
Naruto: Clan of Shinobi

My name is Oden Zaraki, of the mighty Zaraki clan! You have probably never seen someone as genius as me before, nor have you seen someone as handsome, nor as mighty as me. So open your eyes and take a look at me! Now close your eyes so you don't get blinded. When people see me they shake in fear, when women see me they fall down in love. When men see me they cry in jealousy! You might think that I'm bragging, but wait until you hear my story, then you'll understand that I'm being humble! Yes I'm the most humble person ever, that's how great I am! here's the Chinese vibe synopsis: "You want to take my clan members into your Root? Fine, but pay with your life first!" You want to Order me around just because you're Hokage? Fine, but pay with your life first!" You want to marry me just because you're pretty? Fine, but first pay with your life... no wait, I'll give a cheaper price, pay with your body! This sale is a one time offer, get it before it's too late!" One of the three founding Clans of Konoha, the Zaraki-Clan has a new, young, genius clan head that won't bend to anyone. How will the events of Naruto World span out when there's a new boss in town? AU -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- No System! No Lemons! No Low-key Hiding! This is an AU/Reincarnation, and there won't be any sexual content on here but it might have matured content because this is a ninja world. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis)

Passerby_Venne · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 49: SSSSSnakey

After running around with his new technique, Oden couldn't help but to smile. He had lots of great offensive jutsus, both for concentrated attacks and for bigger crowds in an area.

He had created the KiMakuSo, a jutsu for defense where a membrane of chakra protected him from physical attacks, and he could concentrate the defense on certain areas depending on where he was being attacked, yet that wasn't the best defensive technique and could only help a little bit.

And now he has one of the greatest defense jutsu, which also gave him super strength just below Tsunade's, Reaction above that of the Sharingan, and speed as fast as lightning.

Oden was very happy with this technique.

'I wonder how strong Tsunade would be with this jutsu?' Oden thought, playing with the idea in his mind.

He knew that she probably couldn't learn this since it wasn't her affinity.

Most shinobi couldn't learn elemental Jutsus outside of their affinity, however few, really skilled could do so. Yet the amount of people that could master all elements, they are less than a dozen throughout all of History.

Hiruzen and Oden were two of the few that have ever existed that mastered all elements and used them as if they were their affinities.

Kakashi also learned all elements to the point that he can use most elemental Jutsus, yet he couldn't learn S-rank jutsus that he didn't have affinities for, and because he hasn't mastered the element that's outside the scope of his affinities.

To master an element is to use it as if he had great affinity towards it, just like Second Hokage had mastered the water element.

Tsunade had earth and water affinity so she couldn't learn this jutsu.

'Kakashi could probably... his chakra grew to Kage-levels, but his chakra capacity is still too small for this jutsu...' Oden thought, yet he didn't feel like teaching it to someone else.

The next day Oden got a call from the Hokage. So he used his new technique to arrive in front of her, scaring her and making all the anbu jump forward in a protective manner.

"Is that what I think it is..." she said in a straight tone, yet her finger that was pointing at him trembled.

"Yes, it looks neat, so I took it from them," Oden said as if he had done nothing major.

"Y...Yo... You.... sigh, fine, never mind." She said as she finally came to terms with the existence of Oden.

"Why did you call for me," Oden asked slightly bored.

"The truth is, Sasuke has... " Tsunade stopped to find her words.

"Left the village and joined Orochimaru." Oden completed her sentence.

"How did you know?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am Oden Zaraki, if I ask, then the earth will tell, if I command then heaven will fall. No information is above being known by me." Oden suddenly said very arrogantly.

Yet, today he chose this way of answering because he felt too lazy to answer her properly.

Tsunade saw the lazy look on his face and realized that he was answering like this to avoid explaining how he knew.

"I see... well I sent a group of Chunin and genin to follow him, and they might be in danger so I need you to go as their backup in case Orochimaru takes action." She said.

At first, she planned to send Kakashi but if Orochimaru actually gets involved, it is better to have someone that can kill him. Kakashi might be able to fight him, but killing him? Even she would find it hard to kill her former teammate if he was serious.

"Sure, which direction did they all go?" Oden said, he just arrived and didn't feel like getting involved, so it's better to take action fast and be done fast.

"Toward the land of sound!" She said, and in the next moment, Oden disappeared in a flash of lightning.

Tsunade just stared at where he stood a second ago.

"Is this how they felt in grandfather's presence?" she couldn't help but mutter.

She felt like Oden's power was unimaginable.

It didn't take more than an hour for Oden to find trails of fighting.

Following the trail, he finally found four of the Konoha shinobi, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, and Kiba. All of them were fighting not too far from each other.

Oden just flashed by everyone and used his palm to cut the heads of every enemy he ran by, successfully killing the underlings of Orochimaru.

The four Konoha shinobi just saw the heads of their foes fly up severed from their bodies. They became fearful and hurriedly gathered together.

"Shikamaru, Something weird happened!" Kiba shouted as they regrouped.

