
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Child of Destiny?

Is there such a thing?

Then why am I not the son of fate~?

Am I not worthy?

Am I born to be a pedal for Roger—?

Golden Lion with anger and unwillingness,

Continue to read the information of the group chat!

[Fire Fist Ace: In this way,

I am also very lucky,

Receive God's blessing!

For example, the burning-fruit that helped me rise in the early stage,

Just picked it up!

Back then at East Blue,

suffered a shipwreck,

I got this fruit when I was on a desert island!


Devil Fruit is ubiquitous in the Grand Line!

And I can eat Logia fruit at East Blue,

Am I lucky?!

no matter what you say,

Mera-mera Fruit is also a top fruit!


[ Aokiji: Then I am lucky too,

Get Frozen Fruit early!


[ Uchiha Madara: I am a descendant of Sage of Six Paths!

Also possessed by Chakra, the eldest son of Sage of Six Paths!

Seems like I didn't have any bottlenecks when I was growing up!


[ Senju Hashirama: Me too!

Awakened Premium Sage Body!

This is the only one for the Senju family!

I also learned the powerful Wood Style by accident!

Finally press the motor,

Be the first in the ninja world!


[ Uchiha Madara: Say what you want!

What do you keep mentioning me!

Don't use me as a background board!!!


[ Whitebeard: I remember Kaido and Linlin too,

Eat Devil Fruit very early,

They are also top fruits! ]

[ Aokiji: Sakazuki and Polsalino too!

They are also very powerful fruits! ]

People spoke out about their experiences,

And the experiences of people they know!

[ Senju Tobirama: I can see it clearly,

who can become strong,

Not bad luck!

They are more or less loved by God!


[ Roger: Except for Golden Lion!


[ Whitebeard: Socket!

Your words are just shrimp and pig heart!

Huh, what about Shiki's stupid lion?

Why haven't you spoken since just now!?


[ Senju Tobirama: You must have been too cruel just now,

Go vent your anger!

an old man,

Still disabled!

You keep hitting him

It is really,

Nice job!


At this point, Golden Lion finally finished all chat messages!

Not to his surprise!

These people in the group are really making fun of him again!

Don't be angry with those sand sculpture netizens!

Anger is taking someone else's mistakes to punish yourself!

Golden Lion comforts himself over and over again in his heart!

But this time he didn't know if it was because he was used to being ridiculed.

Or is it really effective to meditate on the mantra,

after a while

It really calmed down the mood,

No more angry!

Golden Lion saw the news in the group,

Lie replied!

[ Golden Lion: Humph!

I just went and poured a glass of water!

just not there for a while,

You bastards are making fun of me again!


[ Senju Tobirama: If Destiny Child of One Piece World is Roger!

Who is the Destiny Child of our world?

@ Yang Hui!

Can you talk about it?]

Senju Tobirama, in charge of IQ, once again found the point!

[ Yang Hui: Tobirama, congratulations on finding Huadian again!

Too bad there is no reward!

Nothing to say!

Even if the Child of Destiny is in front of me,

Gotta stand aside!

The Destiny Child of the Ninja World is Naruto!

He is the darling of the ninja world!


As soon as Yang Hui's words came out,

Everyone in the ninja world is frying!

[Namikaze Minato:∑(O_O;)!]


[ Uchiha Sasuke: Naruto is a jerk,

Will he be Destiny's Child?


[ Senju Hashirama: I also think it is impossible!

Naruto wants strength but not strength!

Speaking of cleverness,

Not as good as me!

How could he be the child of destiny?


[ Uchiha Izuna: Impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

No matter how you look at it, it's my big brother!

My eldest brother Uchiha Madara is the best of all time!

・・・ Flowers・

Although it is true that you can't win Senju Hashirama!

But he managed to get Rinnegan after a plan,

Before Yang Hui, you also said,

if there was not you,

After my elder brother was resurrected,

Senju Hashirama can be easily suppressed with Rinnegan!

That Destiny Child is not my eldest brother, who is it?


[ Senju Tobirama: Then Yang Hui also said,

even without him,

Sage of Six Paths will also open up Naruto and Sasuke,

Then let them beat Madara!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

And he's a loser in the dark,

Isn't it normal not to be Destiny Child?]

[Uchiha Izuna:…]

[ Uchiha Madara: Stop arguing,

you are arguing,

Might as well listen to Yang Hui talk!


Can't let them talk anymore,

go on,

His own dark history is about to be brought up again!

Madara can understand,

Everyone in this group likes to mention black history!

(▼ dish▼#)!

[ Uzumaki Naruto: @ Yang Hui, as you say,

Then why am I so miserable!

I am a child of destiny!

How did it go so miserable?

The people in the village don't even like to see me!

No one would even sell me anything!


[ Uzumaki Kushina: Yes,

Ordinary people can enjoy a normal childhood!

Naruto can't!

Minato and I passed away early!

What kind of child of destiny is this?]

Naruto and Kushina are also puzzled!

Obviously Naruto wasn't doing well at all!

It doesn't look like the treatment of Destiny's Child!

And the pirates saw the son of destiny of the ninja world,

Even complaining about his bad fate,

Immediately interested!

The Destiny Child of their world is still a Pirate King after all!

And a lifetime of wild and uninhibited love for freedom!

Why does Destiny Child of the Ninja World sound so miserable?

[ Yang Hui:@Naruto,

The ninja world is really good for you!

But I can't stand your parents cheating you!


[Namikaze Minato:???]

[Uzumaki Kushina:???]

[ Uzumaki Naruto: My parents cheated on me??? ]
