
Naruto: Clan of Shinobi

My name is Oden Zaraki, of the mighty Zaraki clan! You have probably never seen someone as genius as me before, nor have you seen someone as handsome, nor as mighty as me. So open your eyes and take a look at me! Now close your eyes so you don't get blinded. When people see me they shake in fear, when women see me they fall down in love. When men see me they cry in jealousy! You might think that I'm bragging, but wait until you hear my story, then you'll understand that I'm being humble! Yes I'm the most humble person ever, that's how great I am! here's the Chinese vibe synopsis: "You want to take my clan members into your Root? Fine, but pay with your life first!" You want to Order me around just because you're Hokage? Fine, but pay with your life first!" You want to marry me just because you're pretty? Fine, but first pay with your life... no wait, I'll give a cheaper price, pay with your body! This sale is a one time offer, get it before it's too late!" One of the three founding Clans of Konoha, the Zaraki-Clan has a new, young, genius clan head that won't bend to anyone. How will the events of Naruto World span out when there's a new boss in town? AU -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- No System! No Lemons! No Low-key Hiding! This is an AU/Reincarnation, and there won't be any sexual content on here but it might have matured content because this is a ninja world. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis)

Passerby_Venne · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
59 Chs

Chapter 50: fighting him for real this time

"Oden-Kun, I didn't expect to see you here he said as his body got ready for any attack.

In their former fight, neither Orochimaru nor Oden had gone all out, so Orochimaru was confident that Oden would at most be slightly stronger than himself, meaning that he could escape an encounter with Oden with life intact...

But recently he heard concerning rumors about Oden's deeds in Kumogakure, if even 10% of those rumors were true, then Orochimaru felt like he was in trouble.

Orochimaru's biggest concern was survival and immortality, so that he can study all jutsu, therefore he was confident in escaping someone stronger than himself yet in the same caliber... But someone that was far ahead of him, that was troublesome.

"That's weird, I followed our little traitor with expectations of finding you." Oden said with a harmless smile, yet Orochimaru didn't feel that Oden was friendly at all.

"Issss that so... what do you want with me." Orochimaru said as he was planning an escape, in a way that he could bring Sasuke with him.

As for Sasuke, he looked like he was constipated as he looked at Oden. Truthfully, Sasuke did love Konoha, and his teammates, yet he had chosen to betray them to fulfill his ambition, he thought he could live with that choice... but now that he sees Oden again, someone he had come to admire in recent times, he felt ashamed.

Oden was everything Sasuke aspired to be, Strong, powerful, arrogant, fearsome.. and most importantly, someone with a clan... yet Sasuke felt like the only way he could even begin to become someone like Oden was if he killed Itachi, the one that destroyed his everything, only then, could he rebuild everything.

"What do I want?" Oden said as his sclera turned black, he then suddenly disappeared.

Just as he disappeared, Orochimaru was about to dodge as his instincts warned him of danger but it was too late as the world started spinning 8n his view

Oden had appeared behind Orochimaru using his Eternal Mugengan, and using his lightning release chakra mode, he cut off Orochimaru's head with his palm.

As the head flew down, Oden caught it and reappeared where he formerly stood.

"The first thing I want is your head." Oden said as his eyes returned to normal as he deactivated his Mugengan.

Oden stared at Orochimaru's body as a new body grew from it, all the while he was holding the head.

Oden wanted to test the limit of Orochimaru's jutsu.

Kankuro just stood still, he had just realized that Oden was above his paygrade and he hoped that as long as he didn't move, this monster wouldn't take notice of him.

Sasuke's jaw dropped as he saw how easily Oden beheaded one of the sannin. He knew that Oden was stronger than the Sannin, yet he sought after Orochimaru because of the allure of growing stronger faster, he believed that the snake Sannin could give him strength faster than anyone else, so he could finally kill Itachi.

Orochimaru saw that Oden had turned off his Mugengan and understood that Oden wouldn't attack him for now, so he didn't fight back, wondering what Oden really wanted.

"The second thing I want... is that jutsu of yours," Oden said as he licked his lips, looking at Orochimaru's dead body.

