
Naruto group chat system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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[ Yang Hui: Heroes?

Is it the real hero?

Or the kind of thief Cao???]

[Golden Lion: Who is Cao Thief?


[ Yang Hui: Cao Cao will die,

But Cao Thief will not!

Cao Thief is such an incredible hero!


[ Senju Hashirama:=????=????(???)!

Although it feels a little wrong,

But looks like a giant!

I also want to be a hero like Cao Thief!!


[Yang Hui:...]

[ Aokiji: Heroes?

just you?

It's not that I despise you!

You can only be regarded as a weak ambition!

And stupid because of the rudder on the head!

The same as the three legendary pirates,

Roger is the Pirate King!

Whitebeard is the strongest man in the world!

So what's your famous name?

or what else can you do,

What is the record that everyone admires?

You won't brag to us again,

Said you marked Naval Headquarters alone,

With one enemy and two deadly fights, there is no retreat, right?

Then any little pirate can do it!


As soon as he ran to Naval Headquarters to provoke,

And get caught!

He can also say,

Fight alone Naval Headquarters,

In the end, he was arrested for not retreating!

(Pick nose.jpg)!

Or to brag again,

Are you the first person to escape from Impel down?

If you can put the story of escape,

As bragging capital!

Then I respect you as a man,

The skin is thicker than the planet under our feet!


Aokiji humiliated Golden Lion badly!

And Golden Lion was also speechless by Aokiji!

because he found

It seems that I really don't have any achievements that can be achieved!

Am I really just a loser?

I am the dignified pirate admiral Golden Lion!

There's no reason to mix it up like this!

Golden Lion's life of suspicion by Aokiji!

Before Golden Lion woke up from his self-doubt,

Whitebeard has spoken!

[ Whitebeard: Goo la la la!

Aokiji, what you said is really good!

Golden Lion seems to have formed a pirate team besides forming a team,

Nothing has been done!

The pirate team,

It was also destroyed by a storm!

Laugh to death man!


Finally, foolishly ran to Naval Headquarters,

Caught in Impel down!

After running out,

What kind of animal breeder are you going to be!

Raised a pile of waste!


If even someone like Golden Lion is a hero,

The world does not know how many people there are,

Can be considered a hero!


Since the Golden Lion are going to attack Whitebeard,

Kill his son!

Then Whitebeard isn't being polite to him anymore!

Directly open the poison tongue mode!

Fire wildly at the Golden Lion!

And Roger is not far behind seeing this scene!

[ Roger: @Golden Lion, it's not your fault!

Who made you born with bad luck?

God's will!

(?w?) hahaha!]

The Golden Lion saw Roger and Whitebeard laugh at himself,

Almost going crazy!

To be a pirate to do this,

Be ridiculed by peers and old rivals who have been brilliant together before!

even himself,

I also look down on myself a bit!

But apart from his tough mouth,

What else can I do!

[ Golden Lion: Humph!

That's my bad luck!

Let go and fight,

You will all be crushed by me!

@Whitebeard, you just wait!

Now your mouth is hard,

I see what else can you do then?


Facing the provocation of the Golden Lion,

Can Whitebeard get used to him?

[ Whitebeard: Then I'm not to be messed with!

Just let you see how much fighting power I have left!


I'll let Jean-Marco right away,

Take my sons to practice hard!

Get ready for future big battles!

Be careful I beat you all over the place to find your teeth!]

[ Yang Hui: Okay,

The atmosphere of the whole group has changed,

You are making a mess!

Every day you hit me and I hit you!

Why is the smell of gunpowder so great?

@Golden Lion,

Ace I'm still useful!

So you can't touch him yet!


You can have trouble with Marine though!


[Golden Lion: Then say,

I can't kill Ace?

What a pity!

Just a little devil!

just an ant,

It doesn't matter if you kill it or not!

If he hadn't made me angry over and over again,

as usual,

He's a little rookie at this level,

Killing him would make my hands dirty!


See Yang Hui speak,

The Golden Lion without revenge,

I can only say hi,

Disgusting disgusting Whitebeard and Ace!

As for the style of the strong,

When did the Golden Lion have a strong demeanor?

