right leg,

The terrifying sword wave just cut out,

extremely fast,

just in the blink of an eye,

It has already collided with the main hall!

Not surprisingly,

The hall is divided into two!

The incision is very flat,

No cut marks at all!

The soldiers and subordinates in the distance were stunned!

Unexpectedly, although my boss has a brain problem,

But the strength is still first-class formidable!!!

After venting his anger,

The Golden Lion sitting in the ruins,

The mood is gradually calming down!

Going to see the group chat,

Go fight Aokiji again!

Otherwise, I can't swallow the anger in my heart!

Golden Lion from the moment he left,

One of the group chats without missing a beat!

to beat the opponent,

Of course, no message can be missed!

[ Yang Hui: Golden Lion is still very strong!

It's just that his life was so rough!

Roger was the main cause of his tragedy!


Roger was stunned when he heard it,

What's this about me?

It was the Golden Lion himself who was unlucky,

Even if you don't hit me,

It will be the same in this storm!

[ Roger: I disagree with this point of view!

Although the Golden Lion was fighting with me,

encountered a storm,

And got seriously injured!

but without me,

unlucky for him,

Like a storm!

So it has nothing to do with me!


Golden Lion saw Roger's words,

Although a little annoyed,

But it still makes sense!

However, Yang Hui's next sentence made him stunned again!

[ Yang Hui: Everyone's importance in this world is different!

Their luck is not the same!

Even some people are simply God's darling!

Just like the legendary Child of Destiny!

And Roger is that kind of guy!

Golden Lion met him,

and want to beat him,

When the Golden Lion cornered Roger,

God will make a storm to save him!

So you know it!


None of this is accidental!

But what must happen!


Is that so?

Golden Lion's mentality is a bit broken!!!