He wanted to mirror Orochimaru to show him how creepy he really is, and see how he would wake up from his evil ways... and he also wanted to try to act like a villain for a second.

Both Kabuto and Sasuke got the creeps.

Orochimaru only felt like Oden was teasing him.

"You can't use it, you need to change your body through experiments and learn snake senjutsu..." Orochimaru said in rare seriousness.

"..." Oden stared at Orochimaru, and everyone got still as if waiting for his next move.

"Then what use is your life to me." Oden asked in an emotionless tone.

"You might be stronger than me but... Killing me isn't an easy accomplishment." Orochimaru said with a grin.

"Let's see about that." Oden said as he released his lightning release chakra mode and activated his Eternal Mugengan.

Oden flashed toward Orochimaru to cut his head once again but this time Orochimaru succeeded in dodging.

Oden was about to turn around when he felt something sharp trying to penetrate his protective lightning mode. Looking down he saw that Orochimaru had tried to stab him with his famed sword.

Oden didn't bring his staff with him, but now that he had his lightning release he wasn't afraid of any swords.

Seeing how he failed to penetrate Oden's skin, Orochimaru backed off with a frown, looking around he found that Kabuto and Sasuke had escaped long ago.

"Let... me show you why I am one of the Sannin!" Orochimaru said with a creepy smile as his body started to transform into a big white snake, his chakra had also grown, almost competing with the one-tailed beast.

Oden started grinning as he disappeared.

Orochimaru became much faster, stronger, and more agile after transforming. Although not as fast as Oden, he could dodge and fight back using his reflexes and agility.

Whenever Oden kicked or sliced Orochimaru using his palms, he would smash away big chunks of snake meat.

Orochimaru used his tail to whip Oden away, making him crash into dozens of trees, before standing up.

Oden felt nothing, although he was impressed by Orochimaru's power, as it could rival Tsuande in this form, which is even stronger than the Raikage.

"Not bad, snake!" Oden said in mockery as he flashed near Orochimaru once again. Orochimaru straightened forward trying to bite Oden, but right before his teeth could sink in, Oden jumped upwards.

Orochimaru sent his tail after Oden and right before he could hit him, Oden started spinning as he fell towards the snake, using his arms with the lightning release chakra mode, he cut Orochimaru's tail into big chunks.

Oden landed, looking pleased that he cut up Orochimaru's tail, but the next scene made him frown.

Orochimaru's Tail regenerated fully.

"That doesn't look like a jutsu... is it your body's natural ability?" Oden asked in wonder.

Orochimaru just attacked him again. The longer the fight went on, the more snake chunks would be left in their wake.

Yet Oden was surprised by Orochimaru's regeneration ability, it looked like it barely used any chakra.

'What's going on... did he really become immortal?" Oden could help but wonder as he kept cutting him up, trying to see how much he could regenerate.

They fought using taijutsu for an hour straight before they stopped.

Oden stared at Orochimaru as he regenerated his body once again.

"Although you're weak, it's still hard to kill you." Oden said.

"You really intrigue me, Oden-Kun." Orochimaru said.

"If only you would have kept training instead of doing your experiments, sure, you're hard to kill but that's it, you can't harm me." Oden said in a bored tone, ignoring Orochimaru's last statement.

Oden raised his palm and a spinning chakra spear took form.

"Time to end this." Oden said as he threw the Rasenyari imbued with fire and wind elements.

Oden saw that right before it could kill Orochimaru, four gigantic gates with weird faces on them were summoned by Orochimaru.

'Rashomon gates!'


I know some of you are confused right now about Orochimaru's ability to use senjutsu. He could use natural energy and senjutsu, it's just that his body was to weak to handle sage mode so he couldn't achieve that technique, but he could use it nonetheless. I looked it up to be sure.

Also, I read my competitors fanfics to see what level they are on. And the current number one, spiderverse fanfic is really good. I didn't read it at first because there were to few chapters but now that there is 20 chapters I read it. It might even be better than my fanfic 😅 I recommend it if you want to read something else.

He seems to be an experience author so we can assume that he doesn't drop. Its called spider-verse: creeping hunger. Give it a try!