Originally Ace would not see Golden Lion because of himself,

It's a little fun to attack the Whitebeard Pirates again!

But I can't bear to see the Golden Lion!

I am so dignified Logia Demon fruit power,

And Mera-mera Fruit is also a boutique of Logia,

Also broke the title of "Fire Fist"!

How did you come to you and be devalued?

And he is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates,

The captain of the second team!

Usually it is the existence that needs others to look up to!

In New World except for a few areas,

It can also be said to go sideways!

The strength is remarkable!

So Ace couldn't help but refute,

But the tone is noticeably more restrained!

He also knew that in this group chat,

Giants go everywhere!

Except for his own father,

No one gets used to him!

And he can't rely on his dad all the time!

[Fire Fist Ace:@ Golden Lion,

Where am I wrong?

On Devil Fruit I am top!

Logia is what many people want and can't get!

It is still a fruit that can use the power of flame rage!

I'm not bad at gymnastics!

The gymnastics trained since childhood are not lost to anyone on board!

I have Haki too!

The overall strength in New World dare not say the first gear!

That's not bad either!!!

Why do you call me a chicken!

Hum (*¯m¯)!]

Whitebeard saw what Ace said,

It is also a voice for Ace's great momentum!

[ Whitebeard: @Golden Lion, you are just incompetent and furious!

Because of Yang Hui,

You can't trouble Ace,

Just belittle him!

I have already seen everything!


The Golden Lion saw what Whitebeard said,

Smile disdainfully!

Although I am making a bad evaluation of Ace,

But I really think so!

In his mind,

Ace is a chicken!

[Golden Lion: I am incompetent to rage?

I belittled Ace?

Although my character is not good,

There's no such thing as a strong man!

But I never say anything against my heart!

Your son Ace is in my eyes,

Exactly what I described!


[ Uchiha Madara: Is Ace really as bad as you say?

See what Ace said,

His strength is not top notch,

But it's still awesome!

Your rating is too low,

As if he was a passer-by!


[ Senju Tobirama: Yes!

You are not convincing at all!


[ Uchiha Izuna: Yang Hui said before that Logia is generally good!

And Mera-mera Fruit is also very practical,

No need for that trashy fruit!

So the strength of Ace should be okay!

Plus they have names!


[ Senju Hashirama: Me too!

This time I, Madara, Tobirama and Izuna,


@Golden Lion, thank you!

If only the Sengoku period could do the same!

Konoha can be established several years earlier,

Izuna won't die either!

Madara won't leave Konoha anymore!


While Hashirama was still feeling emotional,

Madara interrupts him just in time!

[ Uchiha Madara: Stop! Stop! Stop!

Now we're talking about the power of Ace!

Shut up for me now!

I misunderstood Izuna last time,

I explained it to him for a long time!

@Golden Lion, tell me what you think!


[ Golden Lion: Ace's Mera-mera Fruit,

It's indescribable to say!

But if you really want to sum it up in one sentence!

That is - dogs don't eat!


And most of the strength of Ace,

All depend on Devil Fruit!

Without Devil Fruit,

He is nothing!

New World has many people,

Can use the power of fire!

He is in my eyes,

Ace is no different from those people,

Just a little bigger soldier!

In the eyes of ordinary people,

Might be an expert!

But in my eyes,

But err!]

[ Uchiha Madara: 'Nothing but Err',

Why am I so familiar with this sentence?

Seems like I say it often too!

But I have better,

be able to express what you mean now,

@Golden Lion, you should say,

mere gravel,

Not half as good as me!


[ Golden Lion: Sockets!

Install 13 golden sentences!

I have favorited!


[ Senju Hashirama: Play 13 and never lose,

A fight has never been won!


[ Uchiha Madara: What are you doing!

Now we two are evenly matched, okay?


[ Senju Hashirama: I don't care,

You never beat me anyway!


Ace saw that Golden Lion said that Mera-mera Fruit would not be eaten by dogs,

Immediately there was a fire!

The whole person has become a fire man!


Take control!

You keep burning like this,

I'll have to make a floor on the deck tonight!"

Whitebeard sees Ace getting angry,

not paying attention to what's going on outside,

Hurry up and stop!

Ace was also awakened by Whitebeard's voice!

suddenly discovered,

The fire is getting bigger and bigger!