Seeing all their faces, Shikamaru realized that they must've all experienced the same thing.

"Regroup, we might be facing a strong enemy, Neji, can you see anything?" Shikamaru commanded.

"Tsk... you can't even figure out the situation, how low have we fallen to send you guys out?" Oden suddenly said in a bored tone.

Everyone turned towards the familiar voice, and found the strongest person they've ever met, sitting on a branch of a tree, looking very relaxed with a straw in his mouth.

"Oden-Sama?" Shikamaru asked with uncertainty. He didn't know if this was an enemy in disguise or the real deal, and since they were outside of Konoha, he felt the need to be careful.

Neji looked assured that it was Oden.

"Where are Sasuke and Naruto?" Oden asked.

The team except for Neji turned towards Shikamaru, who didn't speak as he still had doubts.

"There..." Neji said while pointing in a direction.

At that, Oden simply disappeared.

"Why did you tell him the direction, we don't know that it was Oden-Sama for real!" Shikamaru said.

"No, it was him, it's his chakra," Neji said with his Byakugan activated.

The rest sighed in relief, trusting Neji's assessment.

"That's good..." Shikamaru said with a breath of relief.

"Do you guys... think he is as strong as the rumors say, and who do you think is stronger, him or the third Hokage?" Kiba asked, wondering about the rumored Oden that was similar to their age yet so different from them.

"Hmm, hard to say, rumors often spread as fast as wildfire... But I think he is stronger than the third Hokage... and if the rumors are correct, he might be as strong as the first Hokage." Shikamaru said in a speculative tone, he had never seen Oden fight for real with his own eyes and had only heard stories about the former Hokages.

But one thing was certain, Shikamaru felt relief for the future of Konoha and its shinobi, for the fact that they had someone like Oden.

Oden ran until he arrived at the Valley of End, where he found Naruto laying with a hole in his shoulder.

Sasuke had turned his back on him and was saying something, then he started running away.

Oden sent a shadow clone to pick up Naruto and then he followed Sasuke.

The shadow clone carried Naruto and regrouped with the others, commanding them to return.

Oden followed Sasuke for a good while in secrecy, until two days later they arrived in the woods of unfamiliar land.

Sasuke looked around as if he was uncertain if he had come to the correct place.

"Tssss, you've brought a guest Sasuke." Suddenly a creepy voice came from behind a tree as two men stepped forward.

Sasuke frowned at the man he identified as Orochimaru before looking around, he hadn't felt anyone follow him.

"Will you show your face or should I force you?" the man beside Orochimaru said in glee as he stepped forward.

"Kabuto, step back tsss," Orochimaru said as he had suspicions about who had followed Sasuke.

"Hmm, I let you live for free last time, but this time it will cost you." Oden said as he jumped down from one of the trees.

"Hokage..." Sasuke whispered in shock as he saw Oden once again.


Thank you everyone for your support, it makes me really happy to see that you like my fiction.

I will share with you beautiful sayings of Prophet Muhammed Peace be Upon him.

The prophet Muhammed said:

"Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity, commanding good and forbidding evil is charity, your giving directions to a man lost in the land is charity for you. Your seeing for a man with bad sight is a charity for you, your removal of a rock, a thorn or a bone from the road is charity for you. Your pouring what remains from your bucket into the bucket of your brother is charity for you."

Tirmidhi 1956

Prophet Muhammed Peace be upon him said:

"Allah will examine neither your physical appearance nor your possessions. He will only examine your hearts and your actions." [Muslim, Al-Birr (Virtue); 33]

And a verse from the Qur'an:

3:134 Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for Allah loves those who do good"

Arabic is a semitic language, so is aramaic and hebrew. that means that those languages are related. You know how jorean and mandarin are similar? Or the Scandinavian languages? Or british and the english of New Zealand? Arabic, Aramic and Hebrew are also related in the same way

For exqmpel, the word for God in arabic is Allah, in hebrew it is Ellah (Ellohim is plural out of respect)

And in Aramaic it is Alaha!

For the christians, don't feel like the arabs worship another god, after all, in the arabic bible the word for God Is Allah, and Jesus peace be upon him said Alaha in his native tongue. We worship the same God :)

Bible, John 20:17

Jesus says to her, "Do not touch Me, for not yet have I ascended to the Father. Now go to My brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.'"

I wanted to share similarites of our religion to you guys as appreciation of your support. As for you atheists, bruh, you get another fact instead.

1905, two dudes competed in biology and one of them found the structure of the two stranded DNA, they also found chromosomes. Among the different chromosomes they found two types called the sex chromosome, they have the X and Y shape. The germ cells contain them and decide which gender the new zygote (sperm and egg cells combined ) will have. The female germ cell (eggcell) only contains the X chromosome and the male germ cell (sperm) contains both X and Y cell.

Depending on which sperm unites with the eggs, the new zygote will have xx or xy chromosome decided the gender.

This means that the sperm is the deciding factor for the gender of the zygote.

There you go.

Once again, thanks for reading and supporting me 😁