If you don't restrain yourself, you will burn down your father's room!

So Ace hurriedly put away the flames on his body!

Then, Ace thought about the words of the Golden Lion!

Ask Whitebeard!

"Dad, is what Golden Lion said true?

Mera-mera Fruit dogs won't eat? 35

Watching Ace look at himself expectantly!

Whitebeard wants to hang the Golden Lion up and hammer!

Although he also knew

There are many people who can use the power of fire!

Mera-mera Fruit can only let people use the power of fire to stretch a little,

Might as well eat some other powerful fruit!

But what can he do?

He can only comfort his own son!

What? And you say elementalization?

It can only be used by the Observation Haki of the eater,

Otherwise, use elementalization blindly in New World,

I don't know how to die!!!


Devil Fruit without waste!

Only trash people!

And your Devil Fruit is not weak!

Not weak even in Logia!

It crushed a lot of Paramecia and Zoan!

So don't underestimate yourself!

That's right, so many people in the New World can use fire,

But can they use fire as strong as you?

So believe in your own strength!


You can reach the top! 35

Whitebeard said with a serious face!

He doesn't want his son,

And the future heir is down!

And Ace heard Whitebeard's consolation,

Also regained confidence!

Restart laning with Golden Lion!

[Fire Fist Ace: @Golden Lion, you fart!

those who use fire,

Can my flame be so powerful?

The various moves I developed based on the fruit,

Obviously more powerful than them!


Seeing Ace start refuting himself again,

Golden Lion also decided to fight him!

[ Golden Lion: Who said your attack is stronger than theirs?

Have you seen Charlotte Linlin's moves?

Her fire attack is not as strong as yours?

And Kaido in Wanokuni!

The fire breath of others teaches you to be a man!

and their fruit,

There are other uses,

do you have?

Ridiculous elementalization?

(Pick nose.jpg)!]

Ace didn't take Golden Lion's words to heart!

Because he believes in his dad!

The fruit depends entirely on development,

He also believes in his own abilities!

Before he could continue to refute,

Whitebeard has stood up,

Line up with Golden Lion for him!

[ Whitebeard: You are bullying people!

Are they the same age?

And Ace he's still young!

Kaido and Linlin are both Four Emperors,

How could it be comparable in terms of power!

You watch Ace grow up!

The fire power is definitely stronger than them!

It can definitely make up for the shortcomings of a single fruit ability!


[ Golden Lion: Hehe!

With the (very good) former us and them,

on the same boat!

They are the age of Ace!

Is the fruit ability much stronger than Ace?!



[Fire Fist Ace: @ Whitebeard, Dad,

No more arguing with him!

Devil Fruit without waste,

Only rubbish developers!

Although I may be at this age,

Not as strong as those people!

But after my efforts to develop,

Will definitely catch up later!


When Aokiji saw Ace,

I can't help but pour some cold water on him!

Although because of Yang Hui's relationship,

The plans for Whitebeard and Ace disappeared,

But that doesn't stop him from adding a little block to Ace!

[Aokiji: Uh, I didn't hit you!

Devil Fruit is really good and bad!

There is even a clear subordinate relationship!

Like my Frozen Fruit,

It is the superior of Snow-snow Fruit!

Those who ate Snow-snow Fruit,

Not surprisingly,

His fruit ability is much worse than mine!

And your Mera-mera Fruit also has superior fruits!


Your superior fruit is Lava-Lava Fruit!

It was also eaten by Admiral Sakazuki of our army!

between you and Sakazuki,

Totally deadly!

But Sakazuki is so much stronger than you!

When you meet him, you basically don't want to live!


[ Golden Lion: The truth is as I told Aokiji!

Mera-mera Fruit is not powerful!

There are many others who can Master the power of fire!

There are also high-ranking fruits!

It's not worth eating at all!]

Golden Lion on Aokiji's wound,

Another pinch of salt!

[ Whitebeard: Humph!

It all depends on individual development!

Ace's future achievements may not be able to surpass them! Punishment]

[ Roger: This time I have Whitebeard!

Neither I nor Garp have the fruit power!

Can you beat us?

@Fire Fist Ace, it's up to